Snowed Alone (Snow Bound Book 3)
Their subsequent courtship over e-mails was a nice development and then their whirlwind romance before the inevitable break-up was also believable. I have to admit I was worried about the subject matter, but this author didn't take any political sides or try to moralize. She stuck with the two leads and what they needed from each other and I have to stand up and applaud her for that. No doubt she does have an opinion, but I didn't feel like I was hit over the head with it at any point. Other authors could take a lesson. Stick with the personal relationship -- it was refreshing.
Parts of it are a little hard to read. Anyone who's followed the news knows the kind of things he experienced really did happen. John has some powerful demons and he's going to be wrestling with them his entire life, but Fiona is a natural for him. A really nice couple. I did have a problem with the wrap-up. I don't want to spoil anything, but I was a bit disappointed in her decision at the end. The HEA is lovely, but we are introduced to and engaged by a group of people who need her in other ways and I fear they're forgotten in this conclusion. I can't help thinking they'll be a bit worse off without her.
Not that she should have to choose, but I don't think it's odd to wonder how they'll handle it. All that said -- I have to confess that I was not expecting much from a Harlequin romance, snob that I am. But this was really pretty darn good. And it was a quick read, so there's no pressure. Just a nice interlude between the Big Books. Sep 26, Bill rated it really liked it. This was a free e-book offered by Harlequin and free is a very good price.
It is about a teacher who is returning to Portland, Oregon from Redmond with six high school kids when she is caught in an early winter snow storm in the Cascades. They take refuge at a lodge owned by a reclusive Iraqi war veteran who is trying to recover from post traumatic stress disorder. This is a straight forward romance but it is good enough that I enjoyed it and even gave it four stars. And I liked that it is set i This was a free e-book offered by Harlequin and free is a very good price.
And I liked that it is set in my neck of the woods. I have always been amazed that people ever find someone to love who also loves them. It seems to be a miracle to me. So I enjoy a story that tells how this miracle happens in a realistic believable way. This book is unusually believable and realistic. It does not rely on distracting gimmicks are weird coincidences. Which helped make it such an enjoyable read. View all 4 comments. Feb 07, Wendy rated it really liked it Shelves: The more I dig into modern category romance, it seems, the better the books get. Book four was good, and so is this, book five, which is from the SuperRomance line.
I read this one in one sitting. A read of the bookjacket blurb brought the movie Father Goose to mind: And except for The more I dig into modern category romance, it seems, the better the books get. And except for that similarity, and the happy-ever-after ending, that's all those two stories have in common. Eckland's cooperation with the British navy is purchased with carefully rationed whiskey; Fallon has flashbacks and nightmares associated with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Leslie Caron's charges were pre-pubescent girls, and Fiona McPherson's are hormonal teenagers of both sexes. Pacific Island versus the mountains of Oregon, etc. John Fallon is the first hero in these first five books who isn't almost painfully good-looking or physically perfect, and that was a nice change. He has a scar on his face, and further scars on his hip and leg, from shrapnel wounds.
He's emotionally damaged and trying to recover, and his instant attraction to Fiona McPherson made sense for him as a character; that attraction drove him to take tentative steps toward connecting with another person, with a woman, as part of the process of recovery. He's reserved, almost withdrawn to start, and the way this changes is subtlely and deftly demonstrated by both his behaviour and the frequency and length of his speeches. I liked him a lot. Fiona McPherson is only the second heroine in these five books who has a life and a passion and a purpose; she's a teacher, and a student working on an advanced degree.
She has career aspirations, and I could easily imagine her carrying on with them if she'd never met John Fallon. Fiona is an effective combination of authoritative, strong, compassionate, perceptive and sensible, and she has or develops good relationships with her eight students all of them identifiable individuals and with John.
She's perceptive enough to see that all is not right with John, compassionate enough to want to help, and sensible enough to question whether her attraction to him includes any element of thinking she can 'fix' him. Because they were thrown together, it's inevitable that these two will be separated eventually, and this reader was no more anxious than the principals to see that happen.
I had to keep reading, then, to see how they found their way back to each other.
- The Yoga Minibook Series Vitality Set: The Yoga Minibook for Weight Loss and The Yoga Minibook for Longevity.
- Snowed Alone.
- Her Shelter from the Storm.
They did, of course. I thought this author treated the politics of the Iraq war, the brutal reality of war in general, the suffering of everyone touched by it, and the physical and emotional wounds of the survivors, deftly and compassionately. She writes about teenagers and their concerns with equal ease and interest, which makes me wonder if she's a teacher or has teens of her own at home.
Jan 31, Lisa Kay rated it really liked it Shelves: Feb 07, Misti rated it liked it Shelves: This was a cute, easy read. Normally I stay far away from contemporary romance, but this one was being given out for free as part of a Harlequin promotion so I figured I'd give it a try.
It's a nice little story and I really did love all the characters with the exception unfortunately of the hero, who just. He's got some issues but they shouldn't be insurmountable, instead, he lets them get between himself and the heroine. I liked that we did get to see the story from both main This was a cute, easy read.
I liked that we did get to see the story from both main character's points of view, but I found that the hero's unfailing ability to turn stoic ruined the levity of the story. The kids are great. They all have personalities and aren't just backdrop characters. Their presence is important to the point and pacing of the story. The setting is fantastic and Johnson has a way of conveying a space that really feels homey.
The plot is fairly believable and it's a pretty basic premise. No need to get fancy when you've got a good idea and good characters to carry it forward. Teacher Fiona MacPherson and eight of her students are returning from an academic competition when they are stranded in the Cascade Mountains by a November snowstorm. The forecasters misjudged the speed of the storm, and Fiona had expected to be home long before it was supposed to start. Fortunately, one of the students recognizes a half-buried sign that marks the road leading to Thunder Mountain Lodge.
To read the rest of my review, please visit Christina Babbles Updated: Jun 15, Michelle rated it really liked it Shelves: I usually don't read Harlequins because they tend to lack substance and intensity. I really enjoyed this one, though. The story was good, I liked the heroine - Fiona - a lot, and her romance with John moved at a believable pace. It had emotion and passion and they worked their way through their issues in a way that was real. Nov 01, Monica rated it it was ok Shelves: Good idea for a story - it left alot to be desired for me. I've even forgotten most of the book.
Dec 27, Michelle Heid rated it it was ok. Free download on my kindle so read it in two days. This was a book that was free for the kindle when I first got my Kindle in or so. I actually liked it well enough to read it more than once. There is the contrived circumstances to put two different people in the same place, the initial attraction of the two characters that is tempered by their personal angst, and a group full of teens for plot interest. The male prot This was a book that was free for the kindle when I first got my Kindle in or so.
These little hurdles seem realistic, unlike some of the other obstacles that often keep two people apart omg, I have a birthmark, scar, missing finger, etc. The bigger issue of PTSD is not easily solved, but the character realizes and gets ongoing care for his problem. Grammatical mistakes were distracting. An excessive amount of detail in the beginning was also a distraction. Aug 06, Barbara rated it liked it. Sometimes you just want to read a quick easy get away love story. This was a nice easy read with a very serious topic on PTSD and an unexpected group of visitors who changes the life of John Fallon.
See a group of students along with their high school trivia coach, Fiona get stranded in a snow storm at the Lodge that John owns. The story seemed realistic to me and with it being a Harlequin romance, I wasn't sure what to expect, but I really enjoyed it. I'm new to this author and normally don't read Harlequin romance but I'm a fan now. Dec 31, Velocity rated it liked it Shelves: Cute for a freebie. Decent portrayal of PTSD. Could have done without the teen students drama. Aug 06, CS rated it liked it.
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. The first half of the book takes place over four days. Mac to her students and her high school academic competition team are caught in a freak early Oregon snowstorm and forced to take shelter in a lodge run by John Fallon, an Iraq War veteran in deep denial about his PTSD.
Fiona and John do the dance of attraction, but with seven hormonal teenagers in close proximity they aren't about to do anything that A freebie offered by Harlequin that I FINALLY got around to reading. Fiona and John do the dance of attraction, but with seven hormonal teenagers in close proximity they aren't about to do anything that would give the kids ideas. The first half is well-written; the kids take on fun, distinct personalities.
Plus forbidden passion - isn't it the sweetest and the hottest? Unfortunately, once the kids and Fiona return to civilization, the book takes a nosedive into episodic "and then he did this, and then she did this" land. Fiona spends Christmas with John, but when he refuses to tell her anything about Iraq without it being dragged out of him, Fiona decides their relationship can go no further.
The rest of the book then rushes through several months to get the point where John feels he can see a therapist to deal with his trauma, while Fiona noodles around with maybe dating another guy. While I very appreciate the verisimilitude - it's doubtful a guy as traumatized as John would be able to live HEA at the drop of his trousers, and I applaud the author's restraint in not giving Fiona a magic hoo-ha that cures him - it also draaaaaaaags the story out well past my patience.
Perhaps it's because the writing style turned expository and told far more than it showed in the second half. Not a brief reappearance of the kids could save it. The other problem is that this turned into John's book. Not a huge problem; he's an interesting guy. But Fiona became a cardboard cutout in comparison. What are her goals, her problems, her wants and desires other than to have John spill his guts to her? There are references to resenting her mom's boyfriend and a bumpy early family life, but that gets blown over quickly. Fiona is a cipher. And in a romance, that's a big no-no.
Contemporary blizzard snowbound story with a teacher and her students at a mountain lodge owned by a hot single guy I would have to wonder around in the mountains during the storming winter, which will never happen because I do not like the cold, but I do love hot tasty single men! She makes a mistake by taking a difficult mountain pass while a cold front comes in quickly, too qu Contemporary blizzard snowbound story with a teacher and her students at a mountain lodge owned by a hot single guy She makes a mistake by taking a difficult mountain pass while a cold front comes in quickly, too quickly to get through and she is lucky enough to find the Thunder Mountain Lodge with the hot innkeeper, John Fallon.
The Oregon's Cascade Mountains is covered with snow and it will be at least a few days to a week before they can get dug out and go home to Portland. John Fallon is a retired military man that is looking forward to being alone at his mountain Lodge when the sudden snow storm comes to snow him in, but then he is attacked by a group of 8 teenagers and their sweetly hot teacher. So there is definitely an attraction between John and Fiona while there are lots of hormonal adolescent drama going on to distract them. This is not a make-believe unrealistic story where the PTSD damage to John is magically healed from a long weekend with Fiona, there are months of separation and some tough conversations before he actually starts to do somthing to heal himself.
The kids in this story were really awesome and realistic. Very little sexy time, but lots of chemistry. Apr 18, Lord Rose rated it liked it Shelves: It's amazing how fast technology can date a book. There were eight rich teens, and only six had cellphones, and flip ones, at that. And then I realized this book was published in , before the iPhone. Although in , I'd still expect every one of them to have a cell phone. It seems so strange now to remember how things were before smartphones.
I'm typing this right now on my iPhone, in fact. If this book were written today, likely the only activities that would occur: And I wouldn't be surprised if one had gone out in the blizzard to find that one place with phone reception so they could get online. I've done that before. Well, not in the actual blizzard. But certainly in the snow to go steal the neighbors' wifi when mine wasn't working. Also, my experience of academic competitions in high school was rather different from this. And we certainly never meddled in our teachers' love lives.
Although some campaigned for the orchestra director when he got fired for having a relationship with a former student, which I suppose kind of counts, but that was a very public scandal. This review has almost nothing to do with the book, does it A high school teacher and the students on her quiz bowl team are caught by a snowstorm and are stranded at an isolated inn owned by an equally isolated Iraq war veteran.
In a matter of days, the entire group grows closer, Fiona and John most of all. I found this a warm, believable read about what people need in order to truly connect with each other. John, struggling with PTSD, is the focus of change in the story. I did like Fiona, and I could see how touching her ability to truly listen and her non-pitying kindness were to John, but her own backstory and her own changes are overshadowed by John's. Given the seriousness of John's story and his PTSD, I didn't mind this focus, although some readers might find this unbalanced.
I found both of them very realistic and their motives always understandable. I have to admit I also really liked the antics of the teenagers in this story, and I thought they were far more realistic than the teens in a similar snowbound schoolteacher romance I recently read A Holiday to Remember. I didn't want this story to end, I was enjoying it so much! Apr 07, Ellen more books, please rated it really liked it Shelves: I started this on a 1.
I figured I would enjoy it and keep reading or forget it by the time the plane deboarded and go on with my life. I am not a huge fan of the Harlequin categories generally, but every now and then I hit a good one. And this one is making me want to do a major glom of this author's work. I so enjoyed it. But that talk got pushed aside when Gavin got a call from Matt a guy that runs a homeless shelter in the next town. There was a pregnant dog in distress and Gavin had to get to her, Bailey asked if he needed help and Gavin took her up on her offer.
As the drove to the next town it started snowing harder. Gavin found the homeless man and his pregnant dog and talked with him and was able to take her with to the clinic to look after her, she was in labor but it wasn't progressing like it should. Once back at the clinic they sprang into action to get her stable and soon after labor had picked up and the puppies were coming.. Bailey and Gavin worked together to make sure that momma and babies were healthy and doing good. Bailey had decided it was time to head home but when she went to leave it was a white out and he car was practically buried in snow, Gavin had to get not to leave but she didn't think it was a good thing to do.
So she got into her car and started it up only to feel hopeless and new she wasn't gonna be going anywhere anytime soon. Gavin came to her and offered her a place out of the cold. After a while things started to turn in a different direction and Bailey found herself tell him that she liked him and he had said the same, the spent a few nights together snowed in and taking care of the dogs and falling in love with one another. I love a good romance book where the couple realizes that they are ment to be together. This book goes great with the rest of the Silver Bell Falls series.
This story started out with Chloe meeting Tom at his work, He had wanted to show her something as well as tell her how he felt. They climbed the watch tower and sat and watched to see if the deer would appear. Their relationship was totally physical. Tom had fallen for Chloe for the start but kept it to himself as that was my what they had agreed upon.
Chloe had gotten upset with Tom and blurted out that she was pregnant with his child, then ran off before Tom could stop her. He found her a couple days later, on Christmas Eve in fact. Chloe had agreed to let Tom see her, little did she know he would work his way back into her life and arms. Tom had spilt his soul to her and how much he wanted her and their child.
This was a really good second chance at love novella. I am gonna have to read the first 7 books in this series. Zoe York is a new to me author and now is a favorite. Sep 26, Ayekah rated it it was amazing. Stranded in the Snow brings us up close with Olivia and Scott who hate each other. When a winter storm blows in and Scott and Olivia are stranded at the honeymoon cottage on her family's farm, it brings out the worst and finally the best in both of them. This was a great story with a lot of heart. A Christmas Rescue- fantastic story about an ornery new Vet in town who refuses to allow any Holiday decorations in the office.
The whole town of Silver Bells is decked out and yet, the Loved this book. The whole town of Silver Bells is decked out and yet, the Vet clinic has nothing. Only a testy Vet who clearly has a heart for animals but not people. The girls who work at the clinic have had enough, and he does overhear them talking about him. They decide a few days before Christmas to pull out the decorations and let the chips fall where they may. Bailey who is the front desk worker and office manager and keeps the clinic running smoothly endures the brunt of his anger when he sees the decorations.
When he orders her to take them down or be fired, she refuses. Hannah and Amber the other two clinic workers take them down, they don't want Bailey fired and clearly this whole idea backfired royally. Bailey has been struggling with her feeling about working there because he's so difficult and doesn't communicate. This was her last straw.
A Snowbound Scandal
Her resignation winds up on his desk at the end of the day. Along with a blistering snowstorm. When he's called out on an emergency she goes along and brings the pregnant dog back, only to find herself trapped in by the snow. He tries to be nice. In his own way. He deflects any sort of question about himself.
Snowbound by Janice Kay Johnson
When the storm passes after they spend the weekend together, Bailey leaves taking her personal items and leaves the key for the office. What happens after that is.. This story made me want to read the other books about the town of Silver Bells. I loved this series of books and this is part of Tom and Chloe's story. When something happens to throw them off course, Tom reacts poorly, Chloe leaves, packs her apartment, quits her job and seeks refuge on the island in a cottage that has very few things.
Chloe needs time and a place to think and plan. A storm had moved in and Chloe was isolated at the cottage. Tom didn't know where she was and with a little help located her and manages to get there before they're marooned during this blizzard. They have so much to work out and so many things unsaid.
The struggle to find some common ground. I'm not a big Christmas story reader, but the pull of these wonderful authors and the stories hooked me and I'm more than happy I read this one. Not to be missed. Oct 20, BookAddict rated it really liked it. Olivia is annoyingly petulant, opinionated and immature. And the sexy talk in the bedroom? Then you can do me if you want. I suggest you skip it and move on to the next two, because those are really great. Bailey submits her resignation over Gavin's Grinchy attitude about Christmas decorations but then accompanies him on an emergency to care for a homeless man's pregnant dog in labor distress.
By the time they return to the clinic and all the puppies have been delivered safely, the snowstorm has made it too treacherous for Bailey to drive home. Gavin and Bailey are complete opposites, yet they're somehow drawn to each other. She's cheerful, bubbly, talkative and warm and he's solitary, stoic and grumpy, but their time together being snowed in gives Bailey a little more insight into Gavin.
This story is so evocative, poignant and inspiring, it will make even the worst Grinch's heart grow three sizes! Thanks to a buddy with mad skills, Tom finds Chloe holed up in a nearby cabin before she leaves town for good, once the snowstorm blows over. Tom has only a few days to show Chloe that he wants more, he wants everything with her, and not just because of their baby.
Between creative cooking of canned goods, quiet fireside reading and card games, and a few ruthless snowball fights, Tom and Chloe learn to conquer their fears, trust their love for each other and find their way to a happily ever after. Oct 23, Franci Neill rated it really liked it. It may only be nearing the end of October, but this is the time I love to start watching and reading holiday themed movies and books.
And these are my first three of the season. In Stranded in the Snow by Ms. Adams, we have enemies to lovers and one night of a bad snow 4 Charming Holiday Story Stars!! Adams, we have enemies to lovers and one night of a bad snow storm changes everything for them and how they look at each other. I loved these characters so much. What starts as a very contentious day, ends completely differently. So ensues their true love story. These two are perfect for each other. I adored each of the three novellas in Snowed in for Christmas!
I loved that each couple was snowed in for a few days as being trapped together challenged each couple to acknowledge their feelings for each other. Loved the great descriptive writing, sexual tension and honest dialogue in each story. The fun begins when Olivia and Scott are stranded in the cottage. This story impressed me so much that I ordered the next book in the series.
A Christmas Rescue was my favorite story.
See a Problem?
The characters are fabulous, the romance is sweet and the true meaning of Christmas is woven seamlessly through the story. Bailey loves Christmas; the decorations, the lights and baking. Gavin does not like the holidays Delivering a litter of puppies during a snowstorm provides this couple the perfect opportunity to explore their feelings for each other.
Samantha Chase has written an emotional story filled with her trademark spot on dialogue and humor. And the epilogue is a riot! I enjoyed this second chance holiday romance. Tom Minelli is spending Christmas Eve alone. Tom tracks Chloe down and arrives at her cabin just as a snow storm lands. They are forced to spend several days together. I loved Tom; he knew that he messed things up with Chloe and he so wanted to make things right.
The conversations between the couple were painfully honest and emotional. Spending time in the cabin allowed Tom and Chloe the chance to open up to each other and learn to trust each other. Great characters and a sweet relatable story. If you are looking for a fun book to read over the holidays, pick up a copy of Snowed in for Christmas! Oct 25, Susan Gorman rated it it was amazing. Oct 17, Erin Lewis rated it really liked it. Thanks to a family feud neither Olivia or Scott can even stand to be in the same room as one another. However all is not a as it seems as Olivia has feelings for Scott which she has done her best to hide.
This was an emotional story as feelings that have been brewing under the surface finally are set free and not all in a good way. I really enjoyed this story and I liked that they finally came to see that their feelings were more important than a family feud. A quick Christmas read with all the feels and some angst. This is a enemies to lovers story about Bailey Walsh and her grinch of a boss Gavin who is a veterinarian. It is obvious that while Gavin loves animals he cannot stand people and that shows in his relationship with those around him. I really felt for Gavin, his inability to communicate particularly with Bailey was so frustrating.
When he is called out to an emergency, Bailey makes the to go with him and it changes her life. Trapped thanks to massive amounts of snow Gavin and Bailey have no choice but to stay at the clinic. There is attraction between them and Gavin does his best to be nice but he is awkward it is like pulling teeth. Bailey has had enough and when the snow eases, she packs her stuff and decides to leave the clinic for good.
Will Gavin go after Bailey? Or will he walk away? Chloe Davis left Pine Harbour, pregnant and alone and Tom Minelli is determined to find her, after all she is pregnant with his child. Just a she finds her, a fierce storm blows in trapping them together in a cabin on the lake. I really liked Tom and Chloe and wanted them to get a happily ever after. Chloe needs space to re group and figure out her future but when Tom turns up she knows her time is over.
Will Chloe take a chance or is she destined to leave Pine Harbour for ever? I received this book in exchange for an honest review from the publisher through Netgalley. Oct 21, Evelyn added it. Bailey Walsh is the office manager for Dr. Gavin Maguire, the veterinarian who recently took over the practice from another vet who retired. Gavin, who is very attractive but is called Dr. Grinch by his staff behind his back, wants nothing to do with Christmas. I Reviewed for www. In fact, he fires Bailey when she insists on decorating the office behind his back.
Before she leaves, however, she decides to help him with a litter of new puppies and they get snowed in at the clinic. Will this give Bailey the chance to find out why Dr. This is a novella, but the characters and the main story are as well developed as they would be in a full-length novel. Bailey is a strong, confident character. When snowed in with grouchy, stand off-ish Gavin, she wants to get to know him and gives him a chance.
And then there are the dogs. The main characters, Scott and Olivia, were friends as youngsters but due to a business deal gone south, their families were feuding. I liked the characters, but the situation seemed a bit contrived to me. I had no interest in the characters or the situation, and I found myself a bit put off by the language and the too explicit sex. Not what I expected in a Christmas story. I voluntarily read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book. Oct 19, Meghan rated it really liked it.
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These three stories are a Christmas treat. If you enjoy holiday reads or look forward to the holiday movie countdowns I think you will love these three stories and the characters that each author has brought to this book! Stranded in the Snow The words fun and cute come to mind when I think about this story. It is the second book in the series, but I had no trouble quickly learning about this community, business and the two families. Loved the interaction between everyone and how descriptive the These three stories are a Christmas treat.
Loved the interaction between everyone and how descriptive the story was. It left me wondering if these was based off of a true resort or destination location bc it sounds quite delightful. This community and the characters drew me in immediately. I could feel the Christmas cheer and expectations of the area and the bah-humbug of not decorating! The pups added a fun dimension to the story and as an avid animal lover I am here for it! Both characters shared their stories in their own way and it was great to see how they learned from and grew with each other.
The lessons from both are good at any time, but especially at winter when there are people and animals in need! A fun spin on friends with benefits and not sharing what you feel. I found their conversations, fears, memories and take on Christmas quote interesting and entertaining. Enjoyed the interactions with friends and this small community so I look forward to reading more of this series as well! All three stories create a warm and inviting take on Christmas romances.

I knew I would love SCs story, but I am thrilled over how much I enjoyed the other two stories and that I now have two new series to explore! Thank you to Samantha Chase for the chance to read this book and share my opinions! Oct 23, Lisa rated it really liked it.
Scott has always had a crush on Olivia but never thought it was possible for them to be together. Until one snow storm changed it all. This was a great story, sexy and fun. It was a wonderful enemies to lover story. Looking forward to more from this series! To bad her grumpy boss Dr. Until one bad snow storm changes things. I loved this story.
Snow Bound
The characters were great and so was the storyline. The story actually made me feel a little bad for Dr. Maguire, but I love how Bailey was able to help him. There were several touching moments and of course several romantic ones also. Love on the Edge of Reason Chloe the spunky town librarian has been in sort of in a relationship with Tom for about a year now, although they would not have really called it that.
When she finds out she is pregnant she panics and takes off. Tom is determined to find her and make things right. This story definitely had a playful side to it, it was sweet and had a good ending. Three great stories, by three wonderful Authors. None of them feel rushed like novellas can. They were all full of fun, sweet, and sexy moments. Overall it was a wonderful read, especially right before the Holidays. Oct 25, Jessica Alcazar rated it liked it Shelves: Three novellas that all take place while being snowed in.
Even tho the family feud was dissolved after truths were uncovered, Olivia and Scott still held grudges…. A Christmas Rescue Silver Three novellas that all take place while being snowed in. This novella read as the aftermath of a conflict in a HEA journey. The journey itself happens before this story. This is one that definitely could have used a bit more exploring. It was very difficult to connect to the love between Chloe and Tom. Oct 22, Shari rated it really liked it.
The perfect holiday read for this season. Three novellas that all take place while being snowed in, I thoroughly enjoyed all of the stories but my favorite was from Samantha Chase. Enemies to lovers, that takes place in one my favorite Christmas town, Silver Bell Falls. With the delivery of puppies and being snowed in with her boss, Dr Grinch, the local veterinarian, Bailey might change his mind of Christmas.
This is a sweet romance. Stranded in the Snow by Noelle Adams, Scott and Olivia are stranded in a cottage during a snow storm, they are enemies to lovers. Scott has always been a player where Olivia is looking for her forever. After being stranded, will Scott realize he wants more than one night stands. The heat level is a little hotter. Love on the Edge of Reason by Zoe York, is a surprise baby.
Tom and Chloe have had a casual relationship but secretly Tom has always wanted more. They are stranded in a snow storm and can Tom prove to Chloe that he his her forever. The heat level is hot. Each book can be read as a stand alone, I highly recommend these stories of finding love at Christmas. Oct 23, Tina Todd shobe rated it it was amazing.
I don't think there is anything better than Holiday books and Samantha Chase has a way of putting an extra layer of 'warmth into her books. You just know they are going to clash. In comes pregnant mama, puppies, close quarters and things take off from there. I absolutely love these characters and the small town of Silver Bells. What's great is that this book is in a book with 2 other holiday r I don't think there is anything better than Holiday books and Samantha Chase has a way of putting an extra layer of 'warmth into her books.
What's great is that this book is in a book with 2 other holiday reads by 2 other great authors, Zoe York and Noelle Adams. Oct 19, Tracie R rated it really liked it Shelves: Three wonderfully written and well executed holiday stories from three amazing authors.
I really enjoyed all of these stories and look forward to exploring more by theses authors. October 17, Overall Star Rating: Snowed in for Christmas is an anthology of Christmas-themed novellas set in existing series by three authors. Stranded in the Snow is book 2 in Adams' Holiday Acres series, all novella length books. A Christmas Rescue is in Chase's Silver Bell Falls series, and is a novella in a series mostly populated by full length novels. Love on the Edge of Reason is set in York's long-running Pine Harbour series and feels like a novella on the shorter side.
Of these three stories, I was most interested in Noelle Adams' Stranded in the Snow as I had just finished her serial first book in that series and was eager for more. Chase is an author I have read and enjoyed before, but she is hit or miss for me. York is an author I am aware of but don't regularly read. As it turned out, Adams' story was my favorite. I found Chase's to be sweet and cute. York's novella lacked something for me. The second of four stories in Adams' new Holiday Acres series, I was excited to see "the haters" get their story.
Their families are feuding. Scott doesn't hate Olivia? Olivia secretly really likes Scott? But the families are feuding. While Scott isn't the brother who feuds the hardest, he does have the longest-running acrimonious relationship - with Olivia. They were friends once upon a time, but all that changed when they were younger. And then the family feud happened. Now they scowl and snipe at each other, neither willing to give in. Except it's Christmas time and snowing and sometimes getting snowed in is a blessing.
Forced proximity also forces Olivia and Scott to face some difficult conversations, one of which explains why Scott changed so dramatically. I'm pretty sure that the reason is meant to be more disturbing than it comes across since it feels rather glossed over. It feels slower than it all happens but I think that's because Scott and Olivia have been using snark as foreplay for years and it is all finally coming to a head. In other words, all the years before are implicitly there; it doesn't feel like just a couple of nights.
There is some angst and drama - only to be expected since they have been accustomed to hurting each other and there is still the whole feud over their heads. But it all comes right in the end and the next book gets a nice teaser too. Steeped in the joy of giving during the holiday season, Bailey helps Gavin deal with the pain of having been left out of the holiday for so long. Gavin is the new vet in town, having bought the practice from the retiring vet.
But he's a Grinch and when Bailey and the others at the veterinarian's office want to decorate and Gavin says "No! But a snowstorm and a pregnant dog who belongs to a homeless man lead to a change of plans and a new closeness. When Gavin opens up to Bailey and she draws him in to her family love, it changes everything for them. If it involves snowball fights, a shared bed, and a lot of TLC for some new puppies, so much the better!
This could have devolved into a saccharine sweet story but never gets there thankfully but it is a lovely redemption story and the festive atmosphere is both a blessing and a curse. Bailey and Gavin both need to let go of some assumptions but once they do, they see how much giving can really change things. For one thing, I am unfamiliar with the Pine Harbour series and it definitely felt like I was missing something while reading this.