Stalker #1 - Donning the Mask, Part 1
George Freeman — Colorist: George is an award winning Canadian artist who began his career on the Canadian comic, Captain Canuck. Sara Richard — Cover Artist: Sara is a brilliant young artist from New Hampshire. Beautiful backgrounds and a hero in battle greet you as you open this comic. Stalker is drawn intense. Her facial expression clearly illustrates that….
Watching as Carrie goes from young teenage girl to hardened crime fighter is a journey you will be sure to want to go on. Carrie does have what it takes. Stalker is pure fluid motion as she attacks. The last page is one fantastic must see pose of Stalker. This hero is one intense beauty.
Stalker is definitely a character with lots of potential. She has the makings of a great hero. Both the writing and art bring out the best in her character. This is a comic to watch.

Stalker is a story of vengeance but with an interesting twist. Generally comic books do not spend a lot of time on back story in the first issue but Potts does. This makes the characters more multidimensional and interesting than is usual for comic books. Stalker inhabits a complex universe.
Stalker Vol 1
The art has some unique features. There are a high number of panels per page and I am sure this is a deliberate effect from an experienced artist like Von Eeden. This dense panel format gives the reader a sense of walking through a labyrinth and this effect matches the narrative of the story nicely. The use of borderline monochromatic coloring in certain pages and certain collections of panels adds to the visual drama of the comic book. There is an almost Tarantinoesque quality to the street scenes.
The action scenes are dramatic. The Stalker is portrayed visually as having a balletic fighting style that is in contrast to the more brutal fighting style of the men in this universe. Overall, The Stalker is a good read and I look forward to the next issue of the plot arc Donning the Mask that has started with issue 1. His charismatic personally drew me in right away. I promised to check out Sunday Superheroes and write about it if I enjoyed it.
Well, I am enjoying it it thoroughly. The biggest hurdle for any comic project is working with the artists and getting the art for the book done in a timely manner. Unexpected issues, failure of artists to deliver promised work, greater than expected expenses all hold great challenges for many comic book projects. The good news is that all art for the graphic novel is already completed. Stalker are complete and in print already as single issues. Artwork for the bonus story is also already completed. The book is ready to go to the printer as soon as the campaign is successfully completed.
Stretch Goal #1 - $2,400
The next hurdle is delivery of rewards. Printing of the books, packaging of rewards and shipping them to contributors. I have endeavored to budget sufficient funds in the campaign to handle all the shipping requirements. I have been printing and selling comics at conventions for over a year, so I see no issue with printing. As soon as the books are printed, I'll get those and the other rewards shipped.
I will be sending out updates at least once a week throughout the reward portion of the campaign to keep contributors informed of my progress. Questions about this project? Check out the FAQ. Includes Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and my weekly newsletter, about followers. Have your own webcomic? Add a link for your Safe For Work content. Become a special sponsor and receive a quarter page ad in the book and on the website.
Support Stalker #5 - Ebay auction for Original Stalker #1 Art
Ad content must be received by September 26, to be included in the first printing. All content subject to Safe for Work requirements. Message me to add this reward to any other reward tier. Donning the Mask and a thank you in print inside the Graphic Novel, including a link to your Safe For Work website if desired Shout Out content must be received by September 26, to be included in the first printing.
Shelby Robertson cover and 10 page In Search of Justice story.
Stalker #1 (Sara Richard Cover)
Includes electronic versions of all books and digital shout-out. Includes all digital rewards. Backers at this level must sign Non-Disclosure Agreement. Put your pledge in today, first supporters get first choice of page. Join me at my table in Artist Alley with full exhibitor access to the show, which includes early admission during pre-show hours. This is Gateway Comics 3rd year at the St Louis show. Reward includes admission ONLY. Contributors must provide own transportation, housing, food, etc. Donning the Mask GN. First supporters get first artwork choice.
Donning the Mask Special Edition. Shelby will create your custom cover to your specifications for a one-of-a-kind book. You're name will appear in the credits for cover layouts and the original pencil art. Rules - cover may not include any trademarked or copyrighted characters not owned by either Gateway Comics or the backer. Content must be Safe For Work no nudity, pornography, hate speech, etc.
Aug 12, - Sep 11, 30 days. Share this project Done. Donning the Mask Graphic Novel. When her parents were murdered, she discovered her mother was the masked crime fighter Stalker and decided to take on her legacy. Louis, MO Graphic Novels. Guardians by Sara Richard. Gargyle by Sara Richard.
Gargoyle illustrated by Jamal Igle. Stalker 1 - Sara Richard Cover. Stalker 2 - Trevor Von Eeden Cover. Stalker 3 - Trevor Von Eeden Cover. Stalker 4 - Blake Wilkie Cover. Stalker Cover by Baron Engel. Eleven Prints to Choose From. Shelby Robertson - Cover Artist: Shelby began his professional art career at 15, being hired as a ghost penciller for Rob Leifeld shortly thereafter. Awarded the best comic artist award by the Phoenix Times, he now self publishes prints and comics through his company, American Dischord. Her facial expression clearly illustrates that… Watching as Carrie goes from young teenage girl to hardened crime fighter is a journey you will be sure to want to go on.
What's next for Gateway Comics?
I have the draft script done already and am busy editing and revising it. I've recruited the talented Shelby Robertson for primary art duties. You can still get great rewards: At higher tiers, get comics, art prints, or even drawn into the comic. Please check out the Stalker Patreon today and back us today. We have a special event today for Stalker Tuesday. Stalker 5 is now complete!! I want to thank Marcos Gratao for all his hard work in bringing Stalker 5 to life. The entire 24 page story is now complete and online at https: Marcos Gratao is hard at work on the new issue of Stalker.
Here are some pencils he's working on today. There are now pages up on the new website for free binge reading, some of which were previously only available in the Stalker Special Edition Graphic Novel. Come get caught up at Gateway Comics Presents. The Stalker 5 fundraiser continues with the auction for this piece ending this evening. Original page by Trevor Von Eeden, 11x17 full color print of the finished comic page and a copy of the finished comic. Funds to be used to create the next chapter of the Stalker story. Bid on Ebay at https: As we approach the May 1 launch of Stalker 5, I'm posting a Stalker story a week for free.
This week, Stalker takes on a gang of human traffickers in Stalker 3.