Army Field Manual - Training for Mobilization and War
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- List of numbered documents of the United States Department of War?
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- Mobilization and Strategic Deployment Overview;
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Resolutions of the conventions held at Munich, Dresden, Berlin and Vienna for the purpose of adopting uniform methods for testing construction materials with regard to their mechanical properties. Military Information Document no. Drill regulations for cavalry , United States Army. Manual for the pay department. Published by authority of the secretary of war, for the use in the army of the United States. Manual for the Subsistence Department.
FM 21-5 Basic Field Manual, Military Training 1941
Manual for the Quartermaster's department, pub. Finding list of military biographies and other personal literature in the War Department Library. List of the photographs and photographic negatives relating to the war for the union, now in the War Department Library.
Military literature in the War Department Library relating to the participation of the individual states in the war for the union. The military laws of the United States. Manual for courts-martial and of procedure under military law. Revised in the judge-advocate general's office, and published by authority of the secretary of war, for use in the army of the United States. Military literature in the War Department Library relating to the campaign against Chattanooga, siege of Chattanooga , battle of Chickamauga , battle of Lookout Mountain , battle of Missionary Ridge , and the retreat of Bragg, comprising the period embraced from August, , to December, Property and general regulations of the Signal corps , U.
Military literature in the War department library relating chiefly to the participation of the individual states in the war for the union. Firing regulations for small arms for U. Manual for courts-martial, courts of inquiry, and retiring boards, and of other procedure under military law.
United States Army Field Manuals
Revised in the judge-advocate general's office, and published by authority of the secretary of war for use in the army of the United States. Signal Corps manual no. United States Army Transport Service regulations, Field service regulations, United States Army, , with amendments to Published by authority of the Secretary of War. Regulations of the War Department governing the organized militia, under the Constitution and the laws of the United States. Provisional small arms firing manual for the United States Army and for the organized militia of the United States.

Acts of Congress, treaties and proclamations relating to noncontiguous territory, Cuba and Santo Domingo and to military affairs. Sixtieth Congress—March 4, , to March 3, Official table of distances for the guidance of disbursing officers of the army charged with payment of money allowances for travel. By authority of the secretary of war. Tables, weights, measures, and specific gravities. Regulations for United States military telegraph lines, Alaskan cables, and telegraph stations, U.
Acts of Congress, treaties, proclamations, and decisions of the Supreme court of the United States, and opinions of the attorney general relating to noncontiguous territory, Cuba and Santo Domingo, and to military affairs Drill regulations and service manual for sanitary troops, United States Army, Manual for noncommissioned officers and privates of infantry of the organized militia and volunteers of the United States.
Regulations for United States military telegraph lines, Alaskan cables, and telegraph stations.
FM Training For Mobilization And War - Chptr 3 Unit Training
Signal Corps Manual no. Study of the costs of the United States Army in comparison with the cost of armies of other nations. Study on the development of large caliber, mobile artillery, and machine guns in the present European war.
Study on educational institutions giving military training as a source of supply of officers for a national army. Mobilization of industries and utilization of the commercial and industrial resources of the country for war purposes in emergency. Organization and administration of the War department adapted to a change from peace conditions to a state of war. Organization, training, and mobilization of a force of citizen soldiery.
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Method of training a citizen army on the outbreak of war to insure its preparedness for field service. Study on places of origin and ability to procure supplies needed in vast quantities in time of war. The standardization of methods of military instruction at schools and colleges in the United States.