Laos: Autopsie dune monarchie assassinée (Recherches asiatiques) (French Edition)
The book itself and illustrations are absolutely, incredibly extraordinary. I aquired several books i believe to reply to the questions. Mangkra Souvannaphouma: Books, Biography, Blogs, Audiobooks, Kindle
So, I began using this one. I will are finding this book long time ago. This article can be so interesting. I reread this book every couple of years and also have created my very own cliff note i review regularly. The gifted and love 1This fear will stop him. But his desire for love, his idealistic side will often push him beyond. It is a very great strength. Because if we have our weaknesses, we also have strengths. The pleasure of nipples in menNipple Gay Mark is a young Gay that the pleasure of nipples puts in a trance.
Click here to learn how to experience endless orgasm with your nipples? Stories and Testimonials about Tired of ManipulatorsHello it's been almost 3 years that I'm with a girl, she is 8 years older than me, At first she was adorable even too much, I'm wary already since the beginning! A positive left-labor agenda must focus on, among other things, the importance of a long-term international labor strategy based on worker-to-worker or union-to-union links.
While this may sound radical, it is not any more radical than what the transnational plutocracy is doing: Imperialism Palgrave-Macmillan ]. Parasitic Finance Capital Routledge ]. Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion. Not long after a U. A doctor at a hospital in Aleppo told RT:. Our doctors were prepared to treat people showing symptoms of gas poisoning.
Meanwhile, the Obama administration has ignored evidence that its rebel allies are committing similar war crimes. The American and British intelligence communities had been aware since the spring of that some rebel units in Syria were developing chemical weapons. Toner further claimed the U. Last month, Toner said the State Department would reevaluate its support for al-Zenki rebels if it found proof of the beheading incident.
Each summer I count down the days to the atomic bombing of Japan August 6 and August 9, , marking events from the same day in Eisenhower, commander of U. I was one of those who felt that there were a number of cogent reasons to question the wisdom of such an act….
Stimson sent one of his aides to Germany with two copies of the statement. The Top Secret, six-page typed statement opened: That bomb has more power than 20, tons of TNT…. It is an atomic bomb. It is a harnessing of the basic power of the universe. Groves, military head of the Manhattan Project provided Gen. George Marshall, our top commander, with more detail on the destructive power of atomic weapons. Groves also provided the schedule for the delivery of the weapons: By the end of November more than ten weapons would be available, in the event the war had continued.
Should it remain on the target list? As it turned out, POWs died in both cities from the bombing. Leahy, chief of staff to Truman—and the highest-ranking U. Leahy would later write in his memoirs:. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because of the effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons. My own feeling was that in being the first to use it, we had adopted an ethical standard common to the barbarians of the Dark Ages.
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I was not taught to make war in that fashion, and wars cannot be won by destroying women and children. It is ready for use the next day. This is the statement about which I cabled you last night. The reason for the haste is that I was informed only yesterday that, weather permitting, it is likely that the weapon will be used as early as August 1st, Pacific Ocean Time, which as you know is a good many hours ahead of Washington time.
The force from which the sun draws its power has been loosed against those who brought war to the Far East. And today he gives a letter to Stalin, which confounds the Soviet leader. Earlier, Stalin had promised to declare war on Japan around August 7. Now Truman writes that more consultation is needed.
There would be no reference to radiation effects whatsoever in the statement—it was just a vastly bigger bomb. Under the direction of the lead pilot, Paul Tibbetts, practice runs have been completed, near Iwo Jima, and fake payloads dropped, with success. Here he explains why they will release it at all: If we could be sure that these could be controlled and avoided, all of us would much prefer not to issue such a paper. But under the circumstances of the entire independence of action of scientists and the certainty that there would be a tremendous amount of excitement and reckless statement, [Gen.
Leslie] Groves, who is a very conservative man, had reached the conclusion that the lesser evil would be for us to make a statement carefully prepared so as not to give away anything vital and thus try to take the stage away from the others. Bombardier Thomas Ferebee pointed on a map what the aiming point for the bomb would be—a distinctive T-shaped bride in the center of the city, not the local army base.
The first alternate to Hiroshima was Kokura. Six planes would take part. The Russians, meanwhile, were just five days from declaring war on Japan. In his diary Secretary of War Stimson endorses a key report which concludes: Taking off the night of August 5 appears most likely scenario. Byrnes—a strong A-bomb booster—enjoy some poker.
Leahy had another report from Pacific. President afraid they will sue for peace through Russia instead of some country like Sweden. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender…. Also, Japanese still searching for way to approach Molotov to pursue possible surrender terms before that happens. Indeed, I believe that even in the form it was delivered, there was some disposition on the part of the Japanese to give it favorable consideration. When the war was over I arrived at this conclusion after talking with a number of Japanese officials who had been closely associated with the decision of the then Japanese government, to reject the ultimatum, as it was presented.
I believe we missed the opportunity of effecting a Japanese surrender, completely satisfactory to us, without the necessity of dropping the bombs. With the weather clearing near Hiroshima, still the primary target, taking off the night of August 5 appears the most likely scenario. Military police seal the building. Then he tries to show a film clip of the recent Trinity test—but the projector starts shredding the film. But he does not relate any warnings about radioactivity or order them not to fly through the mushroom cloud.
Norman Cousins, the famed author and magazine editor, who was an aide to MacArthur, would later reveal: When I asked General MacArthur about the decision to drop the bomb, I was surprised to learn he had not even been consulted. What, I asked, would his advice have been? He replied that he saw no military justification for the dropping of the bomb.
The war might have ended weeks earlier, he said, if the United States had agreed, as it later did anyway, to the retention of the institution of the emperor. Crew members scribbled words onto the bomb in crayon, including off-color greetings for the Japanese. Pulled by a tractor, accompanied by a convoy of jeeps and other vehicles, the new weapon arrives at the North Field and is lowered into the bomb pit. The man who would do, before takeoff, according to plan, was Parsons.
The aiming point was directly over the city, not the military base or industrial quarter, guaranteeing the deaths of tens of thousands of women and children. The hideous mess that is the Olympic spectacle is about to be charged at the opening ceremony in Rio de Janeiro. Its lead-up has been tumultuous, suggesting that any ideal of peaceful reflection by states, participants, and observers about the broader values of Olympism should be best forgotten. In addition to a shrunken Russian outfit, culled because of doping suspicions, and the sniping and savaging between the World Anti-Doping Agency and the International Olympic Committee each purporting to want to regulate the other , lies the broadest, most reasonable criticism of all: No better illustration of this anger to such waste has been offered than the insistent harassment of carriers of the Olympic flame itself.
It has become the detestable symbol, not merely of profligate spending, but needless endeavour. All, it can be argued, for the better, given the orchestrated myth-making ventures around its significance. Supposedly lit with the good help of the sun in the days of Ancient Olympia, the flame has gone through historical revivals and re-inventions. This, broadly speaking, is the analogue of the Olympic Games — invention and mythology masking defect and drawback.
Historians have noted that Sparta still attacked Elean territory in B. This is where the good realm of illusion intrudes upon the thick world of fact, not least the actual notion that the five interlocked rings were somehow a matter of antiquity.
Much of that error can be laid at the incautious scribbling hands of Lynn and Gray Poole, who mistook a movie prop for ancient lore. Points of Olympic ceremony have at various stages been contested, not least of all because the Berlin games of made such a spectacular point of utilising the ceremonial to total effect. Individuals such as sports administrator Carl Diem and film maker Leni Riefenstahl deserve far more credit than they actually get for staging the occasion. This Nazi stain is hardly a glorious point, but its concealment remains a feature each time the Olympic Games are held.
The lighting of the flame was conclusively documented at the Amsterdam Olympics in and Los Angeles in , though previous references seem to have been matters of re-enactment, a fabrication of Olympism for heart-filled historical retellings. The relay itself became the child of propaganda exultance. The torch relay to Rio has been particularly ugly, and images of riot police guarding its sacral relevance have revealed the sheer bankruptcy of the project. Other towns have also witnessed similar indignation.
In late July, demonstrators at Angra dos Reis were reported as blocking the torch bearers, which precipitated a violent response from military police, rubber bullets, tear gas and all. A week or so prior, an effort was made to pinch the flame on Salgado Filho Avenue in the centre of Guarulhos, Sao Paulo.
The disruptor in question, clad in black, made a dash for the flame before being tackled to the ground, in the process injuring a police officer. Unsurprisingly, attempts have also been made to extinguish the flame. One assailant in question, equipped with fire extinguisher, ventured to do so. The torch journey has also been witness to other unsavoury events.
Showing how Olympic ceremonial events can be lethal to its participants, a jaguar by the name of Juma was shot dead by a member of the Brazilian military after an event in Manaus. The animal had slipped away from its cage. Efforts to tranquilise the animal also failed. The local organising committee for Rio issued a predictably execrable statement: This image goes against our beliefs and our values.
Perhaps it is only appropriate that the Rio games go ahead in such a dark cloud, utilising propaganda to quell dissent, and again revealing how pomp and circumstance supposedly triumph over butter and bread. Many Brazilians have chosen not to fall for that canard. It is up to other participants and spectators to follow suit.
On July 26, the South Korean government blocked two Korean-American activists from entering the country. Both activists planned to meet with their South Korean counterparts and to participate in a series of events, many of which are in response to the controversial decision to station a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense THAAD missile battery in South Korea. Juyeon, I know you put an enormous amount of time and energy into organizing this trip.
Would you tell us something about the peace tour? Accordingly, it only appeared to be right to bring a peace activist delegation from the U. In addition, we are to participate in the annual Peace and Life March around Jeju Island against the new naval base, and in the annual International Peace Forum.
The trip was planned about four months ago, when Seongju had not yet been named as the location for THAAD, so we were supposed to change the plan as we saw fit once we entered South Korea. Where we stand, budget cuts on education and job creation in the U. What explanation was given? What are articles 11 and 12? The officers were unresponsive to our question.
Mangkra Souvannaphouma
We were told that we would have to board the next flight out to Hawaii as that was the first stop on our return ticket at 9: So we stayed in the transit area of Incheon International Airport for the next 28 hours. We were told by the Korean Airlines ticket agent that the National Intelligence Service had blocked our entry and that there was an order for immediate deportation, so we could not extend our stay. I remembered that a Palestinian friend had once told me that every time she flies, she knows to expect harassment from border control agents and that Arabs are three times more likely to be stopped and harassed at airports than non-Arabs.
I suddenly felt sad that this, unfortunately, is a routine experience for some people. But this experience of being denied entry has hardened our resolve to fight for democracy and peace even more. Your plans were entirely peaceful, and the events will proceed regardless. What do you think are the real reasons behind your deportation? The South Korean government may want to block peace activists from internationalizing the struggle to oppose the recent U.
Since a joint U. Ninety percent of Seongju residents had voted for Park Geun-hye in the last presidential election, but they held a mock funeral procession for the governing Saenuri Party and have begun to leave the party in droves. An important objective of our peace tour was to build solidarity with the peace movement in South Korea in opposition to the THAAD decision. We feel it is important for us, as U.
And we believe it is precisely this type of solidarity-building that the Park Geun-hye government wants to prevent. A strong connection and solidarity between the peace movements in the U. In May of this year, a German citizen of Korean descent was refused entry after trying to attend a conference to commemorate the anniversary of the democracy uprising in Gwangju, a city that was the site of a bloody crackdown against democracy activists during the dictatorship of the s.
In , Veterans for Peace members, who arrived in Jeju Island to join protests against the construction of the naval base there, were also denied entry. Since establishing an office in South Korea in June , four Greenpeace East Asia staff have been denied entry without justification. Democracy has been under attack under the rule of Park Geun-hye, the daughter of former dictator Park Chung-hee.
Since taking office in , Park has waged an aggressive campaign of crackdowns against opposition leaders, labor unions, and all those who are critical of her policies. She jailed opposition lawmaker Lee Seok-ki in and dissolved the opposition Unified Progressive Party the following year. In , she jailed the president of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Han Sang-gyun for leading protests against labor market reforms and her neo-authoritarian rule. Recently, she shut down the investigation of the Sewol Tragedy despite protests from bereaved parents who lost their children in the tragedy.
Today, her government is implementing by force the agreement reached with the Japanese government last December to absolve Japan of legal responsibility for its sexual crimes during WWII in exchange for a lump-sum monetary donation. We were turned around and stranded in Hawaii, but a community of activists immediately took us in and housed us, fed us and introduced us to the struggles of native Hawaiians. And friends back home from all over the United States sent us messages of encouragement. We feel blessed to be part of a broader community of progressive people — our greatest source of strength that enables us to face adversity without fear or hesitation.
The experience also emboldened us to redouble our efforts in building solidarity with those fighting for democracy and peace in South Korea. As soon as we return home, we will immediately begin organizing U. Hyun Lee is a New York City-based writer and activist. Juyeon Rhee is a first generation Korean immigrant grassroots organizer whose work is focused on de-militarization, peace, and unification in Korea.
His website is https: It alludes to the article behind the paywall and reproduces some of its material. It claims that the article says. I said that the whole way the campaign was conducted, and the timing of the publication of the various WADA reports, shows that the agenda all along was to get the whole of Team Russia expelled from the Olympic Games.
Here is what I said:. It seems that a decision to expel Russia from the Olympic movement was taken probably around the time of the failure of the campaign to boycott the Winter Olympics in Sochi in All the various allegations of doping in Russia that have circulated since and even before were then sifted through to construct a case. Someone then put them all together in a dossier, spicing them up with witness testimony from people like Stepanova and Rodchenkov. A series of lurid articles and documentaries then appeared in the Western media, reviving all the allegations and putting the worst possible spin on them.
A series of reports from WADA then followed in quick succession starting in the autumn of last year, timed to make the maximum possible impact and to leave the least possible time for proper independent fact checking or for any other steps to be taken before the start of the Rio Games. That way the allegations could not be properly and independently assessed and no fully fair arrangements could be made to allow for the admission of all indisputably clean Russian athletes. That opened the way, just as the Rio Games were about to start, for the IOC to be presented with a demand for a blanket ban.
These names had initially not been published when the report was first made public on July Following further analysis of the samples carried out at the Moscow laboratory, it was found that Russian samples were split into four separate categories of seriousness. However, one of these categories was for samples which were not considered serious at all.
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IOC spokesman Mark Adams said yesterday the confusion showed the dangers of working with an unfinished report: Since this would have taken time — a year at least — arrangements of the sort now set up by the IOC should have been made in the meantime to ensure that there was no cheating by Russian athletes at Rio. Given the scale of the allegations and the suspicion of state involvement in the doping, this would inevitably have involved barring Russian athletes already found to have cheated from competing in Rio, harsh though that is.
At the end of this process the investigation would have delivered a proper report — not like the deeply flawed report provided by McLaren — either confirming or refuting the allegations, and making specific recommendations to prevent the problem arising again. The IOC is obviously right to complain that it should not have been asked to make a decision on the basis of an incomplete report provided just 2 weeks before the Games in Rio were due to begin. However, given his actions in preparing his report and the way he presented it, Professor McLaren is obviously the wrong person to prepare the full report IOC spokesman Mark Adams is referring to.
It reports McLaren complaining that. But what is going on is a hunt for people supposed to be doping but that was never part of my work, although it is starting to become so. My reporting on the state-based system has turned into a pursuit of individual athletes. I am at a total loss to understand how Professor McLaren thinks that a report supposedly about an alleged state-sponsored system of doping should not look into the evidence of doping on the part of individual athletes, when it is precisely those individual cases of doping which are the evidence that there was a state-sponsored system of doping in the first place.
However that merely points to the fact that conducting a proper investigation within a timeframe of just 57 days was impossible. Professor McLaren should have admitted as much and asked for more time to conduct his investigation properly, leaving it to WADA and the IOC to put in place proper arrangements to prevent possible cheating by Russian athletes at the Olympic Games in Rio in the meantime. However that is not what he did. Instead he delivered an incomplete and defective report and demanded a blanket ban on the strength of it.
Judging from what IOC officials are reported to have told The Australian, it seems that is their opinion too. That was the word used by the IOC; which athletes were appearing there in the report. Then we get to the confusing part. He gave the international federations everything he had, every name. On the contrary it is now starting to look as if he presented his findings in such a way as to create the impression that there was more evidence of Russian athletes being involved in doping than was actually the case. All this is of course grist to the mill for the lawyers in the court cases which the Russian athletes are now bringing.
On the contrary it is precisely because these court cases are being brought that the IOC and WADA are now so publicly at odds with each other. What one can see in these angry exchanges and recriminations are the frantic steps of the two sporting bodies as they try desperately to cover their positions in anticipation of the court cases that are now coming.
Moreover in any court case there is a legal duty of full disclosure which the Russian athletes can use to demand sight of all the correspondence including telephone records and emails which led to the decision to exclude them being made. I expect their lawyers to advise them to use this right to the hilt. This is beginning to look like a debacle. As I have said before this affair is only at its start. The Alliance will therefore maintain adequate nuclear forces in Europe.
Is Italy capable of delivering a thermonuclear strike? Could the Belgians and the Dutch drop hydrogen bombs on enemy targets? Nuclear bombs are stored on air-force bases in Italy, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands — and planes from each of those countries are capable of delivering them. The author of the article, Eben Harrell, who wrote an equally revealing piece for the same news site in June of , cites the Federation of American Scientists as asserting that there are an estimated American B61 thermonuclear gravity bombs stationed in the four NATO member states listed above.
Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Dutch, Belgian, Italian and German pilots remain ready to engage in nuclear war. As many as 22 different varieties of aircraft can carry the B61 externally or internally. This weapon can be dropped either by free-fall or as parachute-retarded; it can be detonated either by air burst or ground burst. The warplanes capable of transporting and using the bomb include new generation U. There are assumed to be U. Additionally, there are reports of dozens more in Italy at Aviano and Ghedi and even more, the largest amount of American nuclear weapons outside the United States itself, in Turkey at the Incirlik airbase.
Not only are the warheads stationed in NATO nations but are explicitly there as part of a sixty-year policy of the Alliance, in fact a major cornerstone of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. One of the main purposes of founding the Alliance was exactly to allow for the basing and use of American nuclear arms on the continent.
This is primarily a US responsibility assisted as practicable by other nations. At no time was the deployment and intended use of U. The former Soviet Union was portrayed as having a conventional arms superiority in Europe and U.
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Nuclear forces based in Europe and committed to NATO provide an essential political and military link between the European and the North American members of the Alliance. Both Time articles by Eben Harrell, that of last year and that of this month, emphasize that the basing of nuclear warheads on the territory of non-nuclear nations — and Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey are non-nuclear nations — is a gross violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty [NPT], whose first two Articles state, respectively:.
The Time piece of December 2, then, points out that the continued presence of U. The second part of the report contains a section called Deterrence: The deployment of nuclear weapons in Europe is not a Service or regional combatant command issue — it is an Alliance issue. Further delays would result in increasing levels of political and strategic risk and reduced strategic options for both the United States and the Alliance. Far from the end of the Cold War signaling the elimination of the danger of a nuclear catastrophe in Europe, in many ways matters are now even more precarious.
Riot police have fired tear gas to subdue protesters in Rio and prevent them from marching towards Maracana Stadium ahead of the Olympic Games opening. Hundreds of people are rallying to express anger at the interim government and costly sports event. Police used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse several hundred people who had occupied a street near the stadium to protest interim government corruption and the billions spent on organizing the international competition.
Afonso Pena Square became the final destination of the massive anti-corruption march that was held in the city earlier in the day. The crowd also spoke out against hosting the Olympics, claiming that he billions spent on the event only aided corruption in the country and only helped the elite. A mildly deviant act by any petty criminal or a soul with mental health problems is immediately labeled a potential terrorist act before investigations have even begun.
Anyone with half a brain was commenting after Afghanistan and Iraq that no American or British citizen would be safe anywhere on earth after the devastation their countries had wrought on nations which posed them not the slightest threat — mass murders, some would say genocides, based on illegalities and lies. For example in the UK, on 25th July, a situation arose which Orwell surely could not have devised in his gloomiest forbodings. It showcases the work of over fifty artists and writers who are challenging the culture of violence in Syria.
Their literature, poems and songs, cartoons, political posters and photographs document and interpret the momentous changes that have shifted the frame of reality so drastically in Syria. She said of the incident: Her treatment also begs another question, Syria has become the fourteenth majority Muslim country the US has bombed since — usually enjoined by the UK, so how have Muslims become the suspects and not the victims?
Iran , , Libya , , , , Lebanon , Kuwait , Iraq , , Somalia , , Bosnia , Saudi Arabia , , Afghanistan , , Sudan , Kosovo , Yemen , Pakistan and now Syria. I would like to remind the people and the government that Syria must not be reduced to the politicised and power-constructed soundbites carrying simplistic messages of violence and horror. I will be making an official complaint as this is simply not acceptable! It seems it is not refusing to hear them that is the problem, but being allowed to hear them without being apprehended. Will the thought police soon come banging on the door of anyone with a collection of books on the Middle East and majority Muslim countries, owning volumes of the haunting poems of Mahmud Darwish, Samih al-Qasim, Ali Ahmed Said and so many others?
Or is it only Muslims who are targeted for their books and their liberty? A coffin bearing the face of a boy A book Written on the belly of a crow A wild beast hidden in a flower. It was George Orwell who wrote: The paradigms a person uses or assumes while thinking about anything determines the conclusions reached. Free trade was practiced long before restricted trade.
Restrictions were placed on trade to prevent the damage done to domestic producers by allowing free trade with foreign producers. The elimination of these restrictions on free trade has reintroduced the damage the restrictions had been introduced to prevent. A careful examination of paradigms would have avoided this malign consequence. The basic paradigm of free trade is this: Country A produces products for domestic consumption, but it produces more than the nation can consume.
The excess production is sent to country B where no similar product is produced to be sold there. Country B does the same thing with a different product. Both nations are enriched by the trade. The excess production is gainfully sold and each nation gets access to a product it did not itself produce. The earliest example of such trade is European trade with China. European made metal utensils were sent to China to be traded for silk cloth. Metal utensils for the Chinese, silk cloth for the Europeans—win win.
Trade carried on in accordance with this paradigm enriches both trading partners. When this paradigm is altered, however, malign consequences to the nations involved always eventually occur. Such an increase in the market is impossible to insure. So to prevent the economic damage from such competition, restrictions tariffs on trade were introduced. Free trade does not require international treaties.
Free trade is the natural way of trading internationally.

The current international attempt to define trade by means of trade agreements is a perversion of the basic idea and should be examined with some skepticism. The basic paradigm cannot be used to explain what is happening today. Consider the paradigm currently popular with American corporations and economists: Economists claim that the benefit the people of country A receive from this practice is lower priced products, but nothing in this paradigm compels the manufacturer to lower his prices.
The claim lacks any justification whatsoever. In fact, there is nothing in the paradigm to keep the manufacturer from raising prices. The price of no product is solely determined by where it is manufactured. After all, a free market is unregulated! Furthermore suppose country A, for instance, is like Japan where kimonos and chop sticks are popular, traditional goods.
Say the manufacturers of these products decide to off shore their manufacturing to the United States where kimonos and chop sticks are not traditionally consumed. Although this procedure is described as trade, nothing is traded. The cultures of neither Japan nor the United States are enriched. As a matter of fact, both economies are damaged. Japan gains nothing but loses the manufacturing jobs and all America gains is a few marginal, low-wage jobs. Such is the situation American manufacturers have brought about by off shoring manufacturing.
Kimonos and chop sticks do not become American products merely because they are manufactured in America. Kimonos and chop sticks are Japanese no matter where they are manufactured. And a hamburger does not become a Japanese product by being made in Japan. Hungarian Goulash is not American beef stew. An American product made in a foreign nation is still an American product. This paradigm is a total inversion of the basic paradigm that has governed international trade for thousands of years. Not only is it not a paradigm of international trade, it is not a paradigm of any kind of trade.
It is merely a manufacturing paradigm. Germans decide to try to increase the number of German made automobiles sold in America. The competition between German and American auto manufacturers is fierce. Either the imported autos result in an increase in the number of autos sold in America or the Germans fail to increase their share of the American market or sales of American made autos decline. No other alternatives exists. Now economists assume that the number of auto sold increases. They argue that the market is not zero summed.
But they forget that it is also not infinitely expandable. Again, nothing in the paradigm compels an increase in the number of autos sold. Increase in supply does not necessarily cause a corresponding increase in demand. And when this paradigm is generalized to include more and more products, the limit to market increases will be reached for more and more products. The consequence is mass employee dislocations, exactly what has happened in America. Every country in the world cannot continually increase the production of products with the intention of selling elsewhere what cannot be consumed domestically.
Likewise, the rest of the world cannot be expected to buy whatever Americans want to sell. So the claim that trade agreements will result in a greater number of American exports is not true perforce. It might not lead to any increase in exports at all. Somehow or other economists fail to realize that the number of items of a kind sold is not solely dependent on price. The sale of wine also depends upon its flavor. Nations do not negotiate treaties to promote the interests of other nations. They negotiate treaties to promote their own interests.
But it has not promoted the interests of the United States either. Perhaps the purpose of such agreements is not trade. Suppose Americans started wearing kimonos and eating with chop sticks. Suppose, too, that they started eating whale meat and rice instead of beef steak and potatoes. Suppose they started viewing sumo wrestling instead of football. You get the idea. The more Japanese products Americans adopt, the more America looks like Japan.
There is, in fact, a principle here.
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The more one culture adopts from another, the more the cultures become alike. Specifically, the more products America exports to the rest of the world, the more the rest of the world looks like America.