3 Tales From the Grand Old Game
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Tales series The Tales emblem as seen in Tales of the Abyss. Each entry in the series uses its own font and styling. List of Tales media. Archived from the original on 5 May Retrieved 3 Jan Nintendo DS Creator's Voice. Archived from the original on 24 November Retrieved 21 July Retrieved 23 August Retrieved 15 July Retrieved 22 July Retrieved 3 August Tales of Symphonia Chronicle - Lloyd Irving returns at last".
Retrieved 18 August Retrieved 13 August Retrieved 19 June Retrieved 2 May Archived from the original on Retrieved 19 August Retrieved 4 July Retrieved 7 June Archived from the original on 24 July Archived from the original on 10 July Notable fan translation projects GamerTell". Retrieved 23 September Retrieved 20 August Retrieved 24 July Archived from the original on 4 October Retrieved 29 May Retrieved 20 May Retrieved 31 May Archived from the original on 8 March Namco Bandai Games Europe. Retrieved 6 July Archived from the original on 12 June Retrieved 12 June Archived from the original on 13 February Retrieved 12 August Archived from the original on 5 July Retrieved 28 August Bandai Namco , Official Website.
Retrieved 23 June Archived from the original on 18 May Retrieved 29 July Retrieved 2 June Retrieved 18 January Archived from the original on 7 June Retrieved 8 July Archived from the original on 4 November Retrieved 16 May Retrieved 15 May Retrieved 2 July Archived from the original on 17 March Retrieved 5 May Archived from the original on 13 May Retrieved 23 July Archived from the original on 19 July Archived from the original on 20 May A Familiar Aer About it".
Archived from the original on 9 March Retrieved 9 April Retrieved 2 August Our Interview with Producer Hideo Baba]. Archived from the original on 8 November Retrieved 4 August Famitsu Weekly in Japanese. Tales of Symphonia Illustrations ] in Japanese. Retrieved 24 December Tales producer Hideo Baba on Tales of Xillia, more". Retrieved 11 August Bandai Namco Game Books.
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- When is it OK for children to start playing video games?.
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- Where are games made?.
- What every parent needs to know about video games: a crash course;
Archived from the original on 14 April Archived from the original on 31 May The Tales Studio Is Dead". Tales of Reinvigorated Localization". Retrieved 13 December Archived from the original on 3 July Tales Series Producer Interview". Archived from the original on 30 January Retrieved 30 January Archived from the original on 21 April A Magical Mystery Tour". Archived from the original on 4 August Our interview with Hideo Baba".
Retrieved 28 June Retrieved 7 August Tales of Symphonia Interview Page 2". Retrieved 13 May Archived from the original on 17 May Retrieved 9 August Retrieved 1 August Archived from the original on 17 December Retrieved 2 August — via YouTube. Archived from the original on 27 September Retrieved 18 September Retrieved 6 August Retrieved 5 August Retrieved 1 July Tales of the Heroes: Tales of the Abyss Tales of Vesperia: Video game franchises owned by Bandai Namco Holdings.
Mojipittan LiberoGrande Mappy Mr. Works by Production I. Tartaros Attack on Titan - Part 1: Wings of Freedom Blood-C: The Last Dark Blood: Summer Holidays of Dante's Inferno: Innocence Ghost in the Shell: These are called micro-transactions and are very common on smartphone and tablet games. Most boxed games are produced by large multinational publishing companies. The console manufacturers Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo, and the major "third-party" publishers, Activision Blizzard, Electronic Arts and Ubisoft, are the traditional giants of the industry.
These companies have their own in-house development teams designing games, but they also publish the games developed by smaller independent studios. After these come several Japanese publishers — Sega, Square Enix, Konami and Capcom — which used to dominate the industry, but have struggled with the decline of amusement arcades.
In the era of digital distribution, more and more smaller companies are "self-publishing" which means they create the games, then sell them via online stores like Steam on PC or the Apple or Google App Stores. The UK has more than development studios all over the country, many of them now self-publish in this way. There are also many huge new publishing companies specialising in mobile games and massively multiplayer online games.
King, for example, is the successful publisher of smartphone hit Candy Crush Saga and many other casual titles. Meanwhile, the Chinese investment company Tencent is quickly becoming one of the biggest forces in gaming through its mobile and MMORPG massively multiplayer online role-playing titles.
China is one of the key emerging forces in the global games industry. Here's a list of the world's top 25 video game companies by revenue. It's also worth noting that other big companies are very interested in games. Apple and Google run the app stores on their respective phones, while television manufacturers like Samsung are now including app stores on their internet-connected TVs.
Furthermore, internet and television service providers like Sky and Virgin Media are keen to entice gamers who tend to pay for higher download and upload speeds. All over the world. UK does not have any major publishers anymore, but it does have some extremely successful developers. Scandinavia has also become a major game producing area, while India, Eastern Europe and South America have emerging game development industries.
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This is a controversial subject and academic researchers are only just starting to explore the effects of screened entertainment on very young children. Several studies published in the last decade has suggested that screen time before the age of two can affect language development. There have also been links to the later development of ADHD in children who were exposed to screened entertainment before the age of three.
In , psychologist Dr Aric Sigman advised that children under the age of three should not be exposed to any form of screen entertainment.
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More research is needed, though. After the age of three, there is evidence that educational tablet and smartphone games can help children with numeracy and literacy. Numerous computer and tablet games are now regularly used in education. Sites like SumDog , BugClub and Mathletics are integrated into learning programmes, allowing teachers to monitor the reading and maths skills of students. The game give pupils points for successful tasks, incentivising development. For older children, there are plenty of games with creative and educational value.
The most obvious example is the building simulator Minecraft, which can teach players everything from architecture and physics to electronics and geology. A company named TeacherGaming has developed a special version named MinecraftEdu for use in the classroom, allowing teachers to set up and guide projects.
Titles like Civilization and Sim City teach strategic thinking as well as providing information on history, geography and urban planning. There are also excellent space sims like Kerbal Space Program and Orbiter that teach children about the basics of aeronautics. There's a wealth of evidence to suggest that games can help with hand-eye coordination, puzzle solving, logical thinking, spatial awareness, teamwork and a host of other vital, transferrable skills.
It is very important to realise that not all games are suitable for children. Indeed, many video games are designed for adult players only. Every game sold in stores is required by law to display an age rating on the box. As well as an age rating, game boxes must also show a series of icons informing customers about the sorts of content a game will contain — including violence, sex and drug use.
Dozens of studies have been carried out into the effects of game violence on teenagers, and many show a short-term spike in aggressive behaviour. However, the methodology is often questioned and there is very little research into the long term influence of violent games on behaviour.
Whatever the case, if a game is rated 18 or over, it should be treated like an 18 certificate movie — it is unsuitable for younger children. Again, there has been plenty of research into this question. In , researchers at Brigham Young University, Utah, questioned college students and found a link between video game play and poor relationships with family and friends.
However, it may well have been that antisocial people were drawn to video games, rather than video games making them antisocial. In , researchers at Iowa State University found that "prosocial games" — titles that encouraged players to co-operate and help each other — increased helpful behaviour. There are lots of games that people can play together in a co-operative rather than competitive way. Minecraft is a great example and many of its fans also love the similar Terraria , as are the Lego titles.
Telltale Games
The authors of the Iowa report had two key pieces of advice for parents worried about games. The first was to keep games machines such as computers and consoles in a communal area of the house so that play could easily be monitored. The second was to set time limits on the amount of time children could play.

Experts suggest that children should not be exposed to more than two hours screen time a day, whether that's TV or gaming. If you can't monitor your child's use of games machines directly, you can use the parental controls on your tablet, smartphone, console or computer to restrict access.
We'll provide guides to these elements later in the week. Well, that depends on the "platform" or type of machine they're being played on. In the smartphone sector, it's casual puzzle games like Candy Crush Saga. However, in the console and PC space, it's action adventure games like Grand Theft Auto, and "first-person shooters" like Call of Duty and Battlefield. However, sports games such as Fifa are also very popular, as are fitness and dancing games like Wii Fit and Just Dance.
On the PC, massively multiplayer games like World of Warcraft continue to be popular, as do strategy simulation games like Starcraft. One of the biggest genres in PC gaming right now is the Moba, or multiplayer battle arena. Titles like League of Legends and Dota 2 have vast fanbases. The website Statista provides a handy chart of of popular genres , based on data from US gamers. For the last five years, the biggest brand in the gaming world has been Call of Duty, a range of first-person shooters from Activision; see our guide on that series.
Elsewhere, the Fifa football sims from Electronic Arts sell well whenever a new title is released every autumn , and the Assassin's Creed series of historical action adventures from Ubisoft has been very successful. In the family gaming area, Nintendo's Pokemon and Animal Crossing titles continue to perform well. Outside of mainstream gaming, the cult hit Minecraft now has m registered users and is available on almost every games-capable machine.
There are also many globally successful online multiplayer games like World of Warcraft, and the free-to-play giants, Rift, Neverwinter and Tera Online.