
Census of the state of Michigan, 1894


The index entries are formatted as illustrated below. In the following example, you would go to line 10 on the image to find additional information about Thomas Sullivon.

You can search by name, county, township, and year by using the advanced search link that appears below the search box at the top of every page within Seeking Michigan. The state of Michigan conducted its own regular and special censuses at various times throughout history.

Michigan Census Records Online

This collection of state census records is incomplete because many of the documents have been lost over time. It contains records from the following counties and years:. We would like to thank the Library of Michigan and the Burton Historical Collection at the Detroit Public Library for loaning us microfilm for scanning. Documents , Family History , Primary Sources. Documents , Primary Sources. Discover Each collection features a unique aspect of Michigan's history.

Census of the state of Michigan, 1894 ..

There were many territorial and state censuses taken in Michigan over the years. However, only a few of those records have survived to the present day.

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The first census was taken by the French in Census records from through mainly included residents living in and around Detroit, Michigan. In , a census was taken of Fort Saint Joseph.

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Information about that census can be found in Michigan Pioneer and Historical Collections, vol. The National Genealogical Society Quarterly 64 In , a tax list was taken in that county as well.

Includes Some Online Indexes

It is almost as good as a population census, for genealogical purposes. So is the resident list taken in for Detroit. The State Archives of Michigan has census records on file for the following years: Both territorial and state records of census information dating back as far as can also be found at the Allen County Public Library , as well as at the Library of Michigan , which is located in Lansing.