A Second Selection of Haiku (A Selection of Haiku Book 2)
Dealing with a specific element in haiku, In Due Season: Missias, tackles one of the significant issues in transposing a Japanese genre to the Western world. Poetry of the Natural World offers interesting specifics in this regard. A New Approach to English-language Haiku.
Haiku Resources: A Scholar’s Library of Haiku in English
The final group of scholarly books contrasts Japanese and English-language haiku. The title of another book by Gilbert clearly defines this theme: Of course, there are books that do not fit neatly into the groupings and sub-categories discussed. Essays on Haiku Aesthetics by Paul O. What will come next in research and publications on haiku? All of the above approaches can certainly be continued to good avail, especially studies of modern and contemporary poets and their haiku. In addition, various forms of scholarly interactions between East and West have much to offer.
With our cultural world gradually shrinking, the field of haiku is becoming more and more international, and future publications will certainly both reflect and promote this trend. The Art of Haiku: New York and Tokyo: A Study of Zen in Haiku.
haikuworld books: bringing haiku poets, haiku readers and haiku publishers together!
The Haiku Society of Canada, Translated by Richard Howard. Hill and Wang, Originally published in French, Translated by Jane Reichhold. A History of Haiku: Volume 1, From the Beginnings to Issa. Volume 2, From Issa to the Present.

Japan Travel Bureau, Japanese Life and Character in Senryu. Zen in English Literature and Oriental Classics. Columbia University Press, Signed by Raymond Roselieip. Donegan, Patricia and Yoshie Ishibashi. Chiyo-ni Woman Haiku Master. Red Moon Press, Poetry of the Natural World. An International Poetry Almanac.
Essays on Haiku and Senryu in English. Frogpond XX Supplement Haiku Society of America, Translated by David Chibbet. A History of Japanese Literature: The First Thousand Years. The Poetics of Japanese Verse. University of Tokyo Press, The Winter Sun Shines In: A Life of Masoaka Shiki. The Art of Priest Issa. Buddhist Books International, A Way Into Haiku. British Haiku Society, Translated by Earl Miner and Robert H.
An Introduction to Japanese Court Poetry. Stanford University Press, University of California Press, Studies in English Haiku. Shirane, Haruo and Tomi Suzuki, Editors.
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- Haiku Resources: A Scholar’s Library of Haiku in English.
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Modernity, National Identity, and Japanese Literature. Writings on Poetry and Zen. Swallow Press and Ohio University Press, The Modern English Haiku. The Future of Haiku. Poetic Composition on Living Things. Literary and Art Theories in Japan. Center for Japanese Studies, the University of Michigan, Kodansha International Ltd, The Life and Poetry of Yosa Buson.
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The Nick of Time: Essays on Haiku Aesthetics. The Other World of Richard Wright: Perspectives on His Haiku. University Press of Mississippi, The following books address the how-to of haiku — how to teach, how to compose, how to revise. Beginners typically rely on one or more of these texts as they compose and rework their own haiku. This text provides a good general summary of classical Japanese haiku and the early evolution of the genre in English before setting out guidelines for the teaching and learning of haiku craft.
The reference section includes an extensive list of season-words, a glossary of terms, and bibliography. A Teaching Pack , Second Edition. Carter, Terry Ann, Editor. Lighting the Global Lantern: Township of South Frontenac, Ontario, Canada: Wintergreen Studios Press, A Simple Guide for All. Artful Communicators Press, Aware — A Haiku Primer. The Art of Haiku New Hope International, Modern Haiku Press, Haiku Society of America Education Committee. Haiku Resources Packet for Teachers , 2nd Edition. How to Write, Share, and Teach Haiku.
Writing and Enjoying Haiku: Tokyo, New York, London: The following noteworthy anthologies are recommended for a haiku scholar to know in order to understand the current diversity and breadth of the global haiku community. These anthologies embrace haiku as a literary tradition worthy of study and provide high-quality examples that continue to resonate through multiple readings. In order to be well read, a haiku scholar must read and study multiple anthologies, rather than rely on one seemingly canonical work. Certain poets are widely recognized as quality contributors, but not raised to the level of veneration nor emulation.
The global haiku community is made up of numerous active sub-communities. These sub-communities have their own traditions and historical paths through which they connect and exchange ideas and aesthetic approaches. The anthologies included in this bibliography provide some of the best haiku, excellent critical commentary and access to different approaches. Each contributes something to a larger understanding, and claims to fill some gap that is missing from other anthologies, whether it be historically or aesthetic differences.
Sawa, Yuki, and Edith M. South San Francisco, California: A brief biography and extensive anthology of haiku by the second of the four great haiku masters, Yosa Buson — The Master Haiku Poet. Stanford University Press, Path of Flowering Thorn: The Life and Poetry of Yosa Buson. Hokuseido Press, , These four books on the history and development of Japanese haiku are essential to every haiku library. Originally published in , , and , these four books introduce Eastern culture and present haiku by season. Blyth has written numerous other books on haiku and its history, senryu, and other facets of Japanese culture.
This set is expensive and written from a Zen perspective for which it has been criticized , but it is essential because it includes thousands of the best English translations of the Japanese masters. An Introduction to Haiku: One of the most important books ever written about haiku for an English-speaking audience.
Although less influential today many of its translations are burdened by rhyme and use the pattern , for many decades this book probably influenced haiku in English more than any other. Sato, Hiroaki, and Burton Watson, eds. From the Country of Eight Islands: An Anthology of Japanese Poetry.
Review of Japanese Culture and Society
Columbia University Press, A monumental collection of Japanese poetry in English translation. Includes numerous tanka, renga, and haiku. Places haiku in the larger context of its poetic heritage. Compiles haiku by North American poets. While mostly polarized toward nature poems ignoring many other topics and approaches , this is still an essential reference for anyone wishing to see how haiku is being written in English today.
Compiles more than of the best English-language haiku ever written. A vibrant, liberating book that demonstrates rather than just discusses the possibilities of haiku in English.