Personalbeschaffung: - Vorgehensweisen, Methoden, Probleme - (German Edition)
The American Academy of Orofacial Pain Orofacial Pain Completely revised and updated, this new edition of the AAOP Guidelines educates readers on evidence-based assessment, diagnosis, and management of orofacial pain conditions based on the latest scientific knowledge. While the structure of the previous edition has been maintained, this book offers evidence-based concepts where available and reflects many significant changes in the field of orofacial pain. Important topics covered in detail include TMDs, neuropathic pain conditions, odontogenic pai[ This multidisciplinary textbook presents a unique approach to diagnosis and management of the various temporomandibular disorders.
Written by a large group of eminent researchers and clinicians, it links current scientific concepts of basic anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, and pathology of the temporomandibular joint with specific diagnostic and treatment protocols that are based on sound clinical data. Thus, in keeping with the current thrust in medicine and dentistry, the book provides acces[ Jeder einzelne Schritt wird genau beschrieben und mit insgesamt brillanten, farbigen Abbildungen so dargestellt, dass die Theorie einfach in die Praxis umgesetzt werden kann.
Diese Fallberichte zeigen Beispiele von Patienten, die in der Allgemeinpraxis er[ Dabei werden sowohl die ablativen als auch die nicht-ablativen Anwendungen beschrieben. Orofacial Pain The AAOP Guidelines for Assessment, Diagnosis, and Management of Orofacial Pain is an invaluable resource for all health care professionals who evaluate and treat patients with orofacial pain and face the daunting task of "keeping up with the literature" in the rapidly emerging arena of pain management in clinical practice.
This new edition continues to emphasize evidence-based knowledge and, for the first time, offers a summary of key points at the beginning of each chapter. These include, for example, disturbances affecting saliva formation, taste, chewing, swallowing, speech and also orofacial pain. The present textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the underlying basic physiological mechanism and their clinical implications.
The easily-read and systematic format of the book targe[ Antibiotic and Antimicrobial Use in Dental Practice The book that is considered an indispensable reference guide by clinicians, dental students, and dental hygiene students is now even easier to use. Critical information is more readily accessible and many of the chapters have been completely rewritten to reflect current standards and practices. Two new chapters-one on treating oral malodor and the other on treating patients with common systemic diseases-have been added.
The Quick Cross-Reference Guide lets you instantly access the inform[ Excess Face Height Malocclusion [ The various prosthodontic treatment modalities and their indications are discussed -- from the fabrication of removable prostheses to implant therapy -- with diagnosis and treatment based on scientific evidence. Treatment rationale is presented in light of recent studies linkingoral to general health and with particular consideration given to the patie[ In many instances conventional techniques cannot match the outcome obtained with them.
Transcrestal sinus floor elevation has become increasingly popular and a logical target for these innovations, but recent reports cast doubt on the efficiency and predictable success of the technique. This book is intended to alert the reader to the shortcomings of the various[ Die vorgestellten Techniken werden an min[ Immediate Restorations with a reduced number of Implants In this book, the authors present an innovative implantological treatment approach that enables the immediate restoration of edentulous jaws with a fixed dental prosthesis.
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The key to this approach are angulated implants in the posterior area that provide stable support for the restoration with a reduced number of implants, even in atrophied jaws. Al-Faraje, Louie Surgical Complications in Oral Implantology This exceptional new book is designed as a self-instruction guide to the diagnosis, management, and prevention of surgery-related complications in implant dentistry.
It functions in two ways: First, it is a valuable resource for the implant surgeon seeking practical and succinct information about how to manage a complication in an emergency setting; and second, it can be read from cover to cover as a primer on implant surgery, from the initial consultation and treatment planning through [ Entscheidenden Einfluss auf den Behandlungserfolg hat hierbei das "Timing", die zeitliche Abstimmung der drei chirurgischen Phasen der Zahnextraktion, der Implantation und des Managements der Hart- und Weichgewebe.
This renowned team of authors has filled that gap in exemplary fashion. Illustrated with well over 2, figures and numerous flowcharts, this book presents a coherent, evidence-based concept of prosthesis-oriented imp[ Oral and Intravenous Bisphosphonate-Induced Osteonecrosis of the Jaws While many clinicians currently recognize that bisphosphonate usage is associated with osteonecrosis of the jaws, this book establishes the causal relationship between the two, explaining the biologic modes of action that enable bisphosphonates taken both orally and intravenously to induce osteonecrosis of the jaws.
Like the first edition, it presents definitive treatment protocols for patients who present at each stage in the progression of osteonecrosis, but this new edition also includes a sim[ It was a fascinating meeting, where many attendees could also have been presenters, which led to vibrant discussions. This innovation in implant therapy increases operative efficiency, reduces treatment time, minimizes the invasiveness of surgery, and offers clear psychologic and social advantages for patients. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die biologischen Prinzipien und die Funktionsweisen der Biomaterialien dieser hervorragend untersuchten und vielfach eingesetzten Technik [ Demonstrating the importance of multi-disciplinary as well as interdisciplinary treatment, the authors present cases that document clinical success for osseointegration procedures in terms of optimization of biologic, functional, and aesthetic parameters.
The Osteoperiosteal Flap This elaborately illustrated book takes a fresh look at alveolar bone reconstruction, positing that the vitality of the gingiva-alveolus-implant complex is more important than simple implant longevity. With the use of osteoperiosteal flaps, the surgeon manipulates available bone to recover what is missing in a very specific way: This relatively closed wound approach seems to spontaneously activate the epigenetic signal within the gingivoalveolar complex, and the augmentation develop[ Atlas of Oral and Extraoral Bone Harvesting Due to the growing demand for dental implant related ridge augmentation procedures as well as tumor- and trauma-related reconstruction, expertise in bone graft harvesting remains crucial.
Because of anatomical and morphologic variations between individuals, harvesting of autogenous bone can pose a significant challenge for surgeons. This authoritative atlas presents a detailed step-by-step approach to mastering the applied surgical techniques required for harvesting bone from intraoral and extrao[ Case presentations address a variety of clinical situations and demonstrate the efficacy of flapless surgery. The evidence-based protocols outline the techniques to ma[ Das Buch beschreibt alle Behandlungsschritte vom [ The first four chapters help the reader to understand the biologic and biomaterial background of this well-documented and well-established surgical technique-essential knowledge for the use of barrier membranes in patients.
The second half of the book focuses on the clinical applications of GBR. Consequently, the significance of treating conditions such as peri-implant infections is mounting. Etiological and risk factors for the disease have been identified in a [ The Art of Computer-Guided Implantology This book is the first to introduce a radiographic paradigm shift in implant therapy that provides an accurate method for transferring the patient's prosthetic needs into a resin-based surgical template designed to guide implant placement.
Computed tomography CT was introduced to the dental profession in to facilitate radiographic examination of the jaws and implant treatment planning. It allowed the dental profession for the first time to evaluate anatomic structures and the effects of po[ Thomas Oral and Implant Surgery: Principles and Procedures This book discusses the various factors affecting outpatient surgery performed by oral and maxillofacial surgeons, from a clinical viewpoint. Examples of intraoral operations are presented step-by-step using high-quality color photographs.
The text is based on scientific literature from the last ten years, and the appendix offers a rich collection of Internet links. The main focus is the traditional oral surgery of the intraoral soft tissues and the hard dental structures. A chapter is dedicated [ The long-term stability of the periodontium and alveolar bone is facilitated by ultrasonic instrumentation that offers atraumatic surgical procedures; limited risk to surrounding tissue; and improved visibility, hemostasis, and postoperative conditions.
This book presents the clinical applications of ultrasonic devices in bone surgery, including its indications, advantages, and limit[ Vercellotti, Tomaso Essentials in Piezosurgery "Essentials in Piezosurgery" contains a summary of all the elements needed to gain insight into the clinical benefits of piezoelectric bone surgery in dentistry, implantology and oral surgery.
Ten years after developing this technique, in this book the author presents the clinical advantages of using piezosurgery over traditional instruments for tooth extraction, ridge expansion, sinus lifting, bone grafting, and clinical crown lengthening.
Two important innovations are published for the first t[ Sinnvoll und vorhersagbar erfolgreich sind sie aber nur innerhalb desselben Individuums sowie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Einleitend werden die [ The book begins with anatomy, otorhinolaryngologic implications, and bonehealing, then progresses to diagnostic, surgical, and patient[ Step-by step protocols guide practitioners from clinical evaluation to computerised analysis, surgical planning, and prosthetic restoration.
Detailed direction on soft tissue manipulation and avoiding complications helps practitioners realise optimal aesthetic results. Implant dentists and those intrested in implantology will gain practical guidance in the application of this state-of-the-art techno[ Theory and Clinical Practice This clinical manual details the surgical and prosthetic protocols for clinicians who wish to utilize immediate implant loading in qualified patients.
It details the fundamental principles, from patient selection to surgical procedures to the final adjustment of the definitive restoration. In addition, the chapters describe solutions to various challeng-es, such as when to use screw-retained or cement-retained provisional prostheses, how to prepare the prosthesis chairside, and when to have the [ It presents a compelling assessment of the documented effectiveness of implants as well as the known shortcomings of this treatment modality. It synthesizes this information within the context of managing patients' prosthodontic and surgical needs.
This book is an essential clinical resource for general dentists and students who wish to understand the historic evolution and present-day pra[ It was to be 50 years however, until various methods of skeletal anchorage received serious attention. As things stand today, of all the "maximum anchorage" options, mini-implants are increasingly the method of choice in day-to-day clinical orthodontics. Due to their size, simplicity, reliability, and safety, the use of mini-screws clear[ Featuring more than cases, this ambitious book documents the long-term results of the authors' unique treatment philosophy that combines carefully designed strategies with a comprehensive approach to address patients' esthetic, prosthetic, orthodontic, endodontic, occlusal, and periodontal needs[ Tissue Engineering This new edition reflects the remarkable clinical and scientific advances in bone and soft tissue reconstruction since publication of the first edition.
Numerous chapters describe and provide cases illustrating how to incorporate protein therapeutics into clinical practice. The reader will find information about the basic principles of tissue engineering, use of growth factors in orthopedics, and potential applications of gene therapy in dentistry, as well as chapters on periodontal regeneration,[ This book is the result of several years of collaboration including clinical and experimental research focusing on the development of bone augmentation techniques and implant integration.
It includes didactic step-by-step presentations of different techniques for augmentation for all kind of challenging bone[ Chirurgisches Handbuch der oralen Implantologie Ziel dieses chirurgischen Handbuches ist die Beschreibung und Illustrierung der einzelnen Operationsschritte bei der Implantation in verschiedenen klinischen Situationen. Neben den Operationsmethoden bei Standardsituationen werden auch Implantationen mit simultaner Augmentation pr[ To that end, each procedure is briefly but lucidly described; carefully illustrated in a series of drawings of the techniques and instrumentation used; and reinforced through clinical photographs, including radiographic and postoperative follow-up views.
In addition to the basic implant surgical principles, evidence-based indica[ This book describes different possibilities to augment the bone volume in the maxilla and the mandible. The text includes the underlying scientific concept of the different methods from grafting with mandibular bone, to grafting with bone from extraoral sites, to GBR techniques and biomaterials up to augmentation with distraction osteogenesis as well as detailed guidelines for practical application. Important criteria for suc[ The Sinus Bone Graft This completely revised and greatly expanded edition offers authoritative recommendations concerning all aspects of sinus bone grafting procedures for rehabilitation of the atrophic maxilla.
Written for the uninitiated as well as the experienced clinician, this comprehensive clinical monograph also guides readers through the maze of new materials and techniques that have been introduced to improve upon or even supplant this procedure. It answers questions such as whether autogenous bone is neces[ Techniques and Clinical Applications Bone is probably the most frequently transplanted tissue in the body.
It can be used to treat or repair defects resulting from atrophy, injury, congenital malformations or neoplasms. Reconstruction of bone defects has long been a challenge for oral and maxillofacial surgeons, but knowledge of bone repair and graft behaviour has allowed the design of protocols for harvesting, preserving and eventually inserting the grafts. This book examines in depth the biology and general principles of bone gra[ This book presents basic concepts about immediate implant loading and describes the surgical, prosthodontic, and laboratory techniques available.
It highlights the "hows", "whos", and "whens" of immediate implant loading and offers a wide variety of solutions for each situation, allowing the reader to select the one most s[ This book describes in detail the clinical procedures required to carry out a broad range of treatments available in implant dentistry. Topics addressed range from the management of the failing single tooth to the replacement of hard and soft tissues requiring multiple implants.
The book has a methodical and comprehensive approach address[ Bone, Biology, Harvesting, and Grafting for Dental Implants Many patients who are otherwise ideal candidates for implant therapy lack sufficient alveolar bone to support dental implants. This book presents all facets of bone augmentation in preparation for implant placement, including techniques for harvesting bone from the ramus, the anterior mandible, and the tibia; the various types of bone-grafting materials and their indications; step-by-step procedures for grafting the maxillary sinus and anterior alveolar ridge and for subnasal elevation and augme[ Watzek, Georg Implants in Qualitatively Compromised Bone Hardly any term in implant surgery has been misused as often as compromised bone.
Most attempts to shed light on the concept have been confined to data on changes in bone microstructure, while a comprehensive review of the cellular, microstructural, and gross anatomic pathology and physiology; current diagnostic tools; and treatment options is still not available. Few have attempted to go beyond the four well-known bone quality classes defined by Lekholm and Zarb in , which continue to be th[ It describes the epidemiologic, radiologic, and histopathologic features of presently known neoplasms and hamartomatous or tumor-like lesions arising from the tooth-forming structures, as well as a number of distinctive jaw lesions that must be distinguished from odontogenic tumors.
It also presents recurrence rates and, where appropriate, information about the most recent concepts on treatment. Implant Overdentures The newest generation in periodontal growth factors, enamel matrix derivative EMD , promotes periodontal regeneration by mimicking the biologic processes involved in nascent tooth development and has shown considerable promise even in the treatment of furcation-involved teeth.
This well-illustrated, easy-to-read manual explains the concepts and mechanism of action of this advanced treatment approach and demonstrates the surgical techniques and method of application that will optimize the potent[ Soft Tissue and Esthetic Considerations in Implant Therapy This long-anticipated book presents advanced surgical techniques for preserving and restoring natural dental esthetics in implant therapy.
Written for the novice and expert alike, each chapter builds on the information in the preceding chapters in a clear, well-illustrated, and easy-to-follow format. Following a discussion of the rationale and biologic basis for creating a stable peri-implant soft tissue environment, the author presents a systematic approach to the patient evaluation, including [ This new edition has been updated to reflect the most important advances in implant dentistry, while still focusing on the patient risk assessment that is essential to successful long-term implant treatment.
This book offers a clear, practical methodology for defining and evaluating the impact of various risk [ Diese betreffen sowohl die chirurgische als auch die prothetische Phase. Das vorgestellte Konzept hat sich d[ This book seeks to bridge this gap by offering the dentist a well-defined role in the use of implants for achieving predictable restorative results. It presents a clear and easy-to-use system that will allow general practitioners to identify those patients who are suitable candi[ It presents firsthand clinical experiences in the treatment of TMD and occlusion, the integration of implant therapy and orthodontics, and the role of esthetics in the edentulous patient, among other topics.
Included throughout are indications and contraindications for particular treat[ Osseointegration of the Craniofacial Implant 3 2. Biomechanical Considerations for Craniofacial Implants 15 3. Psychological Aspects of Craniofacial Defects 37 4. Cost-Effectiveness in Craniofacial Implant Rehabilitation 45 5. Medicolegal Risk Analysis 51 6. Implant Therapy This comprehensive overview of implant dentistry includes over clinical photographs that display the approaches and techniques that have resulted in long-term success. Esteemed clinicians and researchers present the latest findings and methods, from treatment planning to advanced treatment modalities, including the sinus augmentation procedure and guided bone regeneration.
An essential addition to your implant library. Dental applications of computerized tomography With successful osseointegration of implants as the goal, radiologists and surgeons rely on computerized tomography for accurate preoperative determination of the exact position for optimal implant placement. As the first comprehensive reference that describes how to perform and interpret the dental CT scan, this book bridges the gap between the radiologist who is faced with an uninterpretable dental CT examination and the surgeon who needs expert advice on evaluation implant sites in difficult c[ This book highlights the lack of common scientific guidelines in orthodontic practice, advocating for the recognition of such guidelines that work to place the teeth in positions that will produce the healthiest, most functional, most esthetic, and most stable results possible.
With so many factors influencing long-term stability, this book consolidates the 20 princip[ This renders interpretation of pretreatment-to-posttreatment changes unreliable. The structural method of superimposition is the only evidence-based method of superimposition, and it provides individualized, farreaching insight into growth and treatment changes. The author provides a critical, in-depth review of the history of c[ Featuring the experiential knowledge of 34 of the best clinicians from around the world who practice lingual orthodontics on a daily basis, this book represents the first comprehensive clinical reference on the lingual orthodontic technique and reviews the latest advancements in the field, including available bracket systems, innovations in labora[ Cozzani, Giuseppe Treating the Triad Although most discussions of the relationship between the teeth, orofacial muscles, and temporomandibular joints focus on diagnosis, this essential book outlines the guiding principles of clinical therapy to maintain or recover function as part of orthodontic treatment.
In this forthcoming book, experienced author and clinician Dr Giuseppe Cozzani begins with a discussion of the fundamentals of normal and abnormal function of the temporomandibular joint. Through the use of beautiful illustrations[ Essentials of Orthognathic Surgery The revised edition of this popular book presents a concise approach to the diagnosis and surgical treatment of patients with dentofacial deformities. In-depth chapters detail the treatment process of patient evaluation, analysis of diagnostic records, development of a visual treatment objective, treatment planning, and surgical management.
The most common surgical techniques are featured in step-by-step protocols. Although the basic science of orthognathic surgery remains unchanged, the content[ Biomechanics in Orthodontics Though comprehensive diagnosis and treatment planning set the stage for effective orthodontic treatment, it is a clear understanding of the fundamental biomechanical principles behind orthodontic force that allows the clinician to design the most favorable appliances and systems.
Correct application of the principles of biomechanics leads to highly efficient and successful orthodontic treatment; a lack of proper understanding produces ineffectual systems that may even lead to collateral tissue d[ Nakajima, Eiichiro Manual of Wire Bending Techniques Effective wire bending techniques that are customized to each individual patient make orthodontic treatment more efficient and can reduce treatment time. In lieu of overly complicated wire bending, the author of this manual promotes precise, intuitive bending and presents the proven methods that work with any biologically compatible wire.
The essential components and techniques of customized wire bending are detailed step-by-step, including trimming of casts; selection and proper manipulation of [ For these reasons we have been influenced by research and clinical experience as well as the desire to improve the lingual bracket design. The new STb bracket has been designed to improve patient comfort and produce better clinical results.
- Annie and Snowball and the Surprise Day.
- Being Middle-class in India: A Way of Life (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series);
- A Practical Guide For New Parents.
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An outgrowth of the Tweed technique, these basic principles have been developed empirically over many years in the author's own practice. Complete records of patients treated by the author are presented to demonstrate specific results and the stability of treatment. With respect to the clinical use of this non-compliance fixed functional appliance, the following main topics are elaborated on: Additionally, this book addresses the possible harmful effects of the Herbst appliance on the temporomandibular joint, the anchorage teeth, and the tooth-supporting hard and soft tissue structures.
Applications of Orthodontic Mini-Implants Prevention of undesirable tooth movement in both arches is now possible through the use of orthodontic mini-implants. This relatively new treatment concept has expanded the envelope of orthodontic treatment, offering an alternative to orthognathic surgery particularly in the vertical dimension and allowing asymmetric tooth movement in three planes of space. This textbook describes precise conditions and techniques for clinical application of orthodontic mini-implants.
The first half presents bi[ Fragen, auf die dieses Buch eine Antwort gibt. Radiographic Cephalometry This important textbook has now been updated and expanded to reflect emerging technologic innovations. Eight completely new chapters have been added on the advantages of 2-D versus 3-D analysis; the use of imaging; the value of electronic storage, analysis, and retrieval of all records; anteroposterior cephalometry; and the first 3-D cephalometric analysis. An accompanying CD-ROM contains a reproducible headfilm and templates, both for manual and digital cephalometry.
The Invisalign System This book provides an in-depth look at the clinical applications of the Invisalign system. Every step of the treatment process is illustrated: In addition, the technology behind the Invisalign System-including software, appliance design, manufacturing, material properties, biomechanics, and periodontal response to treatment-is presented. Ronchi, Paolo Orthodontic-Surgical Treatment of Dentofacial Anomalies Drawing on more than 30 years of clinical experience, the author presents an integrated esthetic and functional approach to the treatment of dentofacial anomalies-from the initial planning through the orthodontic and surgical stages and finally to the postoperative phase.
The accompanying DVD contains video footage of the treatment of an actual patient from start to finish, following the integrated approach presented in the book and with specific emphasis on surgical aspects. This book-DVD set i[ Van der Linden, Frans P. Orthodontic Concepts and Strategies In previous textbooks by the author, emphasis was placed on the theoretical basis of orthodontics, which is so essential for diagnosis and treatment planning. Treatment procedures were covered only superficially, because the variation in methods and techniques is so great.
In addition, techniques are improving continuously, and new materials and methods are introduced regularly. The purpose of this volume is to provide clinically relevant information. How appliances should be used and what can be [ Risk Management in Orthodontics Although the risk of harm in orthodontics is considerably limited compared to surgery or other invasive medical and dental therapies, there is nonetheless growing concern about medicolegal issues and risk management within the orthodontics community. This book describes the myriad potential malpractice problems associated with orthodontics therapy and provides sound advice about how to avoid them.
It is divided into two parts: Standards for Orthognathic Surgery and Orthodontics presents a system of esthetic diagnosis to achieve profile harmony, while preserving the characteristics of the individual facial contour. Every facial type has acceptable ranges of variation in the vertical and sagittal directions; outside these ranges, disharmony occurs. The book focuses on all parts of the facial profile, not merely the subnasal part, and on external soft tissue landmarks rather than skeletal landmarks.
Linden, van der, Frans P. Auf der Grundlage des Behan[ Stockfisch, Hugo The Principles and Practice of Dentofacial Orthopaedics Combine European and American treatment methods to increase the possibilities for effective treatment in dentofacial orthopaedics. This book surveys the current European systems, using case studies to show how they can be applied, adapted, and combined with American methods for increased effectiveness and shortened duration of treatment.
Insgesamt wird ein Prophylaxekonzept entwickeltkelt, das jede[ Melsen, Birte Current Controversies in Orthodontics Orthodontics as a science is still very young, and a major part of the development of this profession has been based on "trial and error" approaches rather than deductive research. Controversies have thus sprung up within the field of orthodontics.
This book brings together contributors who are experts in their fields, and who evaluate selected topics of controversy in an attempt to differentiate between untried "traditions" and fact supported through scientific tests. In den verschiedenen Kapiteln werden alle Aspekte der dentalen Erosionen diskutiert und mit vielen farbig[ The very latest dental techniques available for restoring function and esthetics ahve been analysed down to the finest detail with the help of excellent drawings and illustrations.
Dental Materials and Their Selection This book presents the essential knowledge of material structure and properties and shows how to apply the framework of material science to restorative treatment plans. This didactic approach will enable students to select appropriate materials and handle them correctly for optimum clinical performance. Composite Restorations in Anterior Teeth: A unique and significant achievement.
Lavishly illustrated with more than high-quality photographs, many with special angles and magnifications. Techniques are presented in step-by-step fashion to make them easy to understand and apply. Basic yet accurate communication is essential in the ever-changing world of clinical dentistry.
Professor Luiz Narciso Baratieri has shown many times before, with his outstanding clinically oriented publications, that he and his colleagues are true masters in [ This book, a compilation of the proceedings from the 3rd European Symposium on Adhesive Dentistry, provides the information, arguments, and data that clinicians need to incorporate adhesive dentistry into their daily practice.
Leaders in the field present the rationale for adhesive techniques in esthetic restorative dentistry. Aging and Related Phenomena This comprehensive review brings together research by biomaterials experts in various fields of dentistry, including oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, periodontics, prosthodontics, and restorative dentistry.
Through the presentation of evidence derived exclusively from in vivo studies, the mechanisms governing the aging of materials placed in the oral cavity are clarified and selective aspects of the in vivo performance of materials demonstrated. Tissue Preservation in Caries Treatment In all clinical disciplines, there is an increasing emphasis on minimal tissue intervention.
To mention but a few examples, orthopedic and general surgeons and anasthesiologists apply minimal tissue injury with different types of endoscopes and spinal anesthesia for clinical indications that previously demanded more traumatic surgery and full narcosis. Tissue Preservation in Clinical Dentistry represents a modern and timely approach in odontological treatment. Our focus in the third millenium wi[ Written by a select group of experts and featuring color illustrations throughout, these volumes address all aspects of everyday procedures as well as the latest innovative technologies, making them equally relevant for the practicing clinician as for the advanced student.
Volume 1 covers both basic and advanced operative treatment t[ Fundamentals of operative Dentistry [ Guide to Occlusal Waxing A sturdy manual styled for convenient reference during occlusal waxing. Six views of each tooth depict occlusal morphology, centric contacts, inclined planes, excursive pathways of opposing cusps, and proximal contacts from buccal and occlusal views. Complete Dental Bleaching Learn from the experts about the role of bleaching in restorative, orthodontic, periodontal, and esthetic dentistry; determine what role it might play in your practice.
This book addresses patient selection, diagnosis, treatment planning, sequencing of treatment, and patient expectations. It relates the various bleaching methods in detail, including in-office, home, matrix, nonvital, and combination bleaching. Included is a section on the chemistry of bleaching and an index of techniques, materi[ The overreaching purpose of these projects is to be able to translate the results to clinical investigation and eventually determine the safety and efficacy of new biologics for the benefit of patients.
This book includes a distinguished coterie of contributors experienced in the initiation of orparticipation in precl[ Omar Decision Making in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Expert contributors have synthesized their standard decision-making processes into annotated diagnosis and treatment algorithms. Combining "at-aglance" understanding with authoritative discussion of the salient features of pathologic entities, these treatment algorithms are especially valuable for residents, recent graduates, and others treating patients who present with therapeutic problems in the oral and maxillofacial region.
Clinican's Handbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Developed and edited by one of the specialty's most respected and distinguished surgeons, this new and completely up-to-date handbook functions equally well as a survival manual for residents, as a quick reference for experienced clinicians, as a go-to source for managing emergency situations, and as a study guide for anyone preparing for board exams. It articulates the standards of care recognized by all licensed practitioners and the specific protocols that must be followed in providing treatm[ Osseointegration and Multidisciplinary Treatment The functional consequences of tooth loss require clinicians to fabricate restorations that take into consideration individual anatomic situations as well as the psychologic aspects of the patients.
This comprehensive text details the role of osseointegration in prosthodontic restoration via careful treatment planning and the use of a multidisciplinary therapeutic approach. Open communication between the patient and treatment team ensures that every stage of treatment is in concert with the pati[ Siervo, Sandro Suturing Techniques in Oral Surgery In order to achieve correct postoperative positioning of the soft tissues, clinicians must have a comprehensive understanding of wound healing and suturing. This book outlines suturing techniques for the most common surgical procedures, providing indications as well as techniques for implementation.
The detailed illustrations and tables clarify difficult technical concepts, and a quick reference guide consolidates the essential information for each suture type. Siervo, Sandro Nahttechniken in der oralen Chirurgie Jeder chirurgische Eingriff - sei er einfach oder sehr kompliziert - endet mit einer Naht. Deshalb ist eine detaillierte Beschreibung der verschiedenen Materialien, die dem Oralchirurgen zur Auswahl stehen, seh[ Der enossalen Implantologie ist ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet, dem als Alternative die Zahn erhalt[ Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry: A Contemporary Approach Distinguished by the authors' strong commitment to conservative dentistry, this revised textbook combines proven methods with the latest scientific developments in preventive and restorative dentistry.
Chapters on enamel and dentin adhesion and on resin composite restorations have been substantially revised to incorporate the latest evidence, and updated reference lists promote further study into the most recent evidence-based research. Current concepts in caries management and remineralization [ Dental and Craniofacial Applications of Platelet-Rich Plasma Co-written by the researcher who first explained the scientific mechanism of PRP and a clinician with expertise on its use, this authoritative handbook presents clear and easy-to-follow guidelines for routinely incorporating PRP into a broad spectrum of dental and craniofacial procedures in order to obtain its documented benefits of enhanced healing and improved outcomes.
The authors explain PRP's biologic mechanism of action, the in-office procedure for developing PRP, and most importantly, its[ McClarence, Elaine Close to the Edge Close to the Edge is an introduction to the fascinating world of osseointegration. It not only charts the history and figures behind the development of this revolutionary implant concept but also gives an insight into the current applications and scientific basis behind osseointegration.
It is a useful companion to those wishing to learn about the background of osseointegration before embarking upon further study. The book comprises three sections covering the historical development, clinical ap[ Particularly in the maxilla, loss of alveolar bone height and buccolabial bone width, often combined with a reduction in bone density, severely compromises its retention capacity. This book reports the authors' year experiences with autogenous onlay bone grafting and simultaneous endosseous implant placement in the reconstruction of t[ This book s an international standard for prosthetic craniofacial rehabilitation by presenting state-of-the-art achievements.
Emphasizing the interdisciplinary, the book is composed of t parts. In Part I, patient presentations on auricular, nasal, orbital, and complex defects illustrate the art of prostheti reconstruction. In Part II, [ Apply for this position. Du hast noch Fragen? Sina Heller beantwortet sie Dir gerne: Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung! Doch Events bedeutet bei Vertical Media noch viel mehr. Hier kommst Du ins Spiel! Mehr Infos findest Du unter: Test Engineer Role Mid to Senior. With a key focus on automation, we continually strive to improve our delivery processes across the entire engineering department.
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Together with your Commercial IT department you will support our Business Object Version 4 and other reporting tools and contribute to provide cost efficient, stable and effective reporting environment for our different platforms to support the business needs.
As our new BI Admin, you will: Users and rights management at universes level and central management console level Systems monitoring Create and Maintain Universes Redesign of existing universes Support of reporting platforms You have a degree in ICT or you gained your skills by relevant experience, a good balance of technical and non-technical skil As Partnership Development Officer, you play a key role in the local marketing organization. You are not afraid of negotiation and your structured nature makes you a good pusher when you feel things are moving too slowly bring your expertise in overlooking the Digital Marketing campaigns with performance at the heart You will join the integration team within the Commercial IT department where you, as part of a SCRUM team, will be responsible of connecting our core systems to the various platforms and components used within StepStone by providing a robust, scalable, well performant integration layer.
As our new Java developer, you will: Do you want to be part of a company you can be proud of and help it growing, then keep reading The Security Specialist role is responsible for providing operational leadership and support for the global security infrastructure within the group. As part of the Security Operations Team, the candidate will work closely with different IT teams to implement and support security infrastructure across the group.
As Network Security Engineer, you will: Enforce governance, provide support and operational escalation for the p Do you want to be part of a company you can be proud of and help it growing, then keep on reading. Together with your Commercial IT department you will support our core Lead to Cash software suite implementation project.
You will be the mediator between business and IT and will interact with sales and marketing departments, internal developers, local Business Analysts and the International Sales team. You will also be the first point of contact for all CRM and CPQ-related questions as well as the super administrator of the tool.
You will be based in our Brussels office with frequent travel to other StepStone countries. Document the ways of working in the Sales Praktikum im Bereich Konzernsicherheit. The job is at the crossroads of IT and Marketing, using various databases and CRM tools to target customers and a Selligent Marketing Automation platform to set up campaigns, dataflows and customer journeys. The main skills for this job are to be very systematic, logical, able to structure flows of data and actions in a campaign tool. Bestimme Dein Einkommen selbst! Durch Verhandlungsgeschick, Selbstbewusstsein, aber auch professionelle Beratung und starke Vertriebsargumente platzierst Du uns als kompetenten Rekrutierungspartner und bist auf lange Sicht das Gesicht von StepStone in einem strategisch wichtigen Kundensegment.
Stell Dir vor, Du leitest ein dynamisches und internationales Team. Dann lass sie wahrwerden! StepStone is a company with clear goals and visions. We focus on growth through innovative solutions, service quality and qualified employees. A dynamic workplace with flat hierarchies, direct communication on first name terms from trainee to CEO, short distances, helpful and engaged colleagues and flexible working hours. A twice-yearly opportunity to qualify for incredible incentive trips such as skiing in St. Anton, a balloon ride in Barcelona or speed boating in Lisbon.
Spectacular parties, like summer and Christmas parties, we celebrate together. Support in the search for suitable childcare facilities. Fruit, cafe au lait, sofa corner and a football table. Das klingt nach einer spannenden Herausforderung? As an eRecruiting company, we develop both innovative products that empower jobseekers in their career development and services that support recruiters to find the best talent for their challenges.
Our team of data scientists has the mission to leverage data driven decision making and innovation at StepStone. We have backgrounds in different quantitative disciplines and share the conviction that the right combination of data and smart algorithms is key. With your talent to coordinate and drive technically challenging projects, you will help us to effectively implement great ideas. We will give you extensive onboarding support to get started.
You will support projects leveraging new business opportunities at the intersection of new data sources, technologies, and machine learning. From initiation to end you will support us to envision, scope, plan, and manage these projects of our team You will become an important communication node in our network of data scientists, data engineers, product developers, online marketeers, and our sales department. We develop solutions that help millions of jobseekers and employers.
This is both challenging and rewarding. You will be part of a strongly interacting team of data scientists. We discuss a lot to benefit from the members diverse backgrounds and to best drive our projects. Tight cooperation with other departments Analytics, BI, Data engineering allows us to build on existing big data infrastructure and provides the freedom to test truly innovative ideas.
You will get state of the art insights from our data scientists across the company. StepStone expects and fosters professional development. You will participate in general trainings and exchange with other project managers to advance your skills in managing data science projects. Stepstone is a dynamic workplace with flat hierarchies and flexible working hours.
Unser Telesales arbeitet Montag bis Freitag von 8: Urlaub der besonderen Art! Anton, eine Ballonfahrt in Barcelona oder Speedbootfahren in Lissabon. Du identifizierst und nutzst Optimierungspotenziale in bestehenden Reporting-Prozessen und Systemen und treibst die Harmonisierung und Automatisierung der Prozesse voran.
Deine Englischkenntnisse sind sehr gut, so dass Du im internationalen Umfeld auf Englisch kommunizeren kannst. Senior Customer Service Teamlead. We redesigned the banking experience to be simple, fast and contemporary. Founded in by Valentin Stalf and Maximilian Tayenthal, N26 has more than employees and more than 1 Million customers in 17 countries. Stell Dir vor, Du arbeitest in einem offenen, dynamischen und internationalen Team. Being one of the largest German digital enterprises with around 2.
From the very first day at StepStone you will be welcomed and supported by a cooperative team. As part of our training concept, you will receive basic training for your work and the recruiting market during your first weeks with us. In addition, we offer an attractive, performance-led remuneration package and the opportunity to tackle the task with above-average development opportunities and long-term perspectives in an innovative environment.
In the team, everyone can benefit of 15 days of innovation or training time per year to work on a research project, get familiar with a recent technology or try out a new idea! Where you will work… For our Search Team, we are looking for a junior Java developer with a first experience, some trainings, or at least a proven interest in search engine technologies and Natural Language Processing. We need a creative professional to develop advanced technical solutions for our search engine and help take it to the next level of quality. The position can be based in Brussels or Berlin.
Spectacular parties, from summer and Christmas parties to sophisticated international kick-off events where we all celebrate together. Das klingt nach Dir?
Quintessenz | Szakkönyvek
Being one of the largest German digital enterprises with more than 3. Prepare proactive analyses to identify areas for improvement in Online Marketing and product areas and support the business in achieving its goals Support online marketing and product departments in evaluating new ideas and results of their work, providing actionable insights and recommendations Conduct ad-hoc analyses to derive recommendations for operational measures Collaborate closely with other departments and management to prepare data-based decision-making Create regular reports and control the development of traffic figures Ensure high data quality Experience in web analytics or related areas statistics, market research, data science etc.
Durch Verhandlungsgeschick, Selbstbewusstsein aber auch professionelle Beratung und starke Vertriebsargumente platzierst du uns als kompetenten Rekrutierungspartner in einem sehr anspruchsvollen Kundensegment. Die Auswertung von Daten gelingt dir spielend leicht? Wir sind gespannt darauf! Dabei arbeitest Du eng mit den Fachbereichen sowie unseren Analysten und Entwicklern in Belgien und Warschau zusammen. Praktikum im Bereich Marketing bei Stylebook. Betreuung der Anforderungen aus den Fachressorts. Dein Ziel ist es, Menschen dabei zu helfen, den Job zu finden, den sie lieben. Du willst die Art und Weise revolutionieren wie Menschen einen Job finden?
We want you to make impact with your technical and strategic oversight and will give you extensive onboarding support to get started You will look for new business opportunities at the intersection of new data sources, technologies, and machine learning: We want to advance StepStone with the help of your analytical expertise and will give you extensive onboarding support to get started. Du stellst Dich gerne herausfordernden Fragestellungen in der Vertriebssteuerung? Dabei begeistert es Dich, wenn Du zur Verbesserung einzelner Vertriebseinheiten beitragen kannst?
Wenn Du Lust hast, mit hoch motivierten Kollegen neue Herausforderungen anzunehmen, freuen wir uns auf Deine Bewerbung. You will work in an international and multicultural environment where you will be able to develop your business skills. Durch Verhandlungsgeschick, Selbstbewusstsein, aber auch professionelle Beratung und starke Vertriebsargumente platzierst du uns als kompetenten Rekrutierungspartner in einem anspruchsvollen Kundensegment.
Join a collaborative and passionate product team working to make the best experiences for millions of job seekers and recruiters in their quest for the "Perfect Match". You demonstrate a depth of experience working across the whole design process; from research, through prototyping to implementing rich user interface work Fluent in English, any other European language is a plus Willingness to travel to other StepStone sites, e. Dabei verkaufst du die StepStone Produkte, wie z. Nach Umsetzung des Kundenauftrages in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Customer Service Team sicherst Du proaktiv die langfristige Kundenbindung und ermittelst weitere Verkaufspotenziale.
Mit mehr als 3. Dabei verkaufst Du die StepStone Produkte, wie z. Being one of the largest German digital enterprises with over 3. As Manager Product Innovation at StepStone you will be joining an international team which is working on new product innovations for the international job market with experienced and dynamic team members at the forefront of applying technology to the world of online recruitment. You will be responsible for initiating and delivering exciting projects that empower both candidates and recruiters to find their perfect match via mobile devices.
As digital native you want to introduce smart features in line with our vision supported by market insights and Facts. Die Chance auf leistungsbezogene Incentives wie z. Anton, Ballonfahrt in Barcelona oder Speedbootfahren in Lissabon. You bring the programming skills - we teach you online Marketing. You create web interfaces to ensure process accessibility for the team members You have experience in designing and building web systems with e. Wir sind Die mobile Bank. Unsere Vision ist es, eine Bank zu schaffen, die jeder gerne nutzt.
Deine Aufgaben im Einzelnen: Flache Hierarchien, sowie offene Kommunikation. Stack der neuesten Technologien. Die Wahl zwischen einem Mac oder Windows Laptop. Bleibe auf dem neuesten Stand durch unser InsideN26 Magazine. Nicht nur ein Job. Einige unserer Vorteile finden Sie auf unserer careers Seite. You have at least 3 years of product marketing, cross-channel online marketing, CRM, or product management experience.
You are fluent in English and have a good command of at least one other core N26 language: Pour cela vous effectuerez les missions suivantes: Vous faites de la veille techno Vous partagez les valeurs de SeLoger: You will be able to consult different teams on both technical and non-technical applications of data science. You will be responsible for Design and build production-ready prediction models, i. Crunch, analyze and investigate on any kind of data.
Investigate new machine learning techniques and technologies, educating others on the possible applications of these techniques. Visualize your analysis in a way that everyone gets it at first glance Work with different departments to proactively suggest improvement points, using your initiative to develop new research topics Qualifications You have …. Experience in the investigation and analysis of field data A degree in Mathematics, Statistic or Computer Science.
Job Description Are you able to represent Agile thought leadership to enable our value streams to reach the next Agile maturity level? We are looking for an Agile Lead with a passion for coaching and supporting teams to help them deliver the best work they can. Videos To Watch I'm interested. Was Ende in einer WG begann, ist zu einem globalen Unternehmen mit Standorten auf drei verschiedenen Kontinenten herangewachsen.
Mit Hauptsitz in Berlin hat Bonial. Bonial feiert dieses Jahr seinen Wusstest du, dass Mitarbeiter Nummer 1 immer noch in unserem Unternehmen arbeitet? Software Developer iOS m w x. Im Jahr sind wir mit der Mission gestartet, unseren Nutzern zu helfen, richtige Kaufentscheidungen zu treffen. Besonders wichtig sind uns dabei Deine Ideen. Wir wollen Dich so, wie Du bist! As a member of our team, you can look forward to working with a large degree of freedom in an international and inspirational environment. We are located in the heart of Berlin and offer a unique idealo spirit. Your ideas are the driving force that move our business forward.
Not only our product portfolio is diverse, but also the people who work on it. We want you just as you are! Origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation or a degree of disability are irrelevant. If you are passionate about improving the world of online shopping alongside idealos from 40 nations, apply with us today.
HR Operations Manager m w x in Teilzeit. Senior Full Stack Developer. Our people are helping over 10 million jobseekers to find their dream job every month and our websites are visited over 20 million times per month. In addition, our expert matching technology and best in class User Experience drive over 5 million applications every month. We are part of a global business spanning across 30 countries and operate under 11 digital brands within the UK: People are the key to our success and they have voted us to be a Great Place to Work for the past 11 years.

This is your chance to join us and make a huge impact as we continue the journey to become smarter and more efficient than ever before. So are you ready for your next exciting challenge? If so, we'd love to hear from you! You'll work within one of our scrum teams to help us keep our customers happy and tackle the challenges of continuous delivery in a rapidly growing platform.
For us, teamwork is everything. We listen to each other, we adapt and we value honest feedback to support our continued improvements. We are making significant investment in DevOps at scale and we will invest in you. What you'll be using: Bring your whole self to work Super passionate about all things technical Dedication to high quality, maintainable code Happy to collaborate with a wide group of people Our values: We will never forget your birthday Subsidised canteen with a view We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company.
We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, colour, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status. Senior C Developer Senior. The Role You will be responsible for winning new business from cold accounts within the corporate market, selling our suite of online recruitment advertising solutions to companies for our IT specialist job board www. You will also be responsible for the entire sales process from prospecting from scratch; building and maintaining a sustainable and sufficiently large pipeline to deliver new business invoiced sales contract values to the business.
Generate, sell, negotiate, close and secure new business opportunities and achieve the monthly revenue target set by the Head of Corporate Sales; Manage, maintain and develop a pipeline of opportunities; Build firm relationships with prospective clients; Maintain information and keep up to date with industry news and information to ensure a good level of communication awareness at all times; Represent totaljobs.
You will be required to hold a minimum of 5 client meetings per month. Proven B2B sales background ideally within a comparable industry sector Good negotiation skills and the ability to command respect amongst senior decision makers Enthusiasm, drive and great communication skills Commercially astute and competitive Confident and proactive personality Computer literate with the ability to use and master internal systems and MS Office suite Be able to recognise and demonstrate the benefits of formal sales training What we can offer you: Generous bonus and uncapped commission structure with built in accelerators for overachievement.
The company runs a number of sales focused incentives; including regular Sales Days, Sales Person of the Month awards, the lucrative Annual Forward Booking Competition and, twice a year, the opportunity to win the Tiger Incentive to join the CEO of parent company StepStone on a luxury trip with the most exceptional performers from across Europe! We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. Mr Matt Kennedy Reference: A company that has been voted one of the top companies to work for in the UK for the past 11 years running?
Looking for a new position where your contribution can help make a difference? Proven experience in leading a team of technical experts.
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The role is in our 18 strong development operations team, working with other database specialists in a busy, high pressure environment. Ideally the candidate will have experience of managing highly available databases to support mission critical systems. We take pride in being an Agile organisation with a constant focus on improving the way we work.
There is a drive on improving our engineering Process and architecture to lower the cost of frequent change. Some of your responsibilities ; Leading a technical team Provision of 3rd level support for critical site incidents Implementing High Availability and Disaster Recovery strategies Design and implementation of DB infrastructure projects Monitoring the capacity and performance of the core server infrastructure Supporting release process and change process with DB systems Database Environment consultancy to the Agile development teams High-volume SQL Server replication and SSAS.
Think 1, people, chartered jets, live bands and unlimited bar Amazing location — Tate Modern, The Globe, Borough Market Pension scheme Life Assurance x4 salary Interest free travel loan season ticket Cycle to work scheme Amazon voucher on your births, birthday, marriages. We will never forget your birthday. Subsidised canteen with a view So, why us? We have a simple purpose — to enable job seekers and organisations to achieve greater success. Our people are helping 9 million job seekers to find their dream job every month. Our websites are visited nearly 18 million times per month with over 80 million page impressions.
Our expert matching technology, and best in class UX drives over 5. Our Values; Integrity - Being uncompromising and consistent in our commitment to integrity Results - Driving spectacular results for everyone — happy employees, happy customers, happy candidates and happy shareholders People - Building a company with teams where talent can thrive and flourish Ready for your fresh and exciting challenge?
Apply now, you know it makes sense… We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. Ringier is Switzerland's largest internationally active media company, producing over newspapers and magazines. It also runs printing plants, several radio and TV stations and well over web and mobile platforms AND HAS a worldwide staff of about 6, employees. With a history stretching back more than years, Ringier stands for pioneering spirit and individuality as well as independence, freedom of expression and diversity of information.
The company is characterised by product excellence, quality journalism and exceptional entertainment. Founded in Switzerland in , Ringier has been family run for five generations. In , Ringier established the Data Services department reporting directly to the group executive board, to unleash the power of technology and data to break the data silos of portfolio companies and enable a Ringier ecosystem. Embracing the agile methodology and engineering excellence principle, the Data Services department has built Sherlock Platform --the cloud-native enterprise data hub with built-in Artificial Intelligence capabilities-- to collect, consolidate, and understand the data to generate business insights and value.
To further accelerate the development and adoption of Sherlock platform, Ringier Data Services department is recruiting: Python, R, Spark, or similar You know how to translate business requirements into development tasks Experience in software development, as well as relevant industry experiences media or e-commerce , make your work easier Full professional proficiency in English. German is a plus Knowledge about Amazon Web Services is a plus A conscientious, structured and independent way of working completes your profile Are you interested?
We are looking forward to your application. Du hinterfragst Dich und den Status Quo kontinuierlich und optimierst mit Leidenschaft? Mehr Informationen auf www. Was wird dich herausfordern? Wir freuen uns auf deine Onlinebewerbung. Business Insider is looking for a talented freelance writer to research and write comprehensive buying guides for a variety of products tech, home, outdoors, kitchen, DIY, fitness, gardening.
You'll be part of the growing Insider Picks commerce team in the new buying guides section. Our buying guides pull together the very best products in each category to make figuring out what to buy easier. You can see our current guides here:. Die Zukunft ist digital, unsere Lebenswelt bleibt regional. Mit diesem Anspruch, Innovationsgeist und engagierter Teamarbeit vermitteln wir unseren Partnern relevante Kunden und qualifizierte Bewerber. Handlungsempfehlungen Das bringst du mit: Katrin Marra Human Resources We are growing and need your specialist knowledge and commitment, your creativity and passion for a mobile driven lifestyle.
An international, young team is waiting for you, full of fantastic talents. Die StepStone Gruppe expandiert nicht nur durch organisches Wachstum und Produktinnovationen, sondern auch durch inter- nationale Akquisitionen, woraus neue Beteiligungsgesellschaften entstehen. Zivil- und wirtschaftsrechtliche Themen, insbesondere des Datenschutzrechts, des IT- und Internetrechts sowie des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes gewinnen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Mutig, klar und klug? Dein Ziel ist es, Kandidaten dabei zu helfen, den Job zu finden, den sie lieben.
Production and management of Target Lists: Set-up and automation of data driven campaign flows, using the Selligent campaign automation platform. Integration of Back-end and Front-end data: One of our key value driver is our partner network with over cooperation partners. Es geht noch weiter: Dann bewirb Dich und werde StepStoner!
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