Viajes por Filipinas: De Manila á Albay (Spanish Edition)
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Pendant le siege de Paris By: La belle Gabrielle — Tome 1 By: Diario de la navegacion empredida en By: The Augsburg Confession By: Not Like Other Girls By: The Parish Clerk By: The Flying Cuspidors By: Be It Ever Thus By: Epistle to the Son of the Wolf By: Woman's Experiences in the Great War By: Thimblefinger and His Queer Country By: Memoirs of the Court of St. L'argent des autres I. Les hommes de paille By: The Jargon File, Version 4. The Cruise of the Nonsuch Buccaneer By: On the Method of Zadig By: Les Heures Claires By: On the Old Road Vol.
Folk-Lore and Legends; Scandinavian By: The Witch of Atlas By: Traditions of the North American Indians, Vol. Title, Author or Keyword. Naturally with a very strong pro-American point of view. Many source documents are quoted here, so this is an excellent source of material for students of the period.
Abella y Casariego, Enrique [WorldCat Identities]
To compensate for the American bias in the previous work, we also present the Philippine side of the story A journalist's collection of articles on the Philippines and other possessions of the US, written in a typical journalistic style. Covers everything from the first contacts with Ferdinand Magellan until the end of the Spanish era, mostly concentrating on early primary sources.
The volumes will be added to this website one by one. The Philippines are special, as they have mixed western and eastern influences in there own, unique, way.

Sometimes very old stories, that date back to classical times, have reached the Philippines both going west via Spain and Mexico and going east via India. Filipino Popular Tales , Dean S. A large collection of Filipino popular tales, complete with notes tracing the story's relationship with stories from other countries, and how the stories might have found their way to the Philippines. Still an important source for many folk-stories re-published today! A small collection of Philippine folklore stories, retold for children.
Millington These folk-lore stories from various parts of the Philippines have been collected from a number of issues of the Journal of American Folk-Lore. A Little Book of Filipino Riddles , Frederick Starr A nice collection of riddles, which makes a good complement to our very own collection of riddles.
Anthropology The study of Philippine Anthropology was only taken up seriously after the American conquest of the Islands. A number of important works appeared in the early years of the American era. A description of the Igorot people from the Bontoc area in Luzon.
Written almost a hundred years ago. Includes over photographs of the time. A description of the Negrito people from the province of Zambales, Luzon. Includes over 60 photographs of the time. An large collection of Tinguian folklore. An extensive study of the Tinguian tribe at the beginning of the 20th century, with many wonderful photographs. Pedro Jimenez A small grammar and language teaching book for Cebuano, dating back to Not really suitable for learning the modern language, as it uses the old Spanish based spelling of Cebuano.
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Tagalog More books in Tagalog at Project Gutenberg. Ang Tunay na Buhay ni P. Jose Burgos, one of the Filipino priests executed in Bagumbayan on February 28, Alamat ng Ilang-Ilang , Jose N.
- das schlaue, blaue Buch der Kinder- und Jugendarbeit (German Edition).
- Main Content!
- The Dead Walk Among The Living: Book 6.
- Item Preview.
- Translation of «patadión» into 25 languages.
- Halt, stehenbleiben! Polizei!: Aus dem Leben eines Ermittlers Über 40 authentische Fälle (German Edition).
- Trame parentali/Trame letterarie: a cura di Maria Del Sapio Garbero (Critica e letteratura) (Italian Edition).
Sevilla The legend of the ilang-ilang flower and other stories and poems, first published in All books listed above are in the public domain at least in the US, where this website is hosted , and thus free from copyright restrictions. Feel free to use them or parts of them as you like: A large number of books on the Philippines can be located on-line at The United States and its Territories.
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