Il concetto hegeliano di azione (Filosofia) (Italian Edition)
Yeditepe University Press, , pp.
I fascicoli precedenti della rivista
Il Mulino, , pp. Akademie Verlag, , pp. A philosophical reflection on forgiveness, in: Philosophy, Psychology and the Arts, eBook, Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, , pp. Radikalisierung des Konzepts nach , Berlin-New York: Art and Politics at the Origin of German Idealism: Seminario su Giordano Bruno, Introduction by M. Edizioni della Normale, , pp. Bird-Pollan, Hegel, Freud and Fanon. Cambridge University Press, , in Hegel-Studien, 50, , pp. John Rawls politischer Liberalismus, Frankfurt a. Garelli, Hegel e le incertezze del senso, Pisa: ETS, , in Hegel-Studien, 47, , pp.
La scuola di Pitagora, , in: Quante, Die Wirklichkeit des Geistes. Studien zu Hegel, Frankfurt a. Quante, Il concetto hegeliano di azione, Foreword by F. Menegoni, translated by P.
Lineamenti di filosofia del diritto
Franco Angeli, , in: Rivista di Storia della Filosofia, 66, , pp. Testa, La natura del riconoscimento. Riconoscimento naturale e ontologia sociale in Hegel , Milano: Externally funded Research Projects 1. Philosophie der Menschenrechte Philosophy of Human Rights , undergraduate and graduate course. Various undergraduate and graduate teaching and supervising activities at the Chair for Aesthetics. In Hegel questi temi sono inscindibili dal fatto che la Sittlichkeit si produce nella storia intesa come processo di Bildung 13 e dal fatto che vi produce differenti effetti di formazione-educazione.
Seguendo gli hegeliani di St. Ciononostante, il rapporto di Mead con Hegel si distingue da quello di Dewey sia nella sua forma sia nel suo contenuto.
- Dewey, Mead e il concetto hegeliano di riconoscimento?
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Si veda per esempio ESS, A una lettura hegeliana di questo tipo sembra si possano rivolgere principalmente due tipi di obiezioni. Infine, la categoria del riconoscimento continua a svolgere un ruolo decisivo su due livelli: Una seconda obiezione potrebbe consistere nel trarre argomenti dalle critiche rivolte a Hegel in Movements of Thought in the Ninetheenth Century , e concludere che i temi e il linguaggio hegeliani di Mind, Self and Society possono avere unicamente un senso non hegeliano.
Psicologia, etica e politica del riconoscimento in Dewey.

Sul piano dei principi della psicologia sociale deweyana, la problematica hegeliana del riconoscimento non svolge un ruolo decisivo o chiaramente identificabile. Tocchiamo qui un altro punto di divergenza notevole tra le psicologie sociali di Mead e di Dewey: Dissensus and the Search for the Common …. Amministrazione della vita e 'nuova antropologia' in Adorno more.
- Brian Boru: Emperor of the Irish!
- River in the Sun.
- Italo Testa | Università degli Studi di Parma (Italy) -;
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The book offers a guiding thread for the Brill Books Publication Date: Paolo Costa, "Where does our undestanding of life come from? Philosophy and Public Issues. An Historico-philosophical Introduction to Dialogue Logics] more.
The book is devoted to a historical and theoretical analysis of argumentation theory, especially to the approaches based on the idea that argumentation theory should have a pragmatic or descriptive aim but also a normative task: The authors present the most important traditions in the last half-century of developments in argumentation theory, evaluating their approach with respect to the following distinctions: After this critical analysis of several argumentation perspectives, the authors plead for a non-foundationalist account of the investigation on the fundamental elements of argumentation theory.
Co-authored with Italo Testa Publisher: La natura del riconoscimento. Riconoscimento naturale e ontologia sociale in Hegel more. The gnoseological importance of this solution can be comprehended The gnoseological importance of this solution can be comprehended only if we reconstruct the evolution of Hegel's thought in that span of time in which he most directly tackles the issue of skepsis: In the Jena period Hegel developed an epistemological strategy that can be summarized in the following theses: Hegel makes use of the tropes of ancient skepticism on one hand to critique the epistemological position responsible for modern skepsis, and on the other to define, in a positive sense, the holistic and recognitive structure of cognition and of rationality, through the tropes of the circle and of the relation; 7.
Hegel synthesizes these epistemological views in a theory of cognition qua recognition; 8. Hegel roots this theory in his Naturphilosophie, thus formulating a conception that accounts for the relation between natural recognition and spiritual recognition of a normative-conceptual type. The analysis of the development of the Hegelian theory of cognition - worked out in the first part of my study - is dealt with in the context of a reconstruction of the historico-argumentative constellation within which it matured.
The constellation of importance for our analysis is represented by the skeptical crisis - triggered by authors such as Schulze, Maimon and Platner - that invested the post-Kantian galaxy, within which the idealist solutions to the problem of cognition matured. At the same time, pursuing my objective of broadening the investigation of the phenomenon of recognition, which in my view is not reducible to the field of practical philosophy, I propose a fresh reconstruction of the lexical and conceptual evolution of the various terms - Erkennen, Wiedererkennen, Recognition, Anerkennen - through which the various modalities of the phenomenon of recognition were indicated in the philosophical tradition to which Hegel refers: This investigation serves, on the one hand, to show how the phenomenon of recognition is central for a comprehension of the structure both of the lower and of the higher cognitive faculties.
On the other hand, my conceptual and lexicographic investigation also serves to bring to light - in a new way with respect to the studies on Anerkennung - a hitherto unknown problematic constellation and the input of certain authors, such as Werneburg and Platner, whose conceptions may have influenced Hegel's approach. Analyzing the conception of the animal organism developed in particular in the lectures on the philosophy of nature of brings to light how Hegel already individuates the recognitive phenomenon at the level of sexual reproduction: The category of natural recognition will present itself anew in Hegel's analysis of the human world in the philosophy of spirit, where it concerns sexual love, reproduction and child raising: The evolutional theory of cognition as recognition is in fact designed to show how increasingly complex recognitive relations emerge from a basic level of natural interactions to take on a linguistically mediated and universal structure.
With the notion of spiritual recognition Hegel indicates just that ensemble of normative relations that constitute the infrastructure of action and thus mediate the formation of socially articulated self-conscious knowing of self. In the lectures on the philosophy of spirit of and of Hegel thus reconstructs the recognitive structure of the social institutions of right, of labor, and of exchange, showing that, within a politically structured community, dyadic I-you interactions are mediated by the universal viewpoint of the "we" incarnated in institutions that can be recognized by citizens as their own and by which citizens can be recognized.
La rinascita novecentesca 1. La logica informale 1. Il concetto di argomento 3. La ripresa della teoria di Paul Grice 4. La ricostruzione degli argomenti 5. La valutazione degli argomenti: Il network problem III. Dialogo e dialettica 1. La logica dialogica di Paul Lorenzen 2. Hamblin e i sistemi dialettici 3. Else Barth e la dialettica formale 4. Pragmatica e dialettica 1. La Pragma-Dialectics di van Eemeren e Grootendorst: Ricostruzione e valutazione degli argomenti 3. La New Dialectic e il ragionamento interpersonale: Douglas Walton ed Erik Krabbe 2.
Contesti dialogici e commitment store 3.
Lineamenti di filosofia del diritto - Wikipedia
Teoria delle fallacie e presumptive reasoning 4. La fondazione della Informal Logic 5. Argomentazione, informatica e scienza cognitiva VI. La pragmatica trascendentale di Karl O. Fondazione o giustificazione VII. Argomentazione e pratiche sociali 1. Etiche del discorso 3. Jurgen Habermas , Jaakko Hintikka , H. Lo spazio sociale della ragione. Da Hegel in avanti more. From Hegel Onwards", Venice, September , http: Una jam session su metafisica e immaginazione more.
Jam session Prima giornata Il pensiero iconico e Genovese, Bruno Mondadori, Milano, La ricezione americana di Hegel a confronto con la tradizione europea more. This volume collects a selection of papers presented on the occasion of the international conference "Contemporary Hegel. The volume is aimed at creating a fruitful dialogue between emerging trends in Anglo-American thought with the European tradition on a number of well-defined theoretical questions, centering on the systematic and historico-exegetic interpretations of German Idealism.
The discussion sets out from a hermeneutic hypothesis: For this reason the essays have been organized around a number of precise theoretical focal points corresponding to the sections of the book, with each section designed to verify Hegel's incidence on the genesis and structure of specific aspects of the contemporary constellation: Hegel's thought thus provides the historical and textual material in which the hidden paths underlying the present can be rediscovered, as well as the conceptual tool capable of defining the reciprocal relation with aspects of the contemporary horizon that have emerged in differentiated and often noncommunicating sectors of philosophical knowing.
Following this thematic thread, the essays come to grips with the main disciplinary domains of the contemporary philosophical encyclopedia. In this perspective the challenge of reconstructing a comprehensive system of philosophical knowing on a Hegelian basis is taken up by Robert B. Brandom, whose powerful contribution to the renewal of perspectives on Hegel, in fruitful debate with John McDowell, has been placed at the center of this volume and is verified, extended and criticized in nearly all the essays presented here.
Pragmatismo e idealismo Richard J. Bernstein, Hegel in America. La tradizione del pragmatismo Valerio Verra, Alterne vicende della fortuna di Hegel William Maker, Una lettura americana di Hegel, ovvero come Hegel salva il pragmatismo da se stesso Stefano Poggi, Naturalismo e pluralismo vs. Hegel Alessandro Bellan, Pragmatismo con metodo. Hegel, Rorty e il problema della fondazione Sezione Il. Collins, Il ruolo del linguaggio nella critica hegeliana della conoscenza Daniele Goldoni, Hegel e il linguaggio.
Diego Zucca, Linguaggio e conoscenza: Contemporary Hegel, Venice, May , Hegel critico e scettico. Illuminismo, repubblicanesimo e antinomia alle origini della dialettica, Il Poligrafo, Padova, more. Critica dei rapporti pubblici 1. Religione e dominio 1. La religione popolare e la sfera pubblica 2. Critica del dominio 3.
Repubblicanesimo, Cristianesimo e dominio 3. Dialettica storica del rovesciamento: Tra Berna e Francoforte 4. Il destino della Ragione 5. Lo spirito del cristianesimo e il suo destino 5. Ragione e conflitto 5. La contraddizione sempre crescente. Il rovesciamento della ragione kantiana 6. Tra ethos critico e critica gnoseologica 6. I limiti della religione e il problema conoscitivo 7. Tracce scettiche nella formazione di Hegel 7. Il Poligrafo, Padova, Hegel e le scienze sociali more.
Sociologia, antropologia e psicologia evolutiva Alessandro Bellan Anomia e alienazione. Hegel e Pierre Bourdieu: Very recent inquiries into Hegel's philosophy highlight the role of nature in the Hegelian understanding of human mind, spirit, social interaction, recognition, second nature and normativity.
Accordingly, Hegel's naturalism represents a Accordingly, Hegel's naturalism represents a good theoretical perspective for the investigation of the arduous concept of spirit by relating it to the notion of nature and explaining it as emerging from natural prerequisites. May it be assumed that Hegel is a naturalist as he follows the path and the project of the Aristotelian naturalism by dealing with the continuity between life and cognition, nature and spirit in several parts of his works?
Moreover, could we by means of this approach understand how Hegel explores the life-mind continuity? Does this issue have relevant interdisciplinary consequences for current philosophy of biology, neurophysiology, evolutionary psychology, and social theory? However, the topic of nature has also been very important and central within the entire philosophical tradition known as German classical philosophy to which Hegel's thinking belongs. It is beyond doubt that his reflection on naturalism was developed within this tradition and by the philosophical debate at that time.
Therefore, the conference will address both the theme of naturalism in German classical philosophy from Kant to Hegel and the relevant interdisciplinary and theoretical aspects it attains in Hegelian philosophy. The Pragmatist Turn and Embodied Cognition: January 20, To Date