A Night of Living Dangerously (Mills & Boon Modern)
He has the worst friends. They are revoltingly fatuous and bitchy. His first love chose another man and her betrayal cut deep. The action moves from San Francisco to Sardinia to Rome.
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Alessandro does turn out to be a satisfying hero, and I did like the way the shattering secret built to its grand revelation, and the resulting fall out. Feb 04, StMargarets rated it liked it Shelves: This was a fun, fast-paced story with a wide-eyed heroine and a hero who just ran with his feelings - at all times. He was the antithesis of a careful, calculating businessman hero and I really liked him. When he said that he made his first million by investing in plastic bracelets that just happened to get popular by chance, I think that summed up his whole character arc.
He just happened upon the heroine and hit the jackpot not really knowing how he got there. He had absolutely no judgment about anything. Case in point - he couldn't see how cutting edge the heroine's jewelry designs were and how marketable. He couldn't see how wrong the OW was for him. He didn't demand a pre-nup. He didn't look into the heroine's past. He constructed business rivals out of thin air.
The guy was pure instinct and pure emotion and he played it all out in public from their first meeting. And it was in character. He was an out-of-control wounded male animal and he gets to carry around that memory for the rest of his life. If he had planned that public humiliation, I would have thought he was in the land of no return.

But he didn't plan it. He just overreacted and it blew up in his face. Good thing he rarely plans. He's better off winging it. Read this one if you're in the mood for an OTT hero who isn't intentionally cruel - just pure id. View all 15 comments. Personally I still prefer and drool over the illustrations of the HPs of yore. They knew how to make all your fantasies come true! Anyhow the h is really quite sweet and open hearted. My friend Debbie has that right. And yes, she has a personality and I liked her dignity at the walkout.
He's a true tstl H with zero judgment. No wonder he was losing contracts left, right and center. I won't rate him the cruellest as he wasn't intentionally so, just that he had no brains to speak of if he could be so easily led by the ow and not check out the facts first. And frankly his ex from years past sounded like a street-smart practical woman and not really an evil heartbreaker. It annoyed me how he discourages her to follow her dream, pushes her to conform and leaves her open to malice and insult though he acquits himself on the last one even before he does the cherry on the top himself.
He actually dumps her twice and both times abominably! Thinking of the humiliation scene as in RL, no relationship can really survive such a public laundry washing scene. It can only lead to eternal sniggering and asides. So a world-class grovel was rated but he does a mini fantasy playout and she melts in a puddle at his feet. And no comeuppance for the ow? One star struck off! ETA - Oh And that poor excuse for a father who never bothers to keep in touch - he gets to be redeemed?! He's so paranoid that she wants his money with no proof ever of it being so he disinherits her, but we're to believe he loves her?!
Just for the all's well again in la la land ending? View all 9 comments. Jan 07, Saly rated it liked it Shelves: I found that unforgivable, so what that she didn't tell him that her father was wealthy, she should have but he should have respected her enough to talk in private. Of course he makes a grand gesture to make up for it but in my book the heroine should have made him crawl. View all 7 comments. It had the right ingredients: Both are mutually smitten at first sight.
He drags the sob-story out of her.
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She walked in on her boyfriend in bed with her best friend; turns out the two cheaters are in love. He decides they should do a one up on their ex-partners and show up at a charity ball together. They succumb to passion and she keeps to the bargain but he does the Hero asshole thing and fires her in the nicest way possibly by offering her another job in a galaxy far, far away.
Sorry, been binge watching Star Wars with kids. But while Padme and Anakin had the mother of all reasons for keeping their union a secret, this one was pathetic. So you had a little office fling, it was still a major dick-move to get her to sign off on not suing for sexual harassment. He redeemed himself a little and it was a good scene where she tracked him down to tell him of her pregnancy but they both lost me soon after.
Too much sex scenes not even steamy hot at the expense of character development. And I hated, really hated that she forgave her best friend for cheating with her boyfriend so quickly. She even accepted partial responsibility for it and continued to stay with them!! But your best friend? No H has enough testosterone to beat that. View all 11 comments. There is just something about this story that draws me. Every time I read it I end of reading it twice in a row. I just can't get enough of it. I love the heroine so much. There is a scene when she tells the hero that she's pregnant and it is awesome.
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She just wants him to be happy and she is willing to walk away so he can marry an evil woman who he says is his perfect match for a strategic business union. That took guts and it just gets better each time I read it. This is a very good book, one I definitely recommend. It's a safe book and once the hero took out the heroine he was never with anyone else intimately. If he was with someone right before he met her at least we didn't have to witness it or even hear about it.
Our hero and major manwhore, Alessandro Caetani, does not do happy-ever-afters. He rarely, if ever, does nice. He prefers ONS or a mistress When the story begins he has a snake of an evil mistress, Olivia. On the way to a charity function she gives him an ultimatum He chose the later and drops her off at the ritzy hotel where she's staying. It was an impossibility to like Olivia. She was evil and wicked and determined to have Alessandro for herself.
No love was involved in their relationship. Theirs was to be a match to benefit their respective businesses and fortunes. Lilley, our lovely heroine, has a fairy tale dream and she has no idea it's about to come true. Alessandro has been noticing her as she works in his company as a cleaner. To himself he calls her Little Mouse because she's kind of plain and mousy but something draws him to her.
She is not impressed when he calls her that to her face. He asks her to go the charity function as his date and waves his magic wand taking her to a stylist where she has a makeover and is adorned in a beautiful gown. Our hero is stunned when he sees her beauty and very sexy body that has always been covered up by baggy work clothing. She does this because she is not fond of her curvy body thinking she is too heavy. He is positive he will let nothing happen between them because he can offer her nothing.
But Lilley is hard to resist. Her sweetness, her innocence! They were so drawn to each other. He promises her one night and ends up giving her two.
A Night of Living Dangerously
So he leaves town on a business deal and she awakes alone. He has her fired from the business he owns and finds her a job miles away. He's too weak to have her anywhere near him and remain a faithful partner to the awful Olivia who he has now decided to marry regardless of what he feels. But what happens when Lilley comes to his home to tell him goodbye on her way to New York and thanks him for the little gift he has given her? I had hoped there would be legal consequences for Olivia and was sad it did not play out in the book. Otherwise, it was a memorable story. Even though I have now read this four or five times I am still bothered that there were not more consequences for evil witch, Olivia.
At least a good telling off and putting her in her place. He was total asshole.
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She was too good for him. If she had a spine she lost it when she met him and sleeping with him made it worst. How stupid can a girl be but then again she was a virgin!!! Wow really I hate how the hero always takes advantage of the girl! Why can't a girl say no treat me like a human being and how would you like it if I treated your sorry ass like that? However I did like the end despite what others wrote about it.
It was well written and enjoyable. Warning Just part are ver He was total asshole. Warning Just part are very frustrating! Dec 19, RomanceLover99 rated it it was ok. The wimpy grovel scene at the end ruined this book for me. I loved it until the end. Even after the public humiliation I just knew Jennie Lucas would do something to bring everything full circle and redeem the hero for his behavior but nope!
Are you kidding The wimpy grovel scene at the end ruined this book for me.
Are you kidding me!?!? The Hermitage Hotel in Las Vegas pop up randomly in her books. Jennie Lucas really does create her own little universe with the characters she creates. I loved this book. I liked the heroine so much. I love when a heroine loves so much and is so selfless. I know I am a dissenting opinion there but I just loved how her love made him a better man. I liked her personality and I actually gave it a five star even though the H and his ex-biatch were so horrid to her at the 2nd party.
There were a couple of parts that just made me cry. She loved him so much and I liked that she didn't ever waver. She was even strong enough to walk away and I loved tha I loved this book. She was even strong enough to walk away and I loved that about her. I want to find the other stories that are related to this. I think I have read them before but it made me curious to go find them and put it all together. This was actually a reread and I gave it a higher score even.
I do love Jennie Lucas however and as long as her hero's are faithful, no matter how much pain they cause, I root for them. I really loved the ending too. It was so sweet to see the hero do that for the heroine. Whatever he had done before was forgiven. Jennie Lucas fans, HP fans, Cinderella theme lovers. Jennie Lucas is the author to reach for when you want the high drama quotient and the fairy tale vibe to your Harlequin Presents. Lilley is so starry-eyed, it will probably make a more cynical reader roll her eyes. I didn't mind it so much. I think that if I'm in the mood, it works for the story.
I felt that she definitely deserved better than she got with Alessandro, but in his defense he did try to push her away initially to protect her. I didn't want her to go back to him when she has importa Jennie Lucas is the author to reach for when you want the high drama quotient and the fairy tale vibe to your Harlequin Presents. I didn't want her to go back to him when she has important news. I wanted her to go in the other direction. I think it's because I strongly like when the hero has to do the chasing.
I don't like when the heroine falls into his arms so easily. Lilley is a true love believer. She has a heart that is so sweet and kind, I just wanted to protect her from the world. I could identify with her fear about taking risks. I think we all feel like that sometimes. Especially when the root is a sense of inadequacy and that no one truly accepts you for who you are.
I hate that Alessandro contributed to that feeling of inadequacy in how he treats her when they are married. He needed and did receive a hard wake up call, but it came at a high price to Lilley. Jennie Lucas can be a bit over the top sometimes, but in a way, I like that. When that's combined with a story full of emotional genuineness it's a great combination.
While I won't ever hang out with billionaires, I can identify with the human emotions that both Lilley and Alessandro feel, and their struggles with family and a sense of meaning for their lives. I would have to give this four stars because it kept my eyes glued on the page, the sensuality was sizzling, and the character's emotions felt real and powerful and their story unfolded in a way that I was entranced with and didn't want to stop reading. Plus, the Cinderella vibe is very well done. Plot summary contained here Another enjoyable story from Jennie Lucas that was filled with passion, drama, angst, longing, and full of tension that would please any Harlequin Presents fan or a romance fan.
This story was set up, at least loosely, like the fairytale Cinderella, it even stated that in the back blurb. And the beginning definitely did have remnants of Cinderella, where the heroine Lilley, who was a poor file clerk and wore ill fitted clothing, went to the ball with her boss Prince Ale Plot summary contained here Another enjoyable story from Jennie Lucas that was filled with passion, drama, angst, longing, and full of tension that would please any Harlequin Presents fan or a romance fan.
And the beginning definitely did have remnants of Cinderella, where the heroine Lilley, who was a poor file clerk and wore ill fitted clothing, went to the ball with her boss Prince Alessandro, who happened to be prince, with Alessandro acting as her fairy godmother. Not only did he ask her to the ball when he found her crying in his office after learning her boyfriend had been cheating on her with her best friend and roommate, but he also provided her with the makeover as well.
He brought her shoes, dresses, hired a stylus, and hired a make up artist all so she would be the bell of the ball and show her ex what he was missing when he cheated on her in the first place. And what sweetened the pot was the fact that Prince Alessandro was her date. I thought this was a very clever set up, and definitely reminded me of Cinderella in the beginning, and it definitely drew me in, providing the hook that got me wanting to read more in the story as well as learn more about the characters and how their love story would shape up. It was a good beginning, but that was where the fairytale interpretation ended there at the night of the ball.
Alessandro and Lilley leave the ball at the stroke of midnight, and though Alessandro had stated quite clearly that their "date" would only last for that one night at the ball and nothing more, he decided that he did in fact want more time with her, well really he just wanted to take her to his bed because he wanted her so much and was so attracted to her and had been from the moment he first saw her with him fighting that attraction the entire night of the ball while talking himself out of whether to take her to bed or not, but at that stroke of twelve he decided to go for it and slake his lust for her even if it was just for one night, and it was almost like he couldn't help himself.
Of coarse Lilley was attracted to him as well, and decided that didn't want to play it safe anymore or not take a risk like she had for all of her life so she decided that she wanted to give into the attraction as well and find out what making love was all about. And it was fact that it was him, who made her feel beautiful and made her feel brave for the first time ever in her life, she decided that he would be her first even knowing that she would only be a fling to him and nothing more. But she was determined to go through with it because she wanted to be with him.
The scene in the limo was pretty steamy and filled with tension with the couple hotly making out, waiting to get to his villa so they could consummate their relationship. I could definitely feel the passion coming off waves on the pages with a frenzy pace going on because both of them wanted each other so much and couldn't wait to be alone. I loved that scene for just that anticipation alone because I knew if that scene was hot the lovemaking was going to be scorching, which was probably added by the tension and anticipation in the limo. And I was right once they got to his villa and the fast paced, lovemaking began that book was on fire with lots of heating coming my way reading the passionate scene between them.
Even though the scene was filled with lots of scorching passion, it was also filled with tenderness and feelings as well, showing that it was more than sex to both of them. Lilley discovered the passionate side of a relationship and how much emotion she felt during the interlude and actually found it very freeing for her as well as pleasurable from her first experience.
It helped her also feel connected to him, not only physically but emotionally as well. She never experienced what she experience with Alessandro ever in her life, never finding that closeness or passion in either of her relationships and feeling that bonded or emotionally close with a man before since she wasn't close with her father, who she believed abandoned her and her mother when her mother was sick and felt like he never thought she was good enough ever and felt like he never had any faith in her whatsoever , and that was a real eye opening moment for her, realizing what a relationship could be and close she could be with a man or with Alessandro anyway.
And she wanted to bask in it and have it in her life forever. It just opened her up to so many possibilities. While for Alessandro, he had quite a similar experience as well never having ever felt like this with a woman ever. He didn't only feel for her physically, but emotionally as well, which was a big deal since he never let his guard down with any woman after the first time he feel in love never wanting to be vulnerable like that again, and just feeling a tenderness with Lilley that he never expected when he first took her to bed.
He wanted to take care of her, be gentle with her, and just be different with her because he felt different when he was with her, and knowing that she deserved more than him for her first, yet at the same time felt honored that he was her first with her choosing to be with him in an intimate way and no other man. That made him feel very humble, and also opened his eyes to how shallow his love life was. So, they have a weekend fling, making love so many times, which was a little unbelievable since she was a virgin and wasn't sore at all especially the amount of sex they were having, that it was ridiculous, but no less hot, passionate, and emotional with their connection deepening each moment together while the outside world disappeared around them and their only focus being each other.
And some of those moments were pretty steamy for the entire weekend, and that was all they seemed to do the entire weekend and enjoying every moment of it. But like all good things have to come to an end with Alessandro, who wanted to keep seeing Lilley because she made him feel so good not just physically and he loved being around her and being the light in his life when his world was so dark around him, realizing that this fling could only last the weekend and they needed to go back to employer and employee once Monday came.
And even though he didn't want to let her go, he knew he had to because he deserved more than he could ever give him expecting that she would fall in love with him and even thought she was part way there from the look in her eyes so he had to nip this in the bud before she got the wrong idea about their passionate fling, knowing it was for her own good. As eBooks cannot be physically returned, it is our policy to not offer refunds on successful purchases. Please take care when ordering to ensure you have purchased the correct format and title before completing your transaction.
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