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  5. Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte. Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen.

    12 Novels Considered the “Greatest Book Ever Written”

    Our Mutual Friend Charles Dickens. Breakfast at Tiffany's Truman Capote. Madame Bovary Gustave Flaubert. Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantes. Homage to Catalonia George Orwell. Slaughterhouse 5 Kurt Vonnegut. Grimm Tales Philip Pullman.

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    Fahrenheit Ray Bradbury. Bel Canto Ann Patchett. Therese Raquin Emile Zola. The Magic Toyshop Angela Carter. Northern Lights Philip Pullman. Rebecca Daphne du Maurier. Franny and Zooey J. Story of the Eye Georges Bataille.

    A Suitable Boy Vikram Seth. Midnight's Children Salman Rushdie. The Secret History Donna Tartt. The Remains of the Day Kazuo Ishiguro. A Fine Balance Rohinton Mistry. Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad. Les Miserables Victor Hugo. Lost Illusions Honore de Balzac. The Red and the Black Stendhal. The Idiot Fyodor Dostoyevsky.

    Walden Henry David Thoreau.

    The 10 Greatest Books of All Time

    The novel is renowned for its surreal and experimental style of writing that explores the symbolism surrounding African American identity and culture. Invisible Man won the U. National Book Award for Fiction in The novel was lauded for addressing the psychological effects of slavery and the importance of family and community in healing.

    Beloved was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in Dalloway describes exactly one day in the life of a British socialite named Clarissa Dalloway.

    Using a combination of a third-person narration and the thoughts of various characters, the novel uses a stream-of-consciousness style all the way through. The thoughts of the characters include constant regrets and thoughts of the past, their struggles with mental illness and post-traumatic stress from World War I, and the effect of social pressures. The novel follows an Igbo man named Okonkwo, describing his family, the village in Nigeria where he lives, and the effects of British colonialism on his native country.

    The novel is an example of African postcolonial literature, a genre that has grown in size and recognition since the mids as African people have been able to share their often unheard stories of imperialism from the perspective of the colonized. The novel is frequently assigned for reading in courses on world literature and African studies. At a time when the author felt compelled to hide her true identity, Jane Eyre provided a story of individualism for women.

    Best Books Ever ( books)

    Though the epistolary novel a novel in the form of letters written by one or more characters was most popular before the 19th century, Alice Walker became a champion of the style with her Pulitzer Prize- and National Book Award-winning novel The Color Purple. Set in the post-Civil War American South, the novel follows a young African American girl named Celie into adulthood in letters she writes to God and to her sister Nettie. Celie faces sexual abuse by her father and eventually her husband, chronicling her own suffering and growth as well as that of her friends and family.

    The novel explores themes of sexism, racism, gender, sexual orientation, and disability through its grouping of disadvantaged and damaged characters who, over time, grow to shape their own lives. The story was adapted into an Academy Award-nominated film in that, despite widespread critical acclaim, was notoriously snubbed of all 11 awards it was nominated for. Or one with gritty realism?