The Northern Front: A Wartime Diary
Iqbal marked it as to-read Sep 26, Alicia marked it as to-read May 23, Scott marked it as to-read Jun 29, Saqi Books added it May 06, Dan marked it as to-read May 17, Rachel marked it as to-read Jun 05, Ali Hassani marked it as to-read Dec 05, Mike marked it as to-read Jul 29, Alexandra Mcgowan marked it as to-read Aug 12, David Hilbish marked it as to-read Jan 18, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Charles Glass is an author, journalist and broadcaster, who specializes in the Middle East.
He is the author of Syria Charles Glass is an author, journalist and broadcaster, who specializes in the Middle East. Books by Charles Glass. Trivia About The Northern Fron No trivia or quizzes yet. The policy worked well for Japan and produced extensive collaboration from both the elite and the middle class, with far less terror than in other Chinese cities. Hong Kong was transformed into a Japanese colony, with Japanese businesses replacing the British. The Japanese Empire had severe logistical difficulties and by the food supply for Hong Kong was problematic.
Grandmother's wartime diary inspires former Northern Echo reporter's first book
The overlords became more brutal and corrupt, and the Chinese gentry became disenchanted. With the surrender of Japan the transition back to British rule was smooth, for on the mainland the Nationalist and Communists forces were preparing for a civil war and ignored Hong Kong. In the long run the occupation strengthened the pre-war social and economic order among the Chinese business community by eliminating some conflicts of interests and reducing the prestige and power of the British.
Germany had not fully mobilized in , nor even in Not until , under Albert Speer the minister of armaments in the Reich , did Germany finally redirect its entire economy and manpower to war production. Instead of using all available Germans, it brought in millions of slave workers from conquered countries , treating them badly and getting low productivity in return.
Hitler's strategy was to change this by a series of surprise blitzkriegs. This failed with defeats in Russia in and , and against the economic power of the allies. The Nazis forced 15 million people to work in Germany including POWs ; many died from bad living conditions, mistreatment, malnutrition, and executions. They were especially concentrated in munitions and agriculture. Although Germany had about double the population of Britain 80 million versus 46 million , it had to use far more labor to provide food and energy.
For Germany to build its twelve synthetic oil plants with a capacity of 3. Britain imported all its oil from Iraq, Persia and North America. To overcome this problem, Germany employed millions of forced laborers and POWs; by , they had brought in more than five million civilian workers and nearly two million prisoners of war—a total of 7.
Rationing in Germany was introduced in immediately upon the outbreak of hostilities. Hitler was at first convinced that it would affect public support for the war if a strict rationing program was introduced. The Nazis were popular partly because Germany was relatively prosperous, and Hitler did not want to lose popularity or public support.
Hitler felt that food and other shortages had been a major factor in destroying civilian morale during World War I, leading to defeatism and surrender. Despite the rationing, civilians had enough food and clothing; witness Howard K. Smith later wrote that "[f]or a people engaged in a life-and-death war After the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June , however, this changed to g per week, then fell further.
According to a post by Walter Felscher to the "Memories of the s" electronic mailing list:. For every person, there were rationing cards for general foodstuffs, meats, fats such as butter, margarine and oil and tobacco products distributed every other month. The cards were printed on strong paper, containing numerous small "Marken" subdivisions printed with their value — for example, from "5 g Butter" to " g Butter".
Every acquisition of rationed goods required an appropriate "Marken", and if a person wished to eat a certain soup at a restaurant, the waiter would take out a pair of scissors and cut off the required items to make the soup and amounts listed on the menu. In the evenings, restaurant-owners would spend an hour at least gluing the collected "Marken" onto large sheets of paper which they then had to hand in to the appropriate authorities.
The rations were enough to live from, but clearly did not permit luxuries. Whipped cream was unknown from until , as well as chocolates, cakes with rich creams etc. Meat could not be eaten every day. Other items were not rationed, but simply became unavailable as they had to be imported from overseas: Vegetables and local fruit were not rationed; imported citrus fruits and bananas were unavailable.
In more rural areas, farmers continued to bring their products to the markets, as large cities depended on long distance delivery. Many people kept rabbits for their meat when it became scarce in shops, and it was often a child's job to care for them each day. By spring , food distribution and the ration system were increasingly in collapse, due to insurmountable transportation disruption and the rapid advance of the Allied armies from west and east with consequent loss of food storage facilities.
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In Berlin, at the start of the Battle of Berlin , the authorities announced a special supplementary food ration on April 20, It consisted of a pound g of bacon or sausage, half a pound of rice, half a pound of peas or pulses, a pound of sugar, four ounces g of coffee substitute, one ounce of real coffee, and a tin of vegetables or fruit. They also announced that standard food ration allocations for the next fortnight could be claimed in advance.
Germany had a very large and well organized nursing service, with three main organizations, one for Catholics, one for Protestants, and the DRK Red Cross. In the Nazis set up their own nursing unit, the Brown nurses, which absorbed one of the smaller groups, bringing it up to 40, members. It set up kindergartens in competition with the other nursing organizations, hoping to seize control of the minds of the younger Germans. Civilian psychiatric nurses who were Nazi party members participated in the killing of invalids, although this was shrouded in euphemisms and denials.
Military nursing was primarily handled by the DRK, which came under partial Nazi control. Frontline medical services were provided by male doctors and medics. Red Cross nurses served widely within the military medical services, staffing the hospitals that perforce were close to the front lines and at risk of bombing attacks. Two dozen were awarded the highly prestigious Iron Cross for heroism under fire. They are among the , German women who served with the military. The conquest of Germany in freed 11 million foreigners, called "displaced persons" DPs - chiefly forced laborers and POWs.
Home front during World War II - Wikipedia
In addition to the POWs, the Germans seized 2. Returning them home was a high priority for the Allies. However, in the case of Russians and Ukrainians returning often meant suspicion or prison or even death. In —45, over 2.
Meanwhile, Moscow encouraged its troops to regard German women as targets for revenge. Russian Marshal Georgi Zhukov called on his troops to, "Remember our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers, our wives and children tortured to death by Germans We shall exact a brutal revenge for everything.
The Japanese home front was elaborately organized, block by block, with full-scale food rationing and many controls over labor. The government used propaganda heavily and planned in minute detail regarding the mobilization of manpower, identification of critical choke points, food supplies, logistics, air raid shelters, and the evacuation of children and civilians from targeted cities.
Food supplies were very tight before the heavy bombing began in fall , then grew to a crisis. There was only a small increase of 1. The minister of welfare announced, "In order to secure its labor force, the enemy is drafting women, but in Japan, out of consideration for the family system, we will not draft them.
The weaknesses in the maximum utilization of womanpower was indicated by the presence of , domestic servants in wealthy families in The government wanted to raise the birthrate, even with 8. Government incentives helped to raise the marriage rate, but the number of births held steady at about 2. Strict rationing of milk led to smaller babies. There was little or no long-term impact on the overall demographic profile of Japan. The government began making evacuation plans in late , and started removing entire schools from industrial cities to the countryside, where they were safe from bombing and had better access to food supplies.
Left behind were the munitions workers and government officials. Civil defense units were transformed into combat units, especially the Peoples Volunteer Combat Corps, enlisting civilian men up to the age of 60 and women to age Starting in January the government operated an intensive training program to enable the entire civilian population to fight the "decisive battle" with the American invaders using grenades, explosive gliders and bamboo spears. Everyone understood they would probably die in what the government called, the "Grand Suicide of the One Hundred Million.
Agricultural production in the home islands held up well during the war until the bombing started. It fell from an index of in to 84 in and only 65 in Worse, imports dried up. The Japanese domestic food supply depended upon imports, which were largely cut off by the American submarine and bombing campaigns. Likewise there was little deep sea fishing, so that the fish ration by was mostly squid harvested from coastal waters. The result was a growing food shortage, especially in the cities. There was some malnutrition but no reported starvation.
They would rely on savings or exchange food for clothes or other possessions. The Battle of Okinawa resulted in 80,—, civilian deaths. In addition civilian death among settlers who died attempting to return to Japan from Manchuria in the winter of were probably around , The total of Japanese military fatalities between and were 2. Health and living conditions worsened after the surrender in September Most of the housing stock in large cities was destroyed, just as refugees tried to return from the rural areas. Adding to the crisis there was an influx of 3. The American bombing campaign of all major cities severely impacted the economy, as did the shortages of oil and raw materials that intensified when Japanese merchant shipping was mostly sunk by American submarines.
When industrial production was available to the military, for example, 24 percent of Japan's finished steel in was allocated to the military, compared to 85 percent in Severe food shortages were common throughout the war zones, especially in Europe where Germany used starvation as a military weapon. Japan did not use it as a deliberate policy, but the breakdown of its transportation and distribution systems led to famine and starvation conditions among its soldiers on many Pacific islands.
In each famine at least two million people died. They all occurred in densely populated provinces where the subsistence foundations of agriculture was failing under the weight of demographic and market pressures. In each cases famine played a role in undermining the legitimacy of the state and the preexisting social structure. A great deal of housing was destroyed or largely damaged during the war, especially in the Soviet Union, [] Germany, and Japan.
In Japan, about a third of the families were homeless at the end of the war. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Allies of World War II. Belgium in World War II.
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- The Northern Front: A Wartime Diary - Charles Glass - Google Книги.
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- The Northern Front: A Wartime Diary by Charles Glass.
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Dutch famine of Rationing in the United Kingdom. Australian home front during World War II. India in World War II. Wives of French Prisoners of War, — Collingham, The Taste of War: Archived from the original on Disease, Starvation and Death in the Warsaw Ghetto. Thurston and Bernd Bonwetsch Urbana: University of Illinois Press, , Retrieved 25 March The Philippine Example, —," Agricultural History 64 3 pp.
Britain, —45 is the standard scholarly history. Rationing" History in Focus: Its origins and outcomes. A Companion to Contemporary Britain: Roy, The Triumph of Citizenship: Potts, Yanks Down Under, — Baker War Economy , the official history; and Nancy M. Greenough, Prosperity and Misery in Modern Bengal: The Fall Of Hong Kong: Britain, China and the Japanese Occupation.
The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy pp. Archived from the original on April 15, Last Train from Berlin. Memories of the 's mailing list archive.
- The Northern Front | Saqi Books;
- Elizabethan Renaissance.
- Home front during World War II?
The Fall Of Berlin Fifth ed. The Last Battle ed. Hitchcock, The Bitter Road to Freedom: Havens, Valley of Darkness: Economic History of Japan — Mrs Leatherdale, who turned 93 this year and lives in Bradford-on-Avon near Bath,said: Although it was obviously a scary time it was also quite exciting.

Mr Leatherdale will be giving a talk and selling copies of the book, which is being published by Pen and Sword, at a launch at Durham Town Hall from 6pm to 8pm on Thursday, October 5. Tickets to the event are free but places need to be registered at eventbrite.
The Northern Front: A Wartime Diary
Grandmother's wartime diary inspires former Northern Echo reporter's first book. See all photos images. Get involved with the news in your community.