Astride the White Mule
You ll hear about the tailgating parties where Benchwarmer Bob drank beers with the fans, and how the fans had a season-ending pig roast and the players showed up. It will examine how the move indoors and the loss of tailgating took away the fans identity, but how they themselves led a resurgence in team spirit and came back better than ever.
Purple People features interviews with famous Vikings players, commentary from people inside the organization, and profiles on great Vikings fans, including every official Fan of the Year. This book tells the story of the great and glorious Purple Pride nation. From fan clubs in sunny Los Angeles to lifelong season-ticket holders in Duluth, from partiers to priests, from guys to gals, from Norm Van Brocklin and Metropolitan Stadium to Brad Childress at the Metrodome, Purple People covers everything that makes Vikings fans the best fans in all of sports.
Any fan will laugh to read the stories, and love coming to understand the great and glorious community of fans they belong to. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Astride The White Mule , please sign up.

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Prohibition in South Dakota: Astride the White Mule
This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Jun 20, Dandy rated it really liked it. I really liked all the arrest records and stories, but this book did jump around a lot. Apr 05, L. Elm rated it liked it Shelves: Dry no pun intended look at prohibition in South Dakota. A handful of states, South Dakota included, wanted to ban alchole a few years prior of the feds doing it. The bootleggers took those years and used them to refine their methods of breaking the law. The author could have presented the material in a livlier tone, rather than droaning fact after fact.
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Chuck Cecil to sign book on history of South Dakota prohibition era | The Daily Republic
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Chuck Cecil to sign book on history of South Dakota prohibition era
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