La España impertinente: Un país entero frente a su mayor reto (Spanish Edition)
The essays, which are loosely related, are organized into three titled sections. The essays in this collection demonstrate that the same assertion applies to feminist criticism. These essays address obscure texts or extract new meaning from those that are well-known, with varying degrees of success. In the final chapter in this section, Debra A. These essays are most enlightening when they adopt a scholarly stance, and less so when they impose protracted descriptions of personal reactions.
Hausman documents the relationship between Victoria Ocampo and Virginia Woolf. The great range of these essays -spanning continents, genres, levels of artistic merit, and also levels of scholarly attainment- makes it difficult to generalize about the book as a whole. Some of the writers analyzed here are securely ensconced in the canon, while others are scarcely known even to specialists. Yet because of this diversity, a sequential reading of these chapters sheds great light on the complex issue of gender for Hispanic women writers.
Without exception, these writers must come to terms with their gender on every front: These findings will interest a broad audience, and among the book's readers will be scholars who do not know Spanish. The volume is thoroughly accessible to English speakers, although some may be confused by certain omissions, such as the failure to specify published English translations or to mention that several authors write in Catalan.
Translations into English range from workmanlike to superb. In the Feminine Mode is a pioneering contribution to the genre of the Festschrift in Hispanic letters. This public tribute has traditionally been offered to male mentors by their successful scholarly progeny, who also usually are male. Here, scholars who are women pay homage to female professors who inspired them not only to study Hispanic literature, but to pursue a new field of inquiry.
Al referirse al primero dice: Sobre el segundo aspecto, el personal, afirma: A historia da literatura no texto. A historia social no texto. Su perspectiva es, pues, hasta cierto punto, defensiva: Indeed, the very denotation of the subject presents challenges and opportunities. As Almeida himself indicates in the introductory note, almost all of the essays collected in this volume have appeared somewhere before However, this fact does not take away from the masterful argument that the author makes for a definition of Azorian-people, places, literature, culture.
Well versed in current literary theory, but also well aware of its absence from much of the literary dialogue of his culture, Almeida presents his readers with a McLuhanesque collage -one that informs as well as challenges the readers. Readers -as did this one- will find themselves as spectators in a point-counter-point match. The tone of the narrative is at times angry. At other times it is apologetic. In one of the essays, a heretofore unpublished interview conducted in , Almeida concludes -in response to a question about the possible political implications of the definition of an Azorian literature- with the following words: A cultural space is only such if one sees it as different from something else.
Almeida establishes for Azorians a cultural space in terms of what it is not. For readers who are currently involved in a redefinition of culture through literary theory, Almeida's collection of essays is an example as well as a product of the contemporary dialogue. In the appendix, Almeida collects five pieces letters, short notes, and a critical review of one of his own books written under a pseudonym. In so doing, one realizes that it is a response in a never ending dialogue. Yet, scholars of all literatures expressed in the Portuguese language will find this volume stimulating.
The supplement by Viera et al. Center for Migration Studies, , compiles entries to of materials on Portuguese-American studies published from to In addition, several addenda appear at the end of each section of the bibliography. The editors are to be commended for the care with which they have researched the topic and presented the information in a usable fashion. The Rise and Fall of the Ethnic Revival: Perspectives on Language and Ethnicity.
In addition to bibliographical information on the published sources, the editors of this volume have been careful to indicate the location of unpublished materials, for example, Emmanuel M. Pages 99 to provide an alphabetical index that includes authors, titles of newspapers and other periodicals, as well as state agencies that may provide additional information. This bibliography is an indispensable tool for scholars who are interested in the Portuguese presence in the United States and Canada. Along with Leo Pap's original bibliography, it will save hours of preliminary bibliographical work on the part of researchers.
This reviewer agrees fully with Eduardo Mayone Dias who concludes his preface with the following words: This text fulfills several needs that long have existed for Hispanic American colonial literature scholars. In the first instance it presents a modern edition of a work that, although standard fare for instructional purposes, has often been difficult to obtain. The editor's notes and explanations are followed by a complete and modernized version of Infortunios This contribution is of particular note and value because it uses so-called high tech tools to evaluate and cast new light on an Hispanic American classic.
In addition to the obvious, such as promoting a revision of Puerto Rican and Mexican literary histories or a new look at the stylistic propensities of the better known of the two writers, this study should be a model for those humanists eager to experience firsthand the ways in which computerized textual analyses can be of significant practical value in literary studies.
Whereas the study is merely descriptive of the steps taken for example, no attempt is made to explain the significance of Chi Square in such evaluations , the several pages of charts and statistical data are easy to follow and will undoubtedly be of interest to students of colonial literature in general. Of special note is Professor Irizarry's decision to leave to the reader any conclusions concerning the extent to which each author intervened in the text. In this respect, the editor's purpose is merely to present the data; she lets the statistics speak for themselves.
Her plea is directed to those who would, for the sake of progress in Brazil, heed her call for educational reform, especially for women. Self-taught, Floresta still relies heavily on biblical and classical allusion, a rhetorical style which makes for slow reading at first; however, style lightens considerably as she speaks of various issues facing Brazilian society.
In many ways her themes are typical of the nationalism of the Brazilian Romantics, in that she rejects Portugal and celebrates the character of the Brazilian Indian. As Peggy Sharpe-Valadares points out, as an abolitionist, a republican, an Indianist and a feminist, Horesta was a highly criticized and controversial figure in her day xxviii. On the other hand, her observations about the danger of a two-class society rich and poor in Brazil, the possibility of authoritarian rule in an under-educated society are, in fact, quite relevant today.
Sharpe-Valadares's introduction puts the work into historical context, while the footnotes help the reader with obscure references and offer translations of long quotations in French. Sharpe-Valadares also provides the positivist background of Floresta's doctrines, and points out how Auguste Comte's concept of female moral superiority influenced her idea that religion and moral values should remain the cornerstone of women's education xxiv. In this sense Floresta retains a traditional view of female virtue. Yet as a woman, Floresta avoided the trap of biological determinism, because she did not believe that race or sex hindered intellectual ability.
This edition of Nisia Floresta's work fills in the gap of the missing female voice of the nineteenth century, and will be of interest to feminists and to all those interested in remedying this absence in the intellectual history of Brazil. Dixon's study of Machado de Assis's Don Casmurro relies on the tension between the distinct discourses of realism and myth used in the novel.
Dixon explores the underlying mythic themes, tropes and structures which furnish the work's non-ironic base. The study demonstrates how the narrator's mythic sensibility contrasts with the actual events of his life which provides the ultimate irony and ambiguity of the text. The first part of the study supplies the theoretical basis for the analysis: Bento Santiago, as a lawyer, personifies the patriarchal insistence on fidelity, obedience, hierarchy and honor. According to the study, this impasse reached by the characters is that of conflicting world views, deliberately set in opposition to question the basis of our judgments and knowledge, and perhaps even to question the patriarchal suppositions of authority and authorship.
Dixon takes the issue of paternity which lies at the center of the novel, and applies it to a metaliterary interpretation of the text and questions the traditional authority vested in the patriarchal hierarchy of author-reader to the matriarchal non-hierarchical text-reader. Dixon's study sheds new light on the underlying myths which contribute to the novel's irony and its universality. Dixon deliberately avoids the discussion of Capitu's guilt or innocence which would close down the epistemological problem of the novel whose ultimate concern lies in the lack of grounding of our beliefs and the insufficiency of any real sense of knowledge.
The introduction presents an overview of the poem, discussing the poetic legacy of the Nobel Prize winning Chilean poet, the poetic form of seventy-seven romances , the motif of the journey, the characters of the epic, the poetic influences on the author, and biographical information contained in the poem.
Chapter 1 provides an in-depth analysis of the narrative and poetic structure of Poema de Chile. Mistral, the author asserts, would write almost identical lines into the drafts of poems delaying the decision of which line to use. Chapter 2 traces origin and inspiration and the plan for organizing the poem. By way of background, Chapter 3 reviews Mistral's uses of the anecdote of the journey along with some of her actual journeys which are juxtaposed to the imaginary journey presented in Poema de Chile.
The psychological dichotomy between the poet's decision to remain in exile and her preoccupation with and patriotic ties to the homeland are elucidated. Chapter 5 provides a detailed analysis of Mistral's choice of companions for the imaginary journey through Chile. The symbols of Indian child and deer, according to the author, merge. In the final chapter, the critic focuses on the narrator of the poem. One possible defect of the book, that of repetition, seems unavoidable and is offset by the depth of the study.
The author relates Mistral's work habits to the content of the poem and illuminates the ideas contained therein. Symbols that appear in this poem that coincide with symbols constant in other works of Mistral are identified, analyzed and discussed in depth. For Mistral scholars the book provides a useful point of departure for understanding and analyzing this poem and earlier poems as well. This biography, a useful attempt to illuminate corners of the life of the Mexican poet, is perhaps only a beginning of an effort to unravel the enigma of her life, and death.
Bonifaz accepts too uncritically the official version of her accident in Tel Aviv. A lingering suspicion of that version is hard to erase. Some day, perhaps, there will be an objective effort to discover what exactly happened in the Mexican Embassy on August 7, No doubt, as current critical theory tells us, all biographies and autobiographies are fiction, or, at best, partial truths. The author selects certain facts at will, embellishes them, and suppresses others. No historical life, in all its complexity, can be squeezed within the covers of a book.
I therefore commend Bonifaz for his choice of a title: As reader, I have acquired a sharpened realization of the depth of suffering and solitude that Rosario experienced from her childhood on. Bonifaz was a close childhood friend of Rosario's, and what he writes, we may assume, has the quality of testimony. Her younger brother Benjamin's death devastated her parents, and this loss made her more precious in their eyes. Later both parents died, within weeks of each other, leaving Rosario both alone and free.
Some years later came marriage to Ricardo Guerra, the birth of Gabriel, and the divorce papers, which she received in Tel Aviv. Orphaned and divorced, she said of herself. And she compared herself to an oyster, enclosed in its shell, no more or less. And yet we have that other Rosario that her friends gave witness to: The book conveys the sense of absolute dedication to her art, with fine insights into the poet's manner of writing; Rosario was not one to work and re-work poems: I can't leave something for awhile and then come back to it.
Perhaps the translator was trying to be too literal, hewing to the at times florid prose of the biographer. This reader is grateful for the moving photographs of Rosario, from her childhood to her departure for Israel why are there none of her parents? In short, this work has its strengths and weaknesses; as witness to many facets of her life, it should be made available to all students of Castellanos.
The Idea of Race in Latin America consists of three chapters and an introduction, all written by historians: The edition offers a good and helpful overview of the thinking on race that prevailed in Latin America at the turn of the century. The three studies attempt to cover a representative sample of different Latin American countries and how creole elites imported and adapted Eurocentric racist ideas in order to justify their privileged status. Important in Skidmore's study is his critique of the Brazilian myth of a successful and happy miscegenation -that prevails to this day- but which his analysis of immigration policies and census records undermines: Aline Heig's analysis of the reception, transformation, and application of these ideas in two very differently constituted countries, Cuba and Argentina, points out how little the elite's ideology in each country had to do with the social and racial reality of those countries.
In the case of Argentina, Sarmiento, Bunge, and Ingenieros continued to espouse Anglo Saxon superiority and Indian and blacks inferiority at a time when Indians and black constituted a rapidly disappearing group. Heig's comparison between Argentina and Cuba further brings out the fact that, regardless of racial composition, the elites of both countries reached surprisingly similar conclusions on race and therefore had more in common with one another and their European models than with their own country's reality.
In the case of Cuba, Heig focuses on two writers: Francisco Figueras, a politician, and Fernando Ortiz, the first Cuban ethnologist.
Disappointingly however, she focuses on the latter's studies in criminology and their similarity with Italian models, while overlooking his very important theorization of the processes of transculturation at work in Cuban culture since the Conquest. Alan Knight's study of Mexico during and after the Revolution would serve as a critique of the two previous chapters since he greatly complicates the notion of race to include the all-important question of the construction of race by culture.
He shows how, in many cases, the perception of racial characteristics has more to do with the perception of ethnicity, religion, language, culture, and class rather than with race itself. The present work, culmination of nearly a decade of research, consists of preface, abbreviations and symbols, introduction, a corpus divided into Spanish American and Brazilian Portuguese terms, references i. As Stephens states early on, it is a broad-based work, geared specifically to speakers of English; and whose entries incorporate historical, literary, political, sociological, anthropological, linguistic and colloquial information.
More precisely, he goes on, such entries tend to refer to phenotype; ethnic, national, regional or geographic origin; social class; religion; and combinations thereof. He begins by alluding to the straightforward manner of alphabetization, in which individual entries appear in bold face, to be followed, in partial or complete sequence, by: Further commentary, set in brackets, may conclude the entry, offering some or all of the following information: Of particular value are the parallels drawn with English-language terminology.
Regarding the corpus of the dictionary, there is the pervasive, legitimate and, for the investigator, complex realization that, in the naming process, social factors impact heavily on racial ones, thus making for unavoidable ambiguities in classification.
Indeed, one result, found in both of the work's main sections, is what appears to be an over-zealous inclusion of regionalisms, particularly around peasant life, many of which lack appreciable ethnic or racial connotations. In addition, entries which seem to lack a significant, if not the significant definition, sometimes arise.
In point of fact, it is used more to denote underprivileged, short-term farm laborers, and not necessarily from the Northeast, either. Such limited shortcomings, however, are more than outweighed by the advantages of having under one cover a well-organized and thorough reference tool on Latin America's racial and ethnic terminology, up to and including relevant border parlance. This is especially evident in the detail with which Stephens catalogs and cross-references spelling variations, as well as in his more extensive entries, dealing mostly with race. His work, thus, fills a vacuum, promising to facilitate future research for readers in many of the convergent fields associated with Latin American studies.
En su Literary Bondage: Este libro consiste en un estudio concienzudo, sagaz, ameno, de un tema importante.
Visor de obras.
Por todo ello, Literary Bondage: Experiencia y conciencia Pero los estudios que se incluyen en este libro son desiguales. Bibliographies of bibliographies perform an extremely useful function in the scholarly world and this one is a welcome addition to such works on the areas and countries of the Western Hemisphere. Its author is a librarian at the Ponce campus of the University of Puerto Rico and is the compiler of several other bibliographies that deal with Puerto Rico. Pages are a classified annotated bibliography of bibliographies that have dealt in any way with Puerto Rican topics.
To some extent, they reflect the importance of the item or its complexity. Pages provide Author, Title and Subject Indexes. Certain sections might interest the readers of Hispania more than others. The coverage is remarkably thorough and comprehensive as it includes books, bibliographies that appear in journals or as part of ERIC, M. The annotations are most useful and the volume is extremely up to date.
It was published early in and includes material published as recently as An Annotated Guide to Bibliographies. Scarecrow Press, , ix, pp. For its comprehensiveness and excellent annotations this bibliography should remain for a long time the standard work in its field and anyone interested in Puerto Rico and its culture will find themselves indebted to the perseverance and scholarship of Fay Fowlie-Flores. One of the reasons Latin American modernism in the European sense of the word was so successful is that it corresponded to an economic heyday of continental culture.
Not only were many prominent Latin American writers able to hobnob in New York, London, Paris, Berlin, and Rome with the cultural leaders of the day and, in the process, become known from the recognition that the latter bestowed on them , but centers like Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Santiago, and Havana enjoyed a level of economic prosperity that made the nourishment of a Creole Bohemia and modernist set viable.
Certainly, Spanish American vanguardismo and Brazilian modernismo are eloquent demonstrations of the close ties between economic conditions and the level of artistic production. One is struck by the fact that, given the enormous productivity of Latin American modernism, a bibliography such as this one has not previously been compiled. But, then, poetry, outside of work on a handful of prominent figures like Paz, Neruda, Vallejo and Borges by derivation from his prose , continues to be the understudied genre of Latin American literature, with even work on drama and the theater overshadowing it.
The organization of their project is simple and straightforward: Within each section there is a listing of Reference Works, followed by Sources from the Period especially useful, since the economic prosperity allowed for a huge output of literary reviews, manifestoes, and early critical studies, in addition to the works themselves , Individual Works i. The latter is a single alphabetical listing by critic as opposed to perhaps a more arguably chronological listing. Although the entries as a whole are accompanied by descriptive annotations, the latter are particularly useful for the critical studies, indicating scope, points of contention, conclusion, critical approaches, and relations to other critical studies.
Although annotated bibliographies often only mean repeating in English as an annotation the descriptive content of the title, Forster-Jackson provide useful coverage. What is more, and again because of the proliferation of material during the period, some of the references are not easily available in any but the most extensive research collection, and in this scene the annotations play an important discriminating function.
It should, however, be noted that it is the user who will be doing the discriminating, since the annotations do not in any event assess the cultural and intellectual importance of the references -i.
Historically, this term only makes sense in Spanish and only refers to the Spanish American poets. Brazilian literary history speaks of modernismo , never vanguardismo , and there is some discomfort in making Brazil toe the taxonomic line along with Spanish America, and then moreover in English. Perhaps using the English modernism or simply a chronological designation would have avoided the ever-touchy problem of how to interface Spanish American and Brazilian literature without implying that Brazil merely fits in between Argentina and Chile, with language and, therefore, sociocultural differences being of minor consequence.
This sort of caviling aside, one is pleased to see Brazil represented, since Brazilian literature usually gets ignored by Latin Americanists. Since that country had one of the most spectacular modernist productions in all of the continent, the decision to incorporate Brazil in the listing is particularly important. The bibliography, which enjoyed the support of the National Endowment for the Humanities and fine computer resources, is superbly prepared.
Vanguardism in Latin American Literature constitutes a fine bibliographic standard and will be a widely consulted reference work.
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This well-written volume of critical commentary on the work of Adolfo Bioy Casares takes its place on the narrow shelf of book-length studies devoted to the close friend of Jorge Luis Borges and the husband of Silvina Ocampo. In the second chapter the critic explores his detective fiction, a genre he cultivated with Borges with remarkable success. Guirnalda con amores , a book often overlooked by critics, is the subject of chapter 3. Bioy's interest in humor and dictionaries, an interest he likewise shared with Borges, is studied in chapter 4.
The last two chapters are summaries of the themes and techniques found in the first five chapters. The sixth deals with the author's predilection for island settings in his early works and his later preference for settings either in the city of Buenos Aires or in the province surrounding the city. The volume contains an extensive bibliography of primary works and critical studies as well as an onomastic index. Camurati clearly recognizes the signal importance of these two works, but she successfully makes a case for renewed critical attention to his later novels and short stories.
His use of humor, for example, is not evident in the first two works. The idea that Bioy Casares primarily uses island settings is another result of critical emphasis on his first two novels. It contains examples of his use of humor and dreams, the latter either a foretaste of life after death or a nightmarish vision of earthly existence. In the final pages of the novel the dedication of the photographer, the book's protagonist mentioned in the title, to artistic endeavors triumphs over his feelings of love and desire.
Implicit in Camurati's conclusion is that Bioy Casares throughout his career has shown equal dedication to the task of producing fine literature. There can be no doubt that Camurati is a well-informed critic of the prose fiction of Bioy Casares. Her study is carefully organized, carefully documented, and free from any technical errors; the ones that do occur are primarily in the first two chapters.
Meaning of "impertinente" in the Spanish dictionary
I think Peavler has chosen a felicitous classification; he arranges the stories in a kind of continuum that goes from those works containing a maximum of fantasy and unreality to those based on reality. The key to the classification is verisimilitude in terms of character depiction, ambience, and the narration of the events in the work. Whether Peavler's comments cover one page or are limited to fifteen lines, he manages to strike at the core of each narration as regards theme, meaning, or technical aspects. Peavler handles well the ambiguities, uncertainties, and temporal-spatial displacements that give these stories their particular Cortazarian dimension and aesthetic appeal.
When necessary, Peavler reviews the opinions of other critics concerning particular texts, and then either corroborates or refutes these interpretations. In some cases, Peavler interprets the stories he discusses here as involving real events, whereas many previous critics have considered these same events as imaginary or hallucinatory. Peavler presents a good analysis of El examen , but correctly dismisses it as unimportant artistically. Peavler is to be congratulated for writing this very useful, informative, and critically sensitive book. I recommend it with much enthusiasm.
The volume's seven sections are: Oberhelman also underscores the novel's historic setting Cartagena and central theme: Jaramillo, unveils historical realities embedded in the work, and the second, by the author himself, highlights its historical underpinnings and salient motifs. But the liveliest exchange of ideas informs the section focusing on Colombian sociologist Orlando Fals Borda's four-volume work, Historia doble de la Costa.
The first piece, by Raymond Souza, presents a balanced, coherent introduction to Fals' study, emphasizing both its factual and literary contents. While undoubtedly based on sound academic principles, Bergquist's lengthy critique may nevertheless strike some readers as pedantic, especially in light of Fals's forceful, point-by-point rebuttal. Ricardo Feierstein Argentina, has earned attention for a series of novels, each developing the concerns of its predecessors. His first work won sporadic notice, applying concepts from architecture Feierstein's profession to narrative.
In the late s, Feierstein became a much more interesting writer by centering on a set of issues. He examines unexpected outcomes of Israeli statehood, such as the undiminished vigor of Jewish life in the Diaspora and the inevitably imperfect correspondence between Jewish and Israeli cultural identity. Also explored are the effects on collective and individual self-image or shifting from vivid utopianism kibbutz or 60ss left to business as usual; the puzzle of Latin Americanness enters in. Middle-aged discontent grows more acute; the humdrum professional career confronting the hero of Escala is one of unemployment, and the character's response to crisis has escalated from unhappiness and anger to disorientation and memory loss.
While these factors start Mestizo on a cheerless note, a story of recovery quickly reveals itself.
- IMPERTINENTE - Definition and synonyms of impertinente in the Spanish dictionary.
- Categories?
- Hispania. Volume 74, Number 3, September | Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.
- Be Like Water: Practical Wisdom from the Martial Arts.
- Hispania. Volume 74, Number 3, September 1991?
- Motoring Museums in Sweden (Motoring Museums in The World Book 3).
- Throw Me An Apple!
The background -newly recivilianized Argentina- suggests renewal, and Mestizo pays tribute to human understanding as friends and family help David search for memory and self. Even the police, who need David to recall a murder, wait patiently for him to heal himself by his own methods. These include taking oral histories from immigrant Jewish Argentines quite absorbing material , recreating in conversation the days of heady activism and violent repression, and even such painless therapies as sharing the rapture of a great soccer triumph with a teenage son. David's amnesia is the symptom of an uneasy relation with the Jewish heritage and Argentine past, recent political history, and other troubling legacies.
As the title hints, healing comes through acceptance of the mixed and unspecifiable nature of one's cultural and social being. It is fair to say that readers have been more drawn to Feierstein for thematic than formal innovations. A new restraint also characterizes the use of dialogue. This is not to suggest that Feierstein has foresworn experiments with form one episode in Mestizo is narrated as a screenplay, another as a comic strip or weighty debate the hero once sits between a pro-Palestinian Arab and a Jew voicing anxiety over Israeli and Jewish survival.
But here he tactfully lets readers decide what to focus on. Mestizo 's afterword by Avellaneda skillfully summarizes where the novel stands in the author's oeuvre. Avellaneda justly presents Mestizo as an example of fiction with a documentary component, and sees its unmarked structure as artlessness suited to testimonial literature, with its field-notes effect. Mestizo appears in Mild's series Imaginaria, a thoughtful list of creative works elaborating Jewish thought and concerns. Ocho Mundos is a text intended for use by beginning or early intermediate learners of Spanish.
This new edition of Ocho Mundos differs from previous editions in that the primary focus of the text has shifted from the development of reading skills to the acquisition of vocabulary and the development of vocabulary skills. In this edition of Ocho Mundos , the readings are intended to be used primarily as a means of reinforcing vocabulary acquisition and secondarily as a means of acquiring and practicing reading skills.
The text is divided into eight chapters, each of which focuses on a different theme of cultural or social interest. Among the themes covered in the text are: In addition to a specific thematic focus, each chapter also focuses on one of several verb tenses usually introduced during the first year of Spanish instruction.
The tenses studied in order of presentation include: Each chapter contains a vocabulary list which presents words and expressions related to the overall theme of the chapter, three reading selections also related to the overall theme of the chapter, and a variety of vocabulary and grammar exercises. There are also communicative activities which allow learners an opportunity to express themselves in some manner or to interact with other learners in pairs or small groups.
Finally, all reading selections in each chapter are accompanied by post-reading activities designed to test learners' comprehension of the passage and most are also accompanied by pre-reading activities designed to activate learners' previous knowledge of the topic. With respect to the reading selections, the first is a pedagogical text, in most cases written by the author. The other two are adaptations of articles that appeared in Spanish language periodicals. Each reading selection in a particular chapter is intended to highlight both the vocabulary and the verb tense which correspond to that chapter.
By correlating reading selections with the introduction of particular verb tenses. The reading selections deal with a variety of interesting topics which should appeal to a wide range of learners. However, they seem somewhat contrived due to the fact that they have been manipulated to conform to the thematic and grammatical focus of the different chapters. By simplifying and glossing the reading selections while at the same time strictly controlling the vocabulary and grammar they contain, the author does not challenge the learners to go beyond what they already know. This contradicts the empirically supported view that learners can indeed comprehend vocabulary and grammatical structures to which they have not been exposed.
Regarding the vocabulary and grammar exercises included in the text, the majority are mechanical in nature. Learners are asked to fill in the blanks with words or verb conjugations, match words with their equivalent in the other language, and complete cloze passages. One exception to these types of exercises are the pair and group activities included in each chapter. These activities, which generally take the form of interviews or group discussions, provide good opportunities for interaction between learners.
Similarly, while most of the exercises and activities associated with the readings are traditional and mechanical e. These types of pre-reading activities have been shown to facilitate comprehension. In conclusion, Ocho Mundos may prove to be useful in a first-year Spanish course; however there are several caveats to consider before adopting it. First, the vocabulary and grammar presented in Ocho Mundos are too limited for it to serve as the basic text in a first-year Spanish course; however, Ocho Mundos could be used to complement and reinforce the vocabulary and grammar presented in a standard basic text.
Secondly, with some exceptions, the activities and exercises included in Ocho Mundos are traditional and mechanical. Therefore, instructors must devise more interesting and less traditional activities to be used instead of or at least in conjunction with the activities and exercises found in Ocho Mundos.

Finally, the reading selections strictly limit and control learners' experience with reading in Spanish. Consequently, instructors using Ocho Mundos should also expose their learners to truly authentic texts in Spanish in order to broaden the learners' experience with reading in Spanish and challenge them to go beyond what they already know. For these reasons, Ocho Mundos may prove to be useful in a first-year Spanish course, but only as a supplement to other materials and not as the basic text nor as the only source of activities or reading materials.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Readers of Hispania were recently treated to a thorough assessment and bibliography of studies dealing with Spanish historical linguistics see Thomas J.
Translation of «impertinente» into 25 languages
Hispania 73 [], Several hundred copies were evidently offered as a Christmas gift to the clients of a particular banking institution. Hence, the lack of a bibliography and the usual critical apparatus. In the prologue , the author explains the title of his work: The text itself consists of eleven chapters designated and arranged as follows: La Familia Indoeuropea; 2.
As the above index shows, the author has managed to cover the salient topics pertaining to the subject. These are presented, moreover, in a straightforward and at times delightfully humorous manner. Many readers will no doubt appreciate the author's ability to transform what is potentially a very dry and technical mass of material into a highly-readable and entertaining narrative. It is somewhat difficult, of course, for a specialist in the area of Spanish philology to predict the reaction of a neophyte audience to Alatorre's presentation.
The chapters on literary development seem extremely uneven and sketchy. One also wonders to what extent a non-specialist reader will be able to comprehend, much less appreciate, the synthesized explanations of sound change such as that afforded the development of the Old Spanish sibilant system in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries of the phonological differences between Castilian, Galician-Portuguese, Mozarabic, Leonese and Aragonese.
While the author had promised to avoid using the technical vocabulary of the specialist i. It is clear that Alatorre writes with expertise and affection about the language he remembers having been introduced to in written form at the age of four. The general reader who is curious enough to follow him in his journey throughout the centuries will no doubt find much along the way to stimulate the palate.
The entries, relating to the Spanish-speaking world and Brazil, were taken from previous works of this nature, but the compilers, both law librarians, also contributed additional terms by gleaning the treatise reviews of the various U. They subsumed the legal abbreviations if the documents already contained a list; otherwise, they perused the materials in search of such abbreviations.
To be even more complete the compilers solicited contributions from colleagues in the field. The result is the present dictionary wherein each of the entries has the following annotation: The previous listings of legal abbreviations, brief though they may be, should have been noted either in the introduction or in a bibliography. Likewise, a cross section of the types of materials consulted for legal abbreviations as well as the U. Since so few bilingual reference books are extant on the fields of Spanish and Portuguese laws, a very brief bibliography of nine or ten titles would indicate not only the scope of the field but more importantly other valuable resources for the user: Robb's Dictionary of Legal Terms: Sheehy's Guide to Reference Books lists six additional tools.
Since the legal system of the Iberian world derives from sources different from those of the English-speaking world, it may be possible that the English translation is only an approximation due to the absence of a more precise term in English. Useful would be a glossary of deceptive cognates and other words difficult to convey to the English monolingual: Latin American Legal Abbreviations fills a need in legal reference; however, the disparateness of Roman and Anglo Saxon legal systems requires more scholarly accouterments for the user.
This plus more attention to source of materials would have considerably enhanced the present work. This volume, dedicated to the memory of Joseph H. Silverman , states that its principal objective is to offer a number of points of view on teaching Spanish Golden Age drama on both the undergraduate and graduate levels. By editorial de sign, the first essays are more applicable to undergraduate courses, while the rest are geared more for graduate teaching. In brief prefatory remarks, Hesse outlines some chronological stages in the development of approaches to the teaching of Golden Age plays, leading up to the great variety of modern approaches manifested in the eight essays which comprise this collection.
With the advent of New Criticism, scholars came to scrutinize with much greater care the texts themselves. Hesse cites the work of A. Parker in , and the reactions published in by James A. Parr as significant contributions to the development of a more modern and relevant approach to criticism which would come to examine the form, structure, imagery, irony, language, and human values found in a play. Many of these new perspectives are exemplified in the work of the eight colleagues who are at the same time both noted scholars and experienced teachers of Golden Age drama. In applying this approach to the teaching of Fuenteovejuna , Dietz avowedly shifts emphasis from Lope's play to the affective reaction which the play produces in his students.
Only after weeks of discussing the basic human concerns elicited by the reading of the play does Dietz engage in traditional study of its historical background and artistic qualities. DiPuccio attempts to rectify an unfortunate misconception according to which the apparently nihilistic premise of the discipline has been overemphasized. In deconstructing El pintor de su deshonra , DiPuccio shows how deconstruction can contribute two useful aids to literary criticism: Hesse and Vern G.
Williamsen, completes the volume. Any overall evaluation of this monograph would have to recognize the scholarly value of the essays therein published. Collectively, however, and particularly in light of the plays which they analyze, they do not represent a balanced overview of Spanish Golden Age theater. No other Golden Age dramatist is represented. As individual essays, they are good, although the orientation of most is scholarly rather than pedagogical.
There is no doubt that this volume will be valuable to all devotees of Spanish Golden Age theater, even though the avowed pedagogical thrust of the title seems somewhat misleading. The twelve chapters adhere to an unvarying format.
Synonyms and antonyms of impertinente in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms
Each opens with a discussion of a literary period, its major authors, and their best-known writings, followed by an anthology of brief excerpts from selected works, questions on the chapters's content, and a self-test composed of multiple choice items. A basic bibliography containing twenty-three items, an onomastic index, and an answer key to the self-tests complete the volume. While this manual does not improve on the coverage and critical insight of Anderson Imbert, whom he frequently quotes, it is, without question, the most up-to-date work of its kind currently available.
Shimose, a Bolivian poet, has written a highly readable narrative, but the flow of his prose is plagued by lengthy catalogs which, regrettably, appear all too often. In some cases he provides plot summaries or a few remarks about content or significance but in others he merely lists authors and enumerates principal works. Sketchy treatment is given not only to minor literary figures but also to the contemporary period as a whole. By way of contrast, the older literature receives considerably more space e.
Armando Valladares and Luisa Valenzuela are likewise absent from the chapters on contemporary writers. This erratic coverage can convey a false impression of the relative worth of a particular work or author in comparison with another and may prove confusing to the unwary. His historical exposition, more descriptive than critical, fails to elude the usual hazards of this type of writing inevitable errors, inconsistent coverage, and infelicitous classifications. In addition, the overly abbreviated anthology selections actually hinder comprehension by not allowing readers to get a feel for the works presented.
To his credit, Shimose disguises his nationalistic pride, offering a fair and equitable assessment of authors regardless of their origin. His inclusion of many obscure writers especially Bolivians not found in the standard reference sources and his listing of pen names are two of the volume's major virtues. These features, combined with the currency factor, make this a useful reference source for student and scholar alike. However, as with all works of this nature, it should be consulted with a certain amount of caution. However, having screened that out, I am sure that Gaffin will have helpful things to say.
I have greatly enjoyed all of the other books of his that I have read so far. He does paint the NPP with a broad brush, and admits to doing so because of the brevity of the book. Then I hope to write a second piece that will bring into play some of the voices out there calling for a via media between NPP and traditional Reformed views, and between Wright and Gaffin in particular. There is over 12 hours of stuff. Here is the link where you can get it. I thought it might be of interest to you. By Steve Cruver on Yes, I really should have read it by now.
Actually, I have just ordered a copy, because I ought to read it before I give some talks on N. It is a shame that Gaffin and others have not sought to focus on establishing common ground with Wright. I think that many of their fears would be allayed if they took such an approach. By Al on Thanks for the information. I am not sure that I could justify the extra expense at the moment.