Tessies Secret/Annabelles Secret Crush
Lastly, people always complain about this with other YA authors, but Cassie Clare also literally pairs everyone off together in her books. Especially since this series really focuses so much on themes of the importance of found families. But the rest of my review is going to touch on a couple key things that happened in this book and things that have happened in previous books, so please use caution reading the rest of this review if you have not read this book and its predecessors! Her and Magnus both just tug at every heartstring I have.
But I love her character, I loved her growth, and I even loved her struggle to be enough, to be loved, and to be happy. Every year, Tessa, on one day, I will meet you on that bridge. I will come from the Silent City and I will meet you, and we will be together, if only for an hour.
But you must tell no one. Music means so much to me, and the power, healing, and love that it creates really does transcend everything. My sweet, kind, unconditionally loving, boy. Of the girl who had hit over the head with a water jug the boy who had come to rescue her, and how he had fallen in love with her in that instant.
And not to make light of the situation, and I do think it is important to see some beloved characters move on, but I would have so gotten bit by a vampire. Like, these shadowhunters are wild. Her heart is so big, and she always finds even more room to love others. Such a great character. Did it surprise you all? I mean… I knew Henry had red hair. I mean, I should have guessed. But how perfect is that lineage marker? Easily one of my favorites of this trilogy. But I really did love the addition of Cecily, even though I see many of my friends did not.
Magnus really is my favorite from this entire world, and he proves over and over how selfless he is time and time again. And it truly makes the perfect connection to everything him and Alec are going through in The Mortal Instruments. But I think he did a good job at showing us how abusive people will do anything to get their way; even lulling you into a false sense of security.
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Nothing really else to say. Overall, I loved this book with my entire heart and soul. Yet, I will say that I think she gets better and better as a writer, and everyone promises me more fae in The Dark Artifices so we will see! The Full Story forever! View all 68 comments. So I have read the book. Now, I'd feel really bad if I had to deleted the whole what-the-fuck-is-gonna-happen conjectures I'd written in this 'review' before reading it, so I'll just put everything into spoiler. So if you haven't read the book yet, you can open the spoiler as it's not actually a spoiler but only a list of my thoughts BEFORE reading the book.
We team up with Will! It kind of looks like Megan Fox, there. I think it does. Anyway, it has a cover. Tessa, this song is for you, darling. From the bottom of my heart. I only use "fucking" to underline the concept. This one is much more fucking difficult and has got me pulling my hair out trying to decipher it. Brother Zachariah seems to be more open to talk than the other Silent Brothers.
He tells Maryse he had a life, and he would have risked it for the people he loved. It's either Will or Jem.
Malicious Misnaming
There's no real explanation, because there could've been hundreds of other Shadowhunters who corresponded to that description, but here Cassandra Clare is clearly sending us a message so we're taking it. Maryse mentions the fact that his eyes are covered, so she can't see them. I didn't even expect to be able to. By now I know Cassandra Clare better. His eyes are blue, a blue so dark that it's almost black, and I figured they would attract attention. So I was like, if Maryse can't see his eyes, they're probably Will's.
Because blue eyes like his are so much rare than Jem's dull brown one. I figured Jem would've found a way to get back to normal. Otherwise he wouldn't have been able to survive that long, would he? Not to mention that his pale skin would be noticeable. But then I slapped myself for being such an idiot. They're fucking Asian eyes. I'm still on brother Zachariah. Despite my earlier suspicions that we was indeed Will, I'm starting to think that maybe it's Jem. At nearly the end of the book, when I-can't-remember-who asked him if there had been people he really cared about in his life, he replies that he would have risked his life for TWO PEOPLE.
And here you're saying, "well, so what? I would've risked it for Tessa and Jem. Unless he's a total monster, he also has a sister to care about. Or maybe his sister dies. And that is a maybe. Because after that there would only be two people to protect. If he really is Brother Zachariah, then Jem would've been long dead before that. Oh and by the way, they said Brother Zachariah has a chiseled cheekbone. Didn't Will have a chiseled cheekbone? Or was it Jem?
If Jace had come from Cecily's line, then he wouldn't have the Herondale name. She's a woman, so he would assume the father's name. Otherwise it could be Will's. But if he was, then Will couldn't be Brother Zachariah. But maybe Will and Tessa ended up together, and had children because maybe Tessa was some kind of special warlock , and Jem became a Silent Brother? Though there still is something unclear about it: Why do the Lightwoods have Will's features black hair blue eyes , and Jace does not?
I would say that maybe Cecily ends up with Gabriel or something. That way, hte Lightwoods would inherit her features, which are also Will's. I don't know what to make of him. Because he has the surname. But I don't know how. Will and Tessa are completely different from him: I still have to understand what the hell's that book doing in Valentine's apartment, but that'll come in time I guess. What I'm mostly interested in is what Will wrote on it. Let's quickly review the story in the book: Charles Darnay [aka Jem aka the boring one don't glare at me, Clary said that u.
Lucy decides to marry Charles, while Syndey still loves her. In the end, Syndey decides to sacrifice his life to save Charles', and dies. Lucy and Charles live happily ever after. I would add "with a daughter", but that hardly seems fair since poor Tessa can't have children So yeah. That is pretty much the story, ignoring all the "irrelevant" events, since we're only concentrating on the romance here. So here's the thing: Knowing Cassandra Clare, I would sadly opt for c or d.
Especially reading that "the ruined gold of her wedding dress" line that has us all on the edge. But wait, I wasn't finished, was I? I was still analyzing Will's words. So, "with hope at last. But that wouldn't seem right. Couldn't he just say it face-to-face instead of writing it in a book? It doesn't make sense. OR it could mean that he too dies, with hope at last that everything will be okay? That too seems too forced.
I can't see any other interpretations for that sentence, and I've been babbling for about half an hour, making this review so fucking long, and the book isn't even out yet. So I' guess I'll stop. I still have to read the teasers for City of Heavenly Fire and the letter from Stephen to Jace, so maybe I'll have more to say after that. So scratch my point "e". It's all useless now. In case you don't have a tumblr account, this is what Cassandra Clare just posted on her profile: OR, as afore-mentioned in one of my theories, Jem will die and Tessa and Will will be forever separated because they won't have the guts to get together after that.
But if it's Will.. It can't be Will. But what if it is? Of course, thinking about it, it could be about anyone in the trilogy. I focused myself on Will and Jem solely because I love them too much to see either of them dying. Why do authors necessarily have to do this? Posting such snippets and then leaving us wondering for another six months, I mean? That is really too cruel. Once again Cassandra Clare has left me speechless. And this time I'm not sure in a good way. Are you for real, Cassandra?
I don't even know how to rate it. Throughout the whole book I thought this was going to be perfect but then that epilogue fucking killed me. It's like I always saw the characters and the story under a certain light but with the events of the epilogue everything has changed. How could you be with Jem after Will? That's what bothers me. Jem was kind, and he was a really good person but you just CAN'T. Tessa loved him as much as she loved Will. You just can't do that. I'm pretty sure if Jem had never made a move with Tessa, she would have just regarded him as friend. It's Will who had her heart since the very beginning and it's Will she still kept thinking about when she was engaged to Jem.
If she'd been with Will, I highly doubt she would've been thinking about Jem the same way. Team Jem, tell me, am I wrong? Even if some people hated him. Even if some people thought he didn't deserve her or vice-versa. She loved him more and I can't conceive how she could put both loves on the same level. They were NOT on the same level. I've loved Tessa's character for the whole trilogy but with that last bit my faith in her just fell to pieces.
I guess I can understand her in a way, I mean Will was dead and she cared about Jem and he cared about her, but the single fact that she said she loved them in the same way, that she never did recognize that Will was her only true love, really disappointed me. Of course I don't expect her to be lonely forever, as that would just be cruel, but seeing Tessa with someone other than Will already pains me, and hearing her SAY she loved Jem as much as Will was like an arrow through my already bleeding heart feeling poetic tonight. Too bad I didn't brace myself for the epilogue..
So what do I do? Five stars, one star? I know, I'm on opposite poles, but I just can't give it three stars. It would minimize everything. I think I won't rate this. Awwh, I'm gonna die of cuteness here P. I liked how The Infernal Devices both started and ended on the Bridge.
Of course I can't say anything about CC's writing because she's like my writing goddess. Also, I really hold this trilogy close to heart because it's the first one I've been following since the beginning.
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I had never had to wait for all books in a series to come out, I'd always started when at least two or three were already out. So I feel like I grew up with this trilogy, and it was so heart-breaking to see it end.
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I'm sorry Vampire Academy, you've been displaced [Btw, disconnected thought: I love Magnus so freaking bad. See you at The Dark Artifices. It's been noted that actually Tessa's behavior at the end of the book was pretty self-less. So I have to give her that. I'm still confused, though..

I still don't know how to rate this book. Reading Cassandra Clare's post on tumblr about the ending, I'm a bit less angry now. I think she really meant to build a balanced love triangle, where nobody was loved more or less than another. I also think that maybe it wasn't her intention to make us think she loved view spoiler [Will hide spoiler ] more than view spoiler [Jem hide spoiler ].
Thirdly, I think, at least that's what it sounded to me, that she didn't wholly succeed in doing that as I always thought she loved view spoiler [Will hide spoiler ] more than view spoiler [Jem hide spoiler ]. And lastly, I think Cassandra Clare and I may have slightly different ideas on love, so I'm taking that into consideration.
Still not giving a rate though, sorry. View all 84 comments. View all 3 comments. But you know what? I cannot wait to do it all again. This series took an annoyingly large emotional tole on me and my fragile emotions, and it was kind of trashy, but also it made me cry, like, a lot, and I qualify that as a quality piece of media. I am really feeling the creepy aesthetic and I am really enjoying the creep factor. I fucking love Tessa and she has never done a single thing wrong in her life. She is simultaneously a gentle soul and one of the most savage people in the world and I absolutely adore her.
His development in this book especially is so good, and I trust him, and I love him. Aka I had to use that line somewhere, aka the reason I like this series so damn much, aka the ot3 of my damn dreams. But I really think all of the characters just… complement each other really well. Jem is more of a sunshine being, and he pulls that out in Tessa, and Will is more forty pounds of sarcasm in a trenchcoat, and Tessa is so much more savage around him, and I find that so endearing and adorable, and god I just want them all to be together.
Here are the moments I cried at! I was such a wreck. That scene where Gideon and Gabriel write a letter about Charlotte in chapter six? That was literally the funniest thing I have ever read in my entire life. It was the source of all my non-awful tears in this godforsaken book. I yelled a lot in this review, but bottom line: Blog Goodreads Twitter Instagram Youtube Will, Jem, and Tessa Words truly cannot express the greatness of this art and perfection. I can't believe it's actually over.
Cassandra Clare can seriously write one heck of an epilogue no matter how painful they could be! The Infernal Devices has been one wild ride right from the very first page of Clockwork Angel. I binge read all three books and I have absolutely no regrets other than the fact that I loathe myself for not reading these books any sooner. Now that I finally completed this prequel series, I can say with utmost confidence that The Infernal Devices is far more superior compared to The Mortal Instruments.
The feelings I had while reading first three books of The Mortal Instruments doesn't even come close to the feelings I had while reading this whole series. The Infernal Devices was, hands down, just all around better. The characters were better. The plot was better. Even Cassandra's writing was better. I had no major complaints whatsoever while reading The Infernal Devices.
The greatest thing about this series was not the action, not the romance, but the bond between Jem and Will. Their parabatai bond and friendship was just so touching with every page turned. Though it is true when people say that the love triangle in this series is like no other, I fiercely believe that Jem and Will's bond overpowers that of the romance in The Infernal Devices. I have not read a friendship as fierce and loyal as Jem and Will's. They made this series the masterpiece that it was. I'm glad everybody was able to have the happy ending that they all deserved, just as I had hoped for.
My heart aches just knowing that this series is over! I'm afraid to continue on with the rest of The Mortal Instruments because I just don't think it will fill the void that The Infernal Devices has left. This series has truly became near and dear to my heart. View all 26 comments. Sep 15, Dorreh rated it it was amazing. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Needless to say it was not a very satisfying coping mechanism, but it worked to a certain extent.
This book was everything a person could want in a book, interesting, fast paced, action filled, and most of all emotionally wrecking. Lets talk characters, Will, Will, Will, im in love with Will!!!! I think i become so emotionally invested in fictional characters, i'm starting to lose my ability to connect with real life human beings. Not complaining though, TBH. James was a sweetheart, but im always the bad boy lover.
All the side characters were purely lovable, i think i shipped Cecy and Gabriel so much, while giggling over Gideon and Sophie. I just wish to complain a little about Tessa's absolute lack of self competence. I mean if the intention was for to be an absolute damsel in distress, she nailed it. Which frankly was a little irritating given that I'm very strongly attached to strong female characters. But given how much i loved this book im willing to forgive it. I was a little again irritated with the fact that the last few chapters of this book dragged on a bit, but when the prologue finally arrived i was bent over literally suffering from tachycardia from how emotionally distraught the book made me.
I cried and laughed, and felt my heart squeeze in and over itself so many times i was physically breathless once it was over! View all 10 comments. I finished the book in one breathe and Jem Jem Jem.. A review must come Clockwork Princess Snippet: Jem and Tessa … view spoiler [Tessa reached to brush the damp hair from his forehead. It not some vintage like Clockwork Angel and Clockwork prince.
I heard that Tessa will be in her golden rune wedding dress,and Is that a wedding dress? Also the cover is pretty much similar to the fake ones, I was expecting some originality. This is so WOW. This cover is pretty good huh? Look What I got I got the last Image from http: I can't wait to read it! Saw the other reviews. Counted 1 to That's the most number of likes I've ever gotten in a review! Come to think of it Can't think of another adverb to put before the word "long" but I get the point. Anyway, I can't keep my fingers off the keyboard! I just quit my job and I'm now officially a bum.
For me not to become a TOTAL couch potato and loser, please help me make my time more productive by releasing this book and letting me read it. I'd really appreciate it. I know that you don't want your fans to be like this, so can you kindly give us what we want? Pretty please with a scoop of ice cream on top??? I think I already AM crazy When is November coming!? I plucked some of my hair off! What a terrible thought!!!!! Why does it have a rating? It's not even out yet. How can you rate a book if you haven't even read it?
It doesn't even have a cover so you can't rate that either. I wonder what will happen. Why does it work that way!? Well, so sorry, but I have a soft spot for unwanted guys! I have nothing against Will but for once, I just want the good guy to win. But I'm pretty sure that Tessa doesn't love Jem as much as she loves Will. And just thinking about that makes me want to come up to her, scream and say: I think Will's love for Jem is greater than his love for Tessa. I need to read a different book to temporarily forget my yearning for The Infernal Devices.
- Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3) by Cassandra Clare.
- Lesson Plans Drown.
- Peacekeeper.
- An Essay on Archaeology;
- Child Survivors in the Shadows.
- Monsieur Pamplemousse on Probation?
- Echoes Of The War?
Can't you just release this first before The Mortal Instruments??? I just read the synopsis for this book! I think I lost a part of my heart! He better NOT die! Gloomy Birthday for me. But also because I still don't have this book in my hands! Is that the cover??? Hey, where else can I vent out my frustration if the people around me are not into books? Get the fuck away from me you weirdo!
So these rumors that I've been reading about the release of this book are already facts??? I'm about to get a heart attack any moment now I definitely need a rune of patience. One anti-depressant rune would help too No wonder Will and Jem are going nuts! She's definitely prettier than Clary! Is it just me or can you also see that this cover is a bit different from the first two books? Will and Jem look like animation characters in their covers Where do I start? I know reviews should be in present tense but rants and spoilers? Now writing at my own risk! You read at your own risk!
D view spoiler [ I still remember what I felt when I realized that Jem is going to die. The pain was sharp and unfathomable! He is more than a favorite. I think not probably because I was reading in front of my loved ones! The grief I felt was beyond tears. Honestly, I lost all my interest in finishing this book and the series itself. But then the Lenten Season came and with it, a day without work to be done.
So in the end, I finished CP2… without feeling relieved! Should I be happy with the story? I SO want to punch my computer monitor at this very moment! Oh by the Angel! How can you let yourself slowly die of unending pain just to see your blood brother be happy!?
Can I ever find a guy like My Jem? Anyway, even though he had to suffer more than Will had to YES! He clearly ought to have more, and coming in second and getting scraps YES! But in the deepest part of my heart, I already knew that Will is going to win. What I am not happy about is the style of writing. What happened to the hopeless romantic characters? What ever happened to the sweet lines delivered by romantic people in the Victorian Era?
While reading, all I could picture was American characters in American soil living in the present time. So hooked to this Shadowhunter thingy! Even CoLS is not good! I was expecting more from CP2. I was actually looking forward to the heartwarming lines between Jem and Tessa and Tessa and Will, but there was none. There was probably a few, but not as good as the lines in the first two books.
Honestly, their more-than-brother-bond love for each other brought more tears to my eyes than the Will-Tessa-Jem love triangle. The Parabatai bond is really apparent in CP2. Readers are exposed to the ritual and what it really means to be bound under it. When Will felt the Parabatai bond sever, I felt it as well. I felt everything Will and Jem went through without each other.
Clockwork Princess
And every time I think about the bond they shared and somehow, but not totally, lost, I feel like someone is tearing my heart. This Parabatai thingy is something that Cassandra Clare should be proud of, I think. Give yourself a tap on your shoulder Cassie! D Okay… Before finally saying goodbye to this series I feel like weeping like a 5-year old! I want to know how and who found his cure. WHAT is the cure? The Jem-and-Tessa relationship is not interesting anymore.
We all know what would happen. I hope I would find out in The Dark Artifices. That I think is more interesting than the life of a normal Shadowhunter. View all 14 comments. It is beyond you to control it. It has been beyond me to control it. The Angel watches over us, and we shall win out.
The final battle begins Like a clock without cogs, Mortmain's master plan is missing its key component: Without her, he cannot use his army of automatons, to destroy the Shadowhunters. He cannot exact his revenge. As Tessa's nuptials quickly approach, she clings to the moments of happiness she finds with Jem - refusing to dwell on his inevitable death, Will's broken heart and her own. But their are bigger things at stake than hearts.
The secrets behind Tessa's creation may hold all their lives in the balance. What is she and how did she come to be? Only Mortmain holds the answers. The Infernal Devices will rise But who will stop them? I have been overwhelmed with a sea of emotions. I have nothing left - I have laughed, gasped, screeched, cried, sobbed, sobbed some more and then 'aww'd a little more after that.
This is all too much. Cassie is a genius. When I retain my emotions - and am mentally stable once more - I will sit down and type up a scintillating review. Ok - I can see how the plot will roll out: Will's eyes are pretty' banter - The Magister's 'mwahahahahahahahahaha I'm gonna kill you all' monologues It'll be good. And then, at the end, Will and Tess will feed the ducks in silence. D First pre-read review: View all 32 comments. Spectacular end to a fantastic series! View all 21 comments. This was the most achingly beautiful and exquisitely painful thing I have ever read. But it had the perfect ending.
Review to come if I can figure out what is up with my heart. Or I may not read another Cassandra Clare book again. Okay, that is a lie. And I admit it.
Malicious Misnaming - TV Tropes
I will always read Ms. Clare's books, no matter what. Has anyone noticed how Tessa and Will would be too similar to Clary and Jace? If Tessa's with Will, I might Oh god. If Tessa's with Will, I might have to assume Clare can't write about different romances. Because it is clear that she can write about versatile romances. Okay refraining from bad language.
I can't even- I'm happy. No, I can't even begin to write about this book. I absolutely love Miss Clare. This book was amazing, just like the previous two books. And the last two chapters OMFG. I love how the whole thing was connected. I was so happy she ended up with Will. And then Jem left but came back. Which I don't completeeeely understand.
But I'm so happy Tessa gets both. Probably the only happy love triangle. Where everyone is happy. And I hope Tessa actually legit has a family reunion with Jace. Or maybe she does in City of Lost Souls. I haven't finished that book yet. I'm satisfied with the ending. I want more, but I know it may be asking to much and you know how some series should just stop. I hope this is made into a movie as well, along with TMI which I am suuuper excited for! Sad that Pettyfer wasn't casted as Jace, so Mr. Bower, you better fulfill this role. I love Cassie Clare and her books.
Anyone know if there's a full family tree somewhere? Because I cannot resist temptation. I spoiled it for myself. Okay, now I'm going to cry because TID is over. The period of waiting for the book No spoiler, just a lot of feelings. View all 27 comments. Not to be loved or not to be able to love. Will Is there a chance for him to be happy? Jem Every heart has its own melody.
In this book Tessa is about to get married with view spoiler [Jem hide spoiler ] but she is kidnapped by Mortmain. Jem is unable to go and find her due to the fact that he is out of yin fen his drug so his is very ill so Will searches for her. Tessa as Mortmain's captor learns many things about her life and what she really is. Do you remember her necklace? As it seems this necklace is more important than we thought. The book is full of twist and that captures the readers interest. Life is full of risks. Death is much simlper. That shocked me a lot! And the choice of good and ill before me set.
Would I accept the pleasure with the pain or dare to wish that we had never met? Tessa has to to chose between the boys , but that isnt easy. Most people are lucky to have even one great love in their life. Fortunatelly , the author gave us the best solution. That was the saddest part of the book. It was expected to be this way but the words that the author was using made me a sobbing mess. The infernal devices is over but these three people will stay with me forever. View all 62 comments. Well, I can honestly say that I did not see that epilogue coming.
Insert jaw drop here. Also, I feel like I need to immediately reread this to catch all the details I missed in my hurried frenzy the first go around? And could I possibly cry any more tears over this book? This is my most favorite Cassie Clare novel to date, and I finally see why you all hold it so close to your heart. Jul 12, Bangadybangz rated it really liked it. I've finally finished The Infernal Devices! Clockwork Princess was a solid finale to this series. And yes, as everyone warned me they would, the feels did hit me at the end Also, I never really liked the idea of Tessa and Jem together.
Therefore, I found it a bit annoying at times when the book just went on and on about how Tessa loves BOTH Jem and Will, and she will always love BOTH of them because they're each perfect and beautiful and they each love HER so much and they're one-and-the-same because parabatai and on and on and on. It got a bit tiring. And finally, the end got me very excited to read the rest of TMI with all the little teasers there. Or maybe they already have in the first three, and I've just forgotten Guess I'll have to go back and read them again XD More details in a future wrap-up video.
It'll be more funnier than I intended it to be. Dear Cassandra Clare, I am begging you to please release this earlier. If the world will end this year, then I will not have the chance to read this amazing book, and I will die very, very sad. According to the author, this is used as a Take That! Most of the time with Hefty, it's more of an Insult of Endearment , as he rarely calls Duncan by his true name. It worked like a charm. In the opening bot-fight scene, Yama taunts Hiro by calling him "Zero". Wybie real name "Wyborne" is referred to as "Why-were-you-born" by Coraline at least once.
Dumbo 's name is actually Jumbo, Jr. Hercules is often mocked with the name "Jerk-ules". In Quest for Camelot , Ruber indirectly refers Ayden the silver-winged falcon as a "pigeon". Echoing Woody , Stinky Pete, after revealing his true colors, mocks Buzz by calling him "Buzz Lightweight" due to his keen hatred towards space toys. In Trolls , Chef calls scullery maid Bridget "Idjit".
She mentions at one point, she tried getting back at him by calling him "Lionfart", but he did not take it well. Gitts" despite Jake constantly correcting him. Wad" to assert his authority and contempt for the 'button guy'. He only addressed him by his proper name when Dodd shows he's not entirely a coward and purposely sabotages his plans.
Huo mocks him by calling it "Kitten's Paw". In Fracture , the murderer and legal self-defender Ted Crawford repeatedly refers to his prosecutor William Beachum as "Billy" to mock him as a little boy trying to play games with an older genius such as him. Beachum tries to convince Crawford that he has no problem with it, but it's clear that he does. Anderson" — his name when he was still a slave of the Matrix.
The one time he calls him "Neo" to his face turns out to be hugely important and leads immediately to Smith's defeat. Shirley always addresses Clark by the wrong name. Unforgiven 's Little Bill, having beaten English Bob to a pulp and locked him behind bars, taunts him by reading aloud the dime novels in which he'd starred as "the Duke of Death", but insistently misreading the title as "the Duck of Death". In the Amber Brown books, sometimes some kids tease Amber by calling her color names other than "Amber" or "Brown".
She's so dedicated to it that in one of the books she actually visits a Chinese market to learn more vegetable names and she even does it in her first-person narration such that her little brother's real name is never even actually mentioned. After breakfast, Zucchini and I made our parents a card. All My Children 's Julia Santos would sarcastically refer to her older sister Maria as "Santa Maria" whenever they argued or their parents lectured her about being more like her, obviously fed up with being The Unfavorite to her.
Erica did this also. In the Angel episode "Destiny", back when they first met, Angelus mocked Spike, who at the time was named William, by calling him "Willie". On Arrested Development , this is Gob's plan for dealing with his soon-to-be-ex-wife. Serena would also do this. In season 4 of Blackadder Captain Flashheart uses this derisive nickname for the eponymous character: Well, well, well, well, well, if it isn't old captain Slackbladder. Y'know, it'll be like, "So where's your boyfriend, what's-his-name, Chester? That is a good trick. Hey, thank God our last name isn't Tucker.
Ann was getting a little chummy. When people get a little too chummy with me I like to call them by the wrong name to let them know I don't really care about them. That's a genius move. I can hear the little bastards now! Where are the Hendersons?! Were you bullied because of your name? In The Bible , the goddess Astarte is referred to as "Ashtoreth".
The latter notably more resembles the word "bosheth" meaning abomination. It's also theorized that Baal is such a name as well. LayCool sometimes did this as part of their 'mean girl' schtick, to the likes of "Piggie James" and "Smelly Kelly". A few other heel wrestlers did it too. He also referred to Hulk Hogan as "Chump" Hogan. As a heel, Sgt. It caught on big-time; many other wrestlers repeated the jape. When Maurice corrected this "Maur-ees" , Charles would launch a more devastating putdown. On one occasion, Barry calls him out on it with the reasoning that he's no longer fat.
There was an instance on True Capitalist Radio during Twitter shout outs where someone tweeted with the name " Adolf Ghostler ". Ghost reacted as you'd expect , and since then it became a common and effective trolling tactic to intentionally refer to him as "Ghostler" though the effectiveness started to wane over time, but never completely disappeared.
Then in one episode Dave's young son walks in Nicely done my friend! Dave starts laughing NOOO! Rome did, and Everett flipped over the table and knocked Rome out of his chair, as seen in this video. Many Rome detractors regard this as a Moment of Awesome for Everett. Since that incident, Rome regularly disconnects callers on his radio show who do the same thing to other male athletes. For years after Muhammad Ali changed his name from Cassius Clay, many people still refused to call him by his new name: Ernie Terrell was one of them, and in in the fight known as the "What's My Name?
It is regarded as one of the few times Ali actually cut loose and showed unbridled ferocity in the ring. Oscar Bonavena got the same treatment for the same reason. Michigan State fans tend to refer to their arch rivals, Michigan, as "scUM. In the conversation that follows, he starts referring to Sabin as "Mr. Thou", to Sabin's annoyance. When Karin recruits Eyrios in Fire Emblem: Thracia , she decides that he would not be so stuck-up if his name was more ordinary-sounding, and thus calls him Olson much to his displeasure. According to one of his flunkies, he tends to give people the name he thinks they deserve.
He even calls Ebisumaru Antonio once. JumpStart Adventures 3rd Grade: Mystery Mountain has Polly, the bratty child villainess , repeatedly referring to the robot Botley the game's Exposition Fairy with insulting rhymes of his name, such as "Snotley" and "Potley". Linebeck, of The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass , calls Link and Ciela by any number of degrading nicknames rarely the same one twice right up until they head into the Very Definitely Final Dungeon — whereupon he admits that he envies Link's heroic resolve.
After a moment, Ciela realizes he's finally used her name. King pronounces the protagonist's name in a new way every time he says it. A conversation with NV Shacker reveals he does this with everyone and notes that because he pronounced it right 1 in 3 times, he thought he was on a fast track to a promotion. Scara seems to do it out of mockery. It is definitely deliberate. Trestkon calls him out on it when he uses the correct name when stressed or uses a wrong name he has used before, to which Scara responds with a new one. Coach Oleander uses this to mock Razputin in Psychonauts.
Is your name Joey? Cause I'm gonna call you Slowy Joey. That's not my name. I can't hear you, you're talking too slow. Okabe in Steins;Gate loves to call Kurisu "Christina" probably due to the fact that "Kurisu" is exactly how one would render the name "Chris" in Japanese, albeit in katakana instead of kanji much to her annoyance. So much so that she's pleasantly surprised when he doesn't. He also does this occasionally with Daru, calling him a "suupaa hakaa" usually rendered in subtitles as "Super Haker" instead of a "suupaa hakkaa" "Super Hacker" , which Daru is always quick to correct.
It's a very subtle difference, with only a glottal stop separating the intentionally incorrect pronunciation from the correct one. Take care of yourself, alright? Strong Bad of Homestar Runner is quite fond of this. I made a mistake! A few SBEmail senders have turned the tables on Strong Bad; the email in "bottom 10" is addressed to "Weak Bad", and the email in "road trip" is addressed to "Fatty Bad". The robot eventually catches on, though it continues to be startlingly ineffectual at killing anything whatsoever.
In Consolers , Microsoft refers to his competitor Apple as "Crapple" at times. This same mistake has occurred on the boards, amusingly enough, unintentionally. A later strip in which she actually thinks Justin is named Jason implies either Diane genuinely misremembered Justin's name and was just apathetic about correctly remembering it or her misnaming was in fact malicious but has since forgotten that fact.
Cinna calls Muneca "Doll" and every thinkable variable of this - idiot doll, berserk doll, Doll-Rex, and so on. Cinna calls Kathy, who has a really bad case of acne and big teeth, "Miss Pimples", "Miss Bucktooth", and "Pimpleface". Yes, Cinna is a mature woman. When they were younger, Walky called her "Billie" because she apparently hits like a boy. It's probably out of sheer apathy because Kashaw is such a grump , but he does get it right at the end.