
Culture Club:Cases of Mutilated Body

And it's not just in the United States.

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Other industrialized countries are seeing the body modification trend expand with new, and increasingly bizarre, treatments. In Japan, young people are plumping up their forehead by injecting large amounts of saline, then pressing their thumb into the middle to create an indentation. This leaves a temporary doughnut-like appearance, dubbed the " Bagel Head. Extreme body modification procedures are almost never performed by actual physicians. These treatments are more often associated with tattoo parlors than medical offices. In fact, I've never heard of a single plastic surgeon who's admitted to performing extreme body modification.

And because actual doctors aren't involved, the patients don't benefit from modern anesthetics. Should you trust your doctor? Want to fork your tongue?

Take a swig of whiskey, apply some ice, and try to stay still while the body modification artist slices it in half. Surgery to look like Superman. Surgery to look like Superman Although I've never been asked to fix or treat a split tongue, there is one body modification trend I've been asked very commonly to repair: These are circular earrings that function to gradually dilate an ear piercing, often to massive size.

People with gauge earrings may believe their earlobes look stylish when the earrings are in place, but they look like limp noodles when the jewelry is removed.

Most of my patients who've undergone repair of their stretched earlobes have had it done to improve their job prospects -- what works for an interview at a tattoo parlor may not be appropriate when applying for a managerial position. Apart from its effect on professional prospects, can extreme body modification be a sign of underlying psychiatric issues?

There had been five murders carried out by contract killers and questions were raised about whether the police and legal system had been corrupted. Terry Sinclair died at Parkhurst prison in raising suspicions he had been murdered on the orders of other gang members to make sure he kept quiet. The official cause of death was said to be a heart attack but at the time Sinclair was about to spill the beans to the Australian police about what he knew.

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Two detectives who worked on the case - Ernie Pemberton and Jeff Meadows - have called into question whether anything untoward had gone on. While there's no way of proving anything it did mean an intriguing end to what was a remarkable case. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. This page is best viewed in an up-to-date web browser with style sheets CSS enabled.

Incidents of necrophilia

While you will be able to view the content of this page in your current browser, you will not be able to get the full visual experience. Please consider upgrading your browser software or enabling style sheets CSS if you are able to do so. Page last updated at E-mail this to a friend Printable version. Martin Johnstone's body had been weighed down by bricks. The body was dumped at the quarry off Halfpenny Lane, Eccleston. Tests showed the body had been disposed only days before the divers discovered it.

Body modification -- or mutilation? - CNN

Johnstone's body was naked except for a medallion with the Chinese inscription for long life. Thinking they had got away with it, three members of the gang were celebrating in Preston's Piper nightclub shortly after the murder. They were shocked when a waitress unwittingly asked them: When Andrew Maher finally pleaded guilty to shooting Johnstone he said he had been instructed "kill or be killed". Although prohibited by the laws of many countries, there have been many reported cases of necrophilia throughout history.

Incidents of necrophilia are noted to have occurred throughout history. Greek author Herodotus c. Some say that he embalmed her in order to have intercourse with her; others say that he did not have intercourse with her. Remains of pottery from the Moche civilization represent dead skeletal figures engaged in sexual intercourse with living humans. Gilles de Rais is noted to have sexually violated the dead bodies of his victims. According to criminologist Herschel Prins, it was said that until the 19th century, if a betrothed girl in Central Europe died before her marriage day, the spouse could still carry out the ceremony by copulating with the body.

During the 18th-century conflict of Peru between rebels of Tupac Amaru and Colonial forces , rebels had sex with dead women. In the 19th-century Russo-Turkish war , military forces sexually abused dead bodies. During the Moroccan War of —, necrophilia was committed by the troops. A Chinese man was killed during the Nanking Massacre , after he refused to have sex with dead women.

During the Rwandan Genocide , sex with dead bodies was reported. Arthur Shawcross , an American serial killer from Rochester, New York , had also practiced necrophilia. He claimed to have killed, raped, decapitated, and eaten two Vietcong women during a tour of Vietnam with the 4th Supply and Transport Company of the 4th Infantry Division in , during the Vietnam War. All but one were prostitutes from the area. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

  1. Body modifications and mutilations?
  2. BBC - Lancashire - Handless corpse case uncovered.
  3. Body modifications and mutilations | www.newyorkethnicfood.com.
  4. Adolescenza e libertà (Italian Edition);

Psychology and Criminal Justice: International Review of Theory and Practice. Forensic and Medico-legal Aspects.

  • Stresemanns Außenpolitik. Isolation Deutschlands nach dem 1. Weltkrieg und Integration nach Eintritt in den Völkerbund (German Edition).
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