Something Extraordinary: An Inspirational Journal Sparked by Cancer
December 02, ; Accepted date: December 27, ; Published date: J Carcinogene Mutagene 2: This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Cancer is deadly disease which is caused due to uncontrolled growth of the cells and forms from the extra mass tissue known as tumour. The loss of apoptotic nature by the cells in their metabolic pathway leads to cancer. Cigarette smoking, tobacco intake, alcohol intake, poor diet and exposure to UV rays lead to cancer. Different organs can be effect by cancer cells like lungs, kidney, eyes, heart, brain etc. Cancer cells also spread in blood stream and causes blood cancer.
The person who works in the chemical factories, nuclear reactors, drainage system and mining are most prone to cancer. The most cancer causing agents are aluminium, arsenic, radon, lead and lead compounds, titanium dioxide, Ethidium Bromide, Cobalt with tungsten carbide, Welding fumes and Indium phosphide.
Treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, bone marrow transplantation are used to treat cancer in different stages. Human body contains millions of cells; it grows divides and dies in conventional manner. Sometimes the system goes wrong and uncontrolled no of cells grows, which leads to cancer. The cancer cells combines and form extra mass tissue known as tumour [ 1 ].
Cancer is a common disease which spreads throughout the blood stream in the human body [ 2 ]. Leukemia alters the blood cell and involve in its maturity and immaturity [ 3 ]. Some of the tumours does not spread throughout the body but grow uncontrollably like benign tumour [ 4 ]. In Asia high prevalence of chronic viruses like hepatitis B [ 5 ] and C, the Epstein Barr virus and human papillomaviruses HPV [ 5 ] increases the high risk of cancer.
Mutations in p53 gene [ 6 ] leads to cancer as well as nutrition [ 7 ] play a vital role in mortality of cancer [ 8 ]. Exposure to aldehydes and formaldehyde associated with high risk of lymphoma cancer [ 9 ]. Hypoxia [ 10 ] is a solid tumour growth in cancer which is common and disturbs molecular pathways [ 11 ].
It is not possible to find out the specific cause for cancer. Cancer cells are modulated by culture condition and extracellular microenvironment condition [ 12 ]. But there are many risks which increase the cancer such as intake of tobacco, alcohol, poor diet, obesity, exposure of UV radiation, lack of physical activity and nearly 5 to percentage from hereditary can cause cancer [ 1 ].
Latest research work of cancer was diagnosed with myeloma cancer, develops from plasma cells in bone marrow and after chemotherapy [ 16 ] treatment it was reduced and reminisced back within a year in spine [ 17 ]. Researcher studies show that the metastatic tumours have high levels of mRNA [ 18 ] which can be treated by chemotherapy [ 19 ].
In worldwide nearly 7. Recently National Cancer Institute showed that the person who expose to solvent, grease and oils, those who work in textile and plastic industries have high risk of cancer [ 21 ]. Carcinomas develop in epithelial cell and have four sub types, [ 22 ] they are:. Lungs are used for breathing and located near chest; the intake air is spreads bronchi tubes. In USA lung cancer [ 24 ] is the main cause for mortality cancer [ 25 ]. Lung cancer mostly seen in older aged people and rarely seen in people below 40 years.
Cigarette smoking is the main cause for lung cancer. Tobacco and alcohol intake is also one of the causes for lung cancer. Air pollution, high levels of arsenic intake, radon gas etc. At the early stage it does not show any symptoms but later some of the symptoms are seen. Like chest pain, difficulty in breathing, joint pains, weight loss suddenly, loss of appetite, bone pains, blood in cough, difficulty in swallowing, weakness, jaundice etc [ 27 ].
Oral cancer is an example for squamous cell carcinomas, which encompass in epithelial neoplasm of oral cavity [ 28 ]. Cheek lining, root of the mouth, gums and floor of the mouth are the part which are affected due to oral cancer. Salivary gland tumour is also one of the oral cancers such as adenoid cystic carcinoma [ 29 ].
Head and neck cancer comes under squamous cell carcinoma which is also a serious problem of cancer [ 30 ].
The League of Extraordinary CEOs: Inspired by a Cancer Diagnosis
Ureter and renal pelvis Squamous cell carcinoma are rare malignancy [ 31 ]. Smoking, tobacco using and alcohol intake causes oral cancer. Poor oral hygiene, taking immune-suppressants, due to fillings, rough teeth cause oral cancer [ 32 ]. Mouth ulcers, crack in the edge of the mouth, pale yellow or discoloured in the area of mouth, lip and tongue.
Difficulty in chewing, mouth sores, tongue problems, difficulty while speaking etc. Oral Sub-mucosal tissue affects buccal and labial tissues [ 34 ]. This cancer is seen in the bladder area which is located at the centre part of lower belly [ 35 ]. Cigarette smoking, exposure to the chemicals like arsenic, truck drivers, worker who works at aluminium, rubber, leather and pesticide industries may suffer from bladder cancer [ 36 ].
N-nitroso compounds and N-nitrosodibutylamine is a chemical agent which cause bladder cancer [ 37 ]. Abdominal pain, fall of blood during urination, fatigue, urine leakage, weight loss etc. Skin cancer is most commonly seen and more than 1 million people were diagnosed in USA each year. Non-melanoma and melanoma [ 39 ] are the two groups of skin cancer. From these two groups non-melanoma is commonly seen and less danger than that of melanoma [ 40 ].
A Short Note on Cancer
The main cause for skin cancer [ 41 ] is exposure to ultraviolet UV light, exposure to high level of X-rays; immunosuppression-impairment is one of the causes for skin cancer. Exposure with chemicals like arsenic, hydrocarbons of tar, the people who are working in mine and plastic industries also have high risk of skin cancer [ 42 ].
When the skin exposed to sun it becomes red, scaling, new pain and itching starts. Basal cell carcinoma raised, bump on the skin of the head, neck and shoulder appears. New moles are develops, shape, size and colour changes, itching, ulceration or bleeding also seen. Tanning is also one of the symptoms for cancer [ 43 ]. It is cancer of lymph cell in immune system. Lymph nodes are the small structures presents along with blood vessels in human body.
The person who has lymphomas cancer their lymph nodes enlarges and forms lumps [ 44 ]. Abdominal computed tomography [ 45 ] shows thicken of gastric lining with lymph nodes [ 46 ]. The caner which was formed in the mesoderm tissue is known as sarcomas [ 47 ]. Bone tumour, fat, muscle, tumour of hematotopoietic tissue comes under sarcomas [ 48 ]. One of the most common soft tissue sarcomas in adults is Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma [ 50 ]. The patients who are treated with radiation therapy of cancer have high risk of soft tissue cancer. The people who works at chemical work places includes herbicides, arsenic, vinyl chloride, phenoxyacetic acid have the danger of Soft tissue sarcomas cancer [ 51 ].
Formation of lumps is found in anywhere in the body, pains in nerves and muscles, blockage in intestine and sometimes bleeding occurs in the area tumour present [ 52 ]. Asbestos exposure and cancer risk: Asbestos is the mineral which is occurring naturally in the environment as bundles of fibers that can be separated into thin, durable threads. Asbestos minerals are divided into two major groups: Serpentine asbestos and amphibole asbestos. Serpentine asbestos includes the mineral chrysotile, which has long, curly fibers that can be woven.
Chrysotile asbestos is the form that has been used most widely in commercial applications.

Amphibole asbestos includes the minerals actinolite, tremolite, anthophyllite, crocidolite, and amosite. Amphibole asbestos has straight, needle-like fibers that are more brittle than those of serpentine asbestos and are more limited in their ability to be fabricated. Not only does it affect the lungs, it can cause kidney, pancreatic, cervical [ 54 ], and stomach cancers and acute myeloid leukemia [ 55 ].
Quitting smoking immediately decreases your risk factor for cancer. Daily exercise for at least 30 minutes a day will greatly reduces the occurrences of risk of cancer. Exercise like yoga [ 56 ], aerobics [ 57 ], walking [ 58 ] and running is great activities to lower your cancer risk factor. Some tumours are benign, but cause serious neurologic dysfunction or death.
Primary tumours and secondary tumours are two types of brain tumours. Type of tumor varies somewhat by site and patient age. Brain tumour is an abnormal growth of tissue in the brain. Unlike other tumours spread by local extension and rarely metastasize beyond the part of the brain where it originates. A brain tumour is considered malignant if it contains cancer cells. Brain tumors can develop at any age, but are most common in children between the ages of , and in adults aged Cancer cells that develop in a body organ such as the lung can spread via direct extension, or through the bloodstream to other body organs such as the brain.
Tumors formed by such cancer cells that spread to other organs are called metastatic tumors. Metastatic brain cancer is a mass of cells that originated in another body organ and has spread into the brain tissue. Metastatic tumors in the brain are more common than primary brain tumors.
They are usually named after the tissue or organ where the cancer first developed.
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Neurofibromatosis is a genetic disorder that disturbs cell growth in nervous system, causing tumors to form on nerve tissue. These tumors may develop anywhere in nervous system, including in brain, spinal cord and nerves. Neurofibromatosis is usually diagnosed in childhood or early adulthood.
The tumours are usually benign but in some cases become malignant tumours. Glioblastoma Multiforme GBM also called glioblastoma, is a fast-growing glioma that develops from star-shaped glial cells called astrocytes and oligodendrocytes that support the health of the nerve cells within the brain. GBM is often referred to as a grade IV astrocytoma. These are the most invasive type of glial tumors, rapidly growing and commonly spreading into nearby brain tissue. Glioblastomas are the most common and aggressive primary brain tumours, have been called grow and go tumours.
The exact causes of Glioblastoma are still unknown. In general, tumors are abnormal growths, or mutations, of brain cells. However, it remains a mystery how these abnormalities occur. The symptoms of Glioblastoma are highly dependent on the location of the tumor in the brain. In many cases, the symptoms are not visible until the tumor becomes large. Multiple endocrine neoplasia is a group of disorders that affect the body's network of hormone-producing glands.
Hormones are chemical messengers that travel through the bloodstream and regulate the function of cells and tissues throughout the body. Multiple endocrine neoplasia typically involves tumors in at least two endocrine glands; tumors can also develop in other organs and tissues. These growths can be noncancerous or cancerous. If the tumors become cancerous, the condition can be life-threatening. Gliomas originate in the glial cells in the brain. Glial cells are the tissue that surrounds and supports neurons in the brain.
These tumors arise from three different types of cells that are normally found in the brain: Gliomas are called intrinsic brain tumors because they reside within the substance of the brain and often intermix with normal brain tissue. Meningiomas are a diverse set of tumors arising from the meninges, the membranous layers surrounding the central nervous system. They arise from the arachnoid "cap" cells of the arachnoid villi in the meninges. These tumors usually are benign in nature; however, small percentages are malignant. These tumours require no treatment other than periodic observation.
Pituitary adenomas are common benign tumors of the pituitary gland. Some tumors secrete one or more hormones in excess. Non-invasive and non-secreting pituitary adenomas are considered to be benign. Adenomas which exceed 10 millimetres in size are defined as macroadenomas, with those smaller than 10 mm referred to as microadenomas. Metastatic cancer occurs when cancer spreads from its original location primary tumour to a new part of the body. Brain metastases occur when a cancer spreads to the brain from its primary site. Brain metastases are different from a cancer that starts in the brain.
Primary brain tumours occur much less often than brain metastases. Brain metastases are fairly common in people with cancer. Nerve sheath tumours are also called as malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors MPNSTs are sarcomas which originate from peripheral nerves or from cells associated with the nerve sheath, such as Schwann cells, perineural cells, or fibroblasts. Because MPNSTs can arise from multiple cell types, the overall appearance can vary greatly from one case to the next. This can make diagnosis and classification somewhat difficult. Central neurocytoma is a tumor of young adults composed of uniform round cells with neuronal differentiation, typically occurring in the lateral ventricles in the region of the foramen of Monro.
Patients with central neurocytoma typically present with signs and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure. These may include headache, or decreased responsiveness or even coma. These intraventriciular tumors are usually greyish and friable, with variable degrees of calcification and intratumoral haemorrhage. Medulloblastoma is the most common type of embryonic tumours that arise from immature cells at the earliest stage of their development. The common symptoms of medullobloastoma include behavioural changes, changes in appetite, increased pressure on the brain.
A Short Note on Cancer | OMICS International
Unusual eye movements also may occur. Medulloblastoma is less common in adults. Treatment consists of surgical removal of such tumours and chemotherapy. Meningeal carcinomatosis is a condition in which a solid tumor diffusely spreads to the leptomeninges. Lung tumors, breast tumors, and malignant melanoma comprise the majority of solid tumors spreading to the leptomeninges.
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- League of Extraordinary CEOs: Inspired by a Cancer Diagnosis?
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The most common cancers to involve the leptomeninges are breast cancer, lung cancer.