White Indians
Turn not from the thirsty when you have water. I have followed this Legend across two continents. Did you know it was from our people that He accepted the wide waist wrap: I have seen the Hand Kabul, and about that I shall not comment. I have a strange veneration for the Prophet, and I do not wish to talk about Him.
But I will tell you this: If you should ask them about the Thirteen Steps to the Fire, they will say that each is some god which they have forgotten, but behind their hands, the people are smiling, Only if like us, you live among them, and then join their worship, will you learn what the pyramid stands for.
Politics of White Indians (with 17 images at the end of text)
They have been chosen from the time of the Prophet by the 'Laying on of hands' one to the other, and each is chosen for his great soul-stature. It takes real soul-stature to reach the Fire. He presides at weddings, baptismals and burials. He blesses the animals in the springtime and the seeds for planting. In the fall he blesses the crops for the Thanksgiving ceremony. It is a religion of daily living, not words to be mouthed on Sunday and forgotten on Monday. Every step upward is an honor to be earned. Yet it is also possible to step down, and is much more easily done than to go up.
The lowest step is the fundamental Step of the entire religion, as taught by the Prophet. As you would be treated so treat your fellow.
You cannot follow this religion and the law of the jungle. If in your life you follow the law of the jungle, then walk away. Upon this foundation build your life and thought, your work and worship. No man or woman can hope to enter blessedness borne upon the backs of servants. The next seven steps of the pyramid are the Ten Commandments in identical order except that they are condensed.
The last three steps are not only secret, but they demand a soul so saintly that none but the finest may ever surmount them.
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- Politics of White Indians (with 17 images at the end of text)!
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- White Indians | Issue 16 | n+1.
As the Plumed Serpent said:. The work of this he may divide up among his pristhood. One of those chants was spoken by the people when the Healer was leaving the country. It is hauntingly like one I learned at my mother's knee in childhood. Bless these seeds, oh most holy, that we may make the earth more fruitful. Bless this corn, oh most powerful, and help us live up to thy instructions. She gets carried away. Let me say this, They pyramid symbolizes the spiritual life of the soul.
Anglo-Indian - Wikipedia
This religion leaves no loopholes for double- dealing or cheating to hide, be forgiven and continue a dozen times, Insincerity breaks the fundamental First Law. This is a living religion and one is daily reminded of the holy man who came here with His wealth of geographical knowledge, and His ability to speak perhaps a thousand languages, yet His warm humanity, His great lvoe and fineness of soul are reflected in these His people, so that He lives for you even in the Twentieth Century.
It is something like a miracle. Yes, our little heaven is a sort of lost Shangri-la, and we shall never disclose its location. There was a kind of finality in his voice, so I addressed my next question to her. She hesitated a moment and then with a few brief sentences painted the picture of that sad day of parting, while I marveled that such a vivid scene could come down through the centuries with all the freshness of a yesterday. He nudged her arm and she stopped, smiling at me apologetically.
However, I noticed that she pulled out a sheet of scratch paper, which later turned out to be a bill, and scribbled something on the back.
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This she pressed into my hand as we left, and to keep him from knowing, if it was important, I said laughingly: He Walked the Americas, Taylor Hansen, pp I add this to show that we have heard in the above stories that Mr. Marsh heard that there was indeed hidden active live Mayan cities in the early 's filled with people, in the early days of air flight, now we hear this story years later that confirms such cities exist and that they now hide the cities from view by air.
I find this interesting, not to mention this does follow many other stories on this site about a Pale Prophet who resembles by action, word, deed, teachings, Jesus Christ. As for the reader it is left up to them to choose to follow the facts, legends of many over many years, and archaeological evidences or the theories one grows up with. Eventually one must accept I would think the possibilities that there is much more to life and history on this Earth than most will ever know. For every answer we find more questions, thus is the process of learning, and sharing.
These last 3 photo's are more recent, discovered on Felipe Argote Blog. With a story about this topic. Posted by Stephen Huls at 8: Stephen Huls May 15, at 7: Nano December 5, at 2: Stephen Huls December 10, at Wellville June 9, at 9: Stephen Huls November 21, at 3: Anonymous August 8, at 7: Janis Hutchinson March 11, at 5: Retrieved 31 May White Indians of Darien.
New York, New York: Retrieved from " https: Julian—Gregorian uncertainty CS1 French-language sources fr Articles with topics of unclear notability from May All articles with topics of unclear notability All stub articles. Views Read Edit View history. This page was last edited on 17 November , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
Then two Indians who were bleached white by the sun, but of pure Indian blood, came out from the forest to greet the party. Rice described them as being undersized and undernourished. Humboldt saw about of them in Columbia in White Indians have been reported among the Mandan tribe along the banks of the Mississippi River, and in one of the first books ever published by a Native American woman, "To The American Indian; Reminiscences of a Yurok Woman" by Lucy Thompson , she devoted an entire chapter of her work titled: She describes the Wa-gas as moral and civilized, and says that they taught her people all of their arts and sciences, including the fish traps still in use in the 20th century, and says these Wa-gas were all over the continent.

These same early white indigenous tribes were also described by another native American woman named Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins in her book titled "Life Among The Piutes; Their Wrongs and Claims," who said that her tribe wiped out an entire tribe of reddish-haired people who lived along the Humboldt River, and this war lasted 3 years, finally trapping the last of them in a cave and burning them out with a large fire. Marsh, a civil engineer working for an American rubber company, was exploring the jungles in Panama south of the canal zone, and discovered an entire tribe of white Indians numbering around , who spoke a language with a proto Indo-European structure, built stepped-pyramids and even had a whistling language similar to the silbo used in the Canary Islands to this day.
Even the Book of the Hopi mentions the Pahana, described as the the Hopi's lost white brother, ubiquitous as legends of Quetzalcoatl, Kululcan, Viracocha and many other bearded, light-skinned inhabitants of ancient pre-Columbian America. Pedro Pizarro, a Spaniard who took part in the conquest of Peru in , left us with the following quote: These people say that the latter were the children of the heathen gods. Although most American aboriginals are descended from Asiatic migrants who came the northern way along the route from Siberia to Alaska, there was also a Caucasian-like element that flourished sporadically in certain centers of the Americas as an intellectually active and influential minority, then declined through intermixture and extermination.
As if the Guanches and all other white aboriginal cultures are "on probation" because of the transgressions of their European cousins.
The answer lies in the politically incorrect fact that the higher cultures in the Americas The European colonization of the Americas and Polynesia after was just a replay of a very similar colonization that occurred approximately to years ago, and while the Spanish used Christianity to spread their dominance, the ancient mariners from the Fertile Crescent likewise used their Solar Cosmology to conquer and subdue the indigenous American and Pacific island natives, for better or for worse.
Ultimately the higher cultures or empires on both sides of the Atlantic collapsed, and all that was left of the original populations of colonizers were many scattered tribes of white Indians who returned to a more primitive existence, frequently involved in conflicts resembling racial civil wars with other tribes. Thor Heyerdahl gives his perspective Racial friction and jealousy would overshadow the former feeling of respect, as aboriginal tribes rose in prosperity and cultural standing around an immigrant hierarchy.
As the years or centuries passed, the enlightened pupils would soon lose faith in the divinity of their alien masters, and uproar and unrest would urge the latter to withdraw, seeking safety and renewed veneration and power among less informed and more credulous subjects. Once departed, their teachings and benefits, and the blunders of their successors, would gradually restore their former position as the divine and benevolent culture-bearers of the past, their departure would be deeply regretted by the people and their church, and would form the basic element in their religion and historic memories.
The poor old Guanches never knew that just their very existence in the 15th Century, as indigenous Caucasians living in a Stone-Age Atlantic island setting for 90 generations would cause so much political controversy in the 21st century, that critics would doubt that such a people could have ever existed, let alone dwelt in caves, built stepped-pyramids, mummified their dead and held off the Spanish for close to years. Seems that the dominant media perception of the white man cast in the role as the technocratic colonizer and oppressor of innocent natives, is too well entrenched in the public's mind to be undone by such an aboriginal anomaly as these Caucasoid troggs being the innocent natives.
And the Indians label also sounds misplaced, like calling Tarzan an African. But true history often contains many surprises, and the evidence of this information is factual, regardless of how unorthodox it may sound to wikipedia-addicted critics in the computer age. Playing the race card to oppose this part of American history is a flimsy offensive tactic used by uneducated moderns who have exhausted all of their intellectual defense strategies. Their habitations in the 7 islands may have originally been an agricultural colony established by the Phoenicians or Sumerians, that ultimately revolted, or simply endured the centuries of their overlords, until those ships came no more.
As an archetype or paradigm their survival, culture, wisdom and very existence awakens an ancient memory of some primal Western spirit, and in the future, philosophers and teachers will find a very unique political and spiritual model in the history of these last Stone-Age Indo-European Indios. The so-called white man of modern times A barefoot Guanche, content with a full basket of figs, a comfortable cave for his family and another sunny day in bucolic Nivaria.
And therein lies the meaning and lesson of this remote corner of one lost migration from the white man's distant past. An archetypal Cro-Magnon tribe in touch with their natural spiritual roots. The white man not only makes a good technophile This odd map shows how the world may have looked to Christopher Columbus and other medieval mariners in , the year of his first trip to America.
He believed that the Canary Islands were the beginning of the "Indies", and even after his ships landed in the Bahamas on Guanahani, Columbus never realized that he had reached a new continent. Returning from this first voyage, news of his discovery had already arrived in his native Italy where a poem from that year ended with the words "Finta la storia della inventione delle nouve isole di Canaria indiane" Indigenous Atlantic island tribes like the Tainos, Awawaks, Guanches and Caribs were invaded, conquered and annihilated by the Spanish Shortly after Columbus landed in the New World he was describing the newly discovered islands in the western Atlantic The Bahamas as part of the Canary group, and in this book published on June 15th by his countryman Giuliano Dati, the author emphasizes their contiguity with the west and seems to place them closer to the fabled Canary islands than to China, which is where Columbus thought he was close to.
The natives everywhere on this voyage were called "Indios", or natives of the Indies. The book closes with the passage: Watercolor by Leonardo Torriani from , showing 2 Guanche Indians on Gran Canary involved in an athletic contest of throwing, dodging and catching darts and stones.
White Amazonian Indians
This painting proves that even nearly years after the conquest, there were still a few of the old Guanches left, and they looked just like the chroniclers had described them; large, blond, bearded and powerful. II, plate , who released this color reproduction of these pre-Columbian murals, and wrote in the caption that they 'depict a series of relating episodes concerning a fair-skinned people with flowing yellow hair, defeated in battle and subsequently sacrificed by conventionally equipped black-skinned warriors.
Further, Morris, Charlot and Morris note: