7 Tested Suggestions to a Happy Long Distance Relationship (A Personal Experience)
They can be passionate, intense and loving. But what they can't be is battle-tested. Developed romantic relationships require commitment, contact with reality, but most of all they require action. Because the majority of the time spent together in long-distance relationships is precious, most problems are ignored.
As a result, long-distance relationships usually exist in a suspended "honeymoon state," where everything is shiny and happy but devoid of the reality that is necessary to determine if the relationship will ultimately sink or swim. This is why many long-distance relationships fail. Relationships that are forced to become long-distance for a defined period of time e. As a clinical psychologist, I have actually seen these types of relationships thrive. From my experience, successful long-distance relationships appear to have four factors in common:.
Prioritization When you consciously prioritize your long-distance partner above nearly all of your local social commitments, you will be less likely to resent the effort required to make the relationship work.
Why Long-Distance Relationships Never, Ever Work (Except When They Do)
Commitment Commit to spending more than just weekends together. The more time you spend the greater, the chance to deepen the bonds between you and the more opportunity you have to really get to know each other. Sharing If you are in a long-distance relationship, make sure that you don't just spend the time you have together alone. We are all part of communities. When we cut our partners off from our communities they don't really get to know who we are. Planning If you are serious about the relationship begin planning for a time in the not to distant future when the relationship will no longer be long-distance but when the two of you will be together in the same place.
This will allow the relationship to have some forward movement so that it doesn't exist in a suspended state for too long. If you are currently in a long-distance relationship or are considering getting into one, I strongly encourage you to consider how to apply these elements to your relationship. Well, here I am on my 4th year in college-need one more to graduate- having a LDR with a beautiful inside out French guy that originally started being both in the same place-that is Greece- for the first 2 months.
I cannot say much, apart from the fact that I had plenty experiences and I always felt liberated from attachments. Now in my 23 years and for the first time I truly feel in love and ready to be with that person for long time. And that is why…i feel that this is so unfair.. Well my story starts at the beginning of October One night I was just being cheerful and happy and another member of the group attacked me for it saying how I was a fake,considering he was the one asking me to join. I was so upset I spend my night crying. But then suddenly I hear my phone,a text,it was A….
He texted to see if I was alright and that he could provide a shoulder for me to cry on. It never crossed my mind that I could fall for him. I mean he lives a continent away,I was 17 he was We would stay up late talking about a future together,a beach house,him,me,our two daughters and a dog. He filled my days with happiness. Months went by we were more in love with each other. Then one night I felt he was pushing me out. By then I realized hey were dating. I tried my best to keep them together I wanted him happy even tho I was miserable.
I hope he do and I got that feeling yes he do love me: I hope we will be together for forever: I was after my boyfriend for two years and decided to stop at the end of We met through our parents and goes to different colleges. Anyways he started to like me right after and after he confessed we started our relationship long distance. I want to give him a hug after a long day at school and want to hold his hand during a chilly morning. Should I break up with him? Oh and also, my boyfriend lives in the US and I live in Canada. So it all started October when I wrote in a group chat on Facebook about how depressed I was.
That guy was the only one that asked me why. So I sent him a private message and we chatted the rest of the evening. Before that, I had seen him once during a skype group video and thought he was cute but I never dared to talk to him. So that evening, we talked and I even told him the first time I saw him i thought he was cute and everything. Anyways, 2 months passed and feelings started growing and growing.
One day, I got a letter from him. I also sent him a letter and that day we both got our letter so we decided to open them at the same time. His was a poem he made. I cried and kept telling him how much I loved him. So that was the beginning. It was going well until I cheated on him with a guy in the same group chat as before. I felt terrible and one day, when we were both telling the whole story of our life, I included the fact that I cheated on him… he was sad for some days and I was too.
I feel so frustrated not to be able to do anything but hope and wait. I am Hiba from Pakistan. I was in a Long distance relationship for 3 and a half years.. I told him I give up on is too. So we broke up. He told me goodbye I said nothing. Even if he can make it now I will never think about it. He left when I needed him. While I was there for him. Our love was undoubtedly strong and very deep.
I still love him I can tell it. I will fall in love with someone new, I know. But I never would want you back. Im from chicago me and my boyfriend have been together 4 years and we have been apart for 10 months. He used to live here as well but last year he got deported and now cant come back to the U. So i feel like im stuck he cant live here with me and i really dont want to live there with him.
I would have no one but him. My whole family and friends are in chicago. And i dont want to leave i was born here i like it here, ive tried staying with him for a month but i cried almost everyday i know nothing or noone but him. Having no support or just someone to vent sucks, i can tell he feels bad about the situation but were both kind of stuck. I just want to know what to do should i suck it up and go be with him and leave everything.. The last thing i want is to get cheated on and i honestly think it will happen eventually if we keep going with this long distance relationship.
I go through these rough patches when I get stressed out and wish we could be together physically. Ich bin aus Deutschland und er lebt in Indien. Wir beide haben uns auf Facebook durch ein paar Freunde kennengelernt. Damals ging mein Freund und ich durch eine emotionale Phase, die uns das ein oder andere Mal sowohl zusammen, als auch auseinander gerissen hat. LDR sind nicht einfach. Aber meiner Meinung nach ist keine Beziehung einfach. Wenn du ihn liebst, ist die Antwort jedoch eindeutig. Ja, du bist es wert. Zweifelt nicht an eurem Partner und glaubt fest daran. LDR work if both partners love each other: Every time I met her it felt special to me and we two had the best moment together.
She plays professional tennis and moves around the word. I constantly think about her and I know she does the same. The distance and knowing that it is the only barrier hurts. I met her 3 years ago in a college, we fall in love with each other, we love deep and we are clear of our love. We live far away from each other, I already knew that before I decided to take the steps to fall in love with her.
I remember the first time we have to separate, it was the semester break. We visited aquarium the day before, it was the moment of our life and we never forget every precious moment during that day. And now, we had to separate for more than 4 months before we can meet each other for 5 days, we work at different country and I knew this day will come and I had a hard time to face the truth, I became depressed and angry and anxious, I dont want to separate for so long, I want to see her, take her to places, hug her, tell her stories, enjoy movies with her, wake up next to her.
I take a deep breathe and dive into the deep, dark, empty cave inside my mind, I wish I never sees her again, because it keep reminds me each time we meet is another goodbye to all of us and I hated it. She had her jobs now, she live comfortably with her family and friends, she is safe I know that, I tell myself to let go, to trust our relationship and let my worries sink into the deep ocean.
I let go, I breathe again, I focus. We have countless arguements, fights, tears but we still stuck with each other. I am very proud of her, her courage to wait for me, her courage to take the leap of faith into our LDR. In the first time ever, I can really told myself: My advice for LDR is: Make sure you really loves each other, and you could take the pain to be separate into different time zone and such.
LDR is not pretty but it helps us to keep our promises and every time we meet we had more to share and surprise for each other. I was 16 years old when I met this guy online. We talk everyday and sometime we get a chance to see each other in cam. However, it is in Florida and I am from Pennsylvania.
My boyfriend and I have been together about 2 years now. I hate making this decision because I do not want to leave him and put a strain on my relationship. I do not need a doctorate to practice what I want to practice because you can be certified with a year masters degree. But if I stay in PA, I would be taking a year off to work, take more classes, and reapply to more places next year for masters programs. While my family and many others are telling me to go to Florida and make the move, my boyfriend is the one person ignoring the topic and telling me that I do not need my doctorate right away which is true because there are 1 year online programs available after a masters … And I do not need to move across the country to become what I want to become, also true.
Plane tickets are pretty cheap to fly down to Florida from PA, also. It is so hard to pick up and leave everything you love. I just want my relationship to work and I know it can with a positive attitude and visits about once a month. I just wish my boyfriend could view this opportunity as positive. He strongly does not want me to leave. Any advise or help on either my decision to move to Florida, what to say to my boyfriend that can make him more positive about this move, and what to do to make sure that it does work?! My girlfriend and I have been dating for a year and a half, long distant that is.
We met on a random game one day but became really close friends and then a couple. I turned 18 back in March and graduated high school in May. However neither of our families have enough money for a plane ticket. However all of them failed; no one called me back for a job, no on requested a commission, my parents would give me SOME money but ask for it back in a few days, and we all know how the lottery goes.
Also, my girlfriend is a bipolar-depressant who had a history of being suicdal. I made a GoFundMe gofundme. I was hoping that someone would be nice enough to donate to help us finally meet each other. Hi, my name is Maria. I met my lovely boyfriend on October I was going to a university in Canada. I met him in a spanish course that he was taking, me on the other hand, I was just there to help the professor.
I am not the kind of girl that will fall in love at first sight, him on the other hand did. So then we started talking and then I fell for him, and so profoundly. We started dating on November 20, It was so magical, we used to watch movies on his room, cook and had a lot of fun. And my boyfriend has never liked asian girls, for personal reasons. And that was his third semester there.
I swear, all of this made me feel like I was supposed to meet him no matter what, and that we are meant for each other. My fourth semester in the university, I worked hard, I swear I did, but my final exams brought my grades a bit down and my mom is not glad with it. The university here is not really good and very dangerous. I love my honey so much, like crazy, but if i stay then our future will be uncertain.
Can someone please help me? But for now all we have is FaceTime and talking on the phone. I planned after high school to go to a college near her live down there until I finished college then after we both finish college then we will be together. Love has no distance.. This is my story…. Nobody in my family knows about my LDR and the same goes for him except his brother-in-law …. I met him on a PC game on October I was only 12 years old and he was I asked his Skype name and I gave him mine and ever since that day, we kept talking to eachother, every day….
He lives in Detroit and his parents are from Bangladesh. I live in Montreal and my parents are from Central America. The first time we face-camed, the first time we saw eachothers faces… I think you could say that it was magical. So yeah… The more we started to talk, the more we were getting closer. But I was wrong.. I fell in love with him! My boyfriend and I met in 8th grade and as stupid as it sounds we fell in love. We were together until the next summer when I had to move to another country. We both struggled with our own family problems so our bond was very close and we wanted more than anything to have somewhat of a future together.
We decided that if we still had feelings for each other that when I finally moved back home then we would meet up and try it all again. So we continued to talk everyday for the next 4 years. At one point in those 4 years my boyfriend decided he had found someone he liked enough and that maybe it would make his parents happy and it would make us more happy to have someone nearby that cared about us so for about a year we just talked every once in a while a friends as we saw other people but the other relationships never turned out quite right and we ended up not even trying to date anyone else after that.
After 5 years I move back and we met up again. Hey, I met my heart at age 16 on a vacation to see my family in Dominican Republic. We were young and all thought that it would be a brief part in my life. Boy were they wrong we now have two years. And we are both currently I sometimes wish I would have never went through with it. But in lying when I say it because even with all the tears , the struggles , the depression. The heartbreak … It all makes up when we see each other again..
We are in love and people , family and friends tend to get in the relationship. I know my boyfriend since two years. He lives 6 hours by train from me. We started to skype again and in July he came to see me in my city. We spent the whole week together, every single moment.. He said he will come to me for my birthday in December, but in December means in 4 months..
How is it better to keep in touch? I was thinking that maybe I could send A the password to this email and have him look through it..? We shared yadda yadda Thank you for such a great day A: What are your thoughts?
For 4 years…or the first chance he can come back for me and start our life together. Unlike most guys, he wants the same exact thing I do: How do I fix this unfixable heart ache? I think the little gestures make a big difference in helping long distance relationships work. When my boyfriend and I are apart, we will use HugBot app to send silly messages to each other.
Our relationship has had its ups and downs. We are even making do with a long distance relationship. He moved to NYC a year into our relationship so a year ago now. He is there temporarily for work and will return in a year and a half. He is super attentive and caring.
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We FaceTime every week and text each other throughout the day, everyday. Three time zones apart, he texts me when I wake and when he goes to sleep and so much in between. Plus, he visits five times a year for weeks at a time. I can visit sometimes too, but him more since work pays for some of the trips. He is visiting now and has been here a few days and has a week and a half more to go. He came for my birthday. I got paranoid when he said he was hanging with his buddies one night. No secrets—he told me and let me know, but I guess I drew bad memories from the past along with nagging insecurities about not meeting them.
I snapped at him. Quite out of the blue, I said I was going to hang out with a dear friend who was visiting. He was surprised at this and a bit hurt. I guess I resent him for not sharing that part of his life with me. I have brought this up before and expressed it would be nice if I met them. It just gets pushed under the rug. Before he could progress with his visit, I let bad memories of our past cut off potentially good memories from happening.
He does make time for me when he visits—we go on dates, we have our time alone. But I am just wondering why I never met his buddies. I know before he moved away, he was hesitant about the distance, but he had proven in words and actions that he wants me. He has even brought up the prospect of me moving with him for the remainder of his assignment. The man has had a rough love life, btw, with a two year marriage ending 12 years ago because she cheated and a string of failed relationships thereafter.
So, he has his baggage. He is from Denmark and I am from England. It might sound a bit cliche or cringy but when I saw him he gave this smile that lit up my whole world. So after we spoke, we spoke non stop on Skype for a whole week, I felt alive and like I had a purpose. He loved physics and was so passionate about it, his eyes would light up whenever he spoke about it, I wanted to be able to understand him and make him happy but before I felt I ever had the chance to he vanished out of my life without saying a word.
He messaged me for several months and I ignored them all I was so pathetic. I ended up talking to a man much older than I who was the complete opposite of the boy of my dreams, it was the worst thing I ever did. I used that man. He understood and I messaged him as soon as I could, he came back to me.
It was like I had no insecurities no nothing , he made me feel beautiful. But after he left he got very very upset and everytime we would Skype daily he would cry just looking at me, I felt so indescribable, all I want is for him to be happy. It took him some time to get over it but it happened faster than I thought it would, fast forward a month to my birthday.

It was the best moment of my life. Seeing his face makes everything better. He however had to leave the day after which made things very sad but I was so happy I am still so happy. So he went back and the same thing as when he first met me happened, I try my best to stay strong for him. Fast forward to April, I finally saved up enough money to buy tickets to visit him in Denmark. I did everything I could for him. Things were going well for us, he was smiling regularly and my life felt perfect in that moment however a month before I was going there we seemed to be arguing more and questioning our relationship.
I love him and I want everything to make this work. Help would be appreciated thank you. Me and him had so much history that it was all just a punch to the face to me. I would post whatever status I wanted to on how I felt, or just post pictures, etc. But his mom declines. June rolls around and by this time I saved up my birthday money and my graduation money, I buy my ticket to go see him through Amtrack and head over there June 12 , I finally meet the love of my life Long Distance Relationship was definitely hard on both of us, me and him would both take Amtrak to see each other every month until October came, we went on a break and he was off to Basic Training for the military, he was gone for 2months!
He came down for Christmas to see me one last time before he goes off to Tech School for another 2 months!! We ended up happily married ,I become Mrs. And we move to Alaska It was and is not an easy going experience but it was by far the best experience, never give up is the key. If you do want more advice just email me vianeykl. I live in Canada and my boyfriend lives in The Netherlands. We have been together for a year and a half now. My friends met him on an online community called Tinychat a year or two before I did. However, one day in December , I was on broadcast and he happened to be there, and he eventually got my attention.
It was a chatroom full of Filipinos and he was the famous white guy so everyone knew him except for me. He added me on facebook and then on snapchat where he asked for my number. We started FaceTiming for hours everyday without any commitments or not knowing if we like each other. He asked for permission to be my boyfriend from my strict parents. My parents agreed but I told him to wait until I was ready. August , he came to Canada for 6 weeks to meet me. There were misunderstandings and a lot of fights because of the differences in culture, beliefs and religion but I fought for him.
When he went back home, I thought it would be the end of us because of the things he went through because of me, but he stayed with me and we only got stronger. I went to Holland to spend New Year with him and his family. His parents, big sister and little brother as well as his grandmas and friends are the sweetest people ever! I went back to Canada after 3 weeks because I had to go back to school. Time heals as my parents started to accept him again when they realized that he makes me happy. I went back to Holland for 7 weeks and I just got back to Toronto yesterday. I am teary-eyed as I am writing this as I suffer from separation anxiety so terribly.
I could say that our relationship is so much more stronger and we have gotten so much closer and more in love than ever. He loves me for who I am and accepts all my flaws.
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He loves all the little things, even the ones I hate about myself. We both have grown throughout our 1. He always tells me how I made him a better person as well and makes me feel that he loves me everyday. It is not perfect, we have our ups and downs but we never resolved it with breaking up. We always talk when something is wrong and avoid to let each other go to sleep upset. It breaks our hearts everytime we have to separate but we put in mind that the next time we see each other, it will be worth it. Now, I just have to finish my last year in university so we can finally move in together next summer.
He is coming to Toronto in January to celebrate our 2 years, and if my school schedule forbids me, I can come visit him this October as well. To everyone who is in LDR, yes it is not easy and it takes a lot of work and commitment, as you probably know already, but with the right person, it is soooo worth it! I am lucky to have such a great person in my life. He is my travel buddy, my bestfriend, my rock, my inspiration, my pain in the ass, my soulmate — all rolled into one. Team LDR, keep fighting!!! I met a girl. Not just any girl.
And after 5 months,here I find myself, km away from her. My story is a pretty unique one, a beautiful one at that. You know when you meet someone and instead of nerves, sweaty hands and elevated heart rate, there exists just peace? My heart is the biggest part of me; I feel deeply and love even deeper. Unfortunately my past is riddled with fragmented pieces of a broken heart.
So with this in mind, my mind plays tricks on me and develops these stories because we are so far apart. The thing is, I have not been given any reason to mistrust this girl. And whilst I battle through the downs of an LDR I would like to thank you for all of what you say in this article. Too often people bash LDRs and attain negative perceptions. Your words bring positivity to situations like this and give hope. And what is life without hope? Well, there seems to be a lot of mixed stories, some horrible losses, whilst others seem to be going amazing!
December , I met a girl who happened to have a mutual friend! We met on a chat site, known as, Habbo Hotel. I was thirteen, and she was fifteen at the time. I happened to have a little crush on her best friend, who had been a friend of mine a year prior to our meeting, but it was only because she showed me the affection that I wanted. Within weeks of meeting this girl, I started having feelings for her, but she seemed happy with other guys, so, I became her best friend, and her shoulder to lean on. I never cared about how much it hurt me to see her hurt by guys, I was always there to comfort her.
The girl I crushed on previously mentioned that the guy she loved at the time was cheating on her. She soon found out about the guy, and came to me for comfort. I was foolish enough to tell her to follow her heart because she deserves happiness. But, that broke her more. As half a year went by, she started flirting back with me, and would continuously tell me she loved me.
For the rest of my Holiday, we counted down until I got home, and I asked her to be mine. At first I was really happy to be moving. But… I foolishly started talking and hanging out with this guy… At first it was just fun! But I thought it would be harder to stay in touch, and to watch both of us slowly drift away from one another. I went into depression for about a week. I guess this would all be okay if one of us fell out of love for the other because then, then you could hate the person for breaking you.
After this week he calls me. I really do want to keep her and I do want to change…. My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years this September. We met junior year of high school and started dating shortly after. Our relationship has been full of ups and downs of course but we are meant to be. My boyfriend was very popular in high school. He had tons of friends because he played football. After graduating it was apparent he was going away to play football four hours away and I was staying in our town going to community college.
Every year he has to leave way earlier then when school starts because he has football camp. During football camp his schedule is packed so tight there is no room really for much conversation. This will be our third year of long distance. We have grown as a couple and I am happy that he is all mine. Tonight we texted for a few minutes and he sent me a picture of himself. His beard was long, his hair was long and it felt like I was looking at a different person. Everything came rushing to me at once.
I started to cry thinking about how hard this is but how much it will be worth it in the end. I am very lonely, I do not have many friends, I work a very difficult job while being only And struggle with long distance. Im 30 yrs old when i started to have a long distance relationship with a 49 yrs. Old divorced man with 3 kids ages 18, 20, 22 when I met him in a dating site way back Dec. He is living at New York and I am in Philippines. At first we chatted then sent emails and eventually go on skype.
As time pass by we decided to use Viber as way of communication daily. I can use the video but he says that he doesnt have any option of a video in his Viber.. Then after thay his father married a self centered materislistic widow woman. I fully understand his status and i keep on understanding him and do my best to make him feel that I am willing to love him and be here for him even I know it will be tough for both of us to face everything away from each other and even we didnt yet met in person I already trusted him a lot. He planned to go here to meet me on April but it didnt happen because his boss didnt approved his leave..
He surprise me on Aug. He told me he will come here on last quarter of this year. Then i ask him again last June the same question, he said sorry he cant afford for now since he just discovered that one of his son is using a heroin and ne needs to pay a health worker and rehab his son and his youngest child request him to continue support her to her college.. He told me to just hold on and everything will be soon ok..
Ok, pls focus on your kids first and i dont want to be selfish for you. I dont want your kids think that im separating you from them. Hope somebody can advise me here…. I know we will survive.. Looking forward to what future will bring next.. It means that whatever happens on that day or whoever u meet will be there for u forever. So i met him in a game called IMVU. Our mutual friend wanted us to know each other.
We were talking everyday, we even talked about our secrets and childhood things that nobody knew about us. That was the time when i first realized that i had feelings for him. This was after two weeks of meeting him. And do u know what she did? She confessed to him next day. He rejected her and cause of that she said that she was joking. That girl was always so jealous of me. Cause people would talk to me more and i was more known there. So she was talking behind my back.
And like this 3months went by. It was April 29th. When i woke up and read it i was just so confused. We often joked about being together as if i was Juliet and he was Romeo and we loved each other. So when he confessed to me it was a bit different from what we used to joke about.
And i texted him the stupudest thing. But it got serious in the middle of July. I had a friend boy. He was playing that game with us, he was like my brother. But he said really bad things to me. My boyfriend was drunk that day and that made things worse. My friend invited me in a room i mean in the game And told me that he had dream about me that i raped him and things like this. I felt really insulted. He was really mad. I was so scared. It was the worst day in my life. Our main problem is age. Travel takes 4hour i guess. I just wont be able to forget about him. And it is the first time falling in my life and also my guy…….
He is my soulmate…….. Hoping all will pray for us…..
Why Long-Distance Relationships Never, Ever Work (Except When They Do) | HuffPost Life
We working on an art project in Finland and trying to find couples in long-distance relationship using Skype or other video platforms. The end result will be a set of portraits, as well as a experimental short documentary. There are some portraits of the couples photographed so far. Great if you can help! Well we met in chat. At firts we were just friends, but the more we talked the more we more like each other.
That was a year and 9 months ago. I have days when I think that maybe our lives would be better if we end. I know it a stupid and weak thing to say, but this last months are killing me. I am really sad and starting to lose hope that someday we could be together. My Long Distance relationship is kind of stressing.
But I hope I can inspire also tips will work out for me thanks! Met my significant other when I was 12 on this fan account. At first we were alright. He was my friend and I was his. We would on occasions talk but not much. Anyways, it was finally until May 20, he asked me to be his.
Notice we have never met in person! But we FaceTime, text, all the time. At least my parents do not approve. We understand the situation and he told me once that when he turned 18 he would earn as much money to go to USA and see me. That was the detail I forgot.
He also lives in Poland. I love him more than i have ever loved any other man. I hope we get a happy ending. I met my boyfriend online about a year and 8 months ago, we met in person after around 2 months of speaking. What do they know? The people that say that have obviously never fell in love with someone who lives so far away, haters will hate. My boyfriend is my bestfriend and my soulmate! We are all so strong. LDR is all of our lives. I did it , like this ;. But i was madly in love with him, end of and beginning of my parfnts got together again and decided to move to the country where my father lives.
And few months later we did, since then we had so many peoblems and fights now he is my neighbour he was very disrespectful many times and now we are slowly fuxing our problems but we have a long way to go. I am Acevedo tuma I met Yoania Rivero online and we love each other so much even if we get mad at each other we resolve it and I want to marry her to make her my wife and have kids with her. Hi my name is Bee. And for him to come back I must shout, scream at him then he will come and be with me for two days then he goes back. My problem is now he is telling me that where he is staying he signed a contract which is expiring this year December but still he want to renew it so that he all be still staying there.
He only came back twice since he went there. I have a LDR. I was hurt because of my ex. I found him with another girl. Months pass by and I was still hurt until I met this guy. I remember each word we said. I was complaining about the weather, It was freezing and I said: He laughed and answer: He sounded so calm and sweet. The next days we kept talking. I told him about my ex and was very comprehensive. Day by day something started to grow inside my heart. I was not feeling alone any more.
He stayed next to me. His laugh and way of speaking calmly made me fall in love with him. Will he like me? It was the most perfect moment in my life. He started to smile. I fell for his smile. After many calls we decided to start a relationship. Since then we still together. On November, Sunday 20th, we will be celebrating our 1st anniversary. I hope one day I could visit him. However, we both came from a rough family background, and we share the same goal. We want to create lives for ourselves distanced from our struggles at home, and I personally have found a lot of comfort and love in him and our relationship.
Between my age, the distance, and the fact that yes, though we spend hours and hours together, those hours only add to a few months, I feel that I have a significantly small amount of support around me. And I truly feel defeated when we run into issues, We ran into a rather large one recently because everyone expects me to just immediately break up with him. Does anyone have any advice? I think he was selfish and he thought love is something that has to go through challenges and tests.
Love is about love, nothing else. I met her in March while playing an online game. Then from September I had much more free time and my interest on that girl was still there. And one day, all of the sudden, we had a long conversation which she had started. After that we used to talk daily once in a week. She became the only person I trusted and I opened up about my worries and fears I was always scared of people and very negative about myself. She would understand how I feel and know my mood just from the first words when we talked. Also I felt a strong power dragging me into her. On November 19th I added her on facebook.
She was a bit different than I had imagined.
❤ Your Story
She had many many problems and my heart was breaking every time when she would say something really bad about herself. It took one month until she felt brave enough to send me a picture of her. And when I saw her I though she is beautiful. Of course she always said the opposite. We got to know eachother better and I was finally brave enough to tell her that I love her.
Until one day I realised that I had never loved any friend like that and she was so dear, so special to my heart. It was something in me that in my opinion still had to grow, learn and realise things. After May 5th everything was fine. And it is still fine. We started calling and I absolutely loved her voice. And her being mad sounds.
Of course, we had our ups and downs, but everything worked out. I felt like she is my soulmate. And I missed her even before meeting her in real life. We met on August 19th 19th is our lucky day, because it started not a one new beginning for us. I was exremely nervous, happy and excited about meeting her. When I saw her, I froze, because I forgot how to move. After 2 secods and ran to her, hugged her, started shaking and crying from happiness. Then we hugged again. I felt like I had known her for one million years, like I was finally where I belong. We spent 3 wonderful hours together sadly it was just 3….
I had never felt so much happiness, peace, joy in my heart. With her I was safe and brave and all my worries went away. It was just me and her in our little magical world. And now a bit over 3 months after our meeting I miss being with her badly. Sometimes I even cry. I just know I missed my girl so badly over the last few weeks. I hope I can find strength in me, because she is surely worth fighting for and I do not want to lose her cause of my insecurities.
Hea guys I really want to clarify an issue on LDR. You begin to wonder what makes you unnecessaryily depressed and when u sit and question yourself you find out y U make regrets…in a LDR u seeing or meeting the person is of importance high importance I no how that really feels let me just say I never got to see my boyfriend for 3years of LDR it ruined me as hell and was really depressed my depression was on a daily basis..
He is in Cyprus schooling he really broke my hear with all the promises he made and we never meet. I will advise even my enemy not to be in a LDR it sucks. Hi, I just broke up with my two years boyfriend cause he is going to finish his carrer to another country. I believe if there is love distance is not a big problem, and I know so many long distance relationships work, and I want to make him see that.
Sorry for any grammar mistake, my native language is Spanish. I just came across this website and I really need an opinion on my LDR. Although we have only been in a relationship for 5 months, we had an instant connection from the start. I really want to be with him and he wants to be with me. He found an apartment and he has a job. I only have 1 thing stopping me. How can I convince my family that he is a real guy and not just someone trying to catfish me?
My boyfriend lives in Ohio while I live in PA. I met this guy by an online class. I love him so much… He wants to marry me and I want to get marry with him too. He is the lovely guy ever. Me and my boyfriend have been together for about 4 years. We have been an LDR from the past 2 years.. Initially, since we could see each other every day, it was a lot more fun. In a long distance relationship, you really need to communicate. It seems like the honeymoon period is over. Both of us get busy in our own lives, leaving no time for the other person.
Sometimes, i get really worried.. Even when i am busy, i manage to take out my phone every night, just to leave him texts, but mostly, his replies are one worded and really late. Both of us are still in college.. When we meet, the spark is back. A very weird graph, i must say. May be i am over thinking things. May be he is really busy. Please leave a reply if you think m just over thinking things here. My LDR is something special. My wonderful boyfriend makes me feel loved and special and I love him with all my heart.
We are both high school seniors, off to college next year. I trust him and care about him and know things will work out. He wants to go to college in California so he can be with me, and I know there is hope for the future. So hold on and be strong and look forward to your time together, and you and your loved one can live happily ever after: I met my girl friend when we were about 3 we were close friends at that time but my dad got a job opportunity in Australia so we moved there where I currently live.
I one day found her on Instagram so i added her and we started talking and she fell for me first. Here I met an amazing guy, and of course I fell for him so badly.