Deus Ex Machina - Reality v1.00
Jensen furthermore starts the game with credits and XP.
It's a good idea to talk to the receptionist, Cindy Martinez, whom you can ask for directions. She'll tell you where Pritchard's office is, as well as the locations of the helipad, Sarif's penthouse, and your own office. In either case, head up the big stairs and go inside the Technology Lab which is on this floor to meet with Frank Pritchard. You'll have the option to either ignore or confront Pritchard with his attitude.
The net outcome matters little in the grand scheme of things, but confronting him prolongs the conversation and gives you more details on Jensen. They also give XP each, granting a very nice total of XP if you find and read them all. Prichard's arc of old monitors is also worth looking at. While there are, technically speaking, a few more things you could do right now such as getting minor items , time is running short, and you'll have more time for exploration when you come back to HQ.
Go to the far side of the second floor and head through the double doors. Take a left turn to reach the helipad, where Faridah Malik is waiting for you. After conversing, hop onto the heli to get your debrief from David. Their leader is named Zeke Sanders, who appears to be in the plant as well.
David gives you the option to go for a lethal or non-lethal approach, and either a short-range or distant combat style. These options affect which weapon you receive from David, so choose very carefully. Jensen's standard equipment furthermore depends on any DLC and pre-order bonuses you may or may not have gotten.
In any case you'll be able to play the game without any problems; some items just make things a little easier for you. The later you arrive, the less friendly they'll be. Another small cardboard box on the floor in the corner of the cabinet reveals a [BEER]. No better way to start a mission with a beer, right? In this case it's actually true. It boosts your health with 5 points and gives blurry vision for a few seconds only; worth your while. Inquire with the police officer, then be on your way. Head outside and Pritchard contacts you.
It's possible to already snipe one of the Purists down below by going to the far end of the roof, but it's just as easy to perform a melee takedown on him - which is more rewarding. Regular, guns roof - and sneak around the corner. A necessary - no one patrols here. Let's go over these both. In fact, this doesn't even have to be a guns blazing action. There is, however, a stealthy alternative available. First, note that the Purist closest to you is standing still. The second Purist makes a small walk around the block, and the third strolls up and down the stairs.
Make your way to the crates nearby the Purist who's standing still and wait for the other two to look away the third goes up the steps, and the second going for another small block. Take the Purist down at the right moment, and quickly drag him behind the crates, properly hiding him out of sight. No limbs or head sticking in the sight of the others? Time for the second one. You can choose to down either of the Purists first, because things are easier with just the two of them, but let's start with the second Purist. When he's about to walk past the crates and the other is looking away , take him down and make sure his body can't be seen.
Loot his stuff - making this a habit - and stealthily move to the other Purist. It shouldn't be too hard to take him out now that the entire courtyard has been cleared. The only thing you'll want to be sure of is that your first energy cell has recharged before each single takedown. If you do choose to kill your enemies the old fashioned way, note the two red - explosive - barrels you can use to your advantage. An alternative stealth path is to head through the door in the alley - collecting the [5 STUN DARTS] inside this small cabin - hopping over the crates here, and crawling through the small area.
This gives you a different vantage point, but the takedown principle stays the same. Place it adjacent to the crates near the large red containers, building yourself some stairs. Make your way up and climb the ladder to the very top of the roof that is, unless you want to snipe the Purists from the excellent vantage point that this middle roof provides you with. A high electrical current seemingly prevents you from going any further.
Move the crate away from the corner to reveal a small opening. There's a vent cover at the far side of the roof which you can use to access the plant. Accessing the plant grants you [ XP]. If none of the Purists spotted you at all, you'll get an additional experience bonus: With your inventory still relatively small, it's advisable to only take ammunition with you for weapons that are in your possession. Don't have either a Revolver or Combat Rifle?
Better to leave the ammo for now. The computer holds several emails, none of which contain essential information. If you enter through the door, you should be able to see another door straight ahead. That's the main entrance. You have several options for dealing with the five guards in this storage hall.
Only 1 and 5 are doing their rounds, and When you're close to 3, and both 1 and 5 are moving away from him, go for the takedown and quickly hide his body thoroughly behind the crates. Things become easier now. Neither 2 nor 4 patrols, and all they do is search crates. Target 1 when he's nearest to the main entrance 5 shouldn't be able to see this. With him out of the way, take 2 down after recharging your energy cell first. Lastly, take out number 5 when he's around the far end corner, and number 4 whenever you want to.
An alternative, harder, and less rewarding method is by going up the crates in the lower left corner, crouching your way over the large structure in the middle and take out 5 while he's in the far left corner. Still on top of the crates, take out 3 and 1 in rapid succession. After that, 2 and 4 are sitting ducks. Yet another way to get by this area is to simply sneak your way to guard 5, via the left wall, taking him down when he's looking away and 1 can't see you either.
From here you can already be on your way. There are two obvious entrances. The third is more hidden, and comes in the form of a ventilation shaft in the upper right corner, climbing the ladder here.

The main hall to the far left leads to a room with two Purists who have their backs turned to you. Taking them down is easy, and the chatting Purist won't notice if you take down his crouching buddy. Head upstairs and look through the grating of the door to see if there are any sentries looking your way. If not, open the door and head inside the kitchen to your right the other door leads back to the storage hall.
The Purist here is easily taken down as he's staring at the window. There's also a radio here that plays familiar music every now and then The sentry in the hall is easy to take down. Simple wait for him to go around the corner and punch him in his face. His Purist buddy in the locker room goes down just as easily. Opening all lockers reveals the following items: There's also a [BEER] on one of the tables. The maintenance room doesn't contain any items. The vent leads back to the storage hall.
Lastly, the women's restroom contains an Ebook The Sleepwalking World. Stay undetected as long as possible, and get to the Registry as quickly as possible. Move to N1 and capture it. You can now either fortify it just for fun and do a detour via N2 which you can also fortify and also fortify your IO. Of course, you can also just go straight for the Registry. Head through the door and wait for the doors on the other side to open. In the next hall, another four Purists are patrolling the area, so we'll have to figure out how to effectively take them out.
With the display screen as your starting position, approach 2 from behind when he's busy in his upper left corner and when 3 is also looking away. Quickly drag him away to the lower left corner towards 4, so that the body of 2 is out of sight from 3. Taking 3 down is a piece of cake now, and 4 never was a problem in the first place. Scout the ground floor for items. There's a storage room with another Purist west of this area.
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It's an easy takedown, considering he's searching a crate. If you do so, a device filled with gas will activate and you'll have less than 30 seconds to hack and disarm it. Of course, it can be done if you're quick, but let's look around for other options first. In fact, try using the hidden ventilation duct behind the right stairs. Alternatively you can unlock it with the following code: Besides several Purists, there are also several cameras you'll need to avoid.
Their line of sight is indicated by the green beams. Crouching and staying right underneath them, crawling onward at the right time is a surefire way to bypass them. Take out the guard on the far other end sneaking past the camera around the corner on the far left , and hide his body. Continue and eavesdrop on the convo two Purists are having in the meeting room. Both can be taken down easily, without the other taking notice. The meeting room also houses an Ebook Sarif Industries: Sneak up on the two Purists and wait for them to finish their conversation. They'll now start their regular patrol routes.
There's a vent cover hidden behind the crates. Move the top crate and gently put it down, reducing as much noise as possible. Look at your radar to see if the Purist member is looking your direction. When he's moving away from you, go for the takedown. Proceed to the other door, but wait with opening it until the coast is clear.
Hide behind the power generator next to the large, circular cryochamber, and wait for the Purist to come close while the other two are on the other side of the hall. While he's looking to the left, approach him from behind and take him down. Drag him close to the lab desk's wall so the others can't see him. Ignore the Purist in the middle of the area for now, and make your way to the other sentry. It shouldn't be too hard to take him down while the other is busy scanning the lab desks. After taking the last sentry down, scout the area for items.
When you're done exploring, ride the elevator down. As a rule of thumb, save your Praxis Kits for situations in which you have to decide whether you want to upgrade one of your augmentations or not. Of course, it's up to you to do with them whatever you want, although some augmentations are more contextual than others. For now, hold onto your praxis and go around the corner.
This is a tricky situation. There's not only a camera at the next corner, but further down that hall, a turret closely monitors anything moving around. Fortunately, there's a solution in which you won't alarm either of the devices. There's a vent cover nearby the large crate. Take shelter in the vent duct and destroy the turret. This is entirely optional, for you could sneak behind it towards the Server Room, but if you want to backtrack to a monitoring room with quite some decent rewards, it's worth the effort.
Go back inside the vent and sneak past the camera and turret by moving from cover to cover. Do this while the camera is looking away. This maneuver should not allow the turret to fully identify you; throwing the cardboard box in the middle could also help slightly. There is also a concussion mine nearby the camera, which is why we avoided coming from the other way.
These items can aid you while hacking computers. The Stop Worm Software will halt the timer - once detected - for five seconds, granting you precious time. The Nuke Virus Software instantly captures any node, without any risk of detection. You'll also want to lift the small wooden cardboard box from one of the metal boxes in this room: As you can see, this grid has two datastores. You'll want to access the clearance first, and quickly spread from there. Once you're detected, it's very important to activate multiple nodes at the same time, capturing and fortifying as much as you possibly can, to capture both datastores and the registry.
The PC normally only allows access to the camera which you can turn off. You could, if you really wanted to, use the newly found Praxis Kit to activate the Turret Domination Augmentation, although it's far from necessary. Make your way back through the vent duct and enter the server room. The room contains a [STOP! Make your way to the head office by going through the doors and riding the elevator up. It's not hard to guess the victors.
Make your way through the area and head upstairs. Eavesdrop on the two Purists and it becomes apparent that they're not finding what they were looking for. Head after the Purist heading straight downstairs and quickly take him down before he can descend the stairs if you fail this, no problem, just follow the instructions below - in any case take out the guard heading left. From the restroom you should be able to sneak into the meeting room 03 - just make sure the sentries don't see you.
There's a [BEER] on the low table here, but take caution grabbing it if at all. Hide behind the crate and carefully inspect the sentries' patrolling rounds. The one closest to you is easiest to take down if you hadn't already, back upstairs ; wait for the other two to move towards the other side of the office and quickly take him out before he has a chance to proceed his round, then drag him into meeting room 03 like the other guard.
From here, make your way to the guard further away. Take him out once the Purist in the middle of the room moves away from the desks in the middle of the office. With him out of the way, the last guy shouldn't be a problem to rid yourself of. Again, you might receive two access codes: There's a lot of hacking fun to be had in this office, all of which is entirely optional. There are 10 PC's around, which adds up to a XP minimum, plus additional rewards from datastores. If you grow bored of hacking and don't care about maximizing XP, here's a list of all PC logins in this room: When you're done, exit the office and head upstairs towards the head office.
If you've collected all XP in a maximum fashion, this will grant you a new Praxis! The below - due to the implications of your choices - contains minor spoilers: Fighting Zeke usually results in Josie getting killed immediately. You can try to kill Zeke before he has a chance to kill Josie, although this needs to be done within a second. Letting Zeke go also results in Josie getting killed. Talking with Zeke, trying to make him release Josie is a win-win situation.
You can use empathetic, humble, or reasonable answers to talk your way out of this. While there are various paths you can take, especially since the conversation is semi-random, the following choices will always get you a positive outcome: Releasing Josie results in several indirect and direct rewards.
Deus Ex -
This guide will inform you of the other indirect rewards later. The game also rewards you with [ XP] for finishing the mission, regardless of results. Rescuing Josie also nets you [ XP].
- Love in the Land of Fire (Shangri-La Book 1).
- ~ A blog dedicated to chronicling the "Restoration of all things in Christ".
- Seahorse Cove.
You can also hack it [25 XP]; either way, read the secret business proposal.. And I always thought I was the only one who got those emails! I'm still waiting for my share from one of those nice misters! Thorpe is waiting outside; speak with him and he'll promise you a reward for saving his wife. Conclude your business and talk to Malik at the chopper to finish the mission [ XP].
If you aimed to maximize XP, your counter should now be at XP. As you might've heard, Neuropozyne is a drug that prevents augmentations getting rejected by the human body. The "Rejection Syndrome" is common in nearly everyone with augmentations. Anyway, meet with Pritchard in the tech lab on the second floor and he'll tell you it'll take some time [ XP]. By the way, Pritchard'll call you Gandhi if you took a nonlethal approach back at the plant. Meet Sarif in his Penthouse - use the designated elevator to get there.
Speak with him and he'll ask you to investigate the suicide terrorist, who's been moved to the police dept. He also asks you to visit the L. This quest now ends [ XP]. Have a chat with Athene, Sarif's secretary, and head back to the main hall. You'll get paged - someone wants you in your office. This is actually the first of many optional Side Quests, which are not only intriguing but also quite rewarding at times. But this quest is mainly designed to get you on your way - meet Tim Carella in your office and accept the quest after asking everything there is to ask.
In this guide we won't immediately pursue this quest, but instead tie loose ends up. If you want to exploit the infinite experience glitch, Jensen's PC is the best place to do it, since it grants the most XP points. If you're interested in doing this, consult the FAQ section Answer 5 at the very bottom of this guide. Do realize this breaks the game for you. There's an email from Athene Margoulis which contains two access codes. She suspects that someone has been stealing Neuropozyne well, we just got confirmation on that from at least one source and names a few suspects, asking you to check things out.
There may also be an email from Greg Thorpe - Josie Thorpe's husband - telling you to stop by at his apartment sometime. First, let's have a look inside Denzel Mitchell's office - one of the names mentioned by Athene in here email. It's across your own office, marked with number 31, and secured by a level 2 keypad.
CAPTURE 2 augmentation, but to be fair, now might actually be a good time to do so anyway, because there'll be a lot of level 2 systems from now on, many of which require hacking. Also check the emails on the PC for background info. Head to the second floor and enter the office on your right Lyle Rogers and Gale Bergama. The PC contains some interesting background information; otherwise the room little else.
Next up is office 23, which is Will Rosellini's and Walt Cannon's office. The PC contains emails regarding the Neuropozyne theft, and gives you another keycode , this time for Ted Bruger's office. Office 25 is Mika Pine's office, but we don't have a keycode for this one, so we'll skip it - for now although you could hack it. Office 27 is Diane Gonzalez' and Nouella Cock's office, for which we have the code: As usual, read the emails on the PC. If you'd want to hack the keypad on the other side of the door, simply backtrack through the vent to do so. Continue exploring the second floor: Office 20 Jerry Maher and Dorrie Harris contains nothing of interest, and office 22 Faridah Malik has a high security level of 4, so we'll have to skip that one.
Head to the 3rd floor and enter office 35 to read another Ebook Hearts of Steel. Proceed to office 32 Ted Bruger's , for which you have the code: See that note next to the screen? You can also use that to access the PC: It contains correspondence between Bruger and Andrea van Wesel.. And the plot thickens.. Read the Ebook in the cabinet Tomorrow's Man: The Hugh Darrow Story and use the vent duct that just happens to lead to her office which is restricted with a level 3 keypad.
This leaves two offices on the third floor. The PC contains an interesting email from David on a 'Basilisk' project.. Macular degeneration results in loss of vision due to damage to the retina. The other unexplored office 33 is of no other person than Tim Carella himself, the guy who just asked for your help. The emails on the PC give you several conclusive answers. There are still some things you'll need to do for Tim, but that'll come soon. More importantly, the PC also holds the password to Faridah Malik's office: In Malik's office you can find an Ebook Building Wings: With this code in hand, go to the helipad and move to the far right corner.
Head down the ladder and use the code to access the storage room, which contains a whopping of goodies: With the helipad storage room raided, head back inside Sarif HQ and go through the double doors to enter the city. Wouldn't want to take any risks. She asks you to investigate he daughter's case, because she suspects foul play. We'll first visit the L. This will soon come in handy. You can find a [BEER] in the trashbin in the center of this area, next to the lightened art. You'll also meet Letitia here.
There's a woman named Letitia who's snooping around in some garbage bins. Have a talk with her: You can buy information from her on three different subjects: Weapons, City Mood, and Secret Paths. Let's go over all of her information. An' a bodyguard maybe, hanging around. Sarif's factory stole all the news? Rumor has it somebody wanted ta make sure it got to Miss Eliza's attention. Maybe had a shooter in a high place somewhere, looking down on the LIMB plaza, aiming ta turn things up a notch. Didn't happen because of the factory, but you never know, they might've left something behind.
See the walkthrough for more info. But I'm not, so I don't have the computer codes needed to open the armory's door. I overheard two rookies discussing it, while I was warming myself by the trashcan fire in backa the station. They was bad- mouthing that new boy, Officer Nicefeld, for choosing 'patriotism' as a password. This learns you that there are various garage-door storage rooms around town, and that it's best not to pull anything stupid on punks or police officers if you wanna stay out of trouble.
Some of 'em pass right under the police station, but that don't stop some people from hiding things down there. But a bunch them walls been patched over pretty quick. Man like you might be able to find out why -- specially if he's fixed up with suma them magic eyes that sees through stuff. Sarif has ta make eyes like that, dontcha think? Specially when things are being 'classified'. There is a door I know though, connects to the sewers. Only thing is, it's usually locked. Jesum, Cap'n, have some patience! The you'd definitely don't wanna be seen going in. But suma them ole buildings over there are real crumbly up near the top.
Fire escapes still okay though, so maybe you find a hole get you inside if you goes up. But it's true you might wanna invest in some of Mr. Sarif's falling down augmentations 'fore you goes in. Cause I's pretty sure them elevators don't work. Straight ahead is the subway, leading to the other part of town. For now, turn left first and look for the Oron Gas Station on the right side of the street.
There's an Ebook on the counter No Better: The Myth of Human Augmentation. Talk to Grayson to buy or sell equipment: The weapon upgrades are useful, especially the Burst Round System if you're a big fan of shotguns. If you're not a big shotgun lover, then it's a pricey purchase you might want to avoid.
You can also find another [BEER] in the trashbin across the street. A hooded man should be leaning on it. A full motion cutscene plays as you enter it. Inside it is explained to you by Dr. The shop contains the following items: The Typhoon Ammo is also well worth your while, although you'll need an augmentation for this that you'll probably want to activate later on in the game - still, investing in the ammo is wise.
You can always sell the ammunition for weapons you don't use or don't like as much as your primary weapons - the credits add up quickly. Vera Marovic, explore the clinic, although there's little to look for. There are two Ebooks in the waiting room Building Wings: A Better Tomorrow and Liberate Yourself!
The PC in the operating room contains interesting background information on Jensen. Leave the clinic when you're done exploring. Sarif contacts you and tells you to proceed with your main objective; entering the police station. We'll get to that after first considering several optional things. Check the left side of the street and move behind the fence. Yes, it's a level 2 hack, and yes, it's worth your while to spend a Praxis Kit on hacking by now. Alternatively, the code will open this door, but remember that you don't get XP for using codes.
There's little of interest at the blocked highway, so head up the steps across the street and enter the Detroit convention center. This place is currently populated by several gang members, which don't like you snooping around, although you can easily run past them and enter the ladies restroom on the right there's a gang member in the other restroom. They'll only turn hostile if you keep standing nearby them, ignoring their warnings. If you can't carry any more, consider dropping some items and selling the Machine Pistol at Grayson's Shop for credits, then going back for your dropped items.
Also, it's better to not open the hatch at the secret stash and just rush out the restroom the way you came in order to prevent provoking the gang members unless you're up for a fight, of course. In any case, you'll be back at the convention center later. This leads to a balcony with a Level 4 security device. The apartment is small and has an open window which leads to the roof of Grayson's Shop. An alternative way to reach this roof is to upgrade your legs which requires 2 Praxis Kits for the first upgrade , and to jump on the red container at the back of Grayson's shop, and from there onto the roof.
You could also try building some stairs by making good use of the barrels found on the streets. Now is a good time to start doing several sidequests. Detective Chase's apartment is right around the corner, who has important clues on Megan's case [ XP]. Speak to him for an additional [ XP]. He gives you an access key to the DMPD storage room - the reversal of , an obvious reference to George Orwell's novel on totalitarianism and several hints where to go next.
Before you leave the building, head all the way upstairs and enter Greg and Josie Thorpe's apartment. Speak with Thorpe - if you saved Josie before, you're rewarded with [ XP] and he also mentions you'll get a discount at a weapon dealer named Seurat. This concludes quest S3: The bathroom contains nothing of interest, so exit the building. Proceed through the slums until you reach a crossroads and right before that, note the fire escape, climbable by ladder.
Tindall's apartment building is to the left, but as mentioned, is protected by a security gate. The level 2 security device can be hacked, of course, although there are other ways to enter the building. One other way to enter the building is to climb the fire escape's ladder near the crossroads and leap over to the other building's roof. An other way is to jump on the container under the fire escape without ladder, and then jump on the fire escape itself.
With jump enhancement, this isn't a problem at all, but even without it you can reach it by collecting the large and small crates in the area and stacking them on top of each other. The larger crate can be found just slightly further down the other alley you haven't passed through yet, nearby the large water tank. Climb it, but don't leap over to the other building, instead climb on the roof.
You can either head around the corner and enter the building through this door, or you can hop on the water tank and drop down another level, entering through the door below. The level 1 computer can be hacked for contextual info and a wink at Big Brother. With this apartment fully explored, head back outside and enter Tindall's apartment. This guide will assume you enter the building by stacking crates on top of each other to access the fire escape, since it's by far the easiest method and available to everyone.
Head downstairs and enter through the first door before continuing further down. You'll reach an apartment locked with a level 5 security device. Alternatively, use this code: Hack it to retrieve the code for the level 5 security safe behind you; This unlocks the level 4 security door, but do NOT enter the room immediately! It has been rigged with explosives, so grab one of the cardboard boxes from the living room and hurl in the bedroom by pressing the fire button while holding the box. The Rise of the PMC's in the bathroom. The level 3 safe isn't worth upgrading your augs for unless you're maxing XP , nor spending an unlocking device on: This is Omalley's room - remember it - and you'll be coming back here later on.
Scan through his emails and immediately log back out [ XP], because this triggers an event: A junkie is looking for Tindall to get his fix, but since you're in his apartment, things aren't going to be friendly. Hiding next to the door opening allows for a swift takedown, through. His pocket secretary confirms our suspicions. Since you've now fully explored the apartment building, head outside. There's one last thing to do: Just what I needed. Climb the ladder of the fire escape to your left and go up one floor. To get back safe, crouch and drop on the fire escape.
Open the window on the first floor and head inside. The floor houses a level 2 locked apartment and Seurat, the weapon dealer. The most useful item is arguably the Silencer. It's always a good thing to have a silenced weapon with you, and this allows you to silence, for example, your 10mm pistol. There's also a hidden safe behind the picture, but it's locked level 3. The second floor of this apartment is home of a gang named MCB.
Approach them and you'll be told to leave. Back away a little and wait for the second member to enter the apartment, allowing a swift and silent takedown on the other. Wait for your energy cell to recover and take the other member out inside the apartment. An explosive device is able to blast out the door too. This concludes the exploration of this apartment, so head back outside by the fire escape.
A good method, which requires the Strength Enhancement augmentation, but which is easy to pull off, goes as follows: Use the large dumpsters and stack them in such a way so you can reach the basket easily. With the ball in your hands, simply drop not throw the ball into the basket. Alternatively, you can simply stack six barrels on top of each other; three barrels compose the first level, two barrels make up the second level, and the last barrel constitutes the top level.
Doing this carefully allows you to jump on top, which in turn makes it a piece of cake dropping the ball through the basket with great ease. The Level 5 storage room can be unlocked with the code you found earlier on: Remove the cardboard box and barrels on the left side to reveal a level 4 security panel for which you also have the code: This allows you to deactivate the laser beams; tripping these causes a valve behind the large metal crate to open, permanently filling the room with gas.
Only pick up one Combat Rifle and head over to Grayson's Shop at the gas station to sell it for Credits. You can now go back to pick up another one, and finally the last one, which you could either keep or sell, making a total of Credits. Back at the basketball court, don't mess with Bee-K and P-Gee.. The small tunnel leads to the northwest part of town, which includes Chiron Building Jensen's apartment building. I don't think a shortcut is worth that just yet, and we'll get to the police station soon enough. Enter Chiron Building afterwards. The receptionist's computer only holds background information - head up with the elevator.
The janitor here spills an important clue.. Well, let's just head inside, right? It's no regular apartment - that's for sure, judging from the size of his TV and living room. The living room contains an ebook Advanced Clock Building , but little else - at first sight. The armor-piercing system increases your weapon's efficiency against armored enemies, and is worthwhile to combine with your favorite weapon of choice. If you exit Jensen's apartment and head around the corner you can overhear a dramatic conversation between an augmented couple if you stand next to the closed door at the end.
Augmentations obviously have downsides. With Jensen's apartment fully explored, head back to Detroit's main streets. It's worthwhile to mention the alley across the street, adjacent to the two dumpster containers. The fire escape leads to an apartment, which in turn leads to D-row, although we're not going there yet.
Head down the main street and ignore the main entrance to D-row on your left. While you're here, though, speak to the hooker named Jenny Alexander on the other side of the street at the D-row crossroads; she's standing against the wall. We'll let this rest for now. Head down the main street until you reach the police station area. You've already explored most of town, but the link between the police station area and Sarif Industries remains unexplored.
Continue past the police station and go right, around the corner. There's a manhole leading to the sewers at the alley's entrance, and at the end of the alley is the shortcut between the three major parts of town as mentioned earlier, if you can move the container that is. Ignore the alley for now and travel through the subway station, which links back to the Sarif Industries area.
With the major part of town explored, let's finish S2. You can find Tindall behind Grayson's shop, just behind the abandoned gas station [ XP]. He tells you the real story behind the Neuropozyne and asks you to take care of two dealers before handing you the security footage. Of course, you can take him down and snag the footage from him, but this tends to turn the locals hostile. The dealers you're looking for are, as Tindall said, located at the basketball court, which is downtown.
Finding them nets you [ XP]. An easy way is to perform two takedowns on them make sure you have two full energy cells - the second one quickly after the first [ XP]. You might also choose to take the Multiple Take-Down augmentation if you plan on relying on stealth takedowns anyway. With the dealers out of the way, return to Tindall to retrieve the footage [ XP]. Return to Carella, who's waiting for you at the subway entrance, to finish this quest. There are actually several ways inside the police station.
You could head into the sewers to find a hidden entrance, you can try to find a back alley as one of the NPC's nearby the police station mentions , or you can try to talk your way in through the front door. Unfortunately, he's a total douche, so you'll have to be happy with the [ XP] you get from talking to him - we'll get around his douche-ness soon enough. Speak with Wayne Haas at the reception and a social battle commences.
You'll need to be friendly with him, but at the same time stay in control if he starts to blame you. A surefire to win this social battle is to answer in the following way: If you fail the conversation, you'll have to enter the police station via the sewers or back alley see further ahead on how to find the back alley. The vent here only leads to the main office, which is useful for stealth routes, but doesn't help us.
Back in the previous hall, head over to the cardboard boxes and ignore the women's restroom; it's empty. Move the large crate so that you can crouch behind it and not get seen by any of the officers, and hack the level 2 door at the far end of the hall, or use the code you just found and head inside the room [EXPLORER XP]. If you're really out to hack every single device in the game, it's possible to hack the PC inside Haas' office by stacking crates and copier machines on top of each other to barricade the window, which prevents you from being seen.
Go to the main hall and enter the recreation room. The main office contains various PC's, but hacking them, well, let's just say it leads to a bloodbath, which is something you'll probably want to avoid. Take him out while no one's looking and drag him behind the copier. You can seal off this small area with cardboard boxes to be absolutely sure no one sees his body. To be safe, also take out the other officer standing guard and ignore the armory to your left for now.
You can enter Cpt. Alternatively, you can crawl through the vent next to the nearby cardboard box. The terminal on the wall controls the ventilation security system - there are laser beams in the vents and passing through them will trigger the alarm, and we don't want that. Fortunately we have the code: Take down the guard in the armor stealthily and use the PC password: Hacking is an option too, of course [75 XP].
The PEPS is a weapon that knocks enemies unconscious with an enormous energy blast - seeing is believing. Unfortunately, ammo is scarce for it and it takes up several inventory slots, so it's up to you whether to bring it or not. You can make a lot of money by grabbing one Combat Rifle and one Shotgun, heading over to Grayson's or Seurat's shops and sell them, then doing this again.
Shotguns sell for credits, Combat Rifles for That makes for credits from these four weapons in the armory alone, not even counting other weapons you can find in the police station! It takes some time, so it's up to you if you think this money is worth your while. Ignore the other door - it leads back to the hall you came from, and the camera might spot you. The far end of the hall leads to another hall with a camera.
Take out the officer if you feel like it and turn right to the left is an interrogation room with little of interest, and you've already explored the adjacent vent system. When around the corner, do take note of the ventilation system behind the cardboard box. The camera up ahead doesn't sound the alarm when you're spotted by it, since this isn't a restricted area, technically speaking, since Haas let you in.
Enter the first office on the right Det. Detective McCann's office, opposite to Gum's office, is already open. The PC only contains background info once again. Now's not a bad time to take out the patrolling officer in the main hall, when he's at the far end of the hallway, just out of the camera's sight. The door at the far end of the hall leads to a vent, which in turn leads to the roof of the police station's the back alley.
Detective Murphy's office contains little of interest, although the two officers are discussing Paul Verhoevens RoboCop which takes place in Detroit. One of the guys mixes this up with one of Van Damme's many B-movies such as Cyborg, the ultimate movie for a fairly lame night. Wagner's and Jenny Alexander's offices. Both are accessible by the other air vent, and we also have the code to Jenny's office: The level 1 PC contains background info. Lastly, enter Wagner's office [ XP].
This concludes the exploration of the 2nd and 3rd floors. Return to Wagner and leech the info from him [ XP]. Having done that, it's time to pay a visit to the morgue. There's a vent behind the barrels to the right which leads to the cell block. Sarif now wants you to analyze the hub in your apartment at Chiron's Building. Don't drag the hacker's body around, by the way, or Gerard'll wet his pants and trigger the alarm.
Before you exit the police station, explore the locker room; several lockers contain the following items: This is also where the entrance to the sewers is located at. The lowest laser beam is faulty, allowing you to sneak underneath it after flickering three times - after the third time it breaks down slightly longer. It's entirely optional to explore the sewers at this point, since you've already got what you came for.
In case you were still wondering about the back alley, head right, down the street, and look for a metal crate. Open the nearby door and you'll see that the floor has electricity currents sparking all over the place. This leads to the back alley. He provides you with a different task, which requires you to pick up a package, assassinate an MCB member, and plant the murder weapon in the DRB's weapon stash, initiating a gang war.
It looks like someone made Megan's body unidentifiable.. Well, you'll just have to read it yourself. If you don't have a level 3 hacking skill yet, it's worth your while to use an Automatic Unlocking Device on the safe. Leave this place for now, and head for Jensen's apartment at Chiron Building. You can locate this by using your map whenever you get lost; it's on the northwest side of town.
Before entering Chiron Building, check out the far end of the street, and more specifically, look for a Crossbow behind the door on the right; this is the weapon Omalley mentioned [ XP]. You'll also bump into Megan's mother in the lobby. Tell her about all the information you found. You get [XP] regardless of your choices. Inside Jensen's apartment, connect the hub to your PC and watch the cutscene - things are about to get interesting [XP]. That is, if you spared his life earlier on. Head to the Sarif HQ area and go into the alley across the street.
Entering his apartment is worth [XP]. You might also want to grab a few crossbow bolts if you hadn't already. While you're in the neighborhood, enter the apartment building nearby the basketball court and head to the top floor. If you've already knocked out several MCB gangers, good for you, because we're going to enter their apartment [ XP]. It's difficult to take out all members, that is, knocking them all unconscious so that Jenny can make a case with Double-T as a witness.
It certainly helps to get the Reflex Booster augmentation, allowing you to take out two targets at once. It costs two praxis kits, though. Let's put this to practice, shall we? Double-T and the Gang Leader are in the bedroom. Wait for them both to stand near each other watch the blue quest icon until it stops moving and is relatively close to the other , then rush in and perform the combo. You can knock out the other two guys with takedowns or tranquilizers - whichever you prefer, just make sure you have enough energy [ XP]. There are several paths you can take, some which require augmentations.
The main entrance isn't a good idea because this blows your cover. It is, however, possible to jump on the dumpster and sneak through the concrete pipe. Your goal is straight ahead, so if you can manage to sneak past the other members - timing is everything - perhaps with the help of the Cloak augmentation. You can go through the door at the far end of the street Chiron Building Street , where you found Omalley's weapon. Look for a barrel in the alley across the street with two dumpsters against the wall and drag it all the way back.
Place it in front of the leftmost crate, crouch, and jump twice to get over the crate. Jump Enhancement works fine too. If you have the "Multiple Take-Down" aug, rush over to the two gang members to toast them both at once. Go through the door and you'll spot a fire escape to your left.
From Chiron building, look for the alley across the street with 2 containers; you can climb the fire escape in this alley. This path does require the Jump Enhancement augmentation 2 praxis kits. From here you can jump with enhancement to the fire escape on the other side of the street - just be sure to sprint fast enough. From here there are actually two routes: This requires should you want to be stealthy , the "Punch Through Walls" augmentation.
Climb the fire escape and enter the building. Punching through the wall clears the way but, and this is important if you care about a non-lethal playthrough, it also KILLS the gang member standing against the wall within the same combo. The other gang member isn't alerted, and can be taken down regularly. I personally wouldn't recommend this path. The second route requires you to sneak past the D-Row members near the crossroads.
Of course, this is ultimately done with a little help of the "Cloaking System" augmentation 2 praxis kits , although it's not impossible without it either. Hug the left wall and sneak behind the large container to the left it's not a disaster if they tell you to "stay out of this", just don't stick around.
Head through the door. This requires skill and timing, so it's a good idea to save your game before this part. And then there is this: Good morning dear readers. As you are waking up, the Presidential Election is upon us. They are as follows:. And I agree with these claims, hence I identify and list them. And that is how we will precede today. Most optimal place to start is HERE. In mathematical terms, it is this: I think it is a reasonable assumption to include these in the Trump Camp.
So that leaves the rest of the Blue States that are supposedly in the Clinton Camp. Here is how that looks:. So here is what we will do. This specificity would not suggest that it will go over into the Trump camp. If I were a betting man, and the odds were right, I could be enticed to wager that a New York A landslide election that nobody saw coming. The reason that I am bringing this to your attention is that this blogger… excuse me… this most humble blogger, has sufficient grounds OBJECTIVE to believe that the presidential election that will commence tomorrow will have a similar result.
Sick, Crooked, Unelectable Hillary This is a catch all category that is comprised of two elements. Once I find figures, will put up. This category captures the reduction increase in Voter turnout for the SickHillary due to the bad economic situation Work Force Participation Rate and increases in household expenses ObamaCare is the big one here.
This is huge in the border states such as AZ and NM. It can also come into play in Southern California, where the larger population centers are located. Here is the list below:. The above list is by no means complete. Oh, and one more thing. The best shot was the NeverTrump crowd , yet they seemed to have melted away. You got to wonder how real it was…. So where does that leave us. Here is how the math would works: Yes, this is what the Deus Ex Machina model has been showing all along. If he wins these three, he just needs one more.
Mon Nov 07 Mitt Romney went into Election Day down , in absentee ballots and early voting. He ended up losing the state by 74, This time, in a dramatic surprise twist, Trump is only down 32,! The Gateway Pundit post about this rally is here. So since we are at The Gateway Pundit, here are those post: I also would like to inform you, dear reader that Mr.
Scott Adams, the Dilbert creator is also a fan of this video. Dilbert in turn identified an underlying lays out his opinion in the post that I have linked to here. And that is not all.
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The blog on which the Adams post appears, namely the Zero Hedge blog, also provides a very interesting observation. Before I identify it, here is the relevant passage:. While most wait to see if The Clinton campaign is truly out of ammo in the shit-slinging competition known as the election campaign, we, like many others, had been wondering if Trump was also planning some sort of special closing argument. Here is that quote: The key to the neomodernist capture of power is however also the reason for their failure to sustain a religious culture.
Neomodernism is not like Protestantism, which contains ideas with a positive content as well as being a rejection of Catholicism. These ideas — justification by faith, and the like — are not correct, but they say something substantial, and have an appeal that can give rise to an important movement. Neomodernism, however, on a religious level is a purely negative thesis. As a result it has no attractive force of its own, and ecclesiastical structures that fall into its grip eventually die away — a process now visible all over the world. Given the above, no matter what one wants to say about Mr.
I would make the following observation: On the other hand, Mr. Going one step further, one can say that the relative strength of the respective messages strength of the Trump Message as opposed to the Sick Hillary message can be gauged by comparing the attendance figures side by side. Now please bear in mind that these are extreme representations. And since we are on the subject of defining what it is, specifically that we are looking at, I am going to throw one more definition out here. What a ZSG is in fact is this:. A zero-sum game may have as few as two players, or millions of participants.
The reason that I am pointing this out, is that at the end of the day, a presidential race is a ZSG. Or in other words, every time The Donald picks up 1 point, Sick Hillary by definition loses 1 point. But at the end of the game, all the points lost by one side MUST be picked up by the other. And one final point. I will put the link up here , and would like you dear readers to venture over and read that piece, keeping in mind that which your humble blogger wrote above. And once again, please go to this link and watch that video ….
President Barack Obama and Stevie Wonder held a rally for Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton at the spring training baseball stadium for the Houston Astros attended by about 11, supporters. The stands and infield were jam packed, but the outfield was empty as the turnout did not match planning for the event. It started in Vietnam. While there was no immediate threat to the US, some were concerned about falling dominoes and the march of communism.
Some were animated by an idealistic desire to secure democracy and liberty in a land that had never known those blessings. For those who were drafted, they did, perhaps reluctantly, what they perceived to be their duty. Whatever their motivations, those who fought found their idealism shattered. Short of total immolation of both friend and foe—it was often impossible to differentiate the two—there was no effective strategy against guerrilla warfare waged by the enemy fighting on its home turf.
The Viet Cong proved as difficult to vanquish as hordes of ants and mosquitos at a picnic. The victory the generals and politicians insisted was just another few months and troop deployments down the road never came, and the soldiers knew it never would, long before reality was acknowledged and the troops brought home. Brutal disillusionment gave way to abject disgust when they returned stateside.
They cynically, but understandably, concluded that the antiwar protests had more to do with fear of the draft there were no major protests after Nixon ended it , and readily available sex and drugs than heartfelt opposition to the war. That conclusion was buttressed by their reception from the antiwar crowd. The US victims of the war, those who fought it—the wounded, the physically and psychologically maimed, the dead—were branded as subhuman thugs and baby killers.
It was the first time in the history of the US that a substantial swath of the population turned on those who had fought its wars. Those who fought regarded or, in the case of the dead, would have regarded those doing the branding as preening, posturing, spoiled children. A subterranean fault line split into a gaping fissure, since widened to a yawning chasm.
The idea that the elite—by dint of their education, intelligence, rarified social circle, and moral sensibility— should rule had reached full florescence during the New Deal, when FDR and his so-called brain trust promised change that most Americans could believe in. Although the elite failed, prolonging the Great Depression, it seemingly redeemed itself directing World War II, leaving the US at an unprecedented pinnacle of global power. Forgetting the failures of the Depression and basking in the hubristic glow, a bipartisan coterie from Washington, Wall Street, industry, the military, and the Ivy League set out to order the world according to their dictates.
The US would lead a confederated empire opposing the Soviet alliance. The epochal nature of the struggle justified, in their minds, whatever means were necessary to wage it, including propaganda, espionage, subversion, regime change, and war. While the Kennedy assassination offered the American public a glimpse into the heart of darkness, only a few independent-minded skeptics challenged the Warren Commission whitewash.
The Clintons, of course, became the prime example. Revolutions dawn when an appreciable number of the ruled realize their rulers are intellectual and moral inferiors. It all boils down to revulsion with the self-anointed, incompetent, pretentious, hypocritical, corrupt, prevaricating elite that presumes to rule this country. It is, in a word, inferior to the populace on the other side of the yawning chasm, the ones they have patronized and insulted for decades, and the other side knows it.
Peggy Noonan is one of the few mainstream writers who has tried to understand, rather than insult or condemn, the Trump phenomenon. It was a nice try, but Ms. Noonan is attempting to straddle a chasm that cannot be straddled. She writes for the Journal, an establishment organ, some of whose writers have been either so clueless or disingenuous that they have denied the existence of an establishment. They know how to take care of themselves, and many know the government hurts the most those whom it ostensibly protects. The top and bottom of the service economy swell—lobbyists, political operatives, debt merchants, Internet wizards, lawyers, bureaucrats, waiters, bartenders, nurses, orderlies, sales clerks—while what used to be the heart of the economy—manufacturing—shrinks.
The bailouts from the last financial crisis went to Wall Street, not the homeowners with underwater mortgages facing foreclosure. Whose pockets were picked to fund those bailouts? And whose pockets were picked to pay the higher insurance premiums necessary to fund the Obamacare disaster? Not much has changed since Vietnam. The decent besieged are taking fire from all sides, valiantly fighting their way through it, while preening, posturing, spoiled idiots congratulate themselves for running a once great country into the ground.
The idiot class should be grateful for their forbearance. Instead, it resorts to means fair and foul to subvert them and maintain its power. If the idiot class and its rabble subvert him, a quote from John F. Kennedy, recently featured on SLL, will surely come back to haunt them. In the Weekly Republican Address, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump addresses his plan for moving our country in a new direction from the failed leadership of the last eight years, and asks the American people to elect Republicans up and down the ticket to make that vision possible.
Their hopes have become my hopes and their dreams have become my dreams. Fifteen days ago, I proposed my Contract with the American Voter—a day action plan to bring real change to Washington. We need change so badly. If we win on November 8, and elect a Republican House and Senate, we can finally deliver the change the American people deserve. My Contract includes a plan to create 25 million new jobs.
We will also immediately fix our terrible trade deals and stop the jobs from leaving our country. My Contract includes a pledge to end illegal immigration, and end it rapidly, cancel federal funding for sanctuary cities, and suspend the admission of Syrian refugees into our country. We will give every parent in America the right to send their kids to the school of their choice, including millions of low-income African American and Hispanic children who have been failed, so long—for generations in fact—by the Democratic politicians like Hillary Clinton. We will undertake a national effort to reduce crime and poverty, and bring jobs and safety to our inner cities—finally, at last.
At the center of my Contract is my plan to end government corruption. Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency of the United States, and if she were to win it would create a constitutional crisis like no other. And when I say great, I mean great for everyone. Thank you very much. I have placed it above. We pick up our coverage today in the most important area at present, within the sub-set of the Visibilium Omnium that is the US Presidential Election: As we are all aware, the US President is picked by the electoral college which in turn gives its votes to the candidate that obtained the most votes in that particular state.
So it is critical to capture as many states as possible, and the candidate that has electoral votes, is then declared the President of the United States of America. With respect to the Electoral College, there has been news coming out from the great state of New Mexico. It would appear that New Mexico is all tied up and in play. And the story is the same across all those Blue States that are listed in the Drudge Report screen grab. Also note which states are NOT on this list. And just to finish this thread, if Trump gets any of the states listed above, i. Or at least this is the base line assumption that is prudent to make.
Trump for President camp. And the reason this is very important to note, is that not only do we see this movement in states that normally vote for the Communist Democratic Party candidate, but that it is happening across many states and simultaneously. If he gets any one of these states, he has the electoral votes needed to win.
With respect to what is written above, your humble blogger has found confirmation, and in the unlikeliest of places. This confirmation comes via the Rush Limbaugh website and the source is none other than the Clinton News Network. In other words, this confirmation comes directly from the Democratic Party and the SickHillary Campaign.
Confirmation from the Trump camp. Here is that bit:. She says her father is closing the gap and taking the lead in many swing states across the country. This is where steal meets steel and territory is gained or lost. So the Communists Democrats send in the judges: The analysis is via Breitbart, but it is very close to that which I have seen from other sources.
Here is the link. Here is that one: The Donald attracted 4x the crowd. Jay-Z said onstage after he was done performing: I am here tonight because respect matters. Respect matters to me. The trio attracted 10, people — many of whom filed out after the concert and before the Democratic nominee took the stage.
So today, The Donald answered. And by the looks of things, The Donald is much bigger than even JayZ. I brought the Donald v. SickHillary campaign attendenc figures from 12x down to only 4x: Just to show you folks how bad things are getting for Sick Crooked Unelectable Hillary, this: Remember that as you read the below: And here is the punch line: If Hillary is elected, it will be by rigging the election.