Falling For You
Showing of 37 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. I have been highly anticipating reading Falling For You. Lisa Schroeder is one of my favorite authors. All of her books go on my auto-preorder list. When she announced Falling For You as her first Young Adult book not written in verse I could not wait to read it and see how well she took it on.
I loved that while Falling For You is not written in verse, you can still fell Lisa's lyrical style of writing through-out. Her writing always flows so smoothly.
Still Falling for You - Wikipedia
One reason I loved Falling For You as much as I did was that the main character was one I really connected to and wanted to root for. Rae has so much that she has to struggle with. She feels like she has to bear the weight of everything on her own. Yet, she is still such a good person, taking her grandmother's saying "The road to happiness is paved with good deeds for others" to heart and really living it. Rae is someone who is constantly striving to make other people's lives better.
Because the book starts with "The hospital" and then flashes back to the last 6 months to tell the story and to lead up to the moment of the hospital I was literally on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what was going to happen to Rae. I just wanted her story to end with a happy ending so badly, and I just didn't see how it was going to get there.
I devoured Falling For You in one sitting, completely immersed in the lives of these characters. I could clearly tell from the beginning that Nathan was going to be bad news for Rae. I was so scared that she was going to just cling to that since she was so alone in her home life. I was so glad to see that she was stronger than that. Rae is able to connect with Leo, who is such a good friend and just an all-around great guy.
Falling For You
He would say some of the sweetest things and I just wanted to reach through the pages and hug him myself. Just like Rae, the people who worked with her at Full Bloom, the flower shop, were among my favorite of the book. I loved Nina and Spencer. Nina was such a great mother figure for Rae and you could just see how much she genuinely cared for her.
Spencer was funny and charming. There games of This or That became a favorite part of the dialogue for me. Falling For You was an emotionally charged and fast-paced YA contemporary. I flew through it in just a few short hours and was left hugging the book to my chest not wanting to let the characters go. I am a huge fan of Ms. The first book I read by her, The Day Before, was just absolutely amazing, and this one is no different. Even though this is not the typical writing Ms.
Schroeder does she usually writes the entire story in verse , I was utterly blown away. The writing is so effortless and raw that it makes you feel like you're reading someone's diary. She is one of the strongest, best heroine's I have read in a while. It isn't just that she keeps all her emotions bottled up, and is somehow able to continue on with her life like nothing is wrong, but it's that she is able to still be happy at the end of the day with her flowers, and the new people she meets.
She is able to make a stand at her school against adversity. I think one of the best things about Rae was that I could connect with her on some levels.

This book shows that there's always a silver lining, and that while things might not be the greatest in you life, you can still carry on because you never know who you might meet that day. I also loved Rae's expression through her poetry. In the latest installment to the Father Christmas trilogy, Miranda and Ian finally look to tie the knot, but more complications are always on the horizon, putting their happily ever after in jeopardy.
While planning a fundraising event, a small New England town's radio station manager meets her match in a visiting businessman who can't seem to see beyond the screen of his laptop computer, until she ropes him into participating in her bachelor bake-off to help save the station. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and have always been a fan of Taylor Cole.
To me, she's very genuine, unlike what other reviewers felt. I don't recall ever seeing Tyler Hynes in a Hallmark movie, and I thought he was believable and perfect for this part. The two had great chemistry in my opinion. Finally, Hallmark allowed a kiss go uninterrupted by a phone call, a child walking in, co-worker, etc. Well, it was interrupted at first, but they threw caution to the wind and kissed anyway.
I would like Hallmark to add a little bit more physical romance to their movies, like a real relationship. The film had an interesting plot albeit, predictable but that's what I love about Hallmark. It's not as bad as the reviewers made it out to be and I've seen worse. Relax and enjoy it. Explore popular and recently added TV series available to stream now with Prime Video. Start your free trial. Find showtimes, watch trailers, browse photos, track your Watchlist and rate your favorite movies and TV shows on your phone or tablet! Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends.
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Radio host Lacey is hosting a bachelor bake-off to raise money to save a radio station. When her star bachelor backs out, she enlists visiting Zac, a businessman, to fill the spot. Joie Botkin , Jessica Gilmore novel. Series Premiere and Return Dates. Share this Rating Title: Falling for You TV Movie 6. Use the HTML below. Mar 30, Winnie rated it it was ok. The story sounded perfect too bad it was so misleading. There was so little love between maddy and Kerr and frankly I'm a bit upset about it. There were a few cute bits between them but the book was more about the other characters.
There seemed to be too many characters,just like Jill mansells other books. It made me lose interest in many character storylines therefore made me resulting to skipping lots of pages. I've like other books by this author and will continue reading her despite this unfortunate lapse in her ability to write likable characters and really tell a story.
Really disliked the step-mother - this would not be a problem if she were meant to be a villain, but it's obvious that the author meant for her to be likable. View all 3 comments. Gostei muito deste livro! Um dos melhores da autora: View all 9 comments. Sep 22, Maggie rated it liked it. I liked it but not as well as other Jill Mansell books.
The ending was too abrupt too. I needed one more chapter. Sep 14, Bethany rated it it was amazing. Feb 28, Alice Law rated it it was ok. I prefer reading stories that only concentrate on 1 or 2 particular couple, not a few in 1 book. Jan 22, Nell rated it really liked it. Good fun read, pov's got a bit muddlesome sometimes and there were plotholes but lovely engrossing story.
I was let down by this book. The characters didn't seem as believable or likable as other Mansell characters. So far, this has been my least favorite Mansell book.
- The Information Society: Cyber Dreams and Digital Nightmares (Digital Media and Society);
- Soundtrack Bridget Jones's Baby;
- Fallin' for You - Wikipedia.
- Fallin' for You.
Jul 09, Diana R. When I was choosing which Jill Mansell book to buy next, I found the one whose protagonist shares my first name and chose that one much like the way my friend picked out my first ever Jill Mansell novel because its protagonist had the same name as my sister; that was A Walk In The Park.
And it was a really fun book! The Romeon-and-Juliet-like situation that Maddy and Kerr find themselves in is awkward, but also sweet, and you can't help but wonder how it's going to resolve itself. The same goes When I was choosing which Jill Mansell book to buy next, I found the one whose protagonist shares my first name and chose that one much like the way my friend picked out my first ever Jill Mansell novel because its protagonist had the same name as my sister; that was A Walk In The Park.
The same goes for the rest of the villagers, who each have their own story and a distinctive personality: Juliet, the kind but mysterious woman who owns the deli and has a young son; Jake, Maddy's younger brother, who is a single father and a ladykiller rolled into one; Nuala, in an abusive relationship with the owner of the pub; and Kate, the former pretty, popular, rich girl who has been disfigured by an accident and now returns from New York to live with her parents in the village again, which she hates.
That's only to name a few, because each character also has family members who get their parts in the spotlight. There's that signature Jill Mansell feel-good feeling to it, with the unavoidable happy ending, but I must say there were some twists along the way that I really didn't see coming.
I won't spoiler; let's just say that early on in the book, I thought some things might go either way and then later, I was leaning towards one way, but it turned out the exact other way - or even in a way that I hadn't seen coming at all. I know that's really vague. Let's just say some revelations were unexpected and leave it at that. A classic Jill, and yet another very lovely one. Aug 22, Valerie rated it did not like it. Oh my god, that first kiss with the whole love declaration is painful to read. It comes from freaking nowhere, it is unrealistic, it feels forced and wrong and it's highly eye-rolling.
I almost deleted the book right there!!! Was this for real??? I could have done without all that lying as well. Hide if you want to be discreet but don't keep lying. This book has been written in an odd way. Their whole back and forth dialogue about trying to put the other off, which I'm guessing is supposed to be funny, falls way short. I found it immature and far from entertaining.
The characters act like teenagers. Even Marcella, who's 43, is so friggin immature emotionally that I wanted to slap her - get over the fact that one of the McKinnons accidentally killed April and stop putting them all in the same basket. Dear god, it's infuriating. No one in this book has any moral values. They're cheating, lying, doing things behind the others' backs. They're a bunch of people with hang-ups and most are in dysfunctional relationships.
I'm giving it 1. Not worth your time. Feb 20, Ulrike rated it liked it. My favourite book by Jill Mansell is still "Open House" - so I am always trying to find one which is in this league. It was nice to read, but - as others already mentioned - there are too many couples stories in there. I would have loved to get Maddy and Kerr what name is that! And I think this is the second book by her were ALL the couples ended happily ever afte My favourite book by Jill Mansell is still "Open House" - so I am always trying to find one which is in this league.
And I think this is the second book by her were ALL the couples ended happily ever after, even the one which was introduced during the last pages.
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Just as if she thinks she can't end a book without all her "creations" becoming happy Jul 31, Carrie rated it really liked it Shelves: With most of Mansell's books, I start reading them and wondering what the heck is happening, where is this going, etc - it takes awhile for me to get into the characters and the story.
Same thing happened with Falling for You I liked the family relationships and the plot twists. Misschien komt het deels doordat ik de vorige boeken van Jill Mansell in het Engels las, en dit boek in het Nederlands. Het verhaal leest vlot. Alleen mocht er inhoudelijk wat meer gefocust zijn op Maddy en Kerr, en wat meer wendingen in het verhaal ingebouwd zijn.