The Adventures T-Man 2: A World Wide Crime-Buster
Hvalross 31 October This, along with "Odds and Evens" are easily Bud and Terence's best movies along their "Trinity" stuff released in the early 70's. This, along with "All The Way, Boys! Superb acting by the duo, in their own lovely style! The storyline here is slightly stronger here than on later movies too. Some flaws are present though; this one is a bit long, and drags abit, but otherwise a really excellent movie! Great acting and memorable quotes. A bit long, though a great movie nevertheless!
M 30 January Just go watch that movie. It has the best opening scene a movie ever had. It is funny, it is entertaining, it is full of action This movie is tons of fun. Spencer and Hill meet each other in the harbor while looking for work. They decide to rob a store, and see two cops in there. They tell the cops that they want to be cops as well. Afterwards, they run into a police station and tell them again that they want to be cops. So they get hired. My favorite bad guy is the Indian chief sitting on the hood of the pickup truck.
The football fighting scene was a riot as well. The whole thing is filled with laughs, and is one of my favorite Spencer and Hill movies. Watch it when you have some free time, or when you are in a bad mood. It will cheer you up. The absolutely best thing in this film is that it does not ask you much to enjoy it.
Only excuse you have to make is that it contains unrealistic fist fighting and the film is therefore pretty violent though nobody gets hurt. It's like grown up men pretending to be again ten year old boys. The film does not contain dull moments: Bud Spencer never smiles nor frowns even if the baddies punch him and Terence Hill has always that trademark boyish grim on his face. Quite unrealistic is that the heroes "accidentally" join police force and beat the bad guys with ridiculous tricks, but you can't consider anything too critically as you'd only lose the true essence of this hilarious comedy.
The thin and fat comedy duo is as old as time itself and you have them almost all over the world. Here we get the Italian version, although the setting is supposedly Miami. I loved the teaming of Bud Spencer and Terence when I was a kid and this is definitely one of their best offerings.
It helps that their comedy is of the slapstick variety because the dialog is not one of the teams best friends. The plot is pretty outrageous. Terence and Bud are recruited unwillingly as police officers when they accidentally walk into a police station, trying to rob it. He plays the screaming police comical captain really well but the movie squarely belongs to Bud and Terence.
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There is a rather boring subplot about a woman played by the Asian Emmanuelle but luckily the emphasis is on slapstick fights. It almost amused me to no end that Bud and Terence's opponents almost enjoyed getting thrashed. They try again and again and are always thoroughly beaten up no blood, though. The team was in almost 20 films together but this is definitely one of the better ones. Silly slapstick comedy is both sluggish and childish let's just say that it's less realistic than the average "Police Academy" sequel , but Terence Hill, with his acrobatic skills and use of everyday objects in the fight scenes, comes through as a somewhat slower version of Jackie Chan, and Bud Spencer's reactions and mutterings earn some laughs.
I remember watching this one for the first time at a church youth group activity in We had a large group of us sitting on the floor in the lounge viewing it and I thoroughly enjoyed it. In this movie our duo are a couple of small time criminals who when attempting to commit a robbery end up unintentionally enlisting in the police force and once there, attempt to do everything wrong so they will get fired.
However no matter what they do, they end up commended for it. The highlight for me was the final showdown at the bowling alley. This was once again filmed in Florida, like so many other of their adventures, and sees them playing a couple of low-rent crooks who through a series of bizarre misadventures end up becoming cops and going around on motorbike patrol, tackling bad guys at every turn. Any fan of the comedy duo will know what to expect from this movie. There's a lot of character humour, mostly at Bud Spencer's expense, and the vestiges of a plot here and there to tie together what is in essence a string of action set-pieces.
There's a notable amount of action in this one, kicking off right at the outset, with chases and sprawling fights dotted throughout. The fight in the bowling alley and the bit in the cafe where the guys pretend to be disabled are the highlights for me. Luciano Catenacci has a nice turn as the gang leader.
Terrence Hill and Bud Spencer made it big on the American screen with their performances as Trinity and Bambino in the two popular spaghetti westerns in the early Seventies. Unfortunately their other comic adventure movies never seemed to go over big on this side of the pond. I only discovered Mr.
Spencer other film work when I was working overseas in Saudi Arabia. I have recently been watching more of their movies that are available on youtube and are dubbed in English. The violence is very much in the vein of the Three Stooges and the Marx Brothers; slapstick all the way and without any blood. I highly recommend this film top my fellow Americans who may not be aware of the marvelous movies of these two Italian actors: Terrence Hill and Bud Spencer. Matt Kirby and Wilbur Walsh meet each other when looking for a job in a harbor. They are both rejected in a rude way.
This leads to the first slapstick fightscene. Because they still don't have a job they decide to go for the quick money by robbing a supermarket. In a snackbar they meet two cops. Just for fun Matt and Wilbur tell that they want to be a cop. By mistake they run into a policestation when intending to rob the supermarket. The same two cops are there and get Matt and Wilbur a job by the police.
Being a cop they meet al sorts of criminals, but when they are never fighting when they are in their uniform. The red line in the movie is a man from Shanghai. First Matt meets him in the harbor, later they run into him when being a cop. Then they accidently meet his family, and at the end they solve a case where he was part of.
It's an easy to watch and funny movie, just for a rainy sunday afternoon.
Crime Busters () - Crime Busters () - User Reviews - IMDb
This leads to the first slapstick action. In a snack-bar they meet two cops. By mistake they run into a police station when intending to rob the supermarket. Available in Prime Go For It. Available in Prime Miami Supercops.
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Available in Prime Carambola. Available in Prime Odds And Evens. Available in Prime Flatfoot In Africa. Available in Prime Lucky Luke. Available in Prime Banana Joe. Available in Prime Blackie The Prirate. Available in Prime Flatfoot in Hong Kong. Available in Prime Bomber. Available in Prime Super Snooper. Available in Prime Charleston.
12 customer reviews
Available in Prime Thieves and Robbers. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention bud spencer terence hill crime busters laura gemser spencer and terence picture quality movies comedy films guys police funny watching later. Showing of 12 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now.
Please try again later. The transfers are generally good, acceptable given their age with some contrast problems. Overall the films are enjoyable with some early actors later to become household names. Cagney plays an aggressive American newspaper editor in Tokyo. He publishes the Japanese Master Plan that plots world domination. Colonel Tojo is not impressed.
Crime Busters
The film packs a powerful message for it's time. Excellent picture quality and fine performances from Cagney and spy Sydney. A low budget movie that manages to create atmosphere and tension. Richard Basehart is a psychopathic thief who kills a policeman causing a massive LA police search.
A compelling character study Basehart and a stimulus for Jack Webb to create Dragnet. A woman narcotics smuggler determines to betray her colleagues to the authorities. Good routine semi-documentary notable for a young Yul Brynner as villain-in-chief using a yacht club as a front for his heroin smuggling. Edmond O'Brien is slipped a slow-acting poison and spends 24 hours hunting his own murderer. A slow-burning thriller that takes us on a journey through the underbelly of LA. Moody atmosphere and entertaining.
Directed by Ida Lupino, the only woman to direct a film noir. Two mates O'Brien, Lovejoy go on a fishing trip to Mexico in this wilderness thriller. Lupino draws a cracking performance of malevolence from William Talman as the serial killer abused as a child. Authentic terror by the threatened fishermen hostages. Probably the best film in the collection. A US customs agent investigates the death of his partner and becomes involved in a complex web of jewel smuggling deceit and murder.

All of them will provide entertainment.