
Expériences dintervention psychosociale en contexte de violence conjugale (French Edition)

At the same time, he taught courses in social services and sociology at UQAM His research area of expertise is the marginalization of youth and its effects, leading him to study in particular the vulnerability and resilience of youth belonging to sexual minorities, suicide attempts among young homosexual men, survival strategies of young sex workers and street youth, the aftereffects in young boys who were victims of sexual assault and the fate of young girls prostituted by street gangs.

His courses deal with sexual diversity, prevention and psychosocial intervention. Michel Dorais has published and directed a number of academic articles and works published in Quebec, English Canada, Mexico and Europe. He regularly holds talks and training sessions across the French-speaking world.

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He acts as a scientific advisor for various organizations, most notably for training and prevention programs. Her individual research work is primarily dedicated to the study of the adequacy of street work practices among marginalized youth. Annie Fontaine participates in numerous research teams studying the processes of social inclusion and exclusion, in particular of youth LGBTQ, those having experienced a placement or judicial proceeding and homeless women. With an interest in understanding how social connections are built and broken over the histories of people confronted with various forms of social exclusion, her attention is focused primarily on the role of support networks in the processes of social inclusion, including those of community organizations that support individuals and communities, but which also play a more general role in improving the organization of services and the progress of social policy.

As a member of the UNIE-LGBTQ team, she will be primarily involved in the qualitative aspect of research targeting youth and in the analysis of the role of support networks. Mona Greenbaum is the founder and general director of the LGBT Family Coalition, an advocacy organization for families of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans parents. The organization has received three Arc-en-ciel Prizes for its social activism.

To date, the Coalition has given hundreds of training sessions in 15 regions of Quebec, raising awareness among thousands of actors in these fields of the need to act against homophobic and transphobic violence, heteronormativity, and harassment based on gender expression. She has participated in hundreds of media interviews. She has dedicated the majority of her work to lesbian and gay parenting and has published and directed several works on this subject.

She has participated in a number of collective research programs: She has given a multitude of talks for human rights forums, as well as for union, academic and professional conferences.

Abandon / Risque d'abandon

In this role, she has trained thousands of health and social services professionals in the community and education sectors in order to help them adapt their interventions to an LGBT population and maintain awareness of their vulnerability. In , she received two honours for her dedication to building a more open and diverse world.

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Julien Leroux-Richardson began his transition in October Since then, he has been an activist in his community. He is currently studying at UQAM in psychosocial interventions. Carolle Mathieu has been a dedicated feminist for several years, having been an activist in a number of groups in the women and lesbian movements. Carolle Mathieu has also worked for the Centre des femmes de Verdun for 17 years as a community worker.

Her research work deals primarily with adoption in the context of youth protection. She is interested in the practices of social workers who work with this population, as well as the interactions between foster families that wish to adopt and families of origin, in addition to the experience of involved actors children, foster parents and families of origin. He is currently leading two projects on massive open online courses MOOC.

He has published books on teaching technology, knowledge modeling, the Semantic Web, educational engineering, and distance education. Her fields of research are asylum and migratory policy in Switzerland, the perspective of gender in policy studies, feminist theories and epistemologies, and the media. She has worked for a number of years on the subject of sexual minorities. This research will be continued with a project financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation which plans to carry out 80 semi-structured interviews with 80 gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans individuals.


His research focuses on the social and territorial inequalities of health, well-being and social inclusion. Annie Savage is the general director of the Montreal Coalition of LGBT Youth Groups, an organization whose mission is to promote the social integration of youth of different sexual and gender identities and to create environments that foster their empowerment. Because of her past experience as a project coordinator, Annie Savage has had the opportunity to visit more than one hundred primary and high schools in Quebec and to identify the continuing challenges related to the inclusion of LGBT youth in schools.

Miriam Smith is a professor at the social sciences department at York University. Her research focuses on political representation, with a particular focus on that of women and LGBT people. Activer le mode plus accessible.

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Risque d'abandon et projet de vie. Publication du Centre jeunesse des Laurentides Le programme comporte deux outils: Programme d'intervention en abandon. Triple-P Positive Parenting Program. Triple P — Positive Parenting Program. Un cadeau pour la vie.

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Exposition à la violence conjugale : profil des e… – Revue de psychoéducation – Érudit

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