Firestorm (Weather Warden Book 5)
Liked the Mother Earth aspects, though I do wonder about whats so special about Joanne that Mother Earth will listen to her, and take her advice! Sep 04, Gillian Murrell rated it really liked it. Another great action packed edition to the Weather Warden series. The Djinn have freed them selves from slavery and are running amuck. Mother nature is waking up and she is not happy with the state of the earth.
Joanne has a fully grown daughter who is half Djinn and David has gone awol and thats just the start of the book.: Nov 18, Karen rated it really liked it. It took me a while to get through this book and I'm not sure why. It has a lot of action and I still love the characters - although I'm not sure of my feelings for Imara, a grown daughter just jumping into things felt odd which it probably should.
Weather Warden
The ending is once again not expected, so I'm looking forward to the next book to see how things progress. Dec 11, Taylor Mortsolf rated it liked it. I thought this book was okay, I definitely did not like the fact that at the end she didn't know who David was or even who herself is, but I do hope that she will remember David and have her memories of her undying love for him. I hope that this series spent them into one where it leaves you mad at how the author leaves things.
I really do love Jo and David together since the very first book!
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- Firestorm (Weather Warden, book 5) by Rachel Caine.
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Dec 12, Joy rated it really liked it Shelves: It really is necessary to read these in order. Each one is more a segment of a very long book rather than a story with a conclusion. I was pleased with the personification of the Oracles that communicate with the sentient being we call earth, The Mother. The Oracles are 3 not the usual 4 in regards to elements; Earth, Fire and Weather, nice Goddess concept of 3s. This review originally appeared on BrizzleLass Books. I read the first four books in this series consecutively about a decade ago then hit my reading slump which lasted a few years so have had a few of this series on my shelf just waiting for me to get to them, you know how it is.
Joanne, now trying to combat the fact that the Djinn are no longer controlled by the Weather Wardens, David the Djinn she is in love with, and father to her daughter, Imara included. As she searches for answers and to resolve the conflict the world attacks along with the Djinn and the Wardens see things they have never seen before, at a time when they are weaker than they have ever been before. Lewis, the strongest of the Wardens does all he can to help Joanne.
Firestorm (Weather Warden, Book 5), Rachel Caine, Excellent Book | eBay
Eamon is the human evil, a cold calculating man who uses threats, kidnapping and plain nastiness to get what he wants. We learn more about him and his motivations in this book and I suspect things will get more sinister as the series progresses. He is consumed by his need for things to be the way he thinks they were meant to be and that drives him completely. She loves cars, she loves them to growl under her foot and she loves to drive the hell out of them. Thanks to my readers for voting for me to read this one and getting me back into it!
We get some mother-daughter bonding with Imara and learn about how the bureaucrats can be self-sacrificing wanting to protect humanity.

I didn't expect view spoiler [Imara to be killed so quickly - though I would not be surprised if she becomes either a painful plot point or resurrected at some point hide spoiler ]. The rest was just action - Joanne runs from point A to point B, putting out fires sometimes literally. We end with on a cliffhanger, with Joanne view spoiler [losing her memori We get some mother-daughter bonding with Imara and learn about how the bureaucrats can be self-sacrificing wanting to protect humanity. We end with on a cliffhanger, with Joanne view spoiler [losing her memories hide spoiler ].
I guess we'll see how that works out in the next book. Nov 24, Epicbookaddict rated it really liked it. I really love this series but this one got a little long in the middle for me and I think Jo's self hate is getting to me. Not really self hate I guess but instead of confronting others on their bullshit she internalizes everything and just takes it-I call BS on that!
Anyway good read as usual and the ending Jun 15, Tracy rated it liked it Shelves: Nov 25, Cheryl Landmark rated it really liked it. Review to come soon. Feb 26, Lynne Page rated it really liked it Shelves: I am really enjoying this series. I am continuously on the edge of my seat. Nov 23, Donna Tarver rated it really liked it. A lot of loose threads are pulled together here, and the threat levels hit the maximum As always, couldn't put this down. If there's something Caine does well, it's writing a book that I cannot put down. Firestorm is no exception to that. I'm probably going to say this in all of the reviews for the rest of the books in this series, but things are getting crazy!
I think we all meet Cassiel, but I'm not sure, because she' If there's something Caine does well, it's writing a book that I cannot put down. I think we all meet Cassiel, but I'm not sure, because she's not mentioned by name. We do see an angelic-looking Dijinn, which seems to fit her.
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I'm pretty sure we'll find that out later though. I like her, and she's a pretty interesting character. She's more grown up than you'd expect. She also grew up fast, so creating a Dijinn- even one who's part Dijinn, like Imara- is definitely different. Plus, she has the knowledge of Joanne and David, and while I have a fuzzy idea of how things turn out for her, it'll be great to see how she gets there.
This would probably be a good time to mention that I'll probably be talking more about Outcast Season as I continue this series. At some point, we'll see the events of Outcast Season, which should be any book now, because there's only 4 books left for me to read. Now Back To Firestorm: Seeing how things are getting really bad, and how there are a lot of Wardens who are not accounted for.
Especially because there's something about Joanne that makes Mother Earth want to listen to her. I like this whole idea that there are a lot more earthquakes and other natural disasters because Mother Nature is trying to heal herself. Even with impending doom, there were still a few funny moments. Mostly when Joanne was flying to the Southwest. One of my favorite quotes from the book is when one of the pilots told them to enjoy their food because they'd be vomiting later.
I have no idea why I was amused by this, but I was. It also a great scene because you learn that Weather Wardens and flying are two things that should not be combined. I just really like where things are going, and how Joanne's doing what she can to help. Things are crazy, and they can only get worse. Mother Nature is not a happy camper, and I don't blame her. The Dijinn aren't really helping, particularly Ashan.
I thought his "relationship" was interesting.
See a Problem?
They're definitely at odds with each other in Firestorm, and while I'm not surprised he managed to end up with Imara, I think part of me was wishing he wouldn't. I just have this feeling that she's somehow going to be used against Joanne. We've seen it with her sister- which also makes you wonder what the deal is with Eamon- so I wouldn't be surprised to see Ashan and any other villain use her loved ones against her. I love the concept of the series, and how each book focuses on different weather patterns and elements. Fire seems particularly appropriate at this point, but I honestly couldn't tell you why.
Firestorm gets 5 stars for being another great book in a really addicting series. Jan 30, Traci rated it really liked it. Joanne Baldwin is back, and she's got even bigger problems than she's had in the previous four entries in the Weather Warden series. This time around it's Mother Earth herself that she's fighting; Mother is starting to wake from a long, deep sleep and she is not happy.
Humans have been wreaking havoc and like any long-suffering parent, she's had it. It's time for some much-deserved punishment. Only thing is, that punishment pretty much means the end of the human race. Not to mention that the work Joanne Baldwin is back, and she's got even bigger problems than she's had in the previous four entries in the Weather Warden series. Not to mention that the working relationship between Wardens and their Djinn has gone to hell in a hand basket.
Jo is just a girl trying to do her job when we meet up with her, although she is on the run for killing her mentor. He wasn't a bad guy but he had been infected by a Demon Mark, a sort of nasty parasite highly attracted to power, which most Wardens have, some in spades. What, you thought the weather was a natural phenomenon? Not in Caine's world; Wardens all have control over one of three elements: They attempt to keep us puny humans from being crushed by the forces of Mother Earth, not always as successfully as they would hope.
This is a world fairly much like our own, except for the existence of the Wardens, their Djinn and the Demons. Alas, you guessed it - I'm about to tell you to read the whole series and to do it in order. Don't ask me why I'm always attracted to these things, because I've wondered that myself.
Perhaps it's for the same reason that we are friends with certain people; we enjoy spending time with them, come to care about them, and want to know about their lives. The beauty of reading this series in order is that not only do you get to know Jo, you are immersed in her world and watch the relationship develop between her and David, a free Djinn at least, when we meet him. Exactly what they sound like, genies of a sort, although maybe more like batteries for the Wardens. They can boost a Warden's powers, but they are also basically slaves, no matter what the Wardens claim.
And yes, they can be ordered "back into the bottle" - really! David is one of the most amazing characters I've come across in fiction in a long time; written to be very attractive, lust-inspiring if you will, but also with enough feeling and empathy to make him more than a pretty face.
The affair between him and Jo is extremely complicated but very much worth reading this series. There's also Lewis, a Warden of the utmost power who walked away from the group, several other Djinn, Wardens and various bad guys throughout the series. Mar 03, Nisareen rated it it was ok. At the end of Windfall, a weary disheartened Jonathon sacrificed his life to restore David from an Ifrit to a Djinn. David, now the new leader of the Djinn notifies Joanne that the agreement between the Weather Wardens and the Djinn is now broken and that they will no longer be slaves to the Wardens.
He warns that Mother Earth is waking up and she is not happy at the way humans have abused the earth. Joanne ends u Spoiler Alert! Joanne ends up running for her life when the Djinn are momentarily overcome by the roused Mother in question. In Firestorm, the fifth installment of the Weather Warden series, a frantic Joanne races to New York to warn the Wardens about the impending apocalypse. With their headquarters in shambles and Demon Marks spreading through the ranks, the Wardens feel powerless without the familiar help they once had from the Djinn and look to Joanne for answers.
With more than half the Wardens unaccounted for in the wake of the Djinn uprising, Joanne realises that the natural disasters they've combated for so long were merely symptoms of restless Mother Nature fidgeting in her sleep. Her attempts to communicate to the Mother through the Oracles are thwarted by a Demon in pursuit and Ashan, who is working with the Demons because he wants to destroy humankind and overthrow David as leader of the Djinn.
Her only ally is Imara, her half Djinn Half human daughter who is struggling to understand who and what she is in the scheme of things. Meanwhile Joanne's sister, Sarah remains under the thrall of Eamonn who wants his own djinn. The stakes have never been so high. Will Joanne avert the impending apocalypse and if so at what cost? For some reason I struggled to complete this installment and confess to skipping a lot of the action scenes.
Imara eventually grew on me as I sympathised with her insecurities as she felt like an outsider with her own kind. That the author should kill her off before she fulfilled her potential was disappointing. May 14, Theresa rated it really liked it. The Earth Mother crisis continues and again Joanne is in the middle of it. Her powers were never that special before though they are now. Everyone either loves or hates her. David, the 2 most powerful Djinn fell in love with her.
Lewi The Earth Mother crisis continues and again Joanne is in the middle of it. Lewis the most powerful Warder is in love with her. She has an almost perfect daughter who loves her. But Ashan hates her. Eamon is a persistent irritation. Demons are after her. Storms chase her all over. Even the Oracles are divided on her fate. I love how Joanne was able to have a child without having to go through pregnacy, morning sickness, labor pains, etc. And she trusts him. I wish though that some of the little ones would resolve.
And where did Kevin and Cherise she is so cool go? I still want to know what happened to Detective Rodriquez. And ponder why Lewis gave you the car for pages more. Get on with the story. While I love nice cars, clothes, etc. I read books for the story because I love books too. Joanne taking over headquarters, the confrontation in the cemetery, fighting the warden-zombie, how Captain Montague flies the plane. I read the first 4 books in the Weather Warden series last year after spotting them in my local library. I enjoyed them so much that the whole series has been on my book wishlist ever since.
As it was almost a year ago when I read the first 4 books I really wish I'd started the series again from the begi I read the first 4 books in the Weather Warden series last year after spotting them in my local library. As it was almost a year ago when I read the first 4 books I really wish I'd started the series again from the beginning as it was hard to remember everything that has already happened but that didn't take away the enjoyment I got from reading Firestorm. It will be hard to review the book without at least giving some hints about what has happened in previous books but I'll try to give away as little as possible.
There is so much going on in the series that although you can read the books as stand alone stories it really is much better to read them in order to get the full experience. I found the interaction between Jo and Imara really interesting - it must be quite confusing to be pregnant one day and have an adult daughter the next! I'm really looking forward to seeing how the story develops over the next 4 books and I still intend on buying the series as I know I'll be happy to re-read the books again in the future.
Firestorm Weather Warden 5 Title: Firestorm Weather Warden 5 Author: Fantasy, Romance, Adult Where Acquired: Putting aside the personal chaos that has plagued her, rogue Weather Warden Joanne Baldwin must rally the remnants Review: Putting aside the personal chaos that has plagued her, rogue Weather Warden Joanne Baldwin must rally the remnants of the Weather Warden corps against a double threat-the Djinn who have broken free from Warden control, and a cranky Mother Earth who's about to unleash her full fury against the entire world. This book is the best so far in this series!
There was less Jo and David in this although there were still many bittersweet moments that kept the romance element alive! I loved Jo's growth into a more maternal role with Imara amazing name! Jo has to be one of the bravest book heroines! It was a shame Jonathan died though as i was a big fan of his, but at least we had a little more Luke in this book! I loved it that Jo developed the fire power and i am excited to see her develop this is further novels. That should make the next book interesting, albeit frustrating You ever see a therapist about that?
Even when he was dead. How Did You Find It? Oct 07, Mrs. S rated it really liked it. I have read all the books in this series. It has made me a big fan of Rachel Caine's Weather Warden series. I found Firestorm to be a fast-paced continuum in the series and read it in a couple of days. There is a lot going on in this book, but I enjoyed the characters and situations. There is a constant urgency in Firestorm and the situations were quite interesting and original. I am not so jaded yet that I don't think, "Wow! Sure and sometim I have read all the books in this series. Sure and sometimes I caught myself thinking, "Dang, Joanne just can't catch a break.
I really liked the further development of the relationship between Joanne and her friend Cherisse. All the main characters are back, but drawn a little thinly in spots, because they ALL seem to be back. The Wardens have been devastated by the freedom of the Djinn, the headquarters' a mess and the Demon Marks are spreading through the ranks. Joanne's half-Djinn daughter, Imara figures largely in this book which is good, but is more the protector to Joanne than vice versa, not so good.
I do think Rachel Caine could have left out the Sara and Eammon storyline and we would not have missed anything. After the first third of the book, the action and events are so absorbing I couldn't put it down. My book club normally selects books from the bestseller fiction lists. I selected Ill Wind as a departure from our usual genre. I think the entire series is a good one for those who are just starting out in the SF fantasy genre and has a different spin for those who already enjoy SF fantasy. The response at our review meeting was the 11 women started reading with some trepitation, but ended up enjoying the book, to their surprise.
Several mentioned the one thing that struck me when I started reading the series, how it makes you think about current events involving the weather, earth quakes and fire. The other thing I like about this series are the "love scenes. Very tastefully handled, but still passionate. I really liked Firestorm and would highly recommend the entire series Well again in this book we meet Joanne Baldwin.
The Djinn have be set free of an old agreement and are set on getting there own back for the years of slavery they had to contend with. With the Djinn and Wardens at war it put alot of Wardens and normal Humans at risk and some end up dying because they get the in way of the cross fire. Joanne has a lot to deal with and she is all so struggling with things that are going on in Well again in this book we meet Joanne Baldwin.
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