Choices Book 1: The Metamorphosis
Alistair Ian Blythe, tr. Live Bait Fabio Genovesi. Table of Contents Mia Couto: The Neustadt Prize Acceptance Speech. Storytelling, Fake Worlds, and the Internet.
The Metamorphosis
An Interview with Hassan Blasim by. A Conversation with Jonathan Wright. Two Poems by John Kinsella by. He'd fall right off his desk!

And it's a funny sort of business to be sitting up there at your desk, talking down at your subordinates from up there, especially when you have to go right up close because the boss is hard of hearing. But that would have to be risked. But if they took everything calmly, he he, too, had no reason to get excited and could, if he hurried, actually be at the station by eight o'clock.
He was laying on his hard, as it were armor-plated, back and when he lifted his head a little he could see his domelike brown belly divided into stiff arched segments on top of which the bed quilt could hardly keep in position and was about to slide off completely. His numerous legs, which were pitifully thin compared to the rest of his bulk, waved helplessly before his eyes.
In those days Gregor's sole concern had been to do everything in his power to make the family forget as quickly as possible the business disaster which had plunged everyone into a state of total despair. And so he had begun to work with special ardor and had risen almost overnight from stock clerk to traveling salesman, which of course had opened up very different money-making possibilities, and in no time his successes on the job were transformed, by means of commissions, into hard cash that could be plunked down on the table at home in front of his astonished and delighted family. Those had been the wonderful times, and they had never returned, at least not with the same glory, although later on Gregor earned enough money to meet the expenses of the entire family and actually did so.
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They had just gotten used to it, the family as well as Gregor, the money was received with thanks and given with pleasure, but no special feeling of warmth went with it any more. A man must have his sleep. Other travelling salesmen live like harem women. For instance, when I come back to the inn during the course of the morning to write up the necessary orders, these gentlemen are just sitting down to breakfast. If I were to try that with my boss, I'd be thrown out on the spot.
- The Metamorphosis Quotes.
- The Metamorphosis | Book by Franz Kafka | Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster!
- Metamorphosis Part One | Nell Adkins.
What theme emerges in the story? Summarize the plot to explain how the theme evolves through the responses of Gregor and others to his condition. I believe transformation or unexpected events summarize the theme of this short story.
English Assignments
After all metamorphosis essentially means change. How even the simplest things he wants to achieve or obtain he can never quite grasp.
- Metamorphosis Part One.
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- Choices - Book 1, the Metamorphosis (Electronic book text).
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He wants to lay on his right side, but he cannot because he is a giant roch. He turned into a giant bug because of a bad dream and he had no control over it. It seems the things he wants he cannot obtain and the things he does not want happen to him. Franz Kafka wrote this story in in what is now the Czech Republic. Cite evidence from the text to support your answer.
Choices (Choices, #1) by Sydney Lane
For instance, it is clear Gregor has to look after his parents and that the whole family lives together in one home. Something that would not be commonplace today. Kafka also highlights the importance of doing good business and the importance of work in general in society, but also in the lives of others.