Web social: Mutation de la communication (French Edition)
Action monitoring and assessment. Development of personalized, individual programs. Implementation of targeted themed workshops: Assessment and definition of economic and strategic challenges of reorganisation. Choice of relevant scope of reorganisation. Definition of strategic procedural choices. Planning the implementation of the reorganisation project.
Development of a strategy for dialogue and negotiations between management and employees. Definition of social coaching measures for employees. Sizing up economic and social impact of reorganisation on a region.
Advocating measures tied to the revitalisation requirement. Manager training and coaching Mobilisation of management teams. Training of management teams so they can act as information relays to explain the reorganisation and respond to employee anxiety. Implementation of a reorganisation management program. Development of an action program intended for all employee categories: Assessment and regulation of social climate.
Definition and implementation of individual repositioning action plans. Individual and collective outplacement. Employee coaching in Employment Mobility Space: Reply to the reply, Web. Although observed in both sub-corpora, Facebook commenters showed a heavy tendency to wander in that direction:. Present day feminism goes hand in hand with Marxism and feminists are so militant and extreme. Luxemburg, Kollontai, Eleanor Marx to name a few. Facebook, reply to 3 , Facebook. You have given a list of symptoms, but no specific causes.
The conditions mentioned and the lack of hope do not help. If feminism is going to have successes in the 21st century, it will need to define its goals.
Arbitration Committee
As highlighted before, conversations were most abundant on Facebook comments, even though more research is needed to explain this phenomenon. The percentage of comments containing one or more terms of address was calculated and revealed that terms of address were more frequent on Facebook: As mentioned earlier, this results from the mobilisation of an automatic citation on both Facebook and the website; when replying to a comment, the username automatically appears and, when it comes to Facebook, this user will be notified that someone replied to their comment:.
Examples of the three were found in our sample:. Jajajaja si como no. Men and boys have received sexism and hate as well [ Es oficialmente un panfleto feminisfa That does not mean feminism was in any way wrong, or that women's rights is a bad thing - obviously equality is a good thing - it's simply no guarantee of happiness. This emotional relation to information is, as defined by Pynson , p.
This being said, a few comments were more objective, providing additional information and sourcing their arguments, as shown in the following examples:. One thing we could address is the influence of social media. We could also give more thought to our relationships in general: The only obvious difference between the two platforms is that interjections are overrepresented on Facebook and emotions can also be conveyed through emojis, showing that the technical constraints of the social network facilitate exchanges under the form of conversation.
Even if the lack of data made it impossible to yield conclusive results and calls for further research and for a more comprehensive corpus, it is interesting to point out that results were different for TG and EP. These references feature, for the most part, users appealing to the journalist Suzanne Moore as though they wanted to engage in a conversation with her.
Yes, it is Suzanne and her friends from Guardian. The quantitative analysis of references to the communicational environment comprised all the comments mentioning other comments, commenters, the forum of discussion, the thread of comments, moderation policies, and moderators. This led to contrastive results, with a clear divide between the two newspapers under scrutiny.
First, TG comments mentioning the sociotechnical environment were mostly relating to comments and to the conversation that was being built up:.
“Ensure human development and serve corporate efficiency”
I second - good comment! It really does not take much to read between the lines. She saying a lot of feminists chose not to have kiddies. Con este van dos. Han publicado en estos foros mensajes donde me han llamado maltratador.
Talking about News. A Comparison of readers’ comments on Facebook and news websites
Pero de eso no se habla. Menos mal tenemos a Twitter para denunciar estos casos. If the collected data does not seem relevant in the frame of this study, as it does not shed light on the way users behave in both platforms, it is still interesting to notice that metadiscourse is all in all a good predictor of interactivity between users, as shown in examples 25 to But if the comparative perspective demands caution in the interpretation of the results, it has the advantage to underline which variables are relevant and which are not.
As for the subjectivity markers , the inconclusive results reflect the fact that online speech is largely based on opinion, even if some significant differences exist, such as the presence of insults on Facebook, and the presence of much more emotion markers on Facebook under the form of buttons and emojis, which can be explained by the technical architecture of Facebook. The more people engage in a conversation, the more they move away from the original topic, which is less common in the digital newspaper comments board.
In this corpus, most off-topic comments targeted feminism and feminists, and displayed a good amount of name-calling from every side. To conclude, the results confirm that the communicative dimension prevails on Facebook, whose main features promote interactivity and offer the user the full gamut of possibilities, ranging from effortless clicking to more elaborate commenting and replying.
If the sociotechnical environment of the social network does not hinder rational and subjective discourse, results show that it is more difficult for a Facebook commenter to stay on-topic, while displaying their opinion under the form of a fragmented conversation with other users.
But this does not mean that there is one way of commenting; on the contrary, the overall communication environment of a platform its technical constraints and audience usage in the global ecosystem of the web affords different enunciative features.
Mélanie Millette
Ideology that defends that women should have the same rights as men. Analyser la participation politique en ligne: The affordances of social media platforms. Want to be on the top? Algorithmic power and the threat of invisibility on Facebook. Les Carnets du Cediscor, 12 , Sur le journalisme, 4 2 , Enjeux pour la communication p.

A search for quality from the vantage point of the user. Journalism, 14 6 , Reader comments as press criticism: Implications for the journalistic field. Journalism, 17 6 , Engaging the Social News User. Journalism Practice, 8 5 , Presses universitaires de Rennes. Les discours en interaction de la presse en ligne. Mutation de la communication Journal of International Communication, 16 2 , Les cas de google, wikio et paperblog. The Transformation of Participatory Space. A comparative analysis of incivility in online political discussion.
Comparing the deliberative quality of online news user comments across platforms. Incidental news exposure on the World Wide Web. The Culture of Connectivity. Feminism gave women a glimpse of a happy world. But for young girls that promise is being dashed. Retrieved September 11, , from https: Machismo en la red: Stop confusing both terms, idiots! Yes, feminism and misogyny are the same, it is sheer hate hidden in a very manipulated and deceptive discourse on equality.
Reference to the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy. Yesterday, they deleted almost all my comments on a forum [of comments] similar to this one [reference to the theme of the article: Today, two of my comments were deleted, too. Fortunately we have Twitter to report these cases.