
The Soul Midwives Handbook: The Holistic and Spiritual Care of the Dying

This book will guide you through the core principles and techniques of this practice.

The Soul Midwives' handbook Felicity Warner

Reviews A gift for bringing comfort and peace to those who are about to pass away. A guide to help people prepare for death just as they might for a birth - and achieve a peaceful end to their lives. In this moving book, Felicity has encapsulated the wisdom of the ages into practical examples of how to BE with the dying; how to honour and hold that sacred space for everyone as they prepare to make the journey that we all must take. It is wonderful that Felicity Warner's Soul Midwives now have a handbook for practical use. As vigiling reclaims its rightful place at the bedside, The Soul Midwives' Handbook emerges as a useful and timely tool for those who are called to this sacred work.

Offers guidance and practical advice on how to offer support and care to those on the final journey. Soul midwives make it their mission to help the dying pass away with dignity and in peace. The woman who wants to make dying more dignified. The work of Felicity Warner and the Soul Midwives is absolutely crucial for those of us who believe that death is one of the most important moments of our life.

By providing loving and gentle support, Felicity and the Soul Midwives support people to have the death that they want. What could be more important? Well, don't they do fantastic work? Relaxing and letting go at last, they'd say how good it was - as one of them put it - to 'talk dirty' about dying to a complete stranger.

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Nigel Spencer is a year-old nurse based in Brighton. But in our culture, the family unit is breaking down and more people are living on their own.

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Getty Also the healthcare system has become over-medicalised, as well as fragmented between the various specialisms, so caring for the dying can become a paper exercise in which money becomes more important than the patient. When that happens, we are in danger of losing the heart of nursing. But if you meet someone as a human being, not as a nurse or doctor in a professional uniform, it takes the relationship to a different level.

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When I listen to my patients it's easy to empathise, but you need to go beyond that. Patients sometimes need to ask big, difficult questions to which there are no answers, and to which they know there are no answers.

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As soul midwives, we have to be willing to sit with that 'not knowing', to sit in that difficult place with them, and not abandon them. Dying can be a very lonely experience, but simply by being with the patient - being with them and their suffering - we can help to alleviate that suffering and that loneliness.

Hospital volunteer Mandy Preece, 47, is a currently training as a soul midwife. When it comes to talking to those who are dying, I haven't got the experience or any right to say what they should think - that is entirely up to them.

Being a soul midwife is about stopping and thinking, about seeing how we can facilitate someone's passing according to their wishes. We talk about their choices and where they'd like to die - they might like it to be outside, for instance, with the sun on their faces.

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No one else asks these sorts of questions. No one wants to talk about dying, but I find that working with people at the end of life is a huge privilege. Being a soul midwife makes my soul sing. Antonia Rolls, 52, brings her skills as a practising artist into her work as soul midwife.

I do whatever I can that works - I do arty things and fun things - but mostly I just watch and let them take the lead. I also try to help the bereaved by making 'life boards' with them. In my studio, there is a table covered in different bits and pieces that I've collected - fabric, paper, trinkets - to make artworks with.

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People often say they don't know where to begin, so I suggest where we might place something and then they tend to say, 'Oh no, here would be much better. When one woman said that she wanted a black board, I was worried that the result was going to be very sombre. Actually, she created a wonderful, vibrant board using silver wrapping paper and bouncing butterflies attached to springs.

She wrote poems on the black background, and the whole thing glittered and twinkled and moved. When we can't say things with words, we can do it with art. Soul midwives' training consists of three parts: