Perspectivas trasatlánticas: Estudios coloniales hispanoamericanos (Spanish Edition)
First Abolitionist and Feminist in the Americas and Spain more. En el Canto II del Arauco It is in this way that it establishes the verisimilitude of the narration based on juridical speech. Literatura Colonial , and Literatura Venezolana. Memory and Modernity in Latinamerica. Modernity and colonial world, the geopolitics of knowledge, border thinking. Literatura Colonial , Literatura Venezolana , and Poesia epica. Human Rights and Academic Discourse: Epica, fantasma y lamento: En el aniversario de Espejo de paciencia more.
Abstract Through ecdothic analysis of the Codex vindobonensis s. Throughout the artide will also be a critical reading of editions of the relation like the new proposal. Espejo de paciencia de Silvestre de Balboa Literatura Latinoamericana , Literatura Cubana , and Poesia epica. El lamento de Tegualda: Duelo, fantasma y comunidad en La Araucana more. Derecho , Literatura Colonial , and Cristobal Colon. Latin American Literature and Criticism more. The specific requirements or preferences of your reviewing publisher, classroom teacher, institution or organization should be applied.
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Your rating has been recorded. Write a review Rate this item: Preview this item Preview this item. Gradie, The Tepehuan Revolt of Writing and Resistance in Colonial Peru. Walker, The Tupac Amaru Rebellion. Cuzco and the Creation of Republican Peru, Conflict, Community, and Identity in Colonial Peru.
- Perspectivas trasatlánticas : estudios coloniales hispanoamericanos?
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University of Nebraska Press The Negro in the Americas. Chance and William B. Taylor, "Estate and Class in a Colonial City: Oaxaca in ," Comparative Studies in Society and History , Schwartz, "Measuring Marriage by Estate and Class: Althouse, "Contested Mestizos, Alleged Mulattos: Images of Race in Eighteenth-Century Mexico. Plebeian Society in Colonial Mexico, Confraternities and Social Mobility for Afro-Mexcians. Beyond Black and Red: African-Native Relations in Colonial Yucatan.
Africans, Mayas, and Spaniards in Colonial Yucatan. University of Pittsburgh Press Reclaiming the Forgotten in Colonial Mizque, Medina, "Caught between Two Rivals: Historical Perspectives , Westport CT: The Women of Colonial Latin America. Ladd, The Mexican Nobility at Independence, University of Texas Latin American Center, Johnson and Sonya Lipsett-Rivera, eds.
The Faces of Honor: Conflicts over Marriage Choice, Leonard, Baroque Times in Old Mexico: Seventeenth-century Persons, places and practices , chapter on Sor Juana. University of Michigan Press University of Wisconsin Press , 2nd edition Conventual Life in Colonial Mexico Stanford: Van Deusen, Between the Sacred and the Worldly: The Spiritual Journals of a Colonial Nun , ed.
Kathleen Meyers and Amanda Powell. Stern, The Secret History of Gender: University of North Carolina Press Indian Women of Early Mexico. Gender, Law, and Economy in Spanish America. Graubart, With our Labor and Sweat: Male Homosexuality in Colonial Latin America. Duke University Press , pp.
Menú de navegación
Men and Women in Seventeenth-Century Lima. Sidney Evans and Meredith Dodge, trans. Memoir of a Basque Transvestite in the New World. Michele Stepto and Gabriel Stepto, trans. Marriage, Family and Community in Colonial Mexico. Jaffary, Reproduction and Its Discontents: Childbirth and Contraception from El Colegio de Mexico, Children in Latin American History and Society. The spiritual conquest of Mexico: An essay on the apostolate and the evangelizing methods of the mendicant orders in New Spain, Berkeley, University of California Press, University of Notre Dame Press Spanish Linguistic Policy in New Granada, c.
Pardo, The Origins of Mexican Catholicism: Sell and Louise Burkhart, Nahuatl Theater. Scolieri, Dancing the New World: Aztecs, Spaniards, and the Choreography of Conquest.
Historiografía de la América Española Colonial
Primordial Titles and Mesoamerican History in Cuernavaca. Nahua Authority in Colonial Mexico. Local Religion in Early-Colonial Mexico. The Transfiguration of Space in Colonial Yucatan. The Historical substrate of Maya Myth and Ritual. Vision and Imagination in Colonial Peru. Colonial Andean Religion and Extirpation, The Story of Guadalupe: Our Lady of Guadalupe: Image and Tradition Across Five Centuries. From Black Madonna to the Queen of the Americas. Spanish Architecture and Urbanism in the United States. The Architecture of Conquest: Building in the Viceroyalty of Peru, The Brooklyn Museum The Davenport Museum of Art The work deals exclusively with Spanish America.
A Journal of Art History. Arizona State University Mexican Colonial Arts in their European Context.
Historiografía de la América Española Colonial - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Art Museum of South Texas Art and Identity in Spanish America. The Brooklyn Museum in association with Harry N. Mexican Art and Life Denver Art Museum Philadelphia Museum of Art Leonard, Baroque Times in Old Mexico. SR Books , pp. Corpus Christi in Colonial Cuzco, Peru.