Listening to the Silent Majority (Aunt Julie Rich, Pet Communicator Book 3)
You'll find that both are covered in this same write-up. It's a bit long but should prove informative. What I've found regarding "dead" animals directly relates to how I do what I do in the first place. How does one find that being in the first place, to communicate with them? You email me about your dog Rover, want me to ask him what foods he likes etc.
How do I find Rover? YOUR Rover, in fact? As discussed elsewhere on this site, animals are quite telepathic - they do this naturally. The "barks" and "meows" are what their bodies' sounds are literally physically capable of and are unto themselves one way an animal communicates. They utilize sound waves just as we do, but a dog can't "speak" as we do. Nor can a dolphin roar like a lion. The bodies simply aren't designed with the right equipment! Again, this is a physical form of communication that ranks along side with their other obvious physical communications such as tail wagging.
But they are very, very telepathic, so when attention is directed their way - specifically their way - they tune right in. It's instantaneous, slowed perhaps only by the occasional inattention, distraction or their being caught off guard "Huh? But as soon as they realize what's going on, they're excited and I get a lot of "Well, Hi! They don't think twice about this telepathic contact coming their way, past the initial occasional being slightly startled by being interrupted from whatever they happened to be into that moment.
It's we humans that would think we were "crazy" or something if this happened to us; we've got it so trained out of us that it seems unnatural, when it's actually not only quite natural, it's also what we're doing all the time too! Some do get it, but they're so pooh-pooh'd at, invalidated, Oh Come ON! They "grew up", or they lost friends. Stories such as Peter Pan and Dr. Doolittle have an element of truth running through them, despite the fantasy spun around it!
Anyway, the animal being is very easy to contact. You and I are human beings - a being YOU, the one who lays in bed thinking at night, the one who wonders what 24 x 4 is, the one who uses their arm to scratch their itching leg plus a human species body. They are an animal being because they are a being plus an animal species body. The bodies influence the beings a lot. If you had a cat body which was highly stimulated by little running things as they equated base-line survival something to catch and eat , you'd also have no qualms about bringing your "kill" to your master as that, too, is part of something that aids survival.
We on the other hand, being "civilized" humans and capable of finding a meal at any fast food place, would find a dead mouse on our doorstep rather repulsive. Yet both your cat and you are beings, and both are thinking and doing and computing decisions as we see fit and correct. So there is a being there, and this being is uniquely himself per se, they have no literal gender, the body does - though just as we do, they often define themselves as male or female because their body is male or female.
And that's who I find when I "reach out" and look for your Rover. And he's right there to receive my "connection" and so the conversing starts. One of the reasons it makes it easier for me to have some basic key details about the animal you want contacted and it can really help to have a picture of them to hand is that it's a good "ice breaker" - I can visualize them in their complete form for lack of better wording which is how they view themselves.
They ARE a kitty and they are fluffy white and so big and such and such and their name is Cassie and they love big plush pillows. If I have this concept in mind it helps me link up to and with the correct being out there. There are a lot of animals, a lot of cats, many named Cassie and so on.
Compare if a friend took you to a train station, pointed to all of the people and said "Ok, who am I here looking for? Gives you an age range It can be difficult to "fly blind". It's not "cheating" - we're talking about a living being here and each individual, whether animal or human, is different and unique than all others.
I need some prompts to accurately locate your animal friend. And when I've got him, I've got him.
When an animal's body dies, he's still contactable. There have been many times where I found a being and had no idea if they were "dead" or "alive" because I was conversing with a living being anyway! This was wild at first, believe me! They'd have recorded a mental picture of their body laying there dead, so I'd see this picture and conclude that Yes, they had been killed, for example, and they, not particularly caring or knowing that this had any importance one way or the other, would simply go, Huh.
So to the humans, I'm "dead". Like human beings, they have varying ideas about what it all means. They do of course often miss the physical contact, the huggies and stroking, the warmth, the closeness with their owners and so on. They also get quite upset at the owner's upset, grief and loss. They know of no way to comfort the owner as the owner can't "hear" them. Heck, the only reason that that isn't as upsetting as it could be is that frankly, they got used to that long ago simply by virtue of the fact that they were around humans who couldn't understand them their entire lives!
Some take over new bodies puppies, kittens and when they have done so they are influenced by this new body, it's hunger, its growing sensations, its sleepiness, its freshness at being so young and new and so on, their new owners call them by a different name, they're in a new house, new smells, a new kid around throwing a ball which distracts them right into their new current environment which is so fun! They are no longer Tiffany the 15 year old sick cat, they are now Rex the baby German Shepherd.
But they are always accessible as it's the being that's being contacted. A couple of specific examples: Locating and identifying the correct being? It's almost like those movies and classically, soap operas, where someone disappears and comes back a long time later post-plastic surgery and their spouse doesn't know it's their husband or wife!? Yeah, right - I don't think so. You'd know if it was them or not. You know the actual person: Well, it's that same "knowing".
Some people just happen to have a more honed ability in the area than others. What does it "feel" like? A woman was worried whether or not her dead husband made it to heaven, so she decided to try to contact his spirit by having a seance. Sure enough, after the usual mumbo-jumbo of calling to the spirits, her husband's voice was heard answering, "Hello Margaret, this is meeee What's it like there? And the only thing we do, all day long, are eat and sleep, eat and sleep, over and over.
Where do the passed-over animals go? They're between bodies hanging out by a rock or tree or the left side of your bedroom wall or they have new bodies. They're your next door neighbor's frog or they're a newborn lion in Africa or they're hanging out around Philadelphia because they think it's cool to now be unhindered like they were when they were being an iguana in a cage. This doesn't fly into the teeth of any religion or philosophy. Whether or not they are subsequently swooped up by a Supreme Being could still be up the line and is not discounted here, nor are Heaven or Hell for those who believe; Karma applies here for those who believe; reincarnation applies here for those who believe - etc etc etc.
In fact, the only thing this flies in the teeth of are those who are certain that we are all molecules, only. Our bodies are, yep, but I think you already know better about the rest of this discussion. So the point is that what's true holds up under inspection, and when you've conversed with a being, there's no turning back. You know what you know, and you know it as surely as you know your name. I'm sure you've had some experience in your life that couldn't be explained YET no one could shake you that it had happened.
Something that was a "things that go boomp in the night". A feeling that someone really was in the room that night You knew and that's that. It's more like they assume, or they conclude, this. They don't lie, really - they just don't know in some cases. Sometimes it's simply a matter of them not knowing what hit them.
A hard-hitting example was a lost pet one of the reasons I no longer do "lost pets" by the way ; she had been gone a week. I got in comm with her and she recalled distinctly trotting down the side of the windy moutainous shoulderless hill-side road, and visiting various houses along the way, working her way through the forest la-de-dah. We kept checking on her and the sites she'd seen. Then one day someone read one of the flyers and contacted the owner and told them how he had hit their dog with his truck and so on, anyway, it was confirmed that she was dead and had been since the first evening she had left.
I had to gently get concept across to her. At first it was like, okay Nothing had changed for her, far as she knew! She was still "alive and well"! We went over the basic concepts again. She did then recall something about some sort of impact which did not hurt, she had been happily trotting along the side of the road, heard an engine, this did not spook her, she was in a Great Mood!
Except this part was in her mind. She had the sensations of walking and so on all intact, mentally not dissimilar to an amputee's "arm" itching. NO this is not the case with all of them! Plus on the "alive when they're not", you've got the added factor of them being a living being. Also, they've got the same array of confused ideas as we. You're assuming they're "in Heaven" or "at The Bridge" "RaInbow Bridge" go to the top of that page - for some reason this link only takes you to the bottom or "with angels" or "with your deceased dad" or "with Scruffy their passed over cat friend".
Perhaps they are, or are not. Perhaps "being in Heaven" for them is hanging out at the top of a tree they could never access before. But your concept of Heaven and their reality of Heaven would then differ, right? I had a client upset because her passed over dog cheerfully reported that she was now happiily a similar type male dog in another state. The client said You can't believe in reincarnation and also in the Bible!!
I'm no theologian and told her so. That's what the dog told me, so that's what I passed along. I did recall that on occasion, if a passed over pet had mentioned the idea of being another animal, that pet's owner would comment, Oh! Over the years, quite a few folks have had that spontaneous comment. This was what was real for THEM. She had a different upbringing or indoctrination or belief system. And the pets, those beings, can pick up on your ideas, hear you talking about it, etc.
They try to interact with you, can't. They try to tell you that they're in the spare bedroom by the left corner of the bed looking out the window, or, they're by your right cheek trying to warm it up so you feel the sensation. They try to send you their questions about What happened to them!? They go more and more into despair, figuring, well, where, who or what are they, then? THINK 5 year old child mentality. This is by the way part of why I fell into specializing in Passed Over Consults: NO pre-ordained ideas about things. I do not project "Julie-ology" onto them or anyone else's "-ologies".
They are as they are and are allowed to be as they are. If they are hanging out in a bush staring at a river, that's what they're doing. If they're up in the clouds - literally - with other beings doing performances with a top hat on, that's what they're doing. Just - whatever they say is fine with me, and this is very comfortable and comforting to them. There is more information about all this on the Passed Over ordering page and from reading some of the Passed Over.
Testimonials as well as about how it all works. See those pages as well. To date, the passed-over ones I contact are never angry at the owners for having them "put down" or "put to sleep". The owners are generally beside themselves with anguish, guilt, uncertainty as to whether it was the right decision, regret if they're not sure it was and completely understandable grief.
Often I hear that they have not gotten over it for many, many years. You should know going in that occasionally the animal being will spew out some ire, some upset, some curse words, mid-stream. Passed over pets understand a LOT more than the owners think and also forgive a lot. They're generally already used to the fact that it's, well, happened and done with. They are also aware of being literally alive and aware, and cognizant of the fact that their owners aren't aware that this animal being is still literally alive and aware and has been all along. It's not hard on them to be contacted after they have passed over; they usually "flip out" at the re-connection.
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It blows them away, they're so happy and grateful! We cannot therefore be greedy and worry about ourselves, our feelings. They are very moved by the fact that the owner cared and reached towards them enough that one more time - and got through, using a Pet Communicator. There are often no words to express their feelings. It's almost like - why deny this joy to them? And IF the passed-over animal is mad Allows them to get things off of their chest. They'll feel better - they always do. I've gotten maybe 2 or 3 "Arrrgh! YOU just have to buck up and listen - let them say it. They don't blame you, they're just lashing out.
If you know passing is imminent, you are welcome to have a Consultation for just this situation. Don't think they don't know, nor have their own questions and concerns often just about how the owners are going to be!! Sometimes they want to know what to expect afterwards. Sometimes they want to know if it will hurt. Some they want to be carried there in their favorite blanket, some not. Sometimes they have specifc requests as to who is to go with them and who is not.
I have had remarkable success with helping out in these types of delicate situations: Example actual email excerpt from my helping someone with this exact circumstance: You've been a complete blessing through this whole thing. I'm sure God blesses you for your kindness, compassion, and for the help you give to humans and animals. I don't know how we would have made it without you. There is a page on this site devoted to Passed Over and Passing Over Pets ; also, please feel free to contact me about your ideas or plans if this applies to your situation.
If at all possible, give it a little lead time such as if you're now considering it, as, once you are Animals, especially pets, can't wait to share their opinions, feedback and personal thoughts with you. Here are some of the types of questions, concerns and curiosities many owners want me to ask about in the initial Consultation. Repeated spraying, peeing, etc.
Introduction of new pet. Loss of fellow pet. Loss of friend, your significant other, someone else close with animal. How they feel physically, emotionally, mentally. Do they like their name? Confusions or something they've always wondered about or wanted to say. General "how are you doing?
Check out my page on Why Doesn't He Improve? This may offend some people, but Why do you jump when the hairdresser catches the comb in your hair? Why are you irritated if someone pulls your hair from behind? My attitude generally regarding the nail cutting and so on question is I think you get the idea. What's the best way to handle a Hurricane Katrina victim or surviving pet? Bluntly put, at the outset, there were huge quantities of hysterical pets in quite a variance of "living environments", on the move, trapped, transported, approached, and generally mentally all over the place, who didn't not only did not know where they were, but also why was the house gone and why were all the familiar smells gone and where did this big body of water come from and what was that horrible set of sounds and winds, and why was there a dead person floating by and and and and and We muddled through as we could, and there was benefit in and from the communication itself as is always the case.
- Brautmorde (Emsland - Krimi 1) (German Edition).
- Animal Communicators in the United States.
- Woman of God.
Now that the dust has settled so to speak , the be st way to utilize me as a Pe t Communicator is for us to get in comm with the animal and just - let them talk. Ones who have been rescued NOTE - now that Katrina is, with regards to the above, old news, all that I wrote still applies as needed and certainly for any similar re-location, evacuation, disaster areas and the like.
Ones who are passed over are addressed the same as any other passed over pet. What's a Pet Consultation like?
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Unless passed over your pet's around, doing some normal thing including snoozing. A long as they're not unduly distracted, it doesn't much matter what's happening at their end. If you'd like to, you have your spouse, daughter, friend, whoever, there with you for the Consult. They can use an extension phone or ifyou've got a speaker phone use that. Having someone else there is up to you but it should only be whoever you know the animal will be comfortable with, and who is also involved in your pet's life. Skip your neighbor who's just curious to see "how it all goes".
Your pet deserves privacy! I'll briefly go over with you how things work, but basically, I get the animal's concepts and I flesh them out so that they make sense in human, English words, and pass them along. You will or you will not see "correlating" actions or reactions with your pet. May as well not sit there staring at them; treat this a little bit more like a 3-way phone call and they're kind of YES, you can observe them, they're laying right there, it's not like you can't look at them!
They spew out this and that, they answer questions, they ask questions, they voice ideas. They send emotions, temperature sensations, focus points as to where there might be pain, etc. I don't do any "healing". I am not there to "do" something to them or to their body. I am there to communicate for them, to you. At your end, you basically listen and you talk with me them. It sounds awkward and weird, but it isn't.
Now, if you want to tell them you love them, you can say, "Rover, I love you" or you can say, "Tell Rover I love him". Once agan, you don't have to be looking at them and so on to deliver the communication to them. After a bit, all conversation, questions, issues, discussion points are exhausted and we're basically done. The average time is an hour, that's why I price by the hour. It just always seemed to work out that way, case by case - an hour or a little bit more.
We end off smoothly; the animal should feel done, satisfied with how it went. His questions should be answered, his concerns addressed, and he should be left feeling that we feel he gave it his all - did his best - when it came to offering up information you requested of him. He should feel that his secrets are safe , that he has not hurt anyone's feelings , that you "got" his jokes , that you truly will tell the vet information X, that you do believe that he has picked up on and is concerned about the second child's reading ability, or your husband's worries about his job, or what the other cat has been thinking regarding his cat food Along these lines, during the course of the Consult sometimes the pet will come up with some this or that that's Very Important To Them!
Now, this is for real, at least at the time they say it. But I've had plenty of times the dog or cat really, really wants this or that and then later when they get it, they simply glance at it and are "done". The owners s ome times get a bit put off by that. I went out and found just that - and they took one look at it and walked away! Ever seen a 5 year old child? They do that all the time. That does NOT mean they didn't want it in the first place nor does it mean they do not totally appreciate your getting it for them. They just don't or can't or won't show it. I should mention that they can change their minds mid-stream on things.
One minute they're very insistent that they do NOT wish to be cremated and they wish to be buried so that their remains will contribute to the eco-system of the soil. A few other subejects get discussed and they feel very good now and decide that they could care less and you could cremate them after all! They DO mean it.
They are not being flightly. Or perhaps they are angry at the other dog for teasing them so much. Once they get this off their chest, they love this dog and always have. Each animal's different, just as we are. They can turn on a dime, as we can. Some will spring some changes on you, some won't. When it's a touchy matter e. Sometimes it's something more innocuous they really want to go the the beach now now now! You say, Okay, as soon as we're done here I'll rearrange my day and blah blah.
Fifteen minutes later the dog thinks it's a Nice Idea but it's really okay, Mommy, if we skip it! Zip, zip, back and forth they go, mentally. They really DO mean what they say when they mean it. Just be prepared for some rapid changes and go with the flow. They DO want it; later, they happily bored with it in two seconds. This does not mean you should not do your best to get for them whatever they request. It is important that they feel listened to and when you follow through or try to, genuinely try to , they know it, appreciate it, and feel that much more loved and empowered.
Sometimes it kind of shocks them that you really listened , and cared to do just what they said. On occasion I hear that they had a physical reaction right in front of you that also happened to have matched what I told you they were communicating right that second. That's always very cool! One cat wanted a particular picture on the wall. It had to be a still life that had a peach colored vase, some flowers, this type of thing. Another wanted an African art tribal mask. Another wanted a particular type of collar. When they got these things, they were like Oh.
Part of it is circumstances.

Of course you, the owner, can't just predict what they're going to say and suddenly produce whatever it is out of the blue. Just do the best you can. If the bird wants their cage moved to face a different direction, do it. When feasible, do whatever it is right away. If they really want a treat, or a walk to get some space, or to go to the dog park NOW, or to watch tv with Daddy You've talked with them, they know you heard, and we should end off with some concept for them as to whether this is it, there is more Consult time , could be more, etc.
And you and I keep in touch about how they're doing and so on. The following are some things I and many owners have found out which may surprise you, a few of which are also expanded upon on this and other pages on this site. What I have written applies to some or a lot of them, not necessarily all.
Big lumbering female animals can feel quite "girlie", pretty and feminine, and can be quite touchy about this. Regarding Abuse, they get upset over the betrayal as much as the act itself, i. AND they also know these are fantasies. They also tend to prefer the name that the current owner has given them and what comes up a lot is that this is primarily because it gives the owner such pleasure, therefore it satisfies the pet's desire to please its owner. Some do not feel "owned" at all, they "just live there" with you.
Some can very upset if they feel they do not have an "equal voice" in the household. They can get affected mentally by your drug usage. Fortunately, I haven't yet found it to be permanent. They have human Mommies and canine feline, etc Mommies, and Fathers. They know the difference and some feel that they have had two sets of parents. They less often, however, think of human children as siblings. They usually know exactly what it was, too. They often feel that fellow same-species pets are siblings, all the while knowing in actuality that they are not.
There can be a strong kinship and brotherhood there.
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- Another Day.
- Passed Over Pets!
It is of high importance to most of them to feel an equal "voice" in a family unit - yet the "issues" are generally quite small to humans such as they want their crate turned another direction and if the humans just knew that and did it, they'd be elated that someone thought enough of them to listen and comply! They are highly and primarily telepathic and as such can pick up on what others all around them are thinking. Many also enjoy planting ideas into our mind! They look at you as their "son" or "daughter" and are quite observant, protective and judgemental along that line.
They don't necessarily "change" after saying why they misbehave Those that do, do it with great difficulty. They do offer up what they feel someone might wish to hear but it's obvious they're trying to be euphemistic or "helpful" as it's not in their nature to lie. Cats are inherently very feline as dogs are very canine. Cats can also be very canine-ish and vice versa though it's much rarer with dogs. Animals often have no idea that they have "died".
Some smell different "layers" or "levels" of air channels. They have described to me smelling the humans when their nose is at "this" height, the cooking food at another level a couple of inches higher, etc. Pets boast and brag. They when using their bodies to communicate e. They may keep trying to telepathically tell you all the logical reasons you should stop doing what you're doing let them outside, politely, with all of their ideas on this etc. I wanna go out! They generally pick a primary person they bond with, and this is often accompanied by a not unpleasant outlook of "I can take or leave" the other.
They do dog species? For example, why do they kick dirt after they pee? Because they're, some of them, genetically blueprinted to do so. Covering up the spoor, I guess, or the pee. This is disrelated to the fact that their aim's off most of the time. We all do things stimulus-response, odd, quirky, for "no reason", for reasons that expired about one million years B.
They get offended by bad manners regarding the basic drill on how we introduce pets. I should also already jknow their name before starting I do as you tell me, but I'm just making a point as I'm the one contacting them. Some do not understand basic teminology. I had a cow ask me quite simply, "What is a 'cow'"? She then felt quite "connected" with her species which she previously had not. Remember, these are words she hears and the concepts are used by humans and not spoken to her, and get blurred since no one is "teaching" them to her, just saying and thinking them around her.
Then when asked a question about her food, she said she liked Hay but faltered a bit as she wasn't sure about what "Hay" was, she just knew what she liked to eat and thought it was called by that word "Hay" but -?? So I cleared up Hay and also Clover and Alfalfa as the definition said it could be from either, and this also confused her. When we were done, she knew that she likes Hay but is not sure if the hay she eats is from clover or alfalfa, as she does not know the "label" word which matches the flavor connected with the type she eats. And why would she? They just needed to "talk". Many were proud of how well New York City did during the horrific days, first weeks and the months following the incident they thought of themselves as "New Yorkers"!
Yup, this stuff rubs off, same as with any "kid"! What can they tell me about this? They don't always "out with it" on this type of stuff. Sometimes it takes an Initial Consultation and then a Follow-Up. I mean, it's not even necessarily the Consultation time logged - it's layers of the onion - the first time, they say this and that. About a week later for example we talk again and Boing! I just wanted you to know that I did have experience X and it was horrible and they bite me and blah blah! A common reaction is - Why do you want to know?
Why do I need to dredge all of this up? My answer to them is basically: She was wondering if there might be any leftover stuff you might wish to talk about. They sometimes remember disjointed things - the time The Lady with the 2 rings on her right hand picked me up. I was a puppy. She fed me liver treats.
The carpeting was blue. Then I was in a car and then at the place with the cages. We have to figure out from that something, such as, they went to the Shelter or vet. Or - sometimes I get a reverse description. Well, I was in an apartment and I didn't bite the little baby with the brown eyes who cried and The Man didn't swat me 3 times with a newspaper.
And so we deduce from that that's exactly what did happen, type of thing. When in doubt, figure it's a layer of the onion and is just what the animal being can comfortably confront saying. There can be trauma, confusion, self-invalidation about how icky they must have been to deserve to have been Taken From Mommy, this type of thing.
You'd be surprised how many of them can't just answer the question What's your name? Like, if I went to a Humane Society and someone brought out the stray they'd just found who had a collar no name and was obviously someone's dog etc, if I asked them their name or owner's name or did they live in a house with any kids or cats or blah blah, chances are excellent there'd be No answer, Wrong answers, Altered answers, Overwhelm, and so on.
They simply aren't hardwired to "answer questions" and have spent their entire lifetime doing just that - not being responsible for, accountable for, conversing. You will tell me Their right front paw is injured and bandaged up. They will tell me point blank it's their left back or left front. They will stick to their guns on it. I just accept their data and go with it. Sooner or later things iron out, and, whatever they're trying to tell me us about the paw in the first place will be accurate.
Figure - if you don't need to know, and it gets boggy, drop it. But they DO like to tell their stories, fess up, all sorts of relatings of incidents. It does happen and they do feel good after talking about things, usually, so there's no harm in asking. As mentioned elsewhere, skip the Past Lives. If they volunteer about this though, no problem whatsoever. Most of the time, they have a variety of observable reactions to or changes from an Initial Consultation - aside from regarding issues being addressed, I mean.
If a focal point of the Consult was their peeing all over the place, whether or not they continue to pee all over the place is not the "change" or not I'm referring to. All this is normal right-after-we-first-talked activity for 'em. Note on "the cerebral": I call it that even though they don't think or compute with their brain , they use their mind for it, which is a different thing, but anyway you know what I mean. So what you might see is them "lost in thought" or pondering a lot or watching the Other Pets a bit oddly as though suddenly re-thinking What It All Means, or whatever.
If it's a goldfish, heck, gently put a little tiny plant sprig in there for them to timidly inspect, goldfish style. Something where this "animal" can just BE an animal. Be that species and that breed They can get kind of grounded again. They can experience, revel in, enjoy, challenge with, win with, the life they are living as Your Dog or Your Kitty or even A Dog or Horse, if, say, you buy a Consult for a neighbor's horse some do this type of thing , or they're a feral cat, whatever.
Folks buy Consults to talk to a variety of animals not just their own pets. Remember, the complete "package" is, yes, that being we talked to, with their mind, but also very much their body, with all its instincts and impulses and its taste buds and its nerve-and-muscle interactions saying, Jump, kitty! I discovered this by the way from a lot of them needing and wanting this. They get "fried" just as I can, or we all can, from such head-work.
They want you to Take them for a walk. A lot of them want food, treats, rewards, etc. A LOT of them have mentioned that they want you to, literally, get down on the floor with them your bad back or not! Just get on down there and have at it! This can be very important to them. Also, remember to not discuss touchy, private, embarrasing, etc details with others either not at all or preferably not in front of them. I just got off the phone with her and let me tell you!
Fluffy hisses at men because her last owner was a man and pulled her tail a lot and BOY was she upset about it! Thor craves wuv from Daddee. Quincy doesn't really like the neighbor dog because he thinks he's a bit wacky. Monty was a horse in an earlier life. Princess says she was human in another life - a man, who got in a car accident and got killed. You know our macaw? He says he knows what our son's going to grow up and do for a living!
Of course there will be things you need to bounce off of your hubby, or explain somehow to your pre-teen daughter, or will want to relate to your veterinarian or your best girlfriend. And yes, you may wish to pass along something odd, juicy or just plain eye-opening. Think in terms of When you've established all that, the next thing you do is put yourself in their place. When you were a teen, pre-teen, child or young child especially. What would you like to have Mommy repeat right in front of you? How cute it is that you got your first period?
How you cried when little Susie rejected you at age 7? Why do I ask so many questions? Good question, and one which seems seems to be coming up a lot these days. Some people do training seminars to become Animal Communicators. I found out from someone who trained in a seminar that students are told NOT to accept any information from the owners before the communication.
This is the way it is taught. All they are supposed to ask the owner is owner's name, what kind of animal it is, it's name, gender, age, and description or picture. Then what the questions are - that's it. The teacher said that makes for a better communication, and that's the way they all do it. This is actually straight from her email to me. There has been a surge or resurgence of people's awareness of the fact that Animal Communication can and does occur.
This was actually for the most part brought about a few years ago, interestingly enough, by the popularity and exposure of the Animal Planet show Sonya Fitzpatrick's The Pet Psychic. Once that was in full swing, I discovered that if you typed Pet Psychic into a search engine, you would get upwards of 98, internet links! To date there is a lot of "pet psychic-ing going on, a lot of training, "whisperers" and know-it-all's and good ones and bad ones and a lot of ideas being broadly disseminated around as "the" way to do it.
All I care about is the fact that you are entrusting your animal's "voice" to ME. I care about what I need in order to bond well with your animal and to be safe for them to communicate to me us about anything. Why do I want details? I have written a few examples of this in various places on my site, but basically, I find that the more information I have going in, the more in-depth answers I can get for you. That's just who I am, my "vibe" and particular rapport with animals.
Nay-sayers can call it a limitation and admirers can call it a skill and I actually could actually care less either way, if you take it in the way I mean that. My concern is your pet and their opportunity to fully say what they want to say and from any angle that comes up as relevant. This is not a bunch of fluff - those who have used me know that this is very, very true.
Imagine meeting someone for the first time. Your friend does the introductions. This new someone is also the one you are supposed to confide your innermost thoughts to. Do you want a "Susie, this is Mike. You may wish or need to read my write-up on What language does my animal speak? You'll see why when you read it.
You can find it here and you can always Back button back here Back buttons are at the bottom of each page. So please do bother to mention that you split up with your girlfriend two days before Princess got very "inexplicably" moody and started peeing all over the apartment three months ago. It's not your "personal life" I'm interested in, it's what's influencing your pet. They may not make the connection, same as us. I don't evaluate for them and tell them what to think and so on, but having an arsenal of concepts relevant to their lives makes for some good suggestions and guiding along.
Another aspect has to do with guiding their attention along the path you would like it to go. In many cases, with our pet, it's all the same to them whatever. You might want to read this little part in my write-up about "being stoic". Received the other day: You can read this Testimonial for one example.
Now, I respect all who can communicate with "The Silent Majority" and realize that in this world, many are all struggling to find their own in a rather "random" field, as it were. I am in awe of those who can do what I cannot do, just as I receive emails routinely from animal owners as well as fellow Animal Communicators who "are in awe" of how I could do what they could not.
Yet it isn't about the awe and accolades - it's about hearing the animals and talking with them, comfortably and with a good, in-depth understanding of their own private world. Often they don't offer up what they are not asked, if for no other reason, it wouldn't occur to them! They are very stimulus-response and half the time have no idea what triggered this or that unless oriented to time period which is suspect.
There's no "fly by night" Consultation - how would you feel if you had something your were "doing wrong" or protesting about or what ever and you were allowed ONE conversation in your lifetime, and all it was was someone asking you why you did this one thing? The other ones were good, but I found something exceptionally special about my Consults with Julie. As a drill, observe people talking sometime, like teens in a mall.
Just - talking about something. What "opens them up" on a subject? Gets them to laugh? When made uncomfortable, what happens right after that - does the subject get dropped? Listen to how questions get reworded when an answer is sought. It's just a conversation with a being. The fact that it's a "cosmic" experience, paranormal, incredible, miraculous and all that is yes, acknowledged here ok, that's done with! J When I'm doing a Consultation, though, how it is that I can do it, and what it all means to someone else, and the price of tea in China are likewise left outside a closed door.
My attention is on your beloved animal friend, and I'm all devotion, love and ears for them. This is their time. Being very protective of animals' emotional well being, I jealously guard my field in my own little quiet unspoken way - by just doing Animal Communication as cleanly, clearly, systematically and uncompromisingly as possible, using my own pesonal strong standards.
However someone else does it is fine with me. One meditates, another uses a candle, another a spirit guide, another something else. Some do not want details, some do. As long as the net result is the same communication being achieved then they will have performed for you what you needed with your pet. I only ask of any owner and Animal Communicator regardless of indoctrimation the following: I'll admit I do get a little "crusade-ish" and protective about animals. I hate to see them treated like objects or pawns in someone's "testing" game which leads me to my other favorite soap box: Someone considering using me recently who read my site and emailed, sounding disappointed and skeptical, "I was hoping you would meet the animal and without any info about her except name you would be able to tell me about her past and what happened to her.
What does that have to do with her pet? Needless to say, she didn't use Aunt Julie, but I tried to explain the above and also guide her to someone else with whom she might be more comfortable with because they wouldn't want to know too much about her pet. Another commented after buying the Consultation, in response to some clarification I wanted on some points, "Wow you ask so much Comments after the Consultation included "There is no way in hell you could have known that I call him XXX and that's what he calls himself also unless he told you" and "Boy you're awesome".
Asked if I could tell her what her passed-over dog's favorite toy looked like, before she would use me. This one was a trip! I'm at my computer one day working on some graphics work, not thinking anything about any pets. Out of the blue, I got this wild flash of - something. I recall this distinctly. Something startled me but made me feel real good, bright. Well I'm in a good mood all of a sudden! OK, yes, I actually thought that J About 3 hours later this girl emails me, telling me that she had told her passed over pet to send me a picture of their favorite toy and if I could describe this, she'd feel more comfortable about using me.
Although I don't normally do this, I figured "just this once". I contacted the pet this being the first time and asked what their favorite toy had looked like when they had been Susie's dog. I got a little bit of: I read her email and fished about for the picture. There was this lone picture of a toy just kind of floating around for view. It was hard to view and I couldn't figure out why I couldn't "get" it. Then the penny dropped - Susie had sent out her request hours ealier, the being had responded immediately, sent the picture my way that's when I had that Huh?
I needed to have some real communication with this being. I needed to talk to them a bit. In fact this being was holding back, detached, not wanting to tune in really at all. Susie had put out her request, her former pet had done what she asked, and nothing happened for hours no acknowledgement from me or Susie that I had seen this picture, gotten her communication, no Thank You. It came off as being actually quite rude, and it stung a bit. So I introduced myself, didn't bother to mention that I was being "tested" as this would have added further upset, patched the mild upset up which I don't mind mentioning took some compassion and finesse, since I had been put in the position of being the rude one!
I got the description. I emailed Susie and described what I saw. I bit my tongue on all of the rest She volunteered details about the toy confirming what I had viewed, and the floor beneath which I had also described. I had an owner comment to me that renowned Pet Psychic Sonya Fitzpatrick surely didn't know as much as she said she does.
She said Oh, she can tell them blah blah but she doesn't know their name? The pet won't tell her their name?! I explained to her what I've found, which is, in a nutshell: It's a form of introduction which is customarily done for them. They also aren't used to people just up and "talking" to them and that has to be worked though as well. It doesn't necessarily occur to them that this is supposed to be done. They have to get into good communication with whoever is "contacting" them and part of he social graces of that often includes the politeness of knowing their name, and introducing oneself.
April also looks up at me and does one of two things - either a double-take and then starts telling me everyithing under the sun, moon and stars, or she continues "being a dog" and has fun with Fox my preference, as this is HIS fun time! But it has never happened once where I have approached an animal and they blurt out, "Hi! My name is Sam! I know what their name is for a Consultation as the owner buys a "Consultation for Mimi". And I introduce myself and then we proceed. But if I am put in a position where I have to somehow "get it out of them" or their earlier name or their nickname, they are taken aback and get a bit shook up sometimes.
They know what their nickname is - why is Mommy asking?
Welcome to Aunt Julie Rich's Pet Communicator Web Site!
They remember their earlier name, or they don't, or they choose not to. Trust me, they'll volunteer their earlier name or their "secret name" if they so desire. You can ask, but I think skeptics would be the best people to consult for A client wrote trying to be helpful: Those types of people are then much more emphatic about supporting you when they find out that you are for real.
Skeptics are the worst! Invariably they could care less about their animal's feelings or answers. They've got icky attitudes and it extends waaaaaaay beyond "animal communication". Their basic vibe is "challenge" and as such they are shut off from the fruits of actual observation in life in a broad array of ways. They're like "reporters" who don't really care what happens, they just want to be seen to be testing something, trying it out, etc.
They're not active participants. I need relevant input. Don't "forget" to tell me your pet's age when they passed over and then when we contact them, out of the blue, say to me, "Ask the how old they were when they died" because you don't "believe" in Aunt Julie. From their end, they'll be like I couldn't do these things without your help. My hounds would suffer needlessly and so would I. We love you Aunt Julie. P assed Over Pets. This month marks the second anniversary of the passing of Julie Rich.
As of today, her three books are now available both as Kindle ebooks and in softcover.
See a Problem?
Click on any of the book covers above to order directly from Amazon. Today is the five-month anniversary of Julie's passing. There will be two more books in the series, Secrets of a Pet Psychic to be published on Julie's birthday, April 24, and Listening to the Silent Majority , to be published on August 6, the first anniversary of her passing. These three volumes will encompass all her writings on the subject of Pet Communication. The family of "Aunt Julie" wants to wish you a happy and healthy holiday.
Please "friend" Julie's Facebook page at this link: This way we can keep you notified when her first book is published, which should be in the next few weeks. Her twitter page is here. Thank you for the outpouring of love the family has received in the months since Julie's untimely passing. She was in the hospital for some tests as she had not been feeling well. She suffered a pulmunary embolism and was not able to be recessitated. The family decided to keep both her websites up for informational purposes the other website is petcomm.
In addition, the family will be publishing three books that Julie was writing about her experiences as a pet communicator. Please "friend" Julie's Facebook page at this link which will allow you to be notified of any updated news. Also add your testimonial if you wish to share with others. What they have been doing? If they miss you? Do they know what you've been saying to them? If you actually do need forgiveness? She went over my information and questions point by point, and I believe that I received more than my money's worth from her.
My name is Julie Rich , also well known to pets and owners far and wide as " A unt Julie ". Passed Over Pets - and pets who are going to pass over soon - have become a Speciallty for me. I have found that I have an unusually high rapport with, understanding of, and compassion for these beings. They are quite responsive to me and working with them is the most fulfilling Animal Communication I do.
As an Animal Communicator, I will locate your passed over pet or animal friend. I will ask them all those questions you've always wanted to ask, and pass those answers on to you. I will need some basic but key information from you as well as a picture of the pet if at all possible. This helps me hone in on the being and more importantly, to establish for you beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is indeed your pet, and it will also help them sort out or alleviate any concerns they may have.
This service is performed for you quite easily and deftly done with the three of us you, me, your passed over pet regardless of your location. I look forward to hearing from you about your pet or the animal you wish to contact and re-connect with. There is, frankly, nothing like it. I have learned from my long experience as a Pet Communicator that true closure is available, and many do achieve it.