Public Relations in Asia Pacific: Communicating Effectively Across Cultures
A Recipe for News.
Media Conferences and Briefings. Letters to the Editor and Responses to Online Content. The Best Time to Contact a Reporter. All About the Brand. A Holistic Public Relations Approach. Branding the Bottom Line.
Public Relations in Asia Pacific: Communicating Effectively Across Cultures
Developing a Corporate Reputation Program. CEOs in the Spotlight. Value of the Brand in Asia. Direct and Indirect Lobbying.
Public relations in Asia Pacific - CityU Scholars | A Research Hub of Excellence
Elements of a Public Affairs Campaign. Role of Government Relations.
Why We Need Public Affairs. What Is Issues Management? Facing a Crisis—The How Asia Used to Think. The Three Phases of a Crisis.

Internal and Change Communications. What Difference Will Communication Make? The Critical Management of Organizational Change. What is Corporate Social Responsibility? What is at Stake?
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Three Areas of CSR. Partnership with Public Relations. Show Me the Money. Treating the Communications Patient. Turning Technospeak into Everyday Talk.
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