Scholia I. - Texte zu Pädagogik, Philosophie und Ökonomie (German Edition)
Apatite fission track ages from the Adula nappe: In Memoriam Volkmar Trommsdorff Carta geologica speciale N. Swiss topgographic map sheet 43 Sopra Ceneri. For more information on the journal, please go to: Back Zoom Table of contents Detailed information. Back to the volume index Close. The geological map of Valmalenco. Typomorphic features of amazonitic K-feldspar from the Keivy granitic pegmatite Kola Peninsula, Russia. Metamorphic evolution of calc-schists in the Central Alps, Switzerland.
Paul Niggli Medal Verleihung der Paul Niggli-Medaille Federal Office of Topography swisstopo, Wabern. European Journal of Philosophy 18 Domski, Mary and Michael Dickson, eds. This paper studies the relation between conscience and reason as two autonomous sources of the sense in man. Reason is considered here as based on the principle of a reflective logico-ontological self-sufficiency. The conscience, respectively, is viewed as based on the principle of the spontaneous and free affiliation to a transcendent source of regulative sense.
These two higher faculties, being founded on different principles, in some circumstances fall into heteronomy. The thesis proposed is that the ascertaining of a subordinative accordance between the reason and the conscience can be considered as the way out from this heteronomy. The author comments on the reflective nature of aesthetic judgments and their relationship to understanding and imagination. Kant suggested that although they are subjective, judgments of taste should have universal validity with common sense forming the subjective principle of the Fourth Moment.
A Critical Reflection on Kant and von Hildebrand. Journal for Philosophical and Cultural Studies 2 In particular, we attempt to show that the experience of happiness, far from being heteronymous in its character and origin, is rather a distinctive experience of personal autonomy. Revista de Estudios Orteguianos 20 To make my case, I first consider the account of geometrical reasoning Kant presents in his prize essay, a text in which geometrical certainty is tied to the power that the mind or understanding has to perceive the geometrical objects presented before it.
Discourse on a New Method: Reinvigorating the Marriage of History and Philosophy of Science. Kantian or Hegelian dynamics of reason? Von der Form der Anschauung zur formalen Anschauung. This article considers the correlation between the historical Christianity and the pure religion of reason, the figure of the biblical Christ of Nazareth and Kant's interpretation of his personality.
The author focuses on the question, whether the Biblical Christ, as a real historical person, is the personification of the idea of the absolute good and moral perfection. Rather, they seem strongly connected to the western moral assumptions about what kind of government or people can be trusted with a nuclear arsenal. In this paper, I critically examine the western assumptions of the immorality of contemporary nuclear proliferation from an international ethical stance that otherwise might be expected to give it unequivocal support — the stance of Kantian nonideal theory.
In contrast to the uses of Kant that were prominent during the Cold War, I advance and apply a sketch of a Kantian nonideal theory that specifies the conditions although strict conditions under which nuclear proliferation for states like Iran is morally permissible even though the NPT forbids it. Ana Bazac and Vasile Morar Bucharest: Duran, Xavier, and Patrick McNutt. The purpose of this paper is twofold: The contracting or exchange objective in any transaction is to arrive at a mutually satisfactory outcome, an equilibrium point.
With opportunism, a free rider problem may well arise; if so, a partial solution emerges. This has to be avoided. Practical implications - It is argued that the decision not to engage in opportunistic behaviour, for example, by any one individual, may be rooted in a personal sense of duty or influenced by the ethical values and beliefs embedded within the culture of the organisation or the firm.
Management may therefore decide not to abuse their discretionary power; workers may opt not to shirk. The paper builds on a new approach to understand governance and ethics insofar as a firm teaches people morality. The paper should be of value to shareholders, workers and management, trade unions and commentators on the theory of the firm. Revista de Filosofia In real right, Kant investigates the private property of a substance the soil and the objects on it.
Wright of Derby and the Scientific Sublime. In the s Joseph Wright of Derby produced two important paintings — the Orrery , and the Air Pump — that show lecturers demonstrating the laws of science to a small audience of men, women, and children. Revised version appears as chapter five of Dyck Eine Stellungnahme zu Wolffs Metakritik. In an earlier article see J Gen Philos Sci In particular I point out that if, as Wolff claims, the nota notae relation in Kant is restricted to subordinated concepts, then it can hardly serve as a principle for syllogistic logic, as Kant claims.
Kant mistook what are parts of the proofs for the validity of moods in figures two to four as parts of these moods themselves. The article discusses the two interpretations of the first Critique of Pure Reason , by Immanuel Kant to understand its explanatory structures. It mentions the use of transcendental deduction in explaining the cognitive interpretation for the solution on the problem of understanding.
Intersubjectivity in Aesthetic and Legal Judgment. Considering Kantian aesthetic judgment and common law legal judgment together, we find that Kant and the common law do not seek judgments that are objective either in the sense that the judge must disengage or suppress his subjective responses or that the judgment must state or seek the truth. Instead, the Kantian and common law process of judging requires that judges combine their own subjective response with a reflective judgment that is claimed as valid by virtue of the form of its reasoning and expression according the methods and sources of the community in which and to which the judgment is rendered.
Provided that the judge can perform the adjudicatory function impartially and independently, without any improper interest or influence tainting the decision making process, the judge remains free to decide for herself. That is the sort of judgment that is recognized by the community as intersubjectively valid and which best contributes to the ongoing process of understanding art and law. According to that modus I try to throw a light on the possibility to be construed supplementary categorial correlations so that to cope successfully with the experience content keeping in mind the critical-metaphysical requirement to avoid the loop of direct category ontologization.
Hegel, and Elizabeth Anscombe. Once God is no longer recognized as the ground and the enforcer of morality, the character and force of morality undergoes a significant change, a point made by G. Anscombe in her observation that without God the significance of morality is changed, as the word criminal would be changed if there were no criminal law and criminal courts. Severed from any metaphysical anchor, morality gains a contingent content from socio-historical context and its enforcement from the state. Absent the presence of God, there is an important change in the force of moral obligation.
The promise of the phenomenological Kant motivated Heidegger to engage Kant repeatedly. In four phases and with reference to Husserl, Heidegger interpreted Kant as first falling short of phenomenology , then approaching phenomenology , then advancing phenomenology , and finally again approaching phenomenology and after. In the last phase, Heidegger does not reject the phenomenological Kant.
Reath and Timmermann op cit.
Recovering a Religion of Reason. Indiana University Press, Revelation, reason, and the legacy of the Enlightenment. There is a vast literature on the meanings of legal penalties. However, we lack a theory that explains them according to the formation of the modern state. Nevertheless, the preventive and resocializing theory of Bentham succeeded eventually. But is this a liberal theory? We contrast the explanations of H. Hart and Frederick Rosen in order to lay the groundwork for a liberal theory of the meaning of legal sanctions. Darwin brought to light a dangerous idea: With this statement he situated himself against centuries of humanism.
Essen, Georg, and Magnus Striet. Kant e a teologia. Reconsidering Continuity in Kant, Fichte, and Schelling. Finally, it is argued that the purported parallelism collapses because, among other things, the data of a philosophical moral theory are completely different in nature from the data in linguistics. According to Kant, the kind of love which is commanded by duty is practical love. Teilbarkeit der Materie als Elementarsubstanzen.
Kant e le relazioni internazionali: In de ban van noodzakelijkheid: Kants ethiek als weerspiegeling van zijn tijd. O problema da pena de morte. Kantian Thinking about Military Ethics. Are military professionals bound by a higher moral standard?: O eclipse da moral.
Thomas Nenon op cit. The article discusses the philosophy and history of scientific agency. It focuses on the biases of the major themes of philosopher Immanuel Kant: Kant notes that both ideas are not associated since the framework made explicit and analyzed in the First Critique cannot be regarded as a normative system. Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik. Ihre Bedeutung als Anschauungsform des inneren Sinnes und als metaphysisches Problem. Die Gottesfrage in der Philosophie Immanuel Kants.
Journal of Phi Sigma Tau 52 Kant on Freedom and Authority. Arthur Bradley and Paul Fletcher op cit. In this article the author examines aspects of state sovereignty as expressed by Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher of the 18th and early 19th centuries. Le scandale de la raison: A Critical Guide , ed. Why does Kant privilege the dinner party in this way? Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 68 Fischer, Norbert and Maximilian Forschner, eds.
Princeton University Press, Originally published in A metaphysics of morals? Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 31 Part One appeared in the previous volume: Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 30 The essay was originally published in German: See this review of the original French edition. However, this is hardly satisfactory in practice and has failed to provide a more secure juridical basis for determining significant conflicts among states over when humanitarian force is justified. This support is conditional on the achievement of juridical progress within and among states and has implications for the development of cosmopolitan citizenship.
Frey, Michael, and Aysun Aly. Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Asiengesellschaft Translating the works of German philosopher Immanuel Kant — into Arabic is difficult for two reasons. Firstly, Kant's language is so complex that some Kant researchers and linguists go so far as to deny the translatability of his works into any other language.
Secondly, the special lexical and grammatical characteristics of the Arabic language lead some Arabic intellectuals to doubt the ability of Arabic to express ideas of modern philosophy in general. Notwithstanding these difficulties, Kant's works have been translated into Arabic. It will be argued that the way the translators coped with these problems depended on their personal target cultures and the goals they pursued with their translations, and that therefore, the translations have to be considered as facts of a translator's personal target culture.
In Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy , Bernard Williams is rather severe on what he thinks of as an ethics of obligation. He has in mind by this Kant and W. For many, obligation seems the very core of ethics and the moral realm, and lives more generally are seen through the prism of this notion. This, according to Williams, flattens out our lives and moral experience and fails to take into account things which are obviously important to our lives. Once we take these things into account, what do we do if they come into conflict with some of our moral obligations, as Williams, in his earlier writings on moral luck, thought to be the case.
An essay is presented on post-Kuhnian approach to the philosophy and history of science. It discusses the complex interactions among physics, technology, mathematics, politics, philosophy, and religion. It explains the modification of the original philosophical synthesis of philosopher Immanuel Kant by scientist philosophers. It also deals with mutual interactions among the quasi-autonomous cultural processes resulting to unpredictable novelty. American Philosophical Association Newsletters: Teaching and Philosophy 9 The article discusses the views of philosophers Immanuel Kant and Carl Schmitt on the foe, radical evil and political theology.
It focuses on the evil that is behind the reason having the basic principle of self-determination. It states the principle that reflects the power of judgment that relates to the faculties of human cognition. Moral educators have little to learn from the moral theories in which philosophers routinely trade. It is not so much these general features but the particular forms of moral life under which children and their tutors live that give specificity to duties and rights, content to virtues, and shape to purpose. To navigate successfully through this stuff of moral life, the developing youth needs not only a good heart but a casuistical temper.
From Kant to Derrida , by Clive Cazeaux Gaier, Ulrich, and Ralf Simon, eds. Zwischen Bild und Begriff. Wilhelm Fink Verlag, In order to bring his philosophical system to completion, Kant goes back to the transcendental question in his Opus Postumum. He reconsiders the problem of the junction of sense and intelligible. Kant comes up with the autoposition of the self, grounded by and on a notion unheard of in his transcendental philosophy: This article examines its meaning and in what way the Opus Postumum is historically a bridge towards a philosophy of the spirit. The Vocation of Humankind, , by George di Giovanni Philosophical Quarterly of Israel 38 There is disagreement among contemporary theorists regarding human well-being.
Each approach captures important features of human well-being, but neither can provide a complete account: I articulate and defend a hybrid view that equals these approaches in systematicity and completeness of explanation yet seeks to surpass them in coherence with our ordinary judgments about what human well-being consists in.
The article focuses on the critique of formal ethics of philosopher Immanuel Kant by Max Scheler. It states that formalism in ethics by Kant took form of non-formal ethics. It reports the rejection of the formal ethics by Scheler lead to looking for material values. It discusses the accuse of the formal ethics that lead to rigid metaphysical opposition of form and matter. Gebharter, Alexander, and Alexander G.
Translation of «Zitronenpresse» into 25 languages
According to Kant, the whole problem surrounding the antinomy was caused by applying the concept of the world to nature and then using both terms interchangeably. While interesting, this solution is still not that much more than a well thought out idea if it does not also include an adequate formal explication. The paper argues that if the FUL presupposes no moral knowledge and puts forward a purely formal universalization test then it cannot determine whether maxims are morally permissible or impermissible.
It suggests that Kant takes agents to know well what duties bind them without employing any test. It is not the formal moral law from which a substantive conception of morality is derived. Kant und kein Ende , vol 2: A Journal of Social Epistemology 7 The present paper argues for the relevance of Immanuel Kant and the German Enlightenment to contemporary social epistemology.
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After a brief rebuttal of the received view of the Enlightenment as an intrinsically individualist enterprise, this paper charts the historical trajectory of philosophical discussions of testimony as a source of knowledge, via such philosophers as C. Meier, and finally Kant. Von der Kritik der reinen Vernunft zur Kritik der hermeneutischen Vernunft: Kant, Husserl, Heidegger , by Gaetano Chiurazzi Filosofia Politica 24 Kantovskij Sbornik 34 After having pointed to the chrono-fetishism of contemporary democratic peace theory, this article proposes a reinterpretation of the Kantian project based on the examination of the sociopolitical of the late 18th century.
Adapted from the source document. The article focuses on the perspective of Immanuel Kant regarding positive duties as duties of justice. It states that the practical philosophy of Kant provides sufficient resources in developing a powerful account of basic positive duties. It states that Kant was concerned with criticizing the monarchic despotism and feudalism during his time. Meanwhile, it discusses left-libertarian argument and the liberal egalitarian or liberal socialist argument. On Going Back to Kant, Again. The article focuses on the philosophical turning-point and maps the philosophical scene between the world wars in relation to philosopher Immanuel Kant.
It reports that the period between the World Wars was marked by economic and political changes that required philosophical analysis. A Reply to Richard A. An essay is presented that examines the arguments by philosopher Richard Cohen. It states that views of Franz Rosenzweig continues the philosophy of Immanuel Kant. According to Cohen, the three irreducible elements of the system of Rosenzweig included God, Man and the World. Its immense significance becomes obvious against the background of Kant's 'Copernican Revolution', which resulted in the new subject-oriented ontology.
The viability of this ontology depends on the possibility of freedom, i. Due to its history, Kaliningrad is meant to become a window to Kant's ontology of hope. The Bible treats this realm from the sub-human standpoint. This broadly anthropological approach to the idea of appearances clarifies transcendental idealism.
A Case of Humanity. And yet Arendt describes such Kantian reflection as an empirical undertaking that justifies itself only in relation to the abstract principle of the moral law. The problem for such an account is that the autonomy of the moral law appears to be at odds with the social cohesion of Kantian political life.
The ensuing contradiction can be deemed the antinomy of political judgment. In particular, the regulative principle of the purposiveness of nature that is shown to direct all reflection can be seen to offer the solution to this antinomy. A Journal for the History of Philosophy 15 While in Being and Time Heidegger criticizes Kant for presupposing the very objects that he then goes on to examine, in his lecture course What Is a Thing?
It will be shown that they share an affinity in their assessment that evil is rooted in humanity and that moral improvement is necessary, but that their views nevertheless differ significantly. For this reason Kant later distances himself from Hamann. In this way the divergent moral conceptions of the age of Enlightenment with their theological and philosophical aspects are reflected in the respective views of these two authors. In this discussion I argue that once we have noted the differences between the first and second editions of the Deduction, this objection is less telling.
Diez lecciones sobre Kant. Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Con apuntes de Friedrich Nietzsche. In this paper I explore the following threefold question: Second, if there is such a problem, what exactly is its nature? And lastly, can Kant help us get clearer on the problem? Following Kant, I argue that the problem with aesthetic testimony is explained by norms that govern what it takes to judge a beautiful object aesthetically, rather than theoretically or practically, not by norms that govern what it takes to judge aesthetically with a sufficient epistemic basis rather than without it.
I thus propose a normative and aesthetic approach to testimony. The Beautiful and Agreeable , by David Berger British Journal of Aesthetics International Philosophical Quarterly 50 This essay shows that according to Kant the philosophy of history is a division of physical teleology, which only meaning is to be a confirmation of the moral juridical teleology which grounds and seeks in the physical world a natural grounding for the standpoint of ends peace which nature itself is always powerless to bring about.
The teleology of freedom seeks in the teleology of nature grounds for hope and its actual achievement, yet without ever filling the void of the separation that prohibits all natural accomplishment of right. That explains the effects of rupture one can find in the Kantian texts, and which are only a problem for the continuist reading which is here refused. Finally, it is shown that genuine historical events consist rather in that which within history cannot knowingly be deduced from history, because they precisely escape from the natural world that is their invariable context.
Lecciones de Kant para hoy. The Aporia of Inner Sense: Moral Reasons, Imperfect Duties, and Choice. An imperfect duty such as the duty to aid those in need is supposed to leave leeway for choice as to how to satisfy it, but if our reason for a certain way of satisfying it is our strongest, that leeway would seem to be eliminated. This paper defends a conception of practical reasons designed to preserve it, without slighting the binding force of moral requirements, though it allows us to discount certain moral reasons.
Only reasons that offer criticism of alternatives can yield requirements, but our reasons for particular ways of satisfying imperfect duties merely count in favor of the acts in question. When the state is authorized to take over charitable obligations, it should not be seen as enforcing fulfillment of our imperfect duties, but rather as forcing us to help fulfill collective duties that may be substantially modified by transfer to the state, replacing imperfect duties with perfect.
Besides the cost to us in freedom of choice there is a moral cost to replacing the virtuous motives of charity with those that tend to accompany paying taxes. However, a compensating feature of state involvement is the fact that its more precise demands come with limits. Kant and the Ethics of Humility: A Story of Dependence, Corruption and Virtue. In this two-part essay, I survey eight different views of Kantian maxims, presenting their strengths, and their weaknesses. However, they face the same problem as the two previous views, which is that if people always act on maxims, what sense does it make to say they also have to learn how to act on them?
Unfortunately for Allison, there is little direct textual support for his claim that maxims are organized hierarchically. In this two-part essay, I survey eight different views of Kantian maxims, presenting their strengths and their weaknesses. This leads to the final approach, exemplified by Jens Timmermann, which is that Kant understands maxims equivocally. A Copernican Revolution in Evolution? The conditions of the possibility of experience apply to the empirical human sciences not less than for the natural sciences.
Why should not there be a mathematics of thoughts and then Metaphysical Foundations of a Science of the Thinking Nature? Form and World , by Fiona Hughes Three Interpretations of the Absolute I. The Metaphysical and Transcendental Deductions. In the Metaphysics of Morals , Kant makes a distinction between duties of virtue and the obligation to be virtuous.
For a number of reasons, it may seem as if the latter does not actually require any actions of us not already required by the former. This essay argues that Kant does succeed in describing obligations that we have to prepare for virtuous conduct that are different from simply fulfilling specific duties of virtue, and that in so doing he describes an important element of the moral life. Lo sguardo muto delle cose: Human rights developed in response to specific violations of human dignity, and can therefore be conceived as specifications of human dignity, their moral source.
This internal relationship explains the moral content and moreover the distinguishing feature of human rights: This essay is an attempt to explain this moral-legal Janus face of human rights through the mediating role of the concept of human dignity. Only membership in a constitutional political community can protect, by granting equal rights, the equal human dignity of everybody. The problem of the thing-in-itself surely belongs to the oldest and most fiercely discussed questions among Kant scholars. In the last years, one interpretation has become widely accepted according to which the Kantian expression of thing-in-itself must be understood as a short version of thing in itself considered.
Thus, Kant only introduced an epistemological distinction that says nothing more than that the same things are considered with neglect of the transcendental forms of intuition: However, important exegetical and systematic reasons contradict this interpretation. Therefore, this paper argues for a revised form of this approach, which, on the one hand, claims to furnish a consistent interpretation of all Kantian statements and on the other hand, is supported by crucial systematic reasons.
Kant is well known for his criticism of knowledge claims of traditional metaphysics. The concept of substance must be considered one of the most important notions in ontology. Kant transforms traditional ontology into an analytic of pure understanding. Accordingly, the concept of substance has become a category of pure understanding. The application of this category in the "First Analogy of Experience" faces some particular problems, which are highlighted in the current debate. This paper seeks to furnish a coherent reading of the "First Analogy" by considering which purpose the category of substance is meant to serve in transcendental idealism.
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- Irrésistibles play-boys (Harlequin Edition Spéciale) (French Edition)!
- A Theological Account of Nat Turner: Christianity, Violence, and Theology (Black Religion/Womanist Thought/Social Justice).
Rekonstruktion und Rehabilitierung , by Jochen Bojanowski The problem consists in the supposed incompatibility between that idea and the natural causality. Despite the impossibility of a dogmatic solution for the conflict, the philosopher proposes a critical solution. This critical solution frequently is interpreted as a attempt to make freedom compatible with natural causation.
There are, however, some divergences about the form and the implications of that compatibility. Both Vaihinger as well as most commentators responding to Vaihinger assume that appearances are particulars. Australasian Journal of Philosophy 88 A Journal for the History of Philosophy 14 How to Read the Analogies of Experience in Reverse. This in turn entails that, to this extent, the Analogies contain not only a critical response to Hume, but also a flat-out refutation of Hume. A Quarterly Journal of Critical Thought In this statement I contemplate the relationship between the Kantian antinomies and modern digital communicative media.
The antinomies demonstrate that knowledge is decisively indeterminate. The indeterminate character of our knowledge is an important source for critical reflection. Since we are inevitably bound up in a dialectics between finitude and infinitude, we are never allowed to fall back into a self-assured conviction of the infallibility of our understanding. I do, however, demonstrate that digital media are characterized by a fundamental finitude.
This poses a potential bias in digitally mediated communication of which it is important to be aware. Kantian transcendental dialectics thus proves to be relevant in framing our communication within the digital systems — and in the creation of new media. The point is not that there is never room for critical reflection in digital media, but rather that digital media in certain respects diminishes our awareness of the need for critical reflection.
Ontology and Mathematics in the Thought of Martin Heidegger. Koons and George Bealer Oxford: Oxford Univ Press, We have a conception of human beings as persons understood as constituted in part by a self, a unified, coherent center of consciousness which is a rational agent, capable of being responsive, and responsible, to other agents. The phenomena of commissurotomy and multiple personality seem to threaten this unity. The unity-of-consciousness argument, deriving from Leibniz and Kant, appears to conflict with the empirical evidence of disunity, but I maintain that there is no inconsistency.
The combination of the two both places a barrier in the way of a materialist account of mind and consciousness, and also points out a difficulty for standard varieties of dualism. I close by sketching out my own preferred view of the metaphysics of persons, emergent dualism. The present paper proposes to demonstrate how the reproach adressed to Leibniz might constitute an original approach for the interpretation of the problematic relation established in the Critique of Pure Reason between sensibility and understanding.
It has been objected most recently by Robert Hanna that whereas this containment is a sufficient criterion, nevertheless there are analytic judgements that do not have a corresponding conceptual content. In these cases one needs to add an extensional criterion. The chief goal of this essay is to examine this argument critically and to reject it on the grounds that although an analytic judgement can be defined extensionally, this does not achieve anything more than a conventional intensional definition. This discussion requires especially a clarification of the role of modality. Throughout the post-modern period, it has been yielding up its place to responsibility.
It does so in order to rehabilitate, on the one hand, its statute as a normative principle of reflection on morality, and on the other, as personal action, normatively open to the multiple alternatives for action in the sphere of human freedom. The so-called principlism of Beauchamp and Childress is one of the most prominent approaches in bioethics. It has, nevertheless, given rise to an ongoing debate on methodology in bioethics.
At the bottom of this debate lies the question whether a multiprinciples approach or a single-principle approach is more convincing in bioethics. In contrast, I will take up the Kantian differentiation of formal and material principles. This differentiation permits combining the strengths of multiprinciples as well as of single-principle approaches. Eine Rekonstruktion , by Volker Dieringer European Journal for Philosophy of Religion: In the Critique of Pure Reason , Kant marks out two faculties of knowledge, which must be united in order to make objective knowledge possible.
Maimon doubts that the connection is feasible. The paragraphs on fine art in Critique of the power of Judgment of Immanuel Kant develop the main paradox about this issue, which deserves, as all his paradoxes, serious attention. Contrary to the belief of most of nineteen century German philosophers, not to resolve it, but to locate some outcomes about fundamental philosophical issues in which we are still involved. Neglect of these broadly applicable, second-order duties, described by Kant, partially explains why even good-willed by-standers can contribute to the on-going oppression of others.
Arguably the neglect is a failure of respect for oneself as well as others. Reflexivity does not presuppose linguistic articulation or even propositional content. If it did, art could not be called reflexive. Reflexivity can be found in the self-contact of the living, in mental reflection or in symbolic self-reference. Art is a medium which claims these different modes of reflexivity and intertwines them. Aesthetic reflexivity as such has been established by Kant and his epigones, following the model of transcendental reflection.
Aesthetic reflexivity can only be detached from the model of transcendental reflection, if it is seen as oriented towards the interaction among the three modes of reflection mentioned above, leaving aside the difference, interplay or competition between perception and conceptual capacities.
Zum Zusammenhang von dogmatischer, polemischer, skeptischer und kritischer Methode. Hoche, Hans-Ulrich, and Michael Knoop. The Foundation of Modern Philosophy. Innovation and tradition; Objectivity through subjectivity; A philosophical theory of science; First assessment: A philosophy of intuition; A transcendental geometry; Second assessment: Categories; The problem of justification; The incomplete deduction; Third assessment: Mathematisation; physicalisation; Fourth assessment: Constructive deconstruction; A critical philosophy of mind; Cosmological contradictions; Transcendental theology; Fifth assessment: From theoretical to practical reason; System and history; The Kantian metaphors; Conclusion and prospect.
Kants Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten: Zu einem Grundmotiv neueren Philosophierens im Ausgang von Kant. The article focuses on the turning point in understanding philosopher Immanuel Kant before and after World War I. It discusses the crisis of Neo-Kantianism and interpretating the attitude towards Critical Philosophy. It mentions the thinkers that were involved in the challenge to and the break with Kant including Rudolf Carnap, Martin Heidegger and Edmund Husserl. Holzhey, Helmut, and Vilem Mudroch. The A to Z of Kant and Kantianism. Horneffer, Ernst, and Klaus Horneffer. Kant und der Gottesgedanke: The epistemological positions of Kant and Hegel are greatly different, and the meanings they give to the idea of God play a clear indication to it.
The reasons why there is a great difference between the two philosophers could be seen in the fact that the purport of their dealing with the problems of God is different and their theological views of the world are not the same. In connexion with a substantial argument for cosmopolitan rights based on the human body and its need for a space on the surface of the Earth, Kant presents the most rigorous philosophical formulation ever given of the limitations of the cosmopolitan law. From Kant to Deleuze , by Christian Kerslake A Journal of Socialist and Feminist Philosophy Philosophy in Review 30 The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 59 Jablonski, Pawel, and Anna Jablonski-Musial transl.
The analysis of the problem designated in the title consists of two parts. The second part is an attempt to disclose the subtlety of his construction. The considerations concentrate on the following issues: Seneca and Kant; or, an exposition of stoic and rationalistic ethics, with a comparison and criticism of the two systems.
Doctoral dissertation, Hamburg, Das immaterielle Gut wird dabei als ontisch vom Urheber getrennter, abstrakter Gegenstand begriffen. Es kann durch Geheimhaltung physisch beherrscht werden. Uberstaatliche Zwangsgewalt in der Rechtsphilosophie Immanuel Kants. Bonn University Press, Philosophisches Jahrbuch Der junge Hegel und Herder. Second, Hegel argues that the apriority argument is insufficiently critical insofar as it relies upon an unexamined theory of subjectivity as a set of representational capacities.
This article proposes a reading of the Kantian transcendental apperception that attempts both to reinforce the cognitive efficacy of its spontaneity described as poetics of the self and to determine the modus operandi of its unifying function described as self-regulated cognition. Thus, being irreducible to a pure logical form or form of representation in general , the I think is meant to constitute the qualitative unity of all possible representational system, insofar as it performs an infinite process of semantic or narrative unification.
From this standpoint, the I think denotes the key operation that produces meaning, and thereby the very possibility of truth. It follows, from such a framework of a procedural and constructivist theory of truth, the absolute primacy of the establishment of a semantic community by and under the Self. This community lays the foundation of coherence or organic cohesion of contents, and coherence provides the ground where correspondence emerges, which, in the last analysis, expresses nothing but the ever unfinished agreement of donation and action, agreement of Self with Itself.
Man as an epigenetic process in Kant. There is a core conception of cognition and knowledge underlying the accounts of theoretical cognition and practical cognition, which allows for a principled distinction between cases of practical knowledge and practical belief. Goethe Yearbook 17 This article analyses the works of E. The author shows the influence of Kant's epistemological and ethical ideas on the Weltanschauung of E.
Hoffmann for whom the human nature and the essence of humanity became one of the central problems. Following Kant, Hoffmann considered morals the measure of humanity. In celebration of the 75th birthday of the historian of Russian philosophy, B. Also available in Kantovskij Sbornik. Selected Articles , pp. The essence of transcendental anthropology is the metaphysics of morals. This role of morals manifests itself in the primacy of practical reason over theoretical reason. The humanity owes its development and existence to practical reason.
Kantu o problemach potustoronnich.

Kushner to the philosopher I. This article proves that when addressing the problem persistent in his oeuvre — whether the humanity exists independently in space or it is a transcendental project — the Saint Petersburg poet A. Kushner always consults with I. Westphal introduces and defends his version of the metaphysical dual-aspect reading.
But his real aim lies deeper: In this sense his aim is similar to that of Peter F.
Meaning of "Zitronenpresse" in the German dictionary
Westphal then aims to undermine transcendental idealism by two major claims: Finally Westphal defends his alternative for transcendental idealism by showing that it solves these problems and thus offers a genuine transcendental proof for realism. Justice and Ethics in Building a Better World. The Case of Said Nursi. Ashgate Publishing, ; xiii, p. Zur Logik der Kantischen Ideendeduktion. Kant - Natorp - Heidegger. This study explores Plato in the work of Kant, Natorp, and Heidegger. The author aims sympathetically to present their important if unfamiliar Plato interpretations, and to grasp how these are related to their philosophical projects.
The merit of their contributions to our understanding of Plato only emerges when considered against the neo-Kantian and Husserlian background. The moral law has a necessary effect on the sensibilities of beings like us. Our agency is, at first, naturally orientated by self-love, and, then, inevitably succumbs to arrogance as a conception of value when it harbours that love so as to become the source of absolute value.
The moral law causes irretrievable loss to arrogance, thereby necessarily producing the pain present in the respect for this law. I try to show what this means and how this still allows Kant to speak of an application of the Metaphysics of Morals , generating duties to beings like us. This understanding of them allows Kant a presentation of duties including duties of virtue , of which the nature is being rational moral requirements that are strict, for beings like us, which have sensibility and are imperfect, and who live in a world like ours.
In this essay, I clarify the meaning and the importance of this claim. Two main reasons are given: Kantovskij Sbornik 33 This article analyses different definitions, types and tasks of Kant's anthropology: Is "moral" or "practical" anthropology identical to "pragmatic" anthropology? Does anthropology aim to answer the question about the vocation of a human being? To what extent is metaphilosophy present in the Anthropology? What is the 'fundamental' transcendental anthropology? The idea of an anthroponomy remains an unsolved puzzle.
Kuehn, Manfred and Heiner Klemme, eds.
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The major difference between Kant's axiological and cognitive discourse is that the former contains a greater number of persona pronouns that signify different speech roles of the author. This text is characterised by a more direct expression of the addressee factor, which explains the emergence of the speech acts that are absent in Kant's cognitive texts. Another substantial difference is the explicit imperative modality of this type of Kant's texts. Freedom and Reason in Kant, Schelling, and Kierkegaard.
The article focuses on the criticism of philosopher Immanuel Kant. It discusses the objection by Max Scheler against the Kantian ethics. It states that according to the views of Scheler, his commands used to come directly from the God. The paper introduces the work of B. Lonergan, a Canadian philosopher and theologian, who is almost unknown in Slovak philosophical context. In its second part, the paper shows basic principles of the transcendental method in philosophy.
The analysis of the success of the transcendental method in philosophy is valuable and helps us to understand the developments in modern philosophy. Buhle taught one of the first courses on Kant's philosophy of the critical period and safely returned to Germany after a 20 year residency in Russia. Bruxvoort and James Krueger, eds.
This article analyses, first of all, the epistemological theory of reflection Abbildtheorie of Heinrich Rickert, the main representative of the Baden Neo-Kantianism School. The author analyses the key arguments put forward by Rickert against the understanding of cognition as a reflection of reality. He criticises the transcendental theory of reflection, but does not reject the idea of reflection as a model of cognition and acknowledges the immanent theory of reflection as relatively justified.
The article also addresses the standpoint of another representative of the Baden School, Emil Lask, who rejected the theory of reflection in favour of the aftervision theory Nachbildtheorie. On the Kant of the Neo-Kantians. Makkreel and Luft op cit. The History and Significance of its Deferral. Manfred Kuehn and Heiner Klemme op cit.
The Evolution of the Copernican Revolution. My study will focus on two central aspects from the Critique of Judgment: I will show that in the Third Critique , the idea of experiencing artistic beauty functions as a compensation for the pressure of rationality that sets in together with modernity in the 18th century.
The satisfaction of the requirement of the categorical imperative is, on the one hand, a single and unique act and, on the other hand, a permanent and universal one. Although the familiarity with the categorical imperative does not always result in a moral action, the familiarity itself alongside the idea of forgiveness may be considered as a manifestation of morality and freedom. The article focuses on the views of philosophers Walter Benjamin, Max Pensky and Immanuel Kant on the historical sublime.
It discusses the facts of empirical history collected from series of events. It also states that philosophical history by Kant has a different relationship with the body of empirical data that has traces of history. La Critica della ragion pratica di Kant: Menschenrechte und ihre Grundlagen im Diese gipfeln im Kampf gegen Terroristen. Es weist einen Kanon individuell und kollektiv erzwingbarer Prinzipien und Regeln aus.
Daher durchdringt diese Teilschnittmenge alle Kulturen. Aus ihr kann man anschauliche Direktiven gewinnen: Die Basis zur Herleitung bilden der kategorische Imperativ sowie juridische und politische Imperative. Kantian Affinities with Contemporary Vision Research. After providing a critique of Andreas Engel's neural mechanistic approach to object feature binding OFB , I develop a Kantian approach to OFB that bears affinity with recent findings in cognitive psychology.
I also address the diachronic object unity DOU problem and discuss the shortcomings of a purely neural mechanistic approach to this problem. If plausible, the cognizing subject could make an explanatory contribution to our theory of unified consciousness and thus could not be eliminated on parsimonious grounds alone. The Suspension of Reason in Hegel and Schelling. From Descartes to Sartre. International Journal of Philosophy 39 The contemporary debate between religion and science has its roots in seventeenth-century debates on the implications of the new sciences.
Two opposed conceptions of God, externalist and internalist, correspond to these trends. Kant reconciles Descartes focus on free subjectivity with materialist determinism by regarding the latter as a pragmatically useful construction of subjectivity itself. For Descartes, Kant, and Sartre, science itself rests on human cooperation in an endless pursuit of an ideal of divine perfection. The Role of Imagination in Perception. It explores the role of imagination in perception and the explanation of philosopher Immanuel Kant of how it works by unifying a manifold of intuitions.
- Pieces of the Empire, Book Three: The Remains of the Dream;
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- Synonyms and antonyms of Zitronenpresse in the German dictionary of synonyms.
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Locke, Berkeley, Kant, and Wittgenstein. Instead of taking truth to originate in the communicative interactions between subjects, this new theory ties truth to the action contexts of the lifeworld, contexts where the existence of the world is ratified in practice. This, Habermas argues, overcomes the relativism and contextualism endemic to the linguistic turn.
This article has two goals: Licht dos Santos, Paulo R. In this article I reconstruct the transcendental analytics in the first half of the decade of , and I interprete it as transcendental semantics. In a letter to Herz from , Kant elaborates the critical project, while revising the Dissertation of and he hopes to write the Critique of Pure Reason in approximately three months. The solution of the problem that he has in mind by this time, is limited to the objectivity of.
Morality has traditionally been understood to be tied to certain metaphysical beliefs: Some scholars read the history of moral philosophy as a gradual disentangling of our moral commitments from such beliefs. Kant is often given an important place in their narratives, despite the fact that Kant himself asserts that some of such beliefs are necessary necessary, at least, from the practical point of view.
This volume re-evaluates those interpretations. The essays in this volume attempt to challenge such understandings of Kant in two ways. First, they seek to re-engage with the substantive metaphysical claims made by Kant in the development of his practical philosophy. Second, in so doing, they seek to defend a more holistic understanding of the Kantian corpus.
The topics explored include the feeling of respect, the role God might play in ethics, the metaphysics of human freedom, and the possibility of knowledge of supersensibles. Contributors to the volume include: It then examines the meaning and the claims of the judgments of taste regarding beauty in objets of art, and finishes by focusing attention on judgments of the beauty of musical compositions.
Transcendental Idealism and Immanence from Jacobi to Deleuze. Selected Essays , by Andrews Reath The article offers information on natural teleology. It notes the critique of Kant in natural teleology that is contained for the most part in the third of his three major critiques. The Ordinariness of Kantian Radical Evil. Kangde de xing er shang xue. Li ren shu ju, In his critical writings before First Critique , Prolegomena , Groundwork Kant argues that transcendental freedom is a problem for speculative philosophy — and that this problem was solved satisfyingly in by his own transcendental idealism.
Hence, Kant had to shift the epistemic priority from freedom to the moral law. The Transcendental Roots of Mathematical Knowledge. Moreover, according to him the sole justification for such procedure is the informal proof of consistency and architectonical completeness. Therefore, contrary to the received view, the proofs of consistency and completeness which were envisaged as part of his metamathematical program were not conceived as a means to secure to epistemic basis of mathematical knowledge.
In its place, a more harmonized account of how we perceive concrete objects is offered whereby intuitive knowledge is consistently a priori whatever the domain of application. Der morastige Zirkel der menschlichen Bestimmung. Translation from Italian, by the author, and expanded. Illuminismo e criticismo a confronto. The author reflects on the rise of strong strain of quietism in the German intellectual history, from medieval mystics such as Meister D.
He explores the relation of the individual to the universe as the central issue of German thought in the quietist thinking philosophy. He further focuses on the necessity of detachment and surrender of ego as basic principles to the German mystical tradition. Essay on Transcendental Philosophy [German: This essay takes up the question of what this might mean and whether it can be taken seriously.
Neo-Kantianism in Contemporary Philosophy. Neuroscience, Creativity, and Architecture. Der Gottesbegriff in Kants theoretischer Philosophie. Mansur Garda, Juan Carlos. I argue theoretically against the logical sense of the supposition showing its aporetic consequence , and I also demonstrate how superfluous it is from a practical point of view. Nevertheless, I acknowledge to Kant, in spite of some well known Nietzschean reasons, the merit of having grasped the insurmountable human attachment to the idea that we are arbitrary or transcendentally free beings.
Finally, some instances of the echo of this merit in contemporary authors Nagel, Strawson, Dennett are reviewed. The aim of this paper is to develop a step within the justificatory argumentation that bases the juridical-political application of the principle of humanity in a way that makes it fully compatible with the thesis of the deontological distinction between ethics and law.
Specifically, my interpretative thesis holds that this level begins with a theory of action by which the description of the agents or persons that participate in the contract is fully compatible with the fact of pluralism. This essay examines the thought that our right actions have moral worth only if we perform them for the right reasons. It argues against the view, often ascribed to Kant, that morally worthy actions must be performed because they are right and argues that Kantians and others ought instead to accept the view that morally worthy actions are those performed for the reasons why they are right.
In other words, morally worthy actions are those for which the reasons why they were performed the reasons motivating them and the reasons why they morally ought to have been performed the reasons morally justifying them coincide. The essay calls this the Coincident Reasons Thesis and argues that it provides plausible necessary and sufficient conditions for morally worthy action, defending the claim against proposed counterexamples.
It ends by showing that the plausibility of the thesis, which it argues is largely independent of any particular ethical standpoint, gives us some reason to doubt a class of ethical theories that includes utilitarianism. My aim in this paper is to examine how, from a Kantian perspective, the model of the Second Analogy of Experience could be applied to the perception of objective successions and coexistences of musical sounds, that is to say, to the hearing of chords and melodic lines.
I begin by showing how the reasoning of the Second Analogy can reasonably be transferred to this new realm of experience; I examine, then, some difficulties related to this proposed transference of the Kantian argument; and I conclude by raising and answering some objections that could be made against my proposal. Political theorists in particular have hoped to find in her theory of judgment a viable account of how diverse modern societies can sustain a commitment to dialogue in the absence of shared basic principles. Gestaltism appears in European Universities along the early decades of the 20th century.
At the same time, it is closely linked to German thinking and, specifically, to some of its most representative epistemological theories. These two influences coincide in the gestalt notion of form.