The Uluru Adventure : Wicky Wacky Farm Series Book 4
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Original music was composed by Alain Garcia and Noam Kaniel. Production of the show began one year before it was incorporated into Teletoon's schedule. There were five main cast members who voiced The Tofus. Script direction was overseen by Florence Sandis. Environmental activists Mom and Pop Tofu, concerned that their family is suffocating from urban routine, decide to move to a farmhouse in the town of Beauvillage and embrace a more natural way of life, much to the horror of their pre-teen children, Chichi and Lola. They would rather watch TV and go shopping than amuse themselves with Grandma Buba's animals: The siblings must cope with their parents' ecology -friendly world vision and the humiliation that results from their efforts to encourage others to protect the environment.
The neighborhood that the family settles in is filled with electronically able individuals, contrasting the Tofus' all-organic lifestyle. Unlike her mechanical-genius brother Chichi—who believes in peace within the family—Lola is more cynical and averse to being deemed oddballs in their new home.

She occupies herself with her attraction to Billy Hubbub, the boy next door, despite his parents objections. The Tofus was generally well received by viewers. It has been called "a modern gloss on the classic family sitcom [that] aptly skewers the granola-munching righteousness of the eco-hippie archetype," [7] and has been commended for its use of ecology as a unique background theme. Lola is forced to wear a dress knitted by Buba to school, just as she tries to get invited to rock concert with Billy.
Hey, Who Turned Out the Lights?: Kids at school become hooked on playing a video-game called Blast-Masters. Chichi tries to play it, but the power keeps going out from a lack of wind. Tough Guys Can Cry: Chichi and class bully Nick enter into a feud while Buba prepares Curly for a contest.
The Tofus are invited to appear on a TV show that ridicules their environmentalist lifestyle. Chichi goes on a survival mission in the forest to "become a man". That's What I Call Hubbub!: Titus Hubbub petitions for the Tofu family's removal from the neighborhood. The Beast of Beauvillage: A dangerous wolf is on the prowl in the hills outside Beauvillage, frightening residents. Lola gets a job working at the Burger Palace to pay for her mother's birthday gift. Megacity Kids Go Tofu: Students from a large city, Megacity, lodge with Beauvillage residents for a student exchange program.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For the food product, see Tofu. Alain Garcia Noam Kaniel. Jetix international France 3 France Teletoon Canada. Archived from the original on October 21, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. Archived from the original on Archived from the original on March 21, Archived from the original on October 13, What's Developing in Kids Production".
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List of Teletoon original series. Blake and Mortimer Nanook's Great Hunt. Let's Explore the Australian Outback.
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Face your fears, find your way. Edit Details Official Sites: Flinders Ranges, South Australia, Australia. Edit Did You Know? Trivia This is cinematographer Mandy Walker 's second film set in the Australian outback. She previously lensed Australia Goofs Robyn's trek takes about nine months.
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Quotes [ first lines ] Robyn: A distance of 2, miles. The trip will take six to seven months. There are herds of feral camels roaming freely throughout Central Australia, and my idea was to capture a few and train them to carry my gear. Crazy Credits The initial credits are shown over original photos from the "Tracks" book and the National Geographic article. The photos, taken by Rick Smolan, show Robyn Davidson during the actual walk.
Connections Referenced in David Stratton: