Melody moves in with her dad's relatives, which she never met, Aunt Sara, Uncle Jacob and her cousins, Cary and May, a little deaf girl. This is such a good story with all the secrets gradually coming to light and Melody realizing that her parents never told her the truth about who she is. Melody is very pretty and she learned to play the fiddle. I did not care for her mother at all and wondered how Melody turned out so well.
There lots of interesting relationships and characters in this book. I loved how Cary came around to liking Melody and how he became protective of her. This is the first book of a series and I am eager to read the next two soon! If you like family stories with interesting characters, I highly recommend this one! There are lots of surprises along the way! It would make a good book club read. Overall I liked it, but this is my second V.
Andrews series and I'm wondering if I'm picking up on themes.
Melody Logan
I've read all of the books following Flowers in the Attic, and the story started out with a death and involved incest, a theme present mostly throughout the rest of the series. Melody started with a death, had incest involved as a twist, and ended with a death.
I'm wondering if all of her books have an incest theme. I was a little worried that Melody would follow a very, very similar stor Overall I liked it, but this is my second V. I was a little worried that Melody would follow a very, very similar storyline to Flowers in the Attic, and in a way it did, but in a way it didn't.
- This series contains examples of:.
- A Handbook for the Spiritual Journey?
- Logan Series (Literature) - TV Tropes.
- The Matriarch.
- To Picture The Past.
- Suizid und Suizidversuch bei Kindern und Jugendlichen (German Edition).
- Africans in Colonial Mexico: Absolutism, Christianity, and Afro-Creole Consciousness, 1570-1640 (Blacks in the Diaspo).
I was half expecting there to actually be an incestuous relationship between Cary and Melody, much like there was between Haille and Chester, and like it was gossiped about. At the end with the kiss makes me think that maybe it will evolve in the next book.
Melody (Logan, #1) by V.C. Andrews
I did like it however, and as I already own the set, I will read them. Melody was a likable character, as was Cary after a while, although Sara just annoyed me completely. I am interested to find out what happens now that Haille is also dead, and whether that was an accident as that Archie guy was suspicious right from the start. I'm not sure I'd recommend it, incest is a hard twist to swallow sometimes. May 10, Emily rated it it was amazing Shelves: I think this may have been the very first V. Andrews books I ever picked up. I was very young and just loved this. I wanted to become a writer because of this book and the subsequent books that followed in this series and the entire V.
I saved all my babysitting money so that I could buy each 5 book series at a time and spent a lot of money in my youth to buy all her books. Andrews made a huge impact on my reading ability and interests. I hope someday if I have a d I think this may have been the very first V. I hope someday if I have a daughter, she will read my tattered copies of V. As the new work is not nearly as good as this and the other series from the 90's, I think a lot of Andrews' female protagonists used to be looked up to in a way that other females could relate to.
Granted, some of the situations that appear in these books aren't as liable to happen in real life, the female protagonists still find a way to make it through in the end. I will keep reading the books, in the hopes that they get better and back to the way they used to be in the days of Dawn and Ruby and even Willow, but I could see the V.
Andrews legacy ending in the near future if better female protagonists are not created. Apr 10, Justin Jones rated it really liked it Shelves: It has been such a long time ago since I read this book. I still remember so much of it though. It was really good, and it really kept me interested,minteresting personalities. I started the second one but didn't finish it, because I was really busy with school. But maybe I should start reading that second one again. And just start over with the second book.

So that I can kind of get the story back into my head. I really love Virginia Andrew's books, and it's really sad she had to die so young, It has been such a long time ago since I read this book. I really love Virginia Andrew's books, and it's really sad she had to die so young, she was such a talented and loved writer. Her books will go down in history. And I still have a whole bunch of books to read from her. So before this year is over.
- Paperback Editions.
- ?
- Our Political Nature: The Evolutionary Origins of What Divides Us.
- .
- Melody #1 Logan Family [used book].
I am going to set a goal that I have at least read that second book. So With books I still have a supply that can probably go on for sooooooooooo many years. And for sure read it before this year is over. May 03, Omo rated it it was amazing. Sep 07, Mizzashley rated it it was amazing. Melody a girl thrown into her fathers side of the family since he died. Only because her mother Haille has her own selfish reasons for wanting to be famous.
I very much dislike Haille and the way Melody seems to be so protective of a mother that is very irresponsible. And Aunt Sara focuses so much energy on making Melody into her dead daughter Laura its scary. I feel especially sorry for Aunt Sara's other two children May and Cary who have to suffer in the background silently forgotten.
I don't Melody a girl thrown into her fathers side of the family since he died. I don't know how to feel about Uncle Jacob yet he is blunt and thats refreshing somewhat over eccentric in his religion. As for Melody I like her strength that keeps pushing her forward. May 25, Esther rated it liked it Shelves: I think this is a kind of book that came from or must be made in to a soap opera.
It has this drama that will move the viewers. Upon reading the book, I have to stop once in a while to get a hold on to myself because of the happenings. It's like watching my favorite afternoon drama series with my grandmother when I was young. I just think it's unnecessary for the author to kill the characters who didn't make such appearance yet very significant to the story just to add some spice to it.
Other than that, everything was ok. I'll give it exact 3. Apr 16, Stephanie rated it really liked it. All in all this novel was quite intriguing and caused me to breeze quickly along each and every page. It is definitely reminiscent of "Flowers in the Attic," but as a fan of that novel it made me enjoy this one even more. It allowed me to immerse myself in a dark and foreboding world that I had been searching for, for a while. Andrews this is definitely a must read!
See a Problem?
So it's more like 2. It's pretty crappy writing with intermittent moments of that was a surprisingly good line. I like some of the ideas and plot twists but it is extremely drawn out. The beginning is painfully slow and the end is not satisfying. The middle is mostly predictable and sometimes just confusing. It's going on Bookmooch now bc it's not worth keeping. I won't read the sequels, I read the internet just for unanswered questions. Hallie is a selfish bitch right from the start. Jan 02, Oridisi rated it it was amazing.
This book was messed up in so many ways, Melody's mother married her first cousin and got pregnant with Melody for some man who is a hermit and loves to paint, and the man that Melody thought was her father her whole life was actually her own cousin. Andrews books are always addicted to read even though all her stories have rape, death, secrets, lies, scandals and incest. Not at all what I expected, the events were a little predictable but that made it easy to sit back and follow how Melody navigated the web of lies in her life.
It's hard not to like Melody, great character. I was surprised, read it mostly to get a look at VC Andrews writing style and walked away wanting to get straight onto the next one. Girl lived in mining town with parents; oval picture of a girl with a shocked look on her face. Books published under the following names - Virginia Andrews , V. Books since her death ghost written by Andrew Neiderman , but still attributed to the V. Yet moments after Melody first laid eyes on dour, Bible-spouting Uncle Jacob, nervous Aunt Sara, and her cousins -- handsome Cary, whose twin, Laura, had been killed recently in a sailing accident, and sweet, deaf little May -- Haille announced that Melody was to live with them.
Sleeping in Laura's old room, Melody was awash in a sea of grief and confusion, with only her beloved fiddle to comfort her. Then Cary revealed the truth he'd gleaned about her parents -- a sad shocking story that only puzzled her more. Melody knew nothing of the dark deceptions that would soon surface Melody Logan was as alone as a solitary gull, with only the wild Atlantic wind to lift her spirits When Melody Logan's mother died in a car accident, Melody lost the last shred of family she had ever known.
She was practically a stranger to the Logans, her wealthy relatives on Cape Cod, where she now drifted on a sea of dark secrets. In the eyes of gentle Aunt Sara, Melody was a replacement for her dead daughter, while for Uncle Jacob she was a reminder of the family's shameful past. Only good-hearted Cary seemed to care, and since it was revealed that she and Cary weren't truly cousins, the affection that had always surged between them now crested in thrilling waves.
But Melody knew she could never truly echo Cary's loving promises until she discovered her own buried identity. Despite Grandma Olivia's daggerlike threats, Melody sought out Belinda, a mysterious, half-crazy woman who was her real grandmother. Belinda gave Melody hope -- and a glimmer of the pearls of truth she knew were hidden in the shifting Cape Cod sands. Somehow, someday, the story of her past would be her hard-won treasure, to be savored in a world of sunshine and happiness The third novel in the "New York Times" bestselling Logan family series.
One day, Melody returns from school to find her mother packing- Haille announces she and Melody are to leave Sewell abruptly and that Archie will be accompanying them- however, Melody is to refer to Archie as Richard from that point onward. Melody is distrustful of Archie and does not leave willingly as she is sickened by her mother's relationship with Archie so soon after her father's death.
Melody travels with Haille and Archie, and is surprised when they stop in Cape Cod to 'visit' with Chester's brother and sister-in-law, Jacob and Sara Logan. Surprise turns to horror when Haille breaks the news that Melody is to stay with Jacob and Sara indefinitely while Haille pursues a career in Hollywood with Archie's assistance. Melody does not believe in Archie's promises of fame and fortune for Haille and begs her mother not to leave her, however Haille refuses to listen and leaves with Archie anyway.
Melody is left in an unfamiliar house with her Uncle Jacob and Aunt Sara. While Aunt Sara is sweet, and lovingly welcomes Melody, while Uncle Jacob is cold towards her and is very religious. Melody later discovers Jacob's coldness is due to an old family feud between Chester and Jacob. Melody learns that the Logans hated Haille and did not want Chester to marry her, and Jacob and Chester even had a physical fight about it. Melody is distraught to have been left with an Uncle who dislikes her. Aunt Sara believes Melody has been sent to replace her missing daughter Laura, who is presumed dead after an accident at sea.
Melody is uncomfortable with Sara's attempts to dress Melody in Laura's old clothes. Melody does however form close relationships with her cousins Cary, Laura's twin brother and ten year old May, who is deaf. Soon after arriving, Melody is taken to meet her paternal grandmother, Olivia, a strong matriarch who rules the family with an iron fist. Melody and Olivia clash several times throughout the story as Melody resists her grandmother's attempts to control her life and searches for deeply hidden family secrets. It is soon revealed that Haille was adopted as a baby by Samuel and Olivia, meaning that Chester and Haille grew up together as brother and sister.
- Zefira (Velvet) (Italian Edition);
- Melody (Logan Family, book 1) by V C Andrews!
- Melody #1 Logan Family [used book];
Melody is also not Chester's biological daughter; Haille became pregnant as a teenager, and accused Samuel of having fathered the baby. The scandal caused a split in the family as Chester sided with Haille, whom he had always loved, leading Jacob and Olivia to disown him.
The pair then fled to Sewell where Haille later gave birth to Melody.