The Janitor
And the violence and gore is about the best you will find in a horror film, mainstream or otherwise. There's also a difference between good horror nudity and bad horror nudity.
The Janitor on Scrubs basically got to make up his own lines
Some films throw topless women in the mix simply because they can, and others will do so in a way that is completely unattractive see again "Andre the Butcher". The Janitor has some excessive nudity, but it seems necessary and very "hot" which complements the gore aspects well. I say "necessary" because the characters who get nude are written to build up to these things, unlike other films that have nude women show up without explanation.

Okay; campiness, humor, nudity, gore. What am I missing? Ah, yes, the music video on the DVD. This is also a must-see.
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The star not only wrote and directed, he also sings on the soundtrack and has made a great music video called "You're Gonna Die" which fits the theme of the film well and teaches you to respect your cleaning staff. If you do not like it, I cannot offer you a refund -- but you will never have to trust another horror movie review from me again. Explore popular and recently added TV series available to stream now with Prime Video. Start your free trial.
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Full Cast and Crew. TJ Nordaker , Andy Signore. Worst Horror Films Ever Made. Share this Rating Title: The Janitor 5. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Learn more More Like This. The Slumber Party Massacre Lord of the Dead Michael Baldwin, Bill Thornbury.
The Janitor () - IMDb
Mike travels through time and dimensions to find the Tall Man's origins. Minutes Past Midnight Edit Cast Credited cast: Bouillabaisse as Larry Butler Skip Pipo Agent Page John Carreon Willis Rachael Ann Bennett Stacy as Rachael Bennett Kelly S. Glory as Stephanie Medina Logan Christopher Robert Rest of cast listed alphabetically: Lab Technician Heather Black Sorority Murder Victim Jason Blackburn It is suggested in the episode "His Story III" that he is in some way responsible for a medical intern named Jill having a child.
During the first six seasons he has a crush on Dr. Elliot Reid , but in season seven he meets his future wife Lady , and they get married the following season. In the first episode of season 9 , a flashback is seen of Janitor's last appearance the day after J.
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- The Janitor on Scrubs basically got to make up his own lines - Fact Fiend.
- Here’s Why The Janitor Was The Best Character On ‘Scrubs’!
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Janitor believes that J. When Turk convinces him that J. Concrete information about Janitor's personal history is sparse and is confounded by his penchant for giving outrageous and often conflicting accounts of his past. Many of the stories he has told J.
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He has claimed that his parents are also his siblings, has made multiple conflicting accounts of having been married and having children, has claimed that, in college, he came close to a world record in the m hurdles race, and has given an explanation for learning sign language so convoluted that he asks to have it read back to him when J.
His childhood and family life are equally mysterious. The occasional flashback sequences imply that his parents were fastidious and mildly abusive. One flashback implies the loss of a stuffed animal in the "clutter" of his bedroom led him to take on a janitorial career. He also claims that his great-grandfather was the Civil War general Ambrose Burnside mispronounced "Burnsides".
When the hospital support staff wants dental coverage, he becomes their spokesman. On occasion Janitor indicates he does little actual work. He does, however, defend his sanitary responsibilities in the hospital whenever J. Although he spends most of the series harassing J. Several episodes show Janitor pretending to be a doctor "Dr. He also pretends to be the chief of medicine when the real chief, Bob Kelso , is away. Janitor shows a softer side on several occasions.
He harbors a schoolboy crush on Elliot Reid , to whom he usually refers as "Blonde Doctor". He has also shown genuine compassion for the hospital's patients; in one episode he spends the day talking to a patient with Locked-in syndrome just to keep him company. Later, as the hospital mourns Laverne's passing at a bar, Janitor buys them a round of drinks and raises his glass in salute.
Flynn had a small role in The Fugitive. The show's writers took advantage of this, placing Janitor in his fictional role as the real actor in the film. Janitor's father is portrayed as having treated him the way a drill instructor would treat a new recruit. His father is played by actor R. Lee Ermey , who famously played a drill instructor in Full Metal Jacket. At the beginning of the eighth season, Maddox fires Janitor for pulling a prank on J. At the end of the episode, he is replaced. Janitor is the self-appointed leader of the "Brain Trust", an unofficial club at the hospital that consists of a rotating cast of Sacred Heart staff members such as hospital lawyer Ted Buckland, surgeon Todd "The Todd" Quinlan, Dr.
The Brain Trust originally had three other members, but Janitor became fed up with them during lunch, and joined the table behind him where the new members were sitting. The mystery of Janitor's name is a running gag throughout the series. In " My Hero ", Janitor chastises J. In " My Manhood ", Janitor tells Dr. Cox "I've been called a great many horrible names in my life: Maddox played by Courteney Cox Arquette , asks what Janitor's name is, he chuckles and makes reference to the fact she's new, alluding to the fact that she's oblivious to the fact even the longest-standing members of staff don't know his name.