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To kickstart the wining and dining is. Today asks him for tips for the Singaporean traveller. While it is no Everest, scaling it and watching the sun illuminate the peaks at dawn does bring an extraordinary sense. Until Aug 4, department stores and boutiques around the country will slash prices on their merchandise as the French Summer Sales campaign, which started on June 27, hits its stride. As of this Sunday, it will also be a bikeable one as more than 10, bicycles will be available for rent at stations around the city.
The service will provide tourists and residents with an. The Colisseum in Rome is a world wonder. Chinese with Eng Subtitles R2t Tdy: These have been difficult to re-stock in the last years, but we manage to keep an assorted inventory around issues. With no real guidelines, these often bring good price on ebay, when compared to other Humor titles of the Period. Since none of these are in the Guide, i will provide a rough but usable price Guide, as below. The Economy still affects sales on many "ordinary" back issue comics. For example, most DC superhero comics of the 's are very slow, unless they are a Key issue, or minor-Key issues Origin, Last issues, Giants, top Artists, major Villian, new Directions etc.
Lack of space in the guide hinders some of these needed changes, to break out prices on Minor-Key issues, so that the market can be better reflected. Most 's DC 's still have some demand. We also sold a lot of copies of Batman 9. Man of Steel film has some potential, as it is directed Christopher Nolan of recent Batman Trilogy fame. Hopefully it will be done right one day in the future. Booster Gold appeared in TV's Smallville in season 10 and a potential TV series of his own, thus was hot for nearly a year, but has now cooled. The DC Kirby comics, are much scrcer that the Kirby Marvel comics, especially in High grade, thus the DC's are due for a price increase in the next few years.
Rumor has it that Darkseid will be the villian, thus Jimmy Olsen and Forever People 1,2, New Gods 1,2 are starting to heat up, after near a decade of being a sleepers. Other than the early Golden Age, Batman blows away Superman in sales. If Batman continues to dominate the market, perhaps Detective 27 price will one day overtake Action 1 in value, in spite of the impotance of the latter. Batman , are Blazing Hot in all grades, with current Guide prices at below Wholesale.
The Monster from Planet X! The Captain America movie 2: Lack of space in the guide hinders some of these needed changes, so that the market can be better reflected. Early issue and KEY issues remain in Constand demand in all grades; The higher priced SA Marvels, have slowed in demand compared to the affordable Bronze Age issues; Examples include; Avengers are mostly slow sellers, while are all good sellers; Captain America are slower, while , are all good sellers; Daredevil are slower, while , are good sellers.
Fantastic Four are slower while are good sellers; Incredible Hulk and Iron Man are exceceptions with most issue Good sellers;. Journey into Mystery are slower, with always in demand; Strange Tales , are slower, while , are good sellers;. Tales of Suspense are slower, while are Good sellers; Tales to Astonish are slower, while 27, are good sellers; Thor are slower, while , are good sellers; X-Men , are slower, while , , are good sellers;. I actually search out to re-stock Sold-Out issues of Comics other Dealers on carry only if they walk in the door. This once again was the area that we brought in the most Sales this year.
It has in fact persuaded many uninformed collectors that VF copies are in fact NM copies. Many Collector's view the prices in Overstreet as set in stone, they will not pay more, but are still happy when they get items for less. Many do not fully understand that it is a price GUIDE, and is more an average of the approx Retail price you should expect to have to pay to a professional Dealer. There is nothing wrong with buying Discounted Comics as long as you are careful , but these type sales should NOT be used to Judge current values of Collectible comics. Many are shocked to hear offers like 25, 10 or even 5 cents each for their common newer comics.
He thanked me for explaining, but soon after there were still more similar sellers. We always do well with Charlton, as most other Comic Dealers do not bother with them, eventually sells eventually, with no really dead titles. DC War Comics have never been more collected, with most 's issues in very low supply in any grade.
Better artist issues of the era are the most requested. With Variant Collectors interest, i sold most of my remaining copies at US guide prices with no premiums. We have over 35, in stock World's biggest selection thus these are always considtant Good Solid Sellers. This narrow view is actually quite widespread, and Marvel comics are so much hoarded, that they have inevitably become the most Common comics on the marketplace, for the given time period.
Not with magic, but by seeking only the highest graded copies! When everyone wants high grade, prices keep increasing like a Juggernaut, thus the current state of the Market. Thus the comic collecting hobby is here to stay for the long haul. Feature , M. Preview , Marvel Spotlight , M. Middle grade copies are the slower sellers. The Worldwide Recession continues and has affected sales on many back issues. Since the 's, downturns in the economy have not much affected sales of back issue collectible comics.
For the first time in nearly a decade, our percentage of high grade copies Sales has started to decline. Investors no longer will pay high for just anything in high grade, they want popular titles especially Marvel , older comics especially pre and key issues. Low Grade reading copies of uncommon Pre was the only area where sales were up this year. Thus many of the guide prices are now wholesale. We have continued our Clearance Sales, by making up Overstock sets in groups of approx. It needs to be noted, that eBay Auctions are often not a good indicator of Value.
A forced sale in a short period of time typically 7 days often causes skewed results. When I buy a collection, the percentage of retail I pay is based on the amount of time is based on estimated turnover time at full retail prices, broken down into 4 broad catagories; 1 Percentage that will sell in under 90 days; 2 Sell in Months; 3 Years; 4 Years, possible never sell; I virtually never discount items in Category I am most likely to discount items in Catagory When an eBay seller puts items in categories up for auction, there could easily be no ready buyers that week, thus bad results.
Ebay stores with fixed Buy-it-Now prices are a much better indicator of current Values although this still does not account for varied good to bad condition grading. Key issue buyers typically wanted higher grades, but for most even VF copies can be hard to find. Since that time she has been one of the most wanted characters by completionist fans. Pre-Pussycats Josie were up in demand, as were the 's appearances in Laugh and Per to? Early appearance of Little Sabrina appearing in Little Archie were selling decent, but later issues were slower titles.
Are the comics of choice by the General public, as those are the ones they remember on the newsstands.
NewspaperSG - TODAY, 12 July
All Golden Age Archie comics are top sellers in any grade. The 70 th Anniversary of the Archie Gang approaches, making them among the most enduring comic characters of all time, members of an elite club, as only a handful of characters have attained uninterrupted newsstand distribution for 7 decades. Most of the others are DC characters. The ID's independent Distributor's did not want to give them shelf space, they had above average returns. For the last decade, we have had constant demand, especially from Collectors who want a completionists who want the full set of all Comics produced from this publisher.
Bigger demand for the Vintage issues, should continue as long as the new product continues to be released. If you have not yet sampled these back issues, now is a great time to give them a try. As a friend of Richard Comely for 35 Years, you can be sure I will stock all these Limited editions, if he ever gets around to publishing them. DC Comics continue to be the 2 bestselling back issue publisher after Marvel , but many are gaining in popularity with Back-Issue collectors. In this spirit, I have prepared the list to follow, of the fastest selling DC Comics at full guide or higher prices.
Many of the Cartoon characters are so strong they have better worldwide r ecognition than almost all modern cartoon creations. But the upside is that almost all are still affordable in G-FN, and most sets can be completed easier than perhaps any other publisher of the period. This adds to the desire to assemble complete sets. The majority of Dell sets have between 5 to 50 comics, certainly attainable goals. The same Price to Condition spreads for Dell are far apart for Low Grades vs High Grades, while this does not reflect real sales in the marketplace.
We do our best to keep everything they published in stock at all times, including scores of Elusive to Scarce Cartoon titles. In addition we are more than happy to help the constant flow of buyers than just want affordable reading copies. Because the price Spreads for Condition are much less extreme than with Dell, VF or better copies are decent sellers. All the uncommon to scarce issues tend to be sold out in virtually all dealer inventories worldwise. Sold at these; Rates; 9. Many fans always assumed the One-Shot Fruitman 1 was the only appearance. He also appears in Bunny 6,8,9, 10,12, , The Marvel Comic continue to be the bestselling back issue publisher.
Bronze Age comics were hands down the bestsellers especially , followed by early issues in any Grades. In this spirit, I have prepared the list to follow, of the fastest selling Marvels at full guide or higher prices. Feature ,11,12, M. Feature 1, Marvel Novel paperback series , Marvelmania mag , M. Super Action mag 1, M. Many of the newly uncovered Variants are not yet well known enough to have gained any premium values. These are still been sold at discounted prices by UK dealers. Currently only the cheaper 's issues are bringing a small premium price in the USA. Walt Disney Comics have been very popular worldwide for at least 60 Years, especially the Cartoon titles.
Only a tiny portion of these European originals have seen print in the USA. I have always been puzzled why the comics are not that popular among Comic Collectors. Barks has always been my 1 favorite. This was a better than usual year for sales of Walt Disney Comics. Even the reprint in WD Showcase 53 is hard to keep in stock. The 's Gold Key titles were in higher demand than the often more common 's Dell titles.
Unfortunately these are not listed in Overstreet so they fall off the Radar of Comic Collectors. Due to this small output, they consistently have the faster turnover of all Horror Mag publishers. This all has stalled the market a while, but virtually all the Scarcer issues have already been absored into the Marketplace. But a lot more Variant Collectors are seeking to complete their favorite Titles, or Genres. American comics are valued worldwide in USA Funds, but because the US Dollar was devalued this year, their buying power value as an investment in the worldwide market has fallen same.
This year many saw their lifetime investments take large decreases in value, while Comics at least held steady in the US Dollars market value. I have seen virtually zero change in the buying habits of the Zillions of collectors that mainly buy G, VG and FN graded comics. If i single out the Trend of the year for us, it would be that customers are seeking out anything that is hard to find, with condition being the less important factor.
We have in stock literally 's of Comics, Books, Magazines, Records, Movies, Posters, that no other Dealer on the internet has in stock. Most of these items are not of high value, but are very often extremely elusive, so we get daily requests from buyers who are very happy to have located their long lost treasures.
The face of Comics Collecting has had drastic chances every decade or so thru all those years. In those early days, condition was not much of a factor in collecting, with many dealers catalogues proclaiming "everything in GOOD or Better condition, unless otherwise stated". Until this time in collecting, finding the wanted comics was the only real concern.
Most fans still bought almost exclusively their favorite characters, with no regard to investment. Condition, price and investment potential were all lesser concerns. By the late 's the high grade Edgar Church Mile High comics hit the marketplace. Suddenly condition was becoming a very important factor. What most called NM in the late 's would grade about at about VF average today. Items that are scarce in ANY grade have always been good sellers for me, as i have always offered a huge selection of same. With the advent of CGC grading, for many collectors, condition became the most important factor in their buying habits.
The Marriage of Archie Veronica, was the new events of the year for this publisher, but lost some steam once he then married Betty. They will still be in high demand as back issues for years to come, as Archie does not have a lot of Key issues.
Archie Digests are sold in more Locations than perhaps any other type of new comics, as they target sales to the General Public, in places such as supermarket check out stands. It is suprising that the Marriage event took place in the standard size Archie Comics series I also sell a large volume to the fans who just want Low Grade complete affordable copies. I sell a better percentage of my total inventory of this publisher each year, than virtually anything else. Collectors need to do a lot of hunting to fill in the sets, luckily for them it happens to be one of our specialties.
Beginning with issue 4, Dan DeCarlo started changing the Look of the characters, a look that would last for over 50 Years, making this one of the most overlooked major KEY issues in Comics history, still with zero premium value in guide, just try to find one in ANY grade. All Archies from are stong Steady sellers, in Low Suppy, with many collectors attempting to complete all their runs, these are difficult to Restock once sold. The Bronze Age issues from are typically considered the most plentiful of the Archie Comics, but actually it was mainly the issues.
Thru most of the 's, there were very few notable changes for the Archie Gang characters, i suppose they chose to ride on their Laurels, thus these tend to be a bit slower than other eras. The issues are in Much Lower Supply. The comics have always the items that appealed to collectors, but also supplied new material that could one day be reprinted in the popular digests. The hot 's Marvel Horror reprints continue to fuel demand for these, as collectors seek specific reprinted stories in their original incarnation. Finally of note, there is an eternal appeal to sample Pre-Code Horror issues.
This is by far Canada's most famous title. If you like oddball comics, this is the ultimate publisher to collect. They had more Genre's than any other publisher, quality varied Crude to Superior. Distribution was poor, most comic shops did not bother to carry them, and the print runs range from moderate to low.
Under only minor editorial control, many creators thrived under this publisher. One Fan recently said to us "if people talk about horror comics and fail to mention Tom Sutton, well then they are not really talking about horror comics at all". These are by far the most sought in High Grades. Only Low Quantities have so far been graded by CGC, considering the highly collectible status of these titles. The Jonah Hex digests have been up in demand, sice the announced Movie coming. I usually sell about of these in a year.
We got in a nice batch of 9. Many collectors have not yet tried to complete their 's Series', assuming they will be easy to pick up any time they want them. But take note, that dealer inventories have shrunken greatly on a lot of these titles, because guide value remain so low. As they are low value, most sellers have not got the extra mile to preserve High Grade copies. I have sold a good quantity of High grade copies to Speculators who can only see the upside on these.
But almost everything from the more affordable Bronze Age thru to the Crisis era was selling consitantly well. Green Lantern are hot sellers, with 76 continuing to set record prices in VF or better. Many fans consider it to be the best western comic series of all-time, and All-Star Western 10 is already one of the most valuable of all Bronze Age comics.
Low grades appeal to Readers, who tend to buy in larger quantities. Medium grades appeal to collectors who want them, but have opted to go after affordable presentable examples. The early Haunted Tank issues in G. DC Horror are among our most requested titles in low Grade Reading copies. We had above average sales on G-FN copies this year, for many dozens of collectors looking to fill in their Sets. None of these comics carry the Comic Code, in a time period when all comics should have had them. Those who like old cheap books usually buy Reading Copies.
The Completionist generally prefer the Higher Graded copies. The Marvel Movies continue to fuel demand for these classic back issues. Although Marvel comics are typically the most plentiful, they also have had the highest demanded back issues for over 45 years, with no end in site. Many mistakenly think they are the only comics worth investing in. Dealer inventories are LOW on a lot of these titles, as guide values are still low. Strict High grade investment quality copies are a lot scarcer than you would think, as there are a lot less copies around to choose from.
Most of the maga. G-FN copies of Marvels sold about twice as fast as VF or Better copies, mainly be cause buyers were more cardful with spending in the current economy. The More affordable Marvels sold about equally well in Lower vs Higher grades. Even a slight spike in Demand, can cause a large rise in Back Issue prices asked. Meanwhile the scarce in High Grade comics, as well as the highest graded copies seem to be doing better, with some record prices still being set. National Lampoon has cried to be listed in the guide for years.
These classic mags are loaded with great material that is unknown or forgotten. With their Superb Roster of Artists, one would think many more would be slabbed.
- Miscellaneous.
- The Enduring Color Line in U.S. Athletics (Framing 21st Century Social Issues).
- Cohabiter pour vivre mieux (Essais et documents) (French Edition).
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The stiff cardboard covers on the specials make them Scarce in strict VF or better. I have specialized in carrying all Religious comics for over 25 years, have about the best selection around, thus consistantly sell many each year. The Barney Bear Series 9 diff is actually quite hard to put together;.
TODAY, 12 July 2007
The issues are all scarce to Rare, with over issues in this series one of the biggest titles in comics history , the set is nearly impossible to complete. Most buyers seem to try to Collect certain Storylines Tullas, H. With over issues in the series, Treasure Chest is also one of the biggest titles in comics history.
We have about in stock, so many fans come to us to fill holes in their sets. Most of what we sell are G-FN copies, with little demand for higher graded copies. Virtually none of the major comic Dealers carry these in their inventories, so collectors tend to hunt them down on ebay. Henn, Attack, Baby Talk, back from the dead? This area of the hobby continues to Fascinate collectors.
Endless items can be found at low prices, yet new finds can be high value in satisfaction. The Driving Force to this type of collecting, is the incredible fun of the hunt. Thsu variant collectors are only focused on seeking out Direct editions. But most have performed well once years old. I actually have a big selection of about Different, yet rarely seem to have the issues requested on want lists.
These tend to be our slowest selling variants, possibly as most are modern as opposed to older Vintages. Given another years, they should actually turn out to be a better long-term investment, especailly if you can buy them up at clearance sale prices. Batman , , , , all had at least 2 printings each, some with 6 or More Printings. In fact, high grade 9. These 3 titles are among our Highest Turnover Series out of all Back issue comics. Creepy has emerged as the bestselling title. Vampi was hampered slightly this year, as they are the most expensive of the main 3 comic Tiltes.
It is the Over the Top Shocking Gruesome colorful covers that are the biggest appeal in these. Stanley pub mags have a lot of Pre-Code horror reprints, thus added appeal. As these where sold mainly in Chain Stores direct to the general public, survival rate is low They are about Times scarcer than standard DC printings , and most are tough to find in even a strict VF or better.
See Jon McClure's Variant article ;. Even though I do well with the above mentioned High grade comics, what I have become the best know for among my Clients over the last 38 Years, is having the Biggest selection on the Planet of affordable Different Comics from the 's thru the Present. It is commonplace for us for example, to get 5 want lists in a row, all asking for the Lowest availiable graded complete Reading copies in stock.
Reading copies are so popular on some titles, that I sometimes only have FN and VF copies left in stock. When I list them on my site, many resell swiftly within a few weeks to months. Reading copies of all 's Titles were in High Demand, as many collectors were filling in gaps in their sets.
Issues from the 's seem to be the most plentiful years. But the Print Runs of the regular sized comics never got large again, as the Digests became their eternal bestsellers. I have found that restocking issues missing in our inventory from Achie's is much tougher than most issues of the era. I sometimes wonder what direction comics would have gone, if Joe Maneely had remained amomg Atlas' cheif artists. While most fans say that the 's Ditko art, just does not compare to his 50's classics, an amazing amount of fans now collect all these comics.
Non-Charlton fans have no idea of what they are talking about. I now have the world's biggest selection of Charlton's, with over 35, in stock. But, for those that take the time to look, it turns out to be one of the most facinating publishers of all-time. There is a lot of demand for all Hanna-Barbera issue 1's in VF or Better conditions, to key issue collectors.
There is a definite shortage of most issues of Classics illustrated in the marketplace, because 49 of the 61 of these issues had 5 or Less printings. Most people who collect classics have the long term goal of completeing the set. Yet the common editions of Low issues guide out at almost the same prices as the scarcer high numbers, thus there is a permanent marketplace shorage of most issues from Very Few have yet been graded by CGC. Luckily, most collectors are happy with average Middle Grade copies. With Dark Knight now entrenched as the 2 Box Office Hit of all-time, there is no doubt that he is one of the most recognized fictional character's in history.
Superman historically is recognized as DC's main character. This explains why Batman prices are so much higher. Yet, when compared to Spider-Man comics of the same vintage, Batman comics remain a bargain. Detective Adams-c; CGC 9. Flash has some great villians too, thus his popularity has risen above other characters such as Hawkman. Superman has some good Villians, but does not compare to Batman. Wonder Woman is the most important female superhero of all-time, with no close second. They needed to revitalize their Core Characters.
From about , Marvel was 1 in the Marketplace. For us, modern DC Back issues have been outselling modern Marvel back issues for over a decade. They sold well in all grades.
Larger print runs have kept most titles affordable, with most Series Relatively easy to complete given an adequate amount of searching, so they remain among the most collectible comics of all-time. Thus I was able to get many complete runs back in stock. Collectors should take advantage of the low prices on reading copies while they can.

When one compares equivalent prices to Marvel comics of the same Vintage, some of these books seem incredibly Low. When you factor in that most are Times Scarcer in High Grade, they seem even more attractive. All the titles above also sold extremely well in lower grades. As per usual, our biggest problem is trying to restock them once sold. Many of my efforts have been well rewarded, with a good number of orders for comics at a time from happy collectors.
Since my biggest selection of High Grade is in the Era, those are the books that flew out the Door in Large Numbers to Collectors. Most Marvel Superhero comics have have Graded 9. In addition, Misc Major Publishers exist in much smaller quantities in all grades, as compared to Marvel. Logic would seem to dictate, that the oddball comics should bring very high premiums, but the opposite is the case. There are probably Times as many buyers for Avengers 57 in 9.
Our turnover rate is Very High for 9. This has caused the Large price spread in the guide between G to NM-. Normally I have no problem getting the current guide prices on most of these comics, as G-FN comics are now real bargains in most cases. The great majority of Dealer inventories of these comics are typically G-FN condition copies. Demand in affordable grades is often bigger than supply.
It was strange to seem widespread price drops in Guide 38 for G-FN comics that actually needed significant price increases. Here is a quick random List of great selling back issues, that should have gone up in price, yet dropped in the Last Guide. Proper Condition Grading is still a big problem within our hobby. Now that Bronze Age prices are getting increasingly higher, it seems a sure thing to predict that Copper Age comics are due next for big price hikes in scarcer High Grades.