
Addictions Counseling: A Practical and Comprehensive Guide for Counseling People with Addictions

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Practice Demonstration - Substance Abuse Counseling

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Addictions counseling : a practical and comprehensive guide to counseling people with addictions

Login to add to list. Be the first to add this to a list. Comments and reviews What are comments? Drug abuse counselors may work in places such as:. Drug abuse counselors are required in most states to have some sort of certification or licensure.

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A drug abuse counselor works with the drug user in a therapeutic setting. They may also provide family and group counseling.

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  7. The main goal of a drug abuse counselor is to help a recovering individual learn to get and stay sober. The work of a drug abuse counselor requires qualities such as compassion, patience, understanding and sensitivity. Counselors devote a great deal of time, energy and hope in their patients.

    What Are Drug Counselors?

    They pride themselves in the recovery successes that their patients achieve. Popular Therapy Types Treatment for drug abuse is different for each patient and can include a combination of several types of therapy.

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    Some of the more popular therapy types include:. The counselor expresses acceptance of the client and helps them to discover on their own their desire to change. When progress is made, the patient is rewarded for their efforts. When the patient regresses, rewards are withheld and punitive action may be taken. Incentive-based therapy has been proven to be effective in the treatment of drug and alcohol use disorders.

    Drug Abuse Counselors

    Cognitive-behavioral therapy CBT is a plan that leads patients to understand and avoid situations that are most likely to influence them to use drugs. The process teaches the user to recognize negative thoughts, beliefs, and emotions and how they impact their drug use. Studies by NIDA conclude that skills learned in cognitive-behavioral therapy remain with patients after therapy has been completed. This approach involves family of the recovering person by working with each family member alone and the family together as a unit. Teens who participate in multidimensional family therapy showed improvements in drug-related problems as well as in their overall behavior and mental health.

    Substance Abuse Treatment: Group Therapy.

    A counselor's job doesn't end when you or your loved one leave their office. Drug abuse counselors also help arrange additional mental health treatment and healthcare that may be needed. They may consult with psychiatrists and psychologists if they suspect an underlying mental condition and then refer you to their services for care in needed. Some may recommend inpatient care at a substance abuse rehab center if they believe it is best for the patient.

    1 Groups and Substance Abuse Treatment - Substance Abuse Treatment: Group Therapy - NCBI Bookshelf

    Counselors are trained to think beyond the counseling session and always make treatment decisions in the patient's best interest. When you first meet your substance abuse counselor, he or she will discuss with you your addiction as well as your past. The counselor will attempt to get to know more abuse your substance use current and past as well as factors that may have influenced and perpetuated your drug use.

    Your counselor will help you come to better understand your addiction and learn healthier coping skills.