Así ama un amigo a su amigo (Spanish Edition)
Dios que da la llaga, da la medicina. Great minds think alike. Los genios pensamos igual. Half a loaf is better than no bread. Algo es algo; menos es nada. Half the truth is often a whole lie. La verdad a medias es mentira verdadera. He that blames would buy. Lo que pienses en comprar, no lo has de alabar. He that chastens one chastens twenty. De un castigo, cien escarmentados. Quien a uno castiga a ciento hostiga. He that eats till he is sick must fast till he is well. Comer hasta enfermar y ayunar hasta sanar.
He that fights and runs away, lives to fight another day. Quien en tiempo huye, en tiempo acude. He that is born to be hanged shall never be drowned. El que nace para mulo del cielo le cae el arnes. El que nace para policia del cielo le cae el bolillo. He that would have the fruit must climb the tree. El que algo quiere, algo le cuesta. No dan a quien no acude. He who excuses himself accuses himself. Excusa no pedida, la culpa manifiesta. He who pays the piper calls the tune. Health is better than wealth.
La salud es la mayor riqueza. Primero es la salud que el dinero. Tenga yo salud, y dineros quien los quisiere. No hay mas de temer que una mujer despechada. Her left hand doesn't know what her right hand is doing. Borra con el codo lo que escribe con la mano. Home is where he hangs his hat. No tiene raices en ningun sitio. Home is where the heart is. A donde el corazon se inclina, el pie camina. El verdadero hogar es donde uno tiene a los suyos.
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Honesty is the best policy. Lo mejor es ser franco. Honor buys no meat in the market. Con esperanza no se come. Con la honra no se pone la olla. Hope deferred makes the heart sick. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Procura lo mejor, espera lo peor y toma lo que viniere. Hope is a good breakfast but a bad supper. Hunger drives the wolf out of the woods. Mas discurre un hambriento que cien letrados. Hunger is good kitchen. Hunger is the best sauce. I don't care what people say as long as I get what want. Dame pan y dime tonto. If a job is worth doing, it's worth doing well.
Si vale la pena hacerlo, vale la pena hacerlo bien. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. El que la sigue la consigue. If wishes were horses , then beggars would ride. Si con desear bastara If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
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- Jesus loves me (Spanish translation).
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- Exploring Connections.
- Spanish proverbs;
Si, quitate de en medio. If you don't have what it takes you won't get on in the world. El que nace para medio nunca llega a real. If you go away, you can't expect people to keep your place for you. If you leave your place, you lose it. El que se fue a Sevilla, perdio su silla. El que se fue para Quito perdio su banquito.
Dios te bendiga
If you lie down with dogs, you'll get up with fleas. Quien con perros se echa, con pulgas se levanta. If you live like that, you're bound to come to a bad end. Quien mal anda, mal acaba. If you talk too much you're likely to give yourself away. La perdiz por el pico se pierde. If you think the worst, you won't be far wrong. Piensa mal y acertaras, aunque alguna vez te equivocaras.
If you want to watch, you'd better keep quiet. Los mirones son de piedra. If you wish good advice, consult an old man. Quien quiera saber, que compre un viejo. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. El mejor halago es que lo imiten a uno. In for a penny, in for a pound. Ya que estamos en el baile, bailemos. It just makes things worse. Es peor el remedio que la enfermedad. Fue peor el remedio que la enfermedad. It makes no difference.
Tanto monta, monta tanto, Isabel como Fernando. It never rains, but it pours. It's a question of swings and roundabouts. Lo que se pierde en una casa se gana en otra. It's a small world! El mundo es un panuelo. It's as broad as it is long. It's better to be on your own than with people you don't like. Mas vale estar solo que estar mal acompanado. Con su pan se lo coma. It's just a question of putting two and two together. Por el hilo se saca el ovillo. It's like talking to a brick wall. Es como hablar a la pared. It's like water off a duck's back.
Como quien oye llover.
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It's more blessed to give than to receive. Hay mas felicidad en dar que en recibir. Mas vale dar que recibir. Mayor dicha es dar que recibir. It's no crime to steal from a thief. It's not the end of the world. Mas se perdio en Cuba. It's six of one and half a dozen of the other. Da lo mismo una cosa que otra.
Es igual uno que otro. Lo mismo Chana que Sebastiana. It's the pot calling the kettle black. El que tiene tejado de vidrio no tira piedras al de su vecino. It's the same people under a different name. Es el mismo perro con diferente collar. Laughter is the best medicine.
La risa es el mejor remedio. Learning is better than house and land. Least said, soonest mended. Let bygones be bygones. Borron y cuenta nueva. Lo pasado, pasado esta.
Let sleeping dogs lie. Mejor es no menearlo. Mejor no revolver el asunto. Let's get things clear. Las cuentas claras hacen los buenos amigos. Lightning never strikes twice in the same place. No hay tempestad que mucho dure. Little strokes fell great oaks. Con paciencia y con mana, un elefante se comio una arana.
Con paciencia y saliva, un elefante se tiro a una hormiga. Live and let live. Hay de todo en la vina del Senor. Long absent, soon forgotten. Ausencia al mas amigo presto le pone en olvido. Cuando de vista te pierdo, si te vi ya no me acuerdo. El que no mira, no suspira. Espaldas vueltas, memorias muertas.
La distancia es el olvido. Larga ausencia causa olvido. Lejos de ojos, lejos del corazon. Lo que no se ve, pronto se olvida. Look after the pennies, and the pounds will look after themselves. A quien cuida la peseta nunca le falta un duro. Love does much, money does everything. Amor con amor se paga; y lo demas con dinero. Love laughs at locksmiths. Amor no respeta ley, ni obedece a rey. Love will find a way. El amor todo lo puede. Lovers quarrels are soon mended.
Rinen a menudo los amantes, por el gusto de hacer las paces. Make the best of it. De lo perdido saca lo que puedas. Man cannot live by bread alone. No solo de pan vive el hombre. Many hands make light work. El trabajo compartido es mas llevadero. Married people need a home of their own. El casado casa quiere. I do want to go with you to Disney World. She didn't pass, but I did. Do you want to go to the beach tomorrow? The department said yes to the proposal. He usually plays chess against himself.
She sent a letter to herself! The string is getting tangled up in itself. A friend in need is a friend to keep away from. Un enemigo de Dios nunca fue un amigo verdadero para el hombre. A foe to God was never a true friend to man. Un enemigo valiente es mejor que un amigo cobarde. A courageous foe is better than a cowardly friend. A dog with a bone knows no friend. Un tonto tiene pocos amigos. A fool has few friends. The Bible Friend, wherefore art thou come? Beau Brummell Who's your fat friend? Beau Brummell A un amigo verdadero es alguien que conoce todos tus defectos, pero le caes bien de cualquier manera.
Schulz A real friend is someone who knows all your faults, but likes you anyway. Don Marquis There are a lot of mean, stingy-souled people who wouldn't lie to help a friend. Gene Brown Before you borrow money from a friend, decide which you need more. Unknown Even you worst enemy will become your friend when you meet overseas. Unknown Dame a un amigo, solo uno, que llene Las necesidades de todas mis variantes de humor. Clark Give me one friend, just one, who meets The needs of all my varying moods.
Sherwood The happiest miser on earth is the man who saves up every friend he can make. Anonymous He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion. Russell Brockbank Meek wifehood is no part of my profession; I am your friend, but never your possession. Isaac Barrow He that loveth a book will never want for a faithful friend, a wholesome counselor, a cheerful companion, an effectual comforter.
Isaac Barrow En el paso estrecho no hay hermano ni amigo. Arabian Proverb At the narrow passage there is no brother and no friend. Joubert Choose as a wife only the woman whom you would choose as a friend if she were a man. Joubert Escoja a un autor como usted escoge a un amigo. Wentworth Dillon Choose an author as you choose a friend.
The Bible There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. George Campbell Free and fair discussion will ever by found the firmest friend to truth. George Campbell Las heridas de un amigo son Fieles. The Bible Faithful are the wounds of a friend. Midrash Whatever you think of your friend, he thinks the same of you. Friendly advice has cost many a man his friend. Solamente camine junto a mi y sea mi amigo. Albert Camus Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend. Albert Camus No escuche a amigos cuando el Amigo dentro de ustedes dice 'Haz esto'.
Montaigne You can't tell your friend you've been cuckolded; even if he doesn't laugh at you, be may put the information to his personal use. Montaigne Para encontrar un amigo uno debe cerrar un ojo. Norman Douglas To find a friend one must close one eye. To keep him two. Charles Dickens Professionally he declines and falls, and as a friend he drops into poetry.
Miguel de Cervantes He who loses wealth loses much; he who loses a friend loses more; but he that loses his courage loses all. Solon Chide a friend in private and praise him in public.
Jesus loves me
Forster If I had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I hope I should have the guts to betray my country. Johann von Schiller As freely as the firmament embraces the world, or the sun pours forth impartially his beams, so mercy must encircle both friend and foe. Johann von Schiller Un amigo ama en todo tiempo, y un hermano nacido para la adversidad. The Bible A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. The Bible Un amigo de todos es amigo de nadie. Anonymous A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.
William Shakespeare A friend should bear his friend's infirmities. William Shakespeare Un amigo en el poder es un amigo perdido. Henry Brooks Adams A friend in power is a friend lost. Henry Brooks Adams Un amigo es alguien con la que no tienes que ser amable. Arnold Glasow A friend is someone you don't have to be nice to.
Arnold Glasow Un amigo es alguien que conoce todo de ti y sin embargo te ama igual. Anonymous A friend is someone who knows all about you, and loves you just the same. Father Jerome Cummings A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway. Farmer's Almanac A friend is someone who can see through you and still enjoys the show. Marilyn vos Savant A friend is someone who stays by your side all through the troubles he's caused you. Wilma Askinas A friend is someone who sees through you and still enjoys the view.
Wilma Askinas Un amigo es el que cree en ti cuando has dejado de creer en ti mismo.