Get Fit 4 Christ (40 Day Handbook)
The Joseph Smith Translation adds: As recorded in the very next chapter, the Twelve Apostles were called, given authority, and sent forth see Matthew Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught that in our day the Church also needs more laborers. He gave the following example of what can happen when Church members become actively involved in sharing the gospel with friends and neighbors:. He was a humble man, driving a milk delivery truck for a living.
Through his fasting and earnest prayer, the Spirit taught him what he and the members of his branch needed to do to help the Church grow in their area. Through his great faith, constant prayer, and powerful example, he taught his members how to share the gospel. Much of the leadership of that new stake came from those converts in the Farmingdale Branch. Now we might ask why there was such great success in those days, and the answer may be because of the urgent need to strengthen the Church.
See also the commentary for Luke Our manner of travel to all corners of the earth is very different from that of the early Brethren. Hinckley — further described the work of the Apostles: Bethsaida see John 1: Tradition says he was crucified head downward in Rome about A.
The Establishment of Zion
First introduced Peter to Jesus Christ. Fisherman with John, Peter, and Andrew. Preached in Jerusalem and Judea. Member of the First Presidency with Peter and John. Beheaded by Herod in A. Fisherman with James, Peter, and Andrew. Member of the First Presidency with Peter and James. Labored among churches of Asia Minor, especially Ephesus.
Banished to the Isle of Patmos, where he wrote the book of Revelation. Shared news of the long-awaited Messiah with Nathanael. Tradition says he preached in Asia Minor and died in Hierapolis. Cana see John Tradition says he preached in southern Arabia and was flayed to death or crucified.
Tax collector see Matthew 9: Tradition says he preached in Parthia and Ethiopia, where he died as a martyr. Tradition says he was a missionary to Parthia modern Iran and India and died when shot by arrows while in prayer. Tradition says he preached in Palestine and Egypt and was crucified in Egypt or stoned by Jews for preaching of Christ. May have taught the gospel in Britain and Egypt. Tradition says he suffered death by crucifixion. Tradition says he preached in Assyria and Persia, where he was martyred.
To read more about the tension between Jews and Samaritans at the time of Christ, see the commentary for John 4: The Savior instructed His Apostles that they were not to worry about food, clothing, lodging, or other temporal needs; they were to rely on the Lord and the mercies of others for their sustenance. This was in harmony with the hospitality and social customs of the day. Later, in Luke Because of its serious nature, however, this should never be done except under the direction of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
The Joseph Smith Translation emphasizes the importance of being a wise servant of the Master: In these verses Jesus Christ declared that His message would not always bring peace. President Ezra Taft Benson — , in commenting on this scripture passage, noted that one of the most difficult choices a person might make is choosing between God and a family member:. Job maintained his integrity with the Lord even though his wife told him to curse God and die see Job 2: Faust — of the First Presidency taught that losing our lives means overcoming selfishness and committing ourselves to the service of others:.
Almost every day brings opportunities to perform unselfish acts for others. Such acts are unlimited and can be as simple as a kind word, a helping hand, or a gracious smile. What we are really worried about, of course, is not giving up self, but selfish things—like our roles, our time, our preeminence, and our possessions.
No wonder we are instructed by the Savior to lose ourselves see Luke 9: He is only asking us to lose the old self in order to find the new self. Hinckley as a prophet. President Ballard then said:. Matthews further explained that John wanted his followers to become disciples of Jesus Christ: John knew, as no one else knew, who Jesus was, and he had known it for a long time.
He had had revelation from heaven to this effect: After the disciples of John departed, Jesus began teaching the people about the greatness of John the Baptist. John the Baptist was foreordained to be a forerunner to Jesus Christ, a mission that fulfilled Old Testament prophecy, as made clear in the Joseph Smith Translation:.
McConkie paraphrased these verses: You are like fickle children playing games; when you hold a mock wedding, your playmates refuse to dance; when you change the game to a funeral procession, your playmates refuse to mourn. In like manner you are only playing at religion. In short we must repent, perhaps the most hopeful and encouraging word in the Christian vocabulary.
He will take it from there. That name is formally bestowed by covenant in the saving ordinances of the gospel.
Jesus Christ’s Twelve Apostles
These start with baptism and conclude with temple covenants, with many others, such as partaking of the sacrament , laced throughout our lives as additional blessings and reminders. This temple [Salt Lake], more than any other building of which we have any record, has brought people from every land to learn of his ways and walk in his paths.
But this scriptural statement extends far beyond Salt Lake City. Then this prophetic statement will reach its fulfillment. President Joseph Fielding Smith gave the following explanation of this prophetic statement of Isaiah:. Likewise, on this continent, the city of Zion, New Jerusalem, shall be built, and from it the law of God shall also go forth.
There will be no conflict, for each city shall be headquarters for the Redeemer of the world, and from each he shall send forth his proclamations as occasion may require. Here they are being taught in the ways of the Lord through the restoration of the gospel and by receiving blessings in the temples now erected. Moreover, before many years have passed away, the Lord will command the building of the City Zion, and Jerusalem in Palestine will in due time be cleansed and become a holy city and the habitation of the Jews after they are cleansed and are willing to accept Jesus Christ as their Redeemer.
While the Saints await the time of the establishment of these world centers, the principle of sending forth the law has been associated not only with the spread of the gospel and its blessings, but also with the providing of a climate in which the gospel work can grow.
These verses deal with the ushering in of the millennial era and with the changes that will accompany it. This verse indicates a widespread apostasy in Israel and the return of Israel to the Lord before the Second Coming. Today people look to many other religions and philosophies of men for wisdom and guidance instead of to the gospel. Today, true prophets are largely ignored, and all kinds of false religionists and counselors are looked to for guidance.
In short, ancient Israel was joining the heathen nations in all their wickedness, and modern society is joining with the influences of the world rather than looking to the Lord. Their hearts were set on the things of the world. Again in the last days, materialism runs rampant. The land was filled with idolatry then, and people still turn to false gods today, though not necessarily to idols made of wood or stone. In the preface to the Doctrine and Covenants , the Lord indicated this failure would be a major concern of the last days. Because of her sins, ancient Israel brought upon herself the judgments of God, and because of the same problems the people of the last days will likewise bring sorrow and problems upon themselves.
They were the loftiest and most impressive trees in the ancient Middle East. They therefore symbolized not only the great beauty of the land that would be destroyed but also the proud and lofty people of the earth see Keil and Delitzsch, Commentary, 7: Trade with other nations would cease. Again the Book of Mormon affirms the completeness of the record from which its Isaiah citations were taken. Sperry illustrated this contribution:.

It prefixes a phrase of eight words not found in the Hebrew or King James versions. The latter lost the second phrase and seems to have corrupted the third phrase. The Book of Mormon preserved all three phrases. Scholars may suggest that Joseph Smith took the first phrase from the Septuagint. The prophet did not know Greek, and there is no evidence that he had access to a copy of the Septuagint in —30 when he translated the Book of Mormon. Isaiah described the eventual fall of Judah and Jerusalem in terms of the noted officials and respected persons of his day.
These included government, military, educational, and religious leaders. With the loss of such individuals, the nation would fall under despotic reign at the hands of youthful puppets. Finally, it would rush toward anarchy as the last struggles for power were exercised within the ruling family. See Keil and Delitzsch, Commentary, 7: The people would be so desperate for leadership that they would select rulers because they were able to dress decently, but even family leaders would refuse to help.
Individuals radiate the quality of their spirit and attitude. They manifest the real person—good or evil. Isaiah warned that the disobedient cannot hide the effects of their transgressions from others. McKay provided the following insights into this principle:. It is not what he says alone; it is not alone what he does. It is what he is.
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Every man, every person radiates what he or she really is. We must not encourage vile thoughts or low aspirations. We shall radiate them if we do. If we think noble thoughts; if we encourage and cherish noble aspirations, there will be that radiation when we meet people, especially when we associate with them. The vineyard is a symbol of the chosen people see Isaiah 5: Isaiah shows that the wickedness prevailing in Israel and Judah included the women, who were proud, arrogant, and more concerned with their clothing, jewels, and personal appearance than with righteousness.
But these verses can also be applied in the latter days, when women will once more lose sight of proper priorities. President Joseph Fielding Smith said of this passage:. They are taught proper deportment and modesty at all times. Moreover, this remark pertains to the men as well as to the women. The Lord gave commandments to ancient Israel that both men and women should cover their bodies and observe the law of chastity at all times.
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These were often adorned with bells. See Young, Book of Isaiah, 1: The prophet contrasts their former beauty with the results of judgment. Because of their wickedness, the beauty, the pride, and the fashion will become tragedy, disaster, and slavery. Thus Keil and Delitzsch translated this verse: To be unmarried and childless in ancient Israel was a disgrace see Genesis So terrible would conditions in those times be that women would offer to share a husband with others and expect no material support from him, if they could claim they were married to him.
See Notes and Commentary on Isaiah Through chastisement and various judgments, Israel will finally be purged of wickedness and turn back to God compare Isaiah 5: In Doctrine and Covenants Doctrine and Covenants Isaiah compared the protecting divine influence with that experienced by Moses see Exodus I do not mean something that is invisible, but I mean that same order of things which once existed on the earth so far as the tabernacle of Moses was concerned, which was carried in the midst of the children of Israel as they journeyed in the wilderness.
No, it is a latter-day work, one that God must consummate in the latter times when he begins to reveal himself, and show forth his power among the nations. The prophet used the parable of the vineyard to illustrate the impending destruction and scattering of Israel Judah. Talmage, Jesus the Christ, pp. After the parable that introduces this chapter, the prophet Isaiah gave many examples of the wickedness of the people of his day. They built up great estates through wickedness. Keil and Delitzsch explained: Such covetousness was all the more reprehensible, because the law of Israel had provided so very stringently and carefully, that as far as possible there should be an equal distribution of the soil, and that hereditary family property should be inalienable.
An acre is the amount a yoke of oxen could plow in a day.
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A bath is about 5. A homer is about 6. These measurements show how unproductive the land would become because of this wickedness. Drunkenness and partying prevail, with no regard for God. There is no knowledge of truth and true principles. Ignorance is a hindrance in any field of endeavor, but especially in spiritual things. The Prophet Joseph Smith gave instruction on this important principle: A man is saved no faster than he gets knowledge, for if he does not get knowledge, he will be brought into captivity by some evil power in the other world, as evil spirits will have more knowledge, and consequently more power than many men who are on the earth.
Hence it needs revelation to assist us, and give us knowledge of the things of God. They draw sin and iniquity with ropes of vanity. They pervert righteousness and goodness, calling them evil, and try to pass off evil things as good. It is the nature of sinners to reject the reality of the consequences of their transgressions, and so they attempt to explain them away. Eldon Tanner illustrated the necessity of heeding this warning.
Then many of our professors begin to teach perverse things, to lead away disciples after them; and our youth whom we send to them for learning accept them as authority, and many are caused to lose their faith in God. He must be prepared to acknowledge that there are certain things—many, many things—that he cannot understand. Obviously the dark evils that prevailed among the Israelites of the ancient kingdom of Judah help modern readers understand why the judgments of God come upon them.
The effects of sin today are as devastating as they were anciently. That is the message of Isaiah for today. However, he seems to have described them in unmistakable words. Trains and airplanes do not stop for night. Therefore, was not Isaiah justified in saying: This expression describes a signal, such as a whistle, to summon or alert someone to an event. A vision of the celestial sphere would be difficult if not impossible to describe. That was the dilemma of the prophet Isaiah.
He endeavored in these verses to portray something of the power and glory of his experience, using images and terms with which his readers could identify. Even then he sensed how much he fell short of communicating the reality of the experience. Later in his writing, Isaiah described the inadequacy of words and even of the senses of mortal man to comprehend heavenly things.
The Prophet Joseph Smith provided a perspective on such experiences when he said: Reading the experience of others, or the revelation given to them, can never give us a comprehensive view of our condition and true relation to God.
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Knowledge of these things can only be obtained by experience through the ordinances of God set forth for that purpose. Could you gaze into heaven five minutes, you would know more than you would by reading all that ever was written on the subject. In addition, some have witnessed a similar scene see Revelation 4: Whether the name seraphs also applies to perfected and resurrected angels is not clear.
McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, pp. Another rendering of the first phrase from the Hebrew suggests more clearly what was intended: The presence of smoke was symbolic of the presence and glory of God see Exodus Fire and smoke are frequently used to depict the glory of celestial realms. In the language of Joseph Smith:.
Some dwell in higher glory than others. Likewise, the purging by a live coal is symbolic of purifying, cleansing, and forgiveness see Young, Book of Isaiah, 1: Joseph Smith had similar experiences in connection with his call and the carrying forth of his ministry see JS—H 1: The words the prophet Isaiah was commissioned to deliver were in part to bring the people to a full accountability for their choices, so that they would be left without excuse. The people claimed to hear and see, but they did not understand the spirit of the message. An individual cannot resist or reject the truth without eventually becoming spiritually hardened see History of the Church, 4: The significance of many of the miracles was also misunderstood see John The testimony of the Messiah and His Sonship was understood, at least in part, by the disciples, but it was rejected by others see Luke The prophet Isaiah asked the Lord how long some men would be hardened against truth v.
This verse records the prophecy that the house of Israel would survive the coming devastation as does a tree that is stripped of its leaves in winter but still remains alive see Isaiah 6: The kingdom of Israel Ephraim in the north had formed an alliance with Syria for mutual strength and protection against the conquering empire of Assyria. When Judah refused to join the alliance, they threatened to subjugate Judah and attacked their southern foe.
Isaiah was directed to warn King Ahaz against seeking political alliances for Judah in order to defend his people. He was one of the sons of the prophet Isaiah who accompanied his father in visiting the king. The image is that of a torch that has burned out. The charred pieces of wood have no strength and carry no real threat see Young, Book of Isaiah, 1: Because the chronologies of biblical and contemporary texts are neither complete nor in harmony, it is difficult to review the history with year-to-year precision.
Throughout the period of disruption and migrations, Ephraim, the Northern Kingdom, was able to maintain some identity until the final deportation. King Ahaz was reluctant to accept counsel, so the prophet challenged him to seek the confirming witness of the Lord: Still the king refused, not because he was unwilling to tempt God as he said v. But the Lord revealed the sign anyway, confirming the prophetic promise that the Messiah would be born of the remnant of Judah and that Judah would not totally perish.
The two kings who reigned in the north at that time were put to death by the Assyrians.