Wrapped in Armor
It has been made from a variety of materials, beginning with rudimentary leather protection [ citation needed ] and evolving through mail and metal plate into today's modern composites. For much of military history the manufacture of metal personal armour has dominated the technology and employment of armour. Armour drove the development of many important technologies of the Ancient World, including wood lamination , mining, metal refining , vehicle manufacture, leather processing, and later decorative metal working.
Its production was influential in the industrial revolution , and furthered commercial development of metallurgy and engineering. Armour was the single most influential factor in the development of firearms , which in turn revolutionised warfare. Significant factors in the development of armour include the economic and technological necessities of its production. For instance, plate armour first appeared in Medieval Europe when water-powered trip hammers made the formation of plates faster and cheaper. Also, modern militaries usually do not equip their forces with the best armour available because it would be prohibitively expensive.
At times the development of armour has paralleled the development of increasingly effective weaponry on the battlefield, with armourers seeking to create better protection without sacrificing mobility. Well-known armour types in European history include the lorica hamata , lorica squamata , and the lorica segmentata of the Roman legions , the mail hauberk of the early medieval age, and the full steel plate harness worn by later medieval and renaissance knights , and breast and back plates worn by heavy cavalry in several European countries until the first year of World War I — The samurai warriors of feudal Japan utilised many types of armour for hundreds of years up to the 19th century.
Cuirasses and helmets were manufactured in Japan as early as the 4th century. Japanese lamellar armour keiko passed through Korea and reached Japan around the 5th century. Armour did not always cover all of the body; sometimes no more than a helmet and leg plates were worn. The rest of the body was generally protected by means of a large shield. Examples of armies equipping their troops in this fashion were the Aztecs 13th to 15th century CE.
In East Asia many types of armour were commonly used at different times by various cultures, including scale armour , lamellar armour , laminar armour , plated mail , mail , plate armour and brigandine. Around the dynastic Tang, Song, and early Ming Period, cuirasses and plates mingguangjia were also used, with more elaborate versions for officers in war.
The Chinese, during that time used partial plates for "important" body parts instead of covering their whole body since too much plate armour hinders their martial arts movement. The other body parts were covered in cloth, leather, lamellar, or Mountain pattern. In pre-Qin dynasty times, leather armour was made out of various animals, with more exotic ones such as the rhinoceros. Mail , sometimes called "chainmail", made of interlocking iron rings is believed to have first appeared some time after BC.
Its invention is credited to the Celts ; the Romans are thought to have adopted their design. Gradually, small additional plates or discs of iron were added to the mail to protect vulnerable areas. Hardened leather and splinted construction were used for arm and leg pieces. The coat of plates was developed, an armour made of large plates sewn inside a textile or leather coat. Early plate in Italy, and elsewhere in the 13th—15th century, were made of iron. Iron armour could be carburised or case hardened to give a surface of harder steel.
Mail continued to be used to protect those joints which could not be adequately protected by plate, such as the armpit, crook of the elbow and groin. Another advantage of plate was that a lance rest could be fitted to the breast plate. The small skull cap evolved into a bigger true helmet, the bascinet , as it was lengthened downward to protect the back of the neck and the sides of the head.
Additionally, several new forms of fully enclosed helmets were introduced in the late 14th century. Probably the most recognised style of armour in the world became the plate armour associated with the knights of the European Late Middle Ages , but continuing to the early 17th century Age of Enlightenment in all European countries.
By about the full harness of plate armour had been developed in armouries of Lombardy. In the early 15th century, advances in weaponry allowed infantry to defeat armoured knights on the battlefield. The quality of the metal used in armour deteriorated as armies became bigger and armour was made thicker, necessitating breeding of larger cavalry horses. In the early years of low velocity firearms, full suits of armour, or breast plates actually stopped bullets fired from a modest distance. Crossbow bolts, if still used, would seldom penetrate good plate, nor would any bullet unless fired from close range.
In effect, rather than making plate armour obsolete, the use of firearms stimulated the development of plate armour into its later stages. For most of that period, it allowed horsemen to fight while being the targets of defending arquebuseers without being easily killed. Full suits of armour were actually worn by generals and princely commanders right up to the second decade of the 18th century.
It was the only way they could be mounted and survey the overall battlefield with safety from distant musket fire. The horse was afforded protection from lances and infantry weapons by steel plate barding. This gave the horse protection and enhanced the visual impression of a mounted knight. Late in the era, elaborate barding was used in parade armour.
Gradually, starting in the midth century, one plate element after another was discarded to save weight for foot soldiers. Back and breast plates continued to be used throughout the entire period of the 18th century and through Napoleonic times, in many European heavy cavalry units, until the early 20th century. From their introduction, muskets could pierce plate armour, so cavalry had to be far more mindful of the fire.
In Japan armour continued to be used until the end of the samurai era, with the last major fighting in which armour was used happening in Though the age of the knight was over, armour continued to be used in many capacities. Soldiers in the American Civil War bought iron and steel vests from peddlers both sides had considered but rejected body armour for standard issue.
The effectiveness of the vests varied widely—some successfully deflected bullets and saved lives, but others were poorly made and resulted in tragedy for the soldiers. In any case the vests were abandoned by many soldiers due to their weight on long marches as well as the stigma they got for being cowards from their fellow troops.

By that period, the shiny armour plate was covered in dark paint and a canvas wrap covered their elaborate Napoleonic style helmets. Their armour was meant to protect only against sabres and light lances. The cavalry had to beware of high velocity rifles and machine guns , unlike the foot soldiers, who at least had a trench to protect them. Today, ballistic vests , also known as flak jackets , made of ballistic cloth e. I in the chest, sides and back of the armour.
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Each plate is rated to stop a range of ammunition including 3 hits from a 7. Early Korean armour of Gaya, its nickname as the kingdom of Steel. Iron helmet and cuirass. National Museum of Korea.
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The first modern production technology for armour plating was used by navies in the construction of the Ironclad warship , reaching its pinnacle of development with the battleship. The first tanks were produced during World War I. Aerial armour has been used to protect pilots and aircraft systems since the First World War.
In modern ground forces' usage, the meaning of armour has expanded to include the role of troops in combat. After the evolution of armoured warfare , mechanised infantry were mounted in armoured fighting vehicles and replaced light infantry in many situations. In modern armoured warfare, armoured units equipped with tanks and infantry fighting vehicles serve the historic role of both the battle cavalry , light cavalry and dragoons , and belong to the armoured branch. The first ironclad battleship, with iron armour over a wooden hull, La Gloire , was launched by the French Navy in [15] prompting the British Royal Navy to build a counter.
The following year they launched HMS Warrior , which was twice the size and had iron armour over an iron hull. After the first battle between two ironclads took place in during the American Civil War , it became clear that the ironclad had replaced the unarmoured line-of-battle ship as the most powerful warship afloat. Not your ordinary sex, drugs and rock 'n roll story. Mystery, suspense and a hot as hell rocker.
Brody tries to do the right thing but he and his loved ones pay the price. Emotions run high and just as they think one issue has been dealt with, they are hit with another devastating blow time and time again. Can love really keep them strong or will they hit a wall of armor that they've each built up around them, that no one can break down. MJ Fields has once again delivered an amazing book that pa Not your ordinary sex, drugs and rock 'n roll story.
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MJ Fields has once again delivered an amazing book that paints a story with characters that you can easily fall in love with, identify with and cherish. Apr 29, Primrose rated it really liked it. I was sucked in from the last book leading into this one. I couldn't put it down and I was very excited to see more growth from Emma and Brody. We get a real look into why Brody is the way he is and see how strong Emma is.
I was secretly hoping that she would be pregnant with all her mood swings and crying but I'm sure that would make Brody crazier than he comes off to be in the book.
Wrapped In Armor Signed Paperback
It's written well and I'll be sad but happy to see their story come to an end. Jun 24, Tammy Tracy rated it it was amazing. Another excellent series- the second book takes us to a very dark side of Brody Hines. He went to London to find someone and ended up being held hostaged and drugged for 8 months. Emma never gave up hope that he was alive and would come back to her. She leaned on her ex-husband and family for support even when she knew they did not believe he was alive. When Brody comes home he is very different. There is a lot to take in and think about in this book and I couldn't wait to start the third.
Nov 09, Michelle rated it it was amazing. Oh the suspense in this books is written beautifully! Your heart will ache, bleed and open open to these characters, even more than it did in the first book!!!! The love scenes were tastefully done, yet very HOT!!! I completely loved this book! And looking forward to the next book in the series!!!! Aug 12, Christine rated it it was amazing.
The story continues and it is amazing, Brody is protective loving and hot. He wants what's best for everyone. Emma is trying to do what is best for there family. Loved all the twists and turns in this story.
Wrapped In Armor Signed Paperback | MJ Fields Books
Could not put this book down. Read it in a day. Exceptional hot love story with twists. Mar 01, Courtney rated it it was amazing. I love Emma, Brody, and the family. MJ Fields is just completely brilliant! I love love this series. The mystery and suspense is just so intense that I found it almost impossible to put my Kindle down. And I love London. She is the most amazing little girl. Very sweet, beautiful, and intelligent. She's probably my favorite: Thank you MJ for this series!!
Dec 21, Sherry Miller rated it it was amazing Shelves: I have to admit I cried through out this entire book. It wasn't all sad though, some were happy tears. Again thank you MJ Fields you rock my reading world! Jun 19, Susan Marshall rated it it was amazing. I binged on MJ's book for a couple of weeks and then I had to stop. This series is so good I dont even know where to start. You'll read this one and then move not to the series with their teenage children. Mar 15, Jen rated it it was amazing.
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- Wrapped in Armor (Wrapped, #2) by M.J. Fields.
Just keeps getting better!!! This book was amazing! I can not wait to start book 3!!!! Mar 07, Annmarie rated it really liked it. I could not have stayed for all that, just being totally honest. Having said that, Brody is so lost but trying hard not to lose Emma.
Emma is a damn saint. That is the understatement of the decade. She is another Tessa. I have read all the series.
Wrapped in Armor
Aug 27, Jennifer Alaniz rated it it was amazing. OMG, I cried so many times it was crazy. The shit poor Brody went threw to get that bitch back to her family. Poor Emma no one believed her not even her parents. I think anyone who hasn't read these books needs to and quick. Oct 23, Malika Silva rated it really liked it. But the characters emotions are still all over the place A bit repetitive in some places Dec 04, Johnna Canter rated it really liked it. Good book, enjoyed reading it!! Jan 09, Cassandra rated it it was amazing.
What the hell Omg this book is just full of the feels.
Rip your heart out shredded and put back together just to leave wanting more! Jan 04, Jeana Andrews williams rated it it was amazing. Jul 30, Teresasloveosbooks rated it it was amazing Shelves: OMG I have never cried so much in a book in a long time this book deserves so much more than 5 StArs stars: Loved the story and all the characters phenomenal book. Crystal Hebert rated it it was amazing Nov 30, Melanie Ameloot rated it really liked it Nov 10, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.
She attributes her ability to write a realistic male character to the fact that she had a large amount of male influences in her life… that and the dirty joke books she would steal from her uncles or the farms hired help and run away laughing while they chased her yelling obscenities trying to get her to re USA Today Bestselling author MJ FIELDS grew up on a farm surrounded by her extended family.
She attributes her ability to write a realistic male character to the fact that she had a large amount of male influences in her life… that and the dirty joke books she would steal from her uncles or the farms hired help and run away laughing while they chased her yelling obscenities trying to get her to return the books before her God fearing mother found out and spanked her butt with a flyswatter. Could this be why she loves tattoos? Her love of writing was in full swing by age eight.
Weekends she could be found spending time with her family or hanging out with more males than females, in the fields with tailgates down and a bonfire burning while music played loudly in the background. Today she has completed several self-published series. She is currently working on revisiting the Steel family: Bella Steel, Jase's daughter, which will be a series of chapters, released exclusively for MJ's newsletter fans. She also released two stand alone novels: Offensive Rebound, and The Original Sin, a book she wrote with five, yes five, other authors.