Ahoi! Matrosen! (German Edition)
The capsize, towing and "going home" danger increases dramatically that night. Unfasten the fishing net and feast on a sailor for the morning land gang before we are boarded. You must be Logged in to post a comment. Strict Dresscode - Just Fetish! The official afterparty takes place as usual at Pauli station. The easiest way to spend the early evening in a nice, relaxed atmosphere with loads….
And once again we will dance the night away with you and keep the bar…. Named after the term ahoi it has been advertised with the picture of a sailor and a flag since At this point there was a fashion for Sailor Suits for children. It was found before World War I in the Ore Mountains and it was used in the same way as eha and oha, ooha a. It is possible that this is a combination of two interjections, as in Middle English , though eha might come from the typical Ore Mountain form eh "ein, inne", as ee halten "an-, ein-, innehalten".
In a valley in the Slovenian Triglav area shepherds use the call Ohoi! If the origin of ahoi is rooted in Dutch, then hoy originates from hoie , which is the name of a sailorboat that today is known as a Hoie or Heude. In a letter from "an Hoye of Dorderyght" from the Dutch trading town Dordrecht is mentioned.
In his travel accounts from John Smith , who tended to exaggerate, counts an enormous number of sails in the region between Vlissingen and the Sea of IJsselin: However, there is a lack of direct evidence that links the origin of ahoi to the particle a and the noun hoie. In Dutch linguistics the call is thought to be an adaption from English. This is indicated by the amount of evidence found in English and the lack thereof in Dutch, as well as criticism of the idea that in the Early Modern Period a word could be formed from a simple expression for a ship. The relation of ahoi and hoi , which is a common form of address in Dutch, is unclear.
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Hoi , which had been proven to be an exclamation of joy as early as , could also be a short form of ahoi or ahoi could be an extension of hoi. Aho o i, ahoy and ehoi are rather uncommon in Dutch and are not included in numerous specialist dictionaries. This could be due to the prevalence of the similar and shorter exclamation hoi.

The sources for earlier uses of the term are lacking, because ahoi did not get its own lemma in the Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal WNT , even though this comprehensive dictionary includes interjections. In addition later editions of the WNT from recent decades lack this entry. The earliest entries of forms of ahoi in the WNT can be found around The author Tine van Berken wrote "A-hoi! In author George Frans Haspels wrote "met donderend ahoei", "with thundering ahoy", referring to the forces of a storm that hit the coast.
Here the meaning was extended to refer to noise.
AHOI Matrosen Party zum HafenGayburtstag
In the s ahoi was considered outdated. However, the expression was still generally known. Evidence for the use of ahoy in Friesian are lacking in comprehensive dictionaries of that language. Ahoy also refers to the short form of the Ahoy Rotterdam , a big conference center in the Netherlands. It originally consisted of only one hall that was used for the exhibition Rotterdam Ahoy! In it was moved to the district of Charlois and developed into an extensive complex of buildings over the years.
Charlois is the place of origin of the Tamboer- en Trompetterkorps Ahoy, the Tambour- and Trumpetcorps Ahoy , founded in We do not know whether it was called this because the term ahoy expressed the sense of reconstruction in Rotterdam at the time and was already outdated in a maritime context. The marching band first performed on the Koninginnedag Queens' Day in and became more popularly known because of their innovative formations, their previously uncommon antiphonal singing and faster marching music. The group split up in because of a lack of successors.
Scandinavian languages have adopted derivatives of the English form ahoy and ohoy in various different spellings.
Ahoy (greeting)
In Finnish , a language which does not belong to the Germanic Language Family, the interjection is derived from the Swedish ohoj and becomes ohoi. In a German-Finnish dictionary ahoi German is written as hoi Finnish. The following explanations [53] are the reason why ahoj is used in this part of Central Europe:.
The international call which is sometimes accredited to a Bohemian sailor in the 17th century has since been proven to be wrong. The spread of ahoj mainly dates back to the s, when Czech adolescents and students populised canoeing on the South Moravian and Bohemian rivers.
As early as the s Czech linguists believed the skauti as the carriers and distributors of the word ahoj. They positioned their form of ahoj from sailors, which possibly coming from the lower parts of Germany, against Sokol's nazdar, English for hail. Nazdar was used in general across the Czech and Czechoslovak society, but within a few decades, the modern-day ahoj replaced this old-fashioned expression.
The Czech and Slovak ironic love of language contributed to the distribution of ahoj. This has been perceived to be the case since the Czechoslovak government allowed the Italian films to be shown in the s.
- [Matrosen ] translation English | German dictionary | Reverso.
- Preview Ahoi! Matrosen! By Fred Frohberg & Hemmann-Quintett (RX) - Sheet Music Plus;
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It was distributed on every Friday, "in order to provide the tramps in time with their weekend lecture. In Theresienstadt concentration camp Czech-speaking Jews called jokingly non-believing inmates, who had assimilated to the Czech society, Ahojista , English - "ahoy-ers". Demonstratively catholic adolescents use it amongst themselves.
Even priests used it to address the congregation from the pulpit. A recent resurgence in the popularity of the term has resulted from its use by The Simpsons character Montgomery Burns , who often answers the telephone with the greeting of "Ahoy-hoy. Burns' very advanced age. Australian radio duo Hamish and Andy use "ahoy" as the preferred telephonic greeting on their daily radio show. After learning of Alexander Graham Bell's wish for the word to be used over the phone, the pair implemented the policy on their show.
Listeners are encouraged to greet the duo with "ahoy" when they ring the show. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The epos has three known variants - A, B, and C. The form hoy is taken from variant C; in A it is written as hey , in B as how. Early Modern Literary Studies An universal dictionary of the Marine. Holloa, cited according to OED s. London und Washington , s.
A new and enlarged military dictionary. German equivalents for english thoughts. Ein Wort geht um die Welt. Leipzig, Stuttgart ff s. Band, Leipzig , S. Saale Nachdruck der Ausgabe Gesammelte Werke III ; hrsg. Band, Stuttgart , S. Aufstand der Fischer von Santa Barbara.
- Translation of «ahoi» into 25 languages.
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- Meaning of "ahoi" in the German dictionary.
- Schiff ahoi! Matrosen- und Piratenlieder.
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Wer einmal aus dem Blechnapf frisst. Berlin , zitiert nach Hermann Paul: Die neuen Leiden des jungen W. Band 53, , S. Ein Berufsstand und seine kulturelle Inszenierung — The begin of this fashion is given here as "since the beginning of the s" p.
[Matrosen ] translation English | German dictionary | Reverso
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