Arminius: The Journey
A sturdy copy in good plus, to just less than very good, condition. Vambery , an inveterate traveller and philologist, was born in Hungary. He travelled to Constantinople, where he taught French in the house of a minister and, in , published a German-Turkish dictionary.
In he began his trek through central Asia, often travelling in disguise or, as an 'Efendi' or 'Dervish', as he describes himself in the Preface in order to enter places forbidden to Westerners, or non-believers. He claimed no geological or astronomical accomplishments, stating that the purpose of his journey was philological; that is, the study of the languages of Central Asia under the conditions, and in the surroundings in which they were actually employed.
Brett Reid (Author of Arminius)
After publishing this account, he became professor of oriental languages in Budapest, publishing works on Turkish and other Altaic languages, the ethnography of the Turks, the origins of the Magyars, and many other oriental subjects see Cambridge Bio. New York , Harper. He was a translator for the foreign office. In he was awa- rded a scholarship to undertake a journey into Central Asia to investigate the relationship between the Magyar language and the speech of that region.
Assuming the character of a Dervish he accompanied a band of pilgrims to Khiva. He was the only European traveller to successfully travel through forbidden and dangerous places. He faced four major dangers: Travels in Central Asia Arminius Vambery Ships with Tracking Number!
Ármin Vámbéry
May not contain Access Codes or Supplements. Buy with confidence, excellent customer service! Illustrated with 12 illustrated plates and 1 folding map bound in before last free end page. The green boards soiled and heavily worn, with shelf-wear to edges and gutters.
Rear gutter is starting to separate at top and bottom of spine. Spine strip is heavily worn and chipped at both ends with gilt very dull on spine. Internally, a previous owners name is inked to the top of the 1st free end-page with an old booksellers ticket to the bottom of inside front board.
The Ambush That Changed History
Pages clean save for an occasional smudge or bit of foxing scattered throughout. Parnassus Book Service Published: Performed in the Year Vambery, Arminius , xvi [4] [3] pages, contains 12 full page black and white steel plates including frontispiece. Travels in central Asia: Facsimile reprint of the first English edition, 8vo, pp. A facsimile reprint of the original London edition of The folding map from the original publication is NOT reproduced in this reprint.
Returning to Budapest in , he received a stipend of a thousand florins from the academy, and in the autumn of the same year, disguised as a Sunni dervish , and under the name of Reshit Efendi, he set out from Constantinople. His route lay from Trebizond on the Black Sea to Tehran in Persia, where he joined a band of pilgrims returning from Mecca , spending several months with them traveling across Central Iran Tabriz , Zanjan , and Kazvin.
Throughout this time, he succeeded in maintaining his disguise as "Reshit Efendi," so that upon his arrival at the Khanate of Khiva he managed to keep up appearances during interviews with Khan Sayyid Muhammad.
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Together with his band of travelers, he then crossed Bokhara and arrived at Samarkand. Initially, he aroused the suspicions of the local ruler, who kept him in an audience for a full half-hour. There he took leave of the band of dervishes and joined a caravan to Tehran , and from there, via Trebizond and Erzurum , to Constantinople, arriving there in March After a long and perilous journey he arrived back at Pest in May He went to London to arrange the English language publication of his book about the travels.
He became acquainted with members of British social elite. He was widely celebrated at his 70th birthday in March , receiving greetings from academic institutions all over Europe. He advocated the theory of close Turkic - Hungarian linguistic and ethnic relationship, and his publications on the subject [7] [8] [9] [10] provoked a harsh scientific and public debate in Hungary, remembered as the "Ugric-Turk War". His strongest evidences were the large corpus of ancient Turkish words in Hungarian word-stock for a minimum, and even more with good alternative Turkic etymologies , [11] and the strong typological similarity of Hungarian and Turkic languages.
In his opinion Hungarian is a contact language , more precisely a mixed language , and a fruit of the intermingling of early Hungarians with Turkic peoples; as a result of this merger, the Hungarian language got a unique, distinctly dual Ugric AND Turkic character. The intriguing problem of Turkic-Hungarian language relations [12] [13] [14] is far from settled even after centuries of research. Saami , Samoyed etc.

In Turkey, Hungarian and Turkish are still considered as two branches of the same language family, the Ural—Altaic. Many of his works have been translated into other languages, especially French.
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He also published numerous articles and books, mostly in German and Hungarian. His travels have been translated into many languages, and his Autobiography was written in English. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article uses Western name order when mentioning individuals.