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It has been suggested [ who? Each type of legendary zombie is therefore missing one half of its soul the flesh or the spirit. The zombie belief has its roots in traditions brought to Haiti by enslaved Africans, and their subsequent experiences in the New World. It was thought that the voodoo deity Baron Samedi would gather them from their grave to bring them to a heavenly afterlife in Africa " Guinea " , unless they had offended him in some way, in which case they would be forever a slave after death, as a zombie.
A zombie could also be saved by feeding them salt. English professor Amy Wilentz has written that the modern concept of Zombies was strongly influenced by Haitian slavery. Slave drivers on the plantations, who were usually slaves themselves and sometimes Voodoo priests, used the fear of zombification to discourage slaves from committing suicide. The Haitian zombie phenomenon first attracted widespread international attention during the United States occupation of Haiti — , when a number of case histories of purported "zombies" began to emerge.
Seabrooke cited Article of the Haitian criminal code which was passed in , asserting that it was an official recognition of zombies. This passage was later used in promotional materials for the film White Zombie. Also shall be qualified as attempted murder the employment which may be made by any person of substances which, without causing actual death, produce a lethargic coma more or less prolonged.
If, after the administering of such substances, the person has been buried, the act shall be considered murder no matter what result follows. In , while researching folklore in Haiti, Zora Neale Hurston encountered the case of a woman who appeared in a village. A family claimed she was Felicia Felix-Mentor, a relative who had died and been buried in at the age of The woman was examined by a doctor; X-rays indicated that she did not have a leg fracture that Felix-Mentor was known to have had.
She wrote, "What is more, if science ever gets to the bottom of Vodou in Haiti and Africa, it will be found that some important medical secrets, still unknown to medical science, give it its power, rather than gestures of ceremony.
A Central or West African origin for the Haitian zombie has been postulated based on two etymologies in the Kongo language , nzambi "god" and zumbi " fetish ". This root helps form the names of several deities, including the Kongo creator deity Nzambi a Mpungu and the Louisiana serpent deity Li Grand Zombi a local version of the Haitian Damballa , but it is in fact a generic word for a divine spirit. A related, but also often incorporeal, undead being is the jumbee of the English-speaking Caribbean , considered to be of the same etymology; [25] in the French West Indies also, local "zombies" are recognized, but these are of a more general spirit nature.
In some communities, it is believed that a dead person can be zombified by a small child. These trains appeared ordinary, but were staffed by zombified workers controlled by a witch. The trains would abduct a person boarding at night, and the person would then either be turned into a zombified worker, or beaten and thrown from the train a distance away from the original location. Several decades after Hurston's work, Wade Davis , a Harvard ethnobotanist , presented a pharmacological case for zombies in a paper in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology , [30] and later in two popular books, The Serpent and the Rainbow and Passage of Darkness: The Ethnobiology of the Haitian Zombie Davis traveled to Haiti in and, as a result of his investigations, claimed that a living person can be turned into a zombie by two special powders being introduced into the blood stream usually via a wound.
The first, coup de poudre French: The second powder consists of deliriant drugs such as datura. Together, these powders were said to induce a deathlike state in which the will of the victim would be entirely subjected to that of the bokor. Davis also popularized the story of Clairvius Narcisse , who was claimed to have succumbed to this practice.
The most ethically questioned and least scientifically explored ingredient of the powders, is part of a recently buried child's brain.
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The psychosis induced by the drug and psychological trauma was hypothesised by Davis to reinforce culturally learned beliefs and to cause the individual to reconstruct their identity as that of a zombie, since they "knew" they were dead, and had no other role to play in the Haitian society. Societal reinforcement of the belief was hypothesized by Davis to confirm for the zombie individual the zombie state, and such individuals were known to hang around in graveyards, exhibiting attitudes of low affect.
Davis's claim has been criticized, particularly the suggestion that Haitian witch doctors can keep "zombies" in a state of pharmacologically induced trance for many years. According to psychologist Terence Hines , the scientific community dismisses tetrodotoxin as the cause of this state, and Davis' assessment of the nature of the reports of Haitian zombies is viewed as overly credulous. Laing highlighted the link between social and cultural expectations and compulsion, in the context of schizophrenia and other mental illness, suggesting that schizogenesis may account for some of the psychological aspects of zombification.
Roland Littlewood , professor of anthropology and psychiatry, published a study supporting a social explanation of the zombie phenomenon in the medical journal The Lancet in I came to the conclusion that although it is unlikely that there is a single explanation for all cases where zombies are recognised by locals in Haiti, the mistaken identification of a wandering mentally ill stranger by bereaved relatives is the most likely explanation in many cases.
People with a chronic schizophrenic illness, brain damage or learning disability are not uncommon in rural Haiti, and they would be particularly likely to be identified as zombies. Pulliam and Fonseca and Walz trace the zombie lineage back to ancient Mesopotamia. If you do not open the gate for me to come in, I shall smash the door and shatter the bolt, I shall smash the doorpost and overturn the doors, I shall raise up the dead and they shall eat the living: And the dead shall outnumber the living!
She repeats this same threat in a slightly modified form in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley , while not a zombie novel in particular, prefigures many 20th-century ideas about zombies in that the resurrection of the dead is portrayed as a scientific process rather than a mystical one, and that the resurrected dead are degraded and more violent than their living selves.
Frankenstein , published in , has its roots in European folklore, [44] whose tales of vengeful dead also informed the evolution of the modern conception of the vampire. Though their works could not be properly considered zombie fiction, the supernatural tales of Bierce and Poe would prove influential on later writers such as H. Lovecraft , by Lovecraft's own admission.
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In the s and early s, the American horror author H. Lovecraft wrote several novellae that explored the undead theme. Notably, the resurrected dead are uncontrollable, mostly mute, primitive and extremely violent; though they are not referred to as zombies, their portrayal was prescient, anticipating the modern conception of zombies by several decades. Romero would later claim as an influence. Richard Matheson 's novel I Am Legend , although classified as a vampire story would nonetheless have definitive impact on the zombie genre by way of George A.
The novel and its film adaptation, The Last Man on Earth , which concern a lone human survivor waging war against a world of vampires, would by Romero's own admission greatly influence his low-budget film Night of the Living Dead ; [48] [49] a work that would prove to be more influential on the concept of zombies than any literary or cinematic work before it.

Films featuring zombies have been a part of cinema since the s, with White Zombie directed by Victor Halperin in being one of the earliest examples. Romero's Night of the Living Dead , the zombie trope began to be increasingly linked to consumerism and consumer culture. Voodoo-related zombie themes have also appeared in espionage or adventure themed works outside the horror genre. For example, the original " Jonny Quest " series and the James Bond novel and movie Live and Let Die both feature Caribbean villains who falsely claim the voodoo power of zombification in order to keep others in fear of them.
The modern conception of the zombie owes itself almost entirely to George A. Romero 's film Night of the Living Dead.
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Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times chided theater owners and parents who allowed children access to the film. There was almost complete silence. The movie had stopped being delightfully scary about halfway through, and had become unexpectedly terrifying. There was a little girl across the aisle from me, maybe nine years old, who was sitting very still in her seat and crying. Romero's reinvention of zombies is notable in terms of its thematics; he used zombies not just for their own sake, but as a vehicle "to criticize real-world social ills—such as government ineptitude, bioengineering, slavery, greed and exploitation—while indulging our post-apocalyptic fantasies".
Its first sequel, Dawn of the Dead , was released in Lucio Fulci 's Zombi 2 was released just months after Dawn of the Dead as an ersatz sequel Dawn of the Dead was released in several other countries as Zombi or Zombie. The film Hell of the Living Dead referenced a mutagenic gas as a source of zombie contagion: Return of the Living Dead featured zombies that hungered specifically for brains. The mids produced few zombie films of note. Perhaps the most notable entry, The Evil Dead series, while highly influential are not technically zombie films but films about demonic possession , despite the presence of the undead.
Greetings, Survivors!
After the mids, the subgenre was mostly relegated to the underground. Several years later, zombies experienced a renaissance in low-budget Asian cinema, with a sudden spate of dissimilar entries including Bio Zombie , Wild Zero , Junk , Versus and Stacy There are not many Japanese films related to what may be considered in the West as a zombie film. The turn of the millennium coincided with a decade of box-office successes in which the zombie subgenre experienced a resurgence: The new interest allowed Romero to create the fourth entry in his zombie series: Land of the Dead , released in the summer of Romero returned to the series with the films Diary of the Dead and Survival of the Dead In , the AMC series The Walking Dead had the highest audience ratings in the United States for any show on broadcast or cable with an average of 5.
Intimately tied to the concept of the modern zombie is the "zombie apocalypse"; the breakdown of society as a result of an initial zombie outbreak that spreads. This archetype has emerged as a prolific subgenre of apocalyptic fiction and has been portrayed in many zombie-related media after Night of the Living Dead. Victims of zombies may become zombies themselves. This causes the outbreak to become an exponentially growing crisis: Possible causes for zombie behavior in a modern population can be attributed to viruses, bacteria or other phenomena that reduce the mental capacity of humans causing them to behave in a very primitive and destructive fashion.
The usual subtext of the zombie apocalypse is that civilization is inherently vulnerable to the unexpected, and that most individuals if desperate enough cannot be relied on to comply with the author's ethos. The narrative of a zombie apocalypse carries strong connections to the turbulent social landscape of the United States in the s, when Night of the Living Dead provided an indirect commentary on the dangers of conformity, a theme also explored in the novel The Body Snatchers and associated film Invasion of the Body Snatchers Due to a large number of thematic films and video games, the idea of a zombie apocalypse has entered the mainstream, and many fans have begun making efforts to prepare for the hypothetical future zombie apocalypse.
Such efforts include creating weapons and selling educational material informing people how to survive a zombie outbreak; while most of these are tongue-in-cheek and do not represent an authentic belief that a zombie apocalypse in the near future is likely, [74] [75] the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC have used the fictional scenario to demonstrate survival and emergency-preparedness techniques that may be useful in a "real-world" setting.
The stories usually follow a single group of survivors, caught up in the sudden rush of the crisis. The narrative generally progresses from the onset of the zombie plague, then initial attempts to seek the aid of authorities, the failure of those authorities, through to the sudden catastrophic collapse of all large-scale organization and the characters' subsequent attempts to survive on their own. Such stories are often squarely focused on the way their characters react to such an extreme catastrophe, and how their personalities are changed by the stress, often acting on more primal motivations fear, self-preservation than they would display in normal life.
There has been a growth in the number of zombie manga in the last decade, and in a list of "10 Great Zombie Manga", Anime News Network 's Jason Thompson placed I Am a Hero at number 1, considering it "probably the greatest zombie manga ever". In second place was Living Corpse and in third, Biomega , which he called "the greatest science-fiction virus zombie manga ever".
Artist Jillian McDonald has made several works of video art involving zombies, and exhibited them in her show, "Horror Make-Up," which debuted on 8 September at Art Moving Projects, a gallery in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Artist Karim Charredib has dedicated his work to the zombie figure. In , he made a video installation at villa Savoye called "Them!!! Zombies are a popular theme for video games, particularly of, but not limited to, the stealth , survival horror , first-person shooter and role-playing game genres. PopCap Games ' Plants vs. Zombies , a humorous tower defense game, was an indie hit in , featuring in several best-of lists at the end of that year.
The massively multiplayer online role-playing game Urban Dead , a free grid-based browser game where zombies and survivors fight for control of a ruined city, is one of the most popular games of its type. DayZ , a zombie-based survival horror mod for ArmA 2 , was responsible for over , unit sales of its parent game within two months of its release. Romero would later opine that he believes that much of the 21st century obsessions with Zombies can be traced more towards video games than films, Noting that it was not until the film Zombieland that a Zombie film was able to grose more the million.
Outside of video games, zombies frequently appear in trading card games , such as Magic: The Gathering or Yu-Gi-Oh! The game Humans vs. Zombies is a zombie-themed live-action game played on college campuses. Writing for Scientific American , Kyle Hill praised the game The Last of Us for the game's plausibility, which based its zombie enemies on a fictional strain of the Cordyceps fungus, which has real-world parasitic properties.
Zombie Apocalypse providing tips to survive a zombie invasion as a "fun new way of teaching the importance of emergency preparedness". It uses these to underscore the value of laying in water, food, medical supplies, and other necessities in preparation for any and all potential disasters , be they hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, or hordes of zombies. Do they run faster in warmer temperatures? Do they freeze if it gets too cold? Michael Jackson 's music video Thriller , in which he dances with a troop of zombies, has been preserved as a cultural treasure by the Library of Congress' National Film Registry.
The Brooklyn hip hop trio Flatbush Zombies incorporate many tropes from zombie fiction and play on the theme of a zombie apocalypse in their music. They portray themselves as "living dead", describing their use of psychedelics such as LSD and psilocybin mushrooms as having caused them to experience ego death and rebirth. In the s, zombie fiction emerged as a distinct literary subgenre, with the publication of Book of the Dead and its follow-up Still Dead: Featuring Romero-inspired stories from the likes of Stephen King , the Book of the Dead compilations are regarded as influential in the horror genre and perhaps the first true "zombie literature".
Horror novelist Stephen King has written about zombies including his short story " Home Delivery " and his novel Cell concerning a struggling young artist on a trek from Boston to Maine in hopes of saving his family from a possible worldwide outbreak of zombie-like maniacs. Zombies are slate wipers. Martin's Press stated "In the world of traditional horror, nothing is more popular right now than zombies The living dead are here to stay.
The zombie also appears as a metaphor in protest songs, symbolizing mindless adherence to authority, particularly in law enforcement and the armed forces. Organized zombie walks have been staged, either as performance art or as part of protests that parody political extremism or apathy.
A variation of the zombie walk is the zombie run. Here participants do a 5k run wearing a belt with several flag "lives". If the chasing zombies capture all of the flags the runner becomes "infected". If he or she reaches the finish line—which may involve wide detours—ahead of the zombies the participant is a "survivor".
In either case an appropriate participation medal is awarded. Researchers have used theoretical zombie infections to test epidemiology modeling. One study found that all humans end up turned or dead. This is because the main epidemiological risk of zombies, besides the difficulties of neutralizing them, is that their population just keeps increasing; generations of humans merely "surviving" still have a tendency to feed zombie populations, resulting in gross outnumbering.
The researchers explain that their methods of modelling may be applicable to the spread of political views or diseases with dormant infection. Their work has been featured in Forbes , New York Magazine , and other publications. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Zombie disambiguation. List of zombie video games and Survival horror. List of zombie novels. Zombie walk and Zombie Squad.
Legacy of the Living Dead".