Dont Bully Me For My Lunch Money - Or My Vote!
Think of it this way No, why would your future employer care who you are connected with on LinkedIn? Unless that specific person is someone you want to work for and they shouldn't be then there isn't an issue. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered.
Don’t Boo, Vote: If You Don’t Vote, No One Can Hear You Scream
Should I remove a LinkedIn contact who bullied me? What is a an-colleague? English is not my native language. It's ok, I'm a native English speaker and I don't know what an an-colleague is.
Should I remove a LinkedIn contact who bullied me? - The Workplace Stack Exchange
Jul 11 '15 at That is true but I was thinking more about if some future employer asks him if I should be hired, will I lost the place because he thinks I'm not a good worker. If this person has bullied you in the past I doubt they would have a change of heart when asked about your possible performance. I bet you could make that I am a fairly active user, and I never notice when someone removes me from their contacts. Paying attention to X removed Y is many galaxies away. Thing is they won't notice it unless they only have a handful of connections.
Linkedin won't notify them of you dropping them, and they'll become a "follower" rather than a connection and still get your updates etc.
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- Don't Boo, Vote: If You Don't Vote, No One Can Hear You Scream - Bitches Get Riches.
I would argue that certain contacts, if they have a certain amazing reputation, can be a benefit to have on your contact list, because it might shine positively on you to have such a person's public acknowledgement of you. But I doubt that a bully would ever be such a person.

Press 'i' to view the image gallery , 'v' to view the video gallery , or 'r' to view a random entry. Stop Bullying Comics is an online comic series that began as a collaborative project between Cartoon Network and Bitstrips for School in October Part of the social media campaign against bullying in school, the comics share some similarities with the Law For Kids PSA parodies , both being humorous spoofs of educational webcomics.
Voting is important
On October 3rd, , Cartoon Network teamed up with the online comic software company Bitstrips for Schools [1] to launch its anti-bullying campaign "Stop Bullying: Once submitted to the site, each user contribution was showcased in the official gallery page [3] where members could vote for their favorite instances.
The Huffington Post [4] covered the campaign on October 4th, On October 6th, a link to the comic creator was posted to the forums on the YouTube poop related website YouChew. The post eventually managed to reach the front page with more than 1, up votes.
On October 10th, the unofficial single topic blog for curating the best parodies was launched on Tumblr , although the site hasn't been updated since March The United States is a representative democracy, as opposed to a direct democracy. This means that we elect representatives of the people who make policy decisions on our behalf. Instead of voting on each and every bill and decision that passes through federal and state governments, we put our trust in elected officials to do that for us. Which can be pretty disheartening.
Especially if you know your views are in the minority within your state.
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Note that I linked to the Presidential election and not the election because this happens with frightening regularity. Why even bother voting if it means being part of this corrupt, imperfect Mickey Mouse operation? Because waiting around for a better system instead of voting does fuck-all to affect change right now.
But if you vote, you at least have a chance of being heard. Like, there were literally only four documented cases of voter fraud in And my favorite is the woman who voted twice under the mistaken belief that she would cancel out the vote of someone voting illegally. Why are these efforts to disenfranchise voters targeting specific communities?
And why seek to lessen the power of certain voter blocks? Why prevent Americans from voting? The voters being conveniently disenfranchised statistically vote a certain way. And Republicans want to stay in power. They are afraid of us. They are afraid of what we can do when we all vote.
School Lunches: Is Your Child A Victim Of Lunchbox Bullying?
What more proof do you need that your vote matters? But which do you think is more likely to speed that day along: Yes, the system is imperfect. But voting is one way you can contribute to positive change. Because one of the reasons cited for not voting in was that it was too hard. You might have noticed your commercials are particularly obnoxious recently. A concerned narrator talking about that time the incumbent stole candy from a baby! Did you know the candidate believes in castrating baby otters?!?!
How do you decide?
If you vote YES on Amendment 3B, gay abortion doctors will steal your job and move a Mexican gang into your spare bedroom!!!!!! Political operatives spend a lot of money attempting to influence us through scary commercials and vague billboards.
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- Don’t Boo, Vote: If You Don’t Vote, No One Can Hear You Scream?
Turn a blind eye to it all. Throw election fliers in the recycling bin. Turn the TV off. Ignore banners along the road. Instead, go to Ballotpedia or another nonprofit, nonpartisan resource for your information. There, you can type in your address and get a list of every candidate, referendum, and amendment on your local ballot. You can take notes and bring these notes to the polls with you. If something on the ballot has nothing to do with you, think of the people in your community it might benefit or hurt.
Plus, there may come a day when you need them to vote on something that will deeply affect your life. The midterm election is tomorrow.