Die Juniorenfirma - Ein Konzept zur Stimulierung unternehmerischen Denkens (German Edition)
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ERP MAnagement , 4 4, From a good idea to a successful product - A framework to shape the intersection between Technology and Innovation Management and Product Management in B2B. Leveraging constraints for innovation. On the emergence of leadership in new ventures. European Journal of International Management , 10 2 , Innovation in Family Businesses: Examining the Inventory and Mapping the Path.
International Journal of Innovation Management , 20 4 , Differentiating family and non-family firms' decision to internationalize: The role of psychic, cultural, and geographical distance. European Journal of International Management , 10 5 , in press.
European Journal of International Management , in press. Journal of Business Research , 69 11 , — Introduction to coopetition and innovation: International Journal of Technology Management , 71 , Effects of divergent communication schemes in new product development alliances. Management Research Review , 39 3 , Patterns of knowledge conversion: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing , 8 2 , Effects of Social Interaction Dynamics on Platforms. Journal of Management Information Systems , 33 3 , Decision Support Systems , The missing dimension of knowledge transfer from subsidiaries to headquarters: How do Firms Adapt to Discontinous Change?
Bridging the Dynamic Capabilitities and Ambidexterity Perspectives. California Management Review , 58 4 , The impact of working memory and the 'process of process modelling' on model quality: Investigating experienced versus inexperienced modellers. Scientific Reports , 6 , No. Harvard Business Manager Juni , Modulation of eye contact-frequency by social crowding: International Journal of Psychology , 51 , Valence- and arousal specific emotional Modulation of cognitive control mechanisms. International Journal of Psychology , Working memory and its theoretical role in Business process modeling.
Affective states high in arousal modulate associative learning processes in latent inhibition. Typologie technologieorientierter Unternehmen - Vier Archetypen als Grundlage zur Ausgestaltung des Technologiemanagements. Mapping the Field of Family Business Research: Past Trends and Future Directions. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal , 11 1 , Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis , 67 2 , Towards a better understanding of past trends and future directions.
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business , 24 4 , Stewardship in der Familienunternehmensforschung: Creativity and Innovation Management , 24 4 , The relevance of slack resource availability and networking effectiveness for entrepreneurial orientation. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business , 26 1 , Effects of communication style and age diversity in innovation teams. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management , 12 6 , The shareconomy as a precursor for digital entrepreneurship business models.
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business , 25 1 , The current state of research. How is Ambidexterity Initiated? The Emergent Charter Definition Process.
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Organization Science 26 4 , Information maintenance in working memory: Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience , 9 , Article Why should working memory be related to incidentally learned sequence structures? The role of personality in advertising perception: Corrigendum to "Is there a "dark intelligence"? Emotional intelligence is used by dark personalities to emotionally manipulate others".
Personality and Individual Differences , 76 , Combining the scenario technique with bibliometrics for technology foresight: The case of personalized medicine. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 98 , Internationalization of family firms: The effect of ownership and governance. Review of Managerial Science , 8 1 , Service Industries Journal , 34 4 , International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business , 21 1. An Exploratory Citation Analysis. Review of Managerial Science , 8 2 , Traveling into unexplored territory: Radical innovativeness and the role of networking, customers, and technologically turbulent environments.
Industrial Marketing Management , 43 8 , Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Performance: South African Journal of Business Management , 45 1 , An Empirical Analysis from Austria and Hungary. Journal for East European Management Studies , 19 1 , A Review of Existing Literature. Journal of International Business and Economics , 14 3 , Misunderstanding in international alliances does not mean miscommunication! International Journal of Strategic Management , 14 3 , Socioemotional wealth in family firm research - a literature review. Journal of International Business and Economics , 14 4 , International Journal of Business Research , 14 3 , Creativity and Innovation Management , 23 2 , Creating Societal Benefits and Corporate Profits.
Is there a "dark intelligence"? Emotional intelligence is used by dark personalities to emotionally manipulate others. Eine Frage des Klimas. Harvard Business Manager Januar , The European Health Psychologist , Your happiness depends on your own: The European Health Psychologist , 16 , Analyzing and improving the national innovation system of highly developed countries - The case of Switzerland. Technological Forecasting and Social Change , 80 6 , Reciprocal crowdfunding as means to enable student and graduate entrepreneurship in Africa - as case study of Rwanda. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business , 19 4.
Leading yourself and leading others: Linking self-leadership to transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership. An online discursive inquiry into the social dynamics of multi-stakeholder brand meaning co-creation. Journal of Business Research , 66 9 , — Effective Leadership of Knowledge Workers: Results of an Intercultural Business Study.
Drucker Conference Special Issue , 36 8 , How definitions can Bridge the Gap across Contexts. Management Decision , 50 10 , Innovation in Knowledge-Intensive Industries: The Double-Edged Sword of Coopetition. Journal of Business Research , 66 10 , Measuring Business Excellence , 17 3 , Insights into a Medium-sized Company. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development , 5 1.
Journal of Knowledge Management , 17 5 , - Journal of Innovation Management , 1 1 , Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences , 81 , Financial Reporting , 1 , Business and Management Research , 2 2 , Management Research and Religion: Journal of Business Ethics , 1 , Management Research Review , 36 3 , The impact of brand authenticity on brand trust and SME growth: Journal of World Business , 48 3 , Implications of customer and entrepreneurial orientations for SME growth.
Management Decision , 51 3 , The role of entrepreneurial orientation in service firms: Service Industries Journal , 33 5 , How self-leaders are perceived on the Big Five. Working memory and its relation to deterministic sequence learning. Der Feind im eigenen Haus - Kommentar. Harvard Business Manager August , Wandel planbar machen - Dank nicht linearer Planungs- und Steuerungssysteme.
The pre-export model - Prospects for research on rapidly internationalizing ventures?
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International Journal of Business Research , 12 3 , International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business , 12 2 , A Corporate Branding Perspective. California Management Review , 54 3 , Journal of World Business , 48 3 , — A Quantitative Study from the Netherlands. Review of Managerial Science , 6 2 , Innovation in family firms: Review of Managerial Science , 6 3 , Journal of Knowledge Management , 16 4 , Intellectual capital risks and job rotation.
Journal of Intellectual Capital , 13 2 , - Knowledge Management in SMEs: Journal of Knowledge Management , 16 6 , Transmission non familiale des PME allemandes: International Journal of Strategic Management , 12 2 , The Entrepreneurial Marketing Domain: A Citation and Co-Citation Analysis. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship , 14 1 , DBW , 72 5 , Nascent migrant entrepreneurship in Germany—is there a cultural imprinting effect? International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business , 15 3 , International Journal of Strategic Management , 12 1 , International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business , 16 4 , Definitions of related concepts.
Family firms and entrepreneurship: The role of personnel commitment to strategy implementation and organisational learning within the relationship between strategic planning and company performance.
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The relation between performance and family involvement—an exploration into the non-linear effects during the life-stage of Dutch firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management , 15 3 , A Revised Blueprint of the Ambidextrous Organization: Reuniting Structural and Contextual Theories. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings , Self-leadership, motivation to lead, transformational leadership and superleadership: A key to organizational success in the 21st century.
International Journal of Business and Management Tomorrow , 2 7 , Learn to influence yourself: Full range self-leadership training. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology , 38 2 , Eyes as windows to the soul: Gazing behavior is related to personality. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling , International Journal of Psychology , 47 , Transfer effects and word-class-dependent improvement of foreign language text comprehension: An empirical study using eye-tracking.
An experimental eye-tracking study on the effect of imagequality on the learning performance. Working memory and incidental sequence learning: Journal of Technology Marketing , Transforming lead user innovations into new corporate ventures: From Knowledge to Action , Media Consumption and Information Usage in India. Singapore Management Review , 33 1 , International Journal of Business Information Systems , 7 4 , European Journal of Management , 11 1 , Knowledge Management in Practice: Prometheus, Critical Studies in Innovation , 29 1 , Corporate Brand Strategy Formation: Industrial Marketing Management , 40 7 , Diskussionslinien der Entrepreneurial Marketing-Forschung: Familienunternehmen — Zum State-of-the-Art der betriebswirtschaftlichen Forschung.
Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis , 63 6 , Growth and its Implications for Brand Management. The role of need for achievement in self-leadership: Differential associations with hope for success and fear of failure. African Journal of Business Management , 5 20 , Investigating word class effects in first and second languages. An examination of the relationship between self-leadership and the Dark Triad. Wirtschaftspsychologie , 2 , Eye movements during mental rotation of non-mirrored and mirrored three-dimensional abstract objects.
Organisations Entwicklung 3 , An Evolutionary Perspective on Convergence: Inducing a Stage Model of Inter-industry Innovation. Antecedents to Innovation and Growth: Die Betriebswirtschaft DBW , 70 1 , Service Industries Journal , 30 12 , Die Unternehmung , 64 2 , An Entrepreurship Journal , 35 2 , Transactional and Transformational Solutions. Organizational Dynamics , 39 2 , International Journal of Business and Globalisation , 5 1 , International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 4 , Neue Schriftleitung der ZfKE. Relations between self-leadership and scores on the Big Five.
The socioemotionally intelligent self-leader: Examining relations between Self-leadership and socioemotional intelligence. The Case of U. Journal of World Business , 44 3 , Co-evolutionary Cycles of Convergence: Technology Forecasting and Social Change Journal , 76 6 , The Impact on Performance, the Process and the Antecedents. International Journal of Business Research , 9 2 , Entrepreneurship and Regional Development , 21 1 , 25— Managementforschung , 19 VHB Ranking: Sponsored, Contract and Collaborative Research: International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialization.
The Meaning of Intangible Assets: Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management , 7 4 , Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. Trust in the Employer: International Journal of Human Resource Management. Asia Pacific Business Review , 5 2 , A Case of Manufacturing Organizations. IME Journal , 3 2 , 15 - IMS Manthan , 4 1 , 21 - Training Outsourcing in Indian Telecom Sector: A Starting Point for Innovation.
Ambidexterity in Inter-Firm Relationships: Governance Structures and Knowledge Processes. Investigating the dominance of nouns in word comprehension with eye movement analyses. Advances in Cognitive Psychology , 5 , Ein Referenzmodell zu Prozessmanagement. Unternehmenssteuerung mit Mass und Ziel. Cooperative Internationalization of SMEs: Self-commitment as a Success Factor for International Entrepreneurship. European Management Journal , 26 6 , The relevance on intangible assets in German SMEs.
Journal of Intellectual Capital , 9 3 , WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium 8 , Human Resource Management , 60 , EuroMed Journal of Business , 3 1 , Journal of Socio-Economics , 36 3 , Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium WiSt , 37 6 , The creation of dynamic capabilities in high-tech start-ups: A theoretical framework for their identification and measurement. International Journal of Production Economics. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium , 37 , Motivators and Decisional Influencers of Online Shopping.
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research , 4 3 , International Journal of Business Information Systems , 5 3 , - Journal of Advances in Management Research , 5 1 , 46 - Eine experimentelle Studie mittels Blickbewegungsanalyse. Moderne Sprachen , 52 2 , Risikomethoden im Service Engineering Prozess. How action learning can foster competitive advantage in new product development NPD. International Journal for Action Learning: Research and Practice , 4 1 , Towards stable model bases for causal strategic decision support systems.
International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies , 3 4 , Bridging "The Great Divide": Consequences for Organization Theory and Practice , 14 , The role of international owner-manager identity in the internationalization process of SMEs. The Business Review , 9 1 , Intangible assets in companies succession in German SME.
Disziplinierung der Agenten oder Crowding-out? Group and Organization Management , 32 , Managerial and Decision Economics 8 , - European Business Review , 19 4 , Multinational Business Review , 13 3.
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Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium WiSt , 36 1 , Measuring the Science to Market Gap: The Case of New Energy Technologies. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium WiSt , 35 12 , Zwischenbetriebliche Kooperation und Netzwerk — Eine Begriffsexplikation. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium WiSt , 36 2 , Managerial and Decision Economics , 28 , Rezension zu Wolf, J. Forschungsleistung in der deutschsprachigen Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Retailing and Behaviour Patterns of the Indian Consumer.
Pragyaan , 5 , Indian Gems and Jewellery Industry: Pragyaan , 5 1 , Learning to Play the Game Better. Indian Management , 46 5 , Marketing ZfP , 29 4 , - Strategy planning for high-growth firms: EuroMed Journal of Business , 1 1 , Verdienen Topmanager zu viel?
Turnier- und Gerechtigkeitstheorie im Widerspruch. Balancing Formal Governance Mechanisms and Trust. Management Review , Cuaderno de Negocios, Universidad der Uruguay , Core rigidities in the innovation process: International Journal of Technology Management. Strategic venture partner selection for collaborative innovation in production systems: International Journal of Production Economics , Knowledge management with focus on the innovation process in collaborative networking companies. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organizations.
Management Review , 17 , Business Perspectives , 8 1 , The Alternative , V 1 , JIMS 8M , 11 2 , Internal Brand Building and Structuration: The Role of Leadership. Lessons Learned in Thailand. Journal of Consumer Marketing , 23 2 , 67 - IO New Management 12 , Journal of Asia-Pacific Business , 6 2 , Report from a Delphi Study. Journal of World Business , 40 2 , International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management , Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium WiSt , 34 7 , Design, product development, innovation: A short discussion on terminology.
Journal of Engineering Design , We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as Brandy, a year-old piano playing bombshell at Mac's Bar, proudly projects her 40 double-Ds just when her tip jar sorely needs dollar bills. She escapes this roadhouse by marrying the generous philanthropist and tycoon millionaire Hubert Franz Berman.
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They travel in a ritzy world of private jets and stretch limos. Yet, from the beginning, Brandy is soundly rejected by his two daughters as they join forces with his domineering housekeeper and a very possessive secretary.

Miss Emma, he doesn't have to be worthy to listen and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ. All he has to do is be willing. If we could only get him to listen and let us talk to him. First, the lush-green countryside was filled with trees, such as would never grow in the arid climate of Colorado. The second was the lilting, often difficult-to-understand, sometimes Paul Reese and Aiden Brinkman find their tidy and logical worlds upset when they are both forced to face the realization that the natural and the supernatural go hand in hand.
Aiden, a young college student from Portland, Oregon, meets a mysterious woman, a powerful sorceress. From that moment, Aiden, with the help of his magical mentors, starts down a path of magical discovery regarding his own nature and the true nature of the world. Paul, a gay man living in Houston, Texas, encounters this This casebook compares U.
Coverage includes equality issues in marriage, employment, affirmative action, reproductive rights, state religion, religious minorities, hate speech, and federalism. Extensive chapter notes add context to the developing law in these subject areas. Accessibility is enhanced by an extensive teacher's manual containing As he wonders which person to choose, he thinks of his circle of friends and what they share together. Some friends are kids like Jimmy, who says funny things, and Manuel, who races with Moses on the playground. Other friends are grown-ups like Mom and Dad, and teachers.
Neighbors too, can be friends, like Kate, his teen-aged babysitter.