Al-Maalik The Angel of Death
Muslims believe that after a person dies , his soul passes through a stage called barzakh , where it exists in the grave even if the person's body was destroyed, the soul will still rest in the earth near their place of death. Nakir and Munkar prop the deceased soul upright in the grave and ask three questions: What is your religion? What is your faith about this person Muhammad? A righteous believer will respond correctly, saying that their Lord is Allah,that Muhammad is their prophet and that their religion is Islam.
If the deceased answers correctly, the time spent awaiting the resurrection is pleasant and may enter heaven. Those who do not answer as described above are chastised until the day of judgment in hell. Muslims believe that a person will correctly answer the questions not by remembering the answers before death compare with the Egyptian Book of the Dead but by their iman and deeds such as salat and shahadah the Islamic profession of faith.
Munkar and Nakir bear some similarity to Zoroastrian divinities.
Angels in Islam - Wikipedia
Some of these, such as Mithra , Sraosha and Rashnu have a role in the judgement of souls. Rashnu is described as a figure who holds a set of scales, like some angels of the grave.
Brown has suggested that a continuity exists between Rashnu and Munkar and Nakir. He holds the same position in the world of the dead, and also holds a set of scales. Muzania means scales mizan in Aramaic. He begins with Nakru which is an epithet of Nergal and means 'enemy'. Some scholars use a different spelling; nakuru. Moreover, Nergal is a lord of the Underworld and the grave Assyrian qabru: It is narrated in saheeh reports that the two angels whose task it is to question the deceased are black and blue, and one is called al-Munkar and the other is called al-Nakeer.
Al-Tirmidhi narrated that Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah peace and blessings of Allah be upon him said: I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. Then it is said to him: I have come across 2 names of angels hope i am correct. The names are Samanael and Mahalael.
Excuses me if spelling mistakes are done. Could you please let me know the duties of the 2 angels. I tried in many places and with many people.
Angels in Islam
Not got the answer. These are the names apart from the 8 angels which we know. Here are some information from islamqa. Please send your question to the islamqa admins for more details.
The angels are many, and their number is known only to Allah. The angels have names, but we know only the names of a few of them. He comes to him and forces him to die as a Jew or a Christian or as a disbeliever. This is a very intimidating moment. May Allah protect us from falling into his traps amen.
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The Prophet sal allahu alaihi wassallam said: Everyone knows that Imam Ahmad was pious and scholarly. When the death came near to him, he almost passed out. The people around him were saying, Laa ilaaha illallaah. When Imam Ahmad came back to his senses, his son asked him about his statement.
Imam Ahmad replied, Shaitan came to me and said: Al-Qurtubi mentions that a great number of pious and dependable scholars are known to have witnessed the presence of Satan at death. He relates that he heard one of his own respected teachers, Imam Abul-'Abbaas Ahmad bin 'Umar al-Qurtubi, say, "I visited the brother of our teacher, sheikh Abu Jafar Muhammad al-Qurtubi at Cordova and found him near death. It was said to him, 'Repeat Laa ilaaha illallaah,', to which he replied, 'No!
He said, 'Two devils came to me, one on my left and the other on my right. One of them said, "Die as a Jew, for verily it is the best of religions," while the other said, "Die as a Christian, for truly it is the best of religions.
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How dare you say such a thing to me! Allah says in Quran: The above verse implies that every dying person must experience some pain and torment.

Aishah radhiAllaahu 'anha related: He began to dip his hands in the water, and wiping his face with them. There is none worthy of worship except Allah. Indeed death brings with it agonies! Then he raised his hand up and kept repeating, 'In the most exalted company' until his soul was taken and his hand fell limp. Truly, I saw the messenger of Allah when death approached him. He had a container with some water in it into which he dipped his hand and then wiped his face.
Help me to overcome the agonies of death. The soul of a dead person moves up from the toe towards the head. This happens even if a person is drowned in the sea or falls from a mountain. The messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: Abu Hurairah radhiAllaahu 'anhu reported that the messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: The Angel of Death comes to the believer, sits at his head and says, 'O you good soul, come out and receive your Lord's forgiveness and pleasure.
Muslim narrates in a hadith that when the soul of a believer comes out of its body, two angels [besides the angel of death] receive it to escort him to the Heavens. They bring with them beautiful clothing from Jannah, some fragrance of musk, a vase from Jannah. Then they ascend with the soul to Heaven, and they do not pass with it by any group of angels but they say: What is this good and sweet-smelling soul? The two angels tell them he is "such" the son of "such" choosing the best of the names he used to be called in this life.
Until they reach the lowest sky, then they ask permission to enter, and they are granted entry, until they end at the seventh heaven sky, then to Allah, Exalted and High.
Michael (archangel)
Then Allah says, "Return him to the earth, for [I promised them] I have created them from it, and into it I shall return them, and from it I shall extract resurrect them a second time So he is returned to earth and his soul is returned to his body. Thus, he spends time in Barzakh. This day you will be awarded a degrading punishment. Although they are ordered to surrender their souls to the angels, they are unwilling; therefore, the soul must be forced out as it does not wish to meet its punishment.
The Coming of death: According to a hadith: The Angel of Death says to the disbelieving soul: