The Whisperers (Solstitium Book 1)
Threaten idely, said you? Nay, sure, He performe as much as hee that went about to make the dyuing boate twixt Douer and Callis, and as lightning and thunder neuer lightly goe asunder, so in my stile will I temper them both G I'' togither, mixing thunder with ligh- tning, and lightning with 30 thunder, that is, in dreadful! Then, good gentle Frend, if you will let 's haue halfe a dozen spare-ribs of his rethorique, with tart sauce of taunts correspondent, a mightie chyne of hismagnificentest elocution, and a whole surloyne of his substantiallest 5 sentences and similes.
And shall; I am for you; lie serue you of the best, you may assure your selfe: It sounds like the ten-fold ecchoing rebound of a 15 dubble Cannon in the aire, and is able to spoyle anie little mouth that offers to pronounce it Resp: There is such a Booke 30 of Harueys meaning this his last Booke against mee , as I am a Souldiour and a Gentleman, I protest, I neuer met with the like contriued pile of pure English. Hem, cleare your throates, and 35 spit soundly ; for now the pageant begins, and the stuffe by whole Cart-loads comes in. Marke, marke, a sentence, a sentence.
Theres two ; keepe tally. Philosophic a broker t Consili: I, marry, now it workes.
Free Online Download The Whisperers Solstitium Book 1 Pdf Fb2 By D Louis Jones
I bely him not a word ; lust as it is there, in his owne text it comes together. Stay that same Areopoge,hee is a forre aier newe comeouer: Away, away, I cannot be perswaded hee wold euer come forth with anie one of these balductum bastardly termes. It shall not need ; I beleeue thee, since thou standst in it so seriously: Content your selfe, I will ncuer do it: I warrant thee I, thou hast figur'd him well enough as it is; and if thou hadst tooken the paynes of quotations or figures, as he would haue thee, I doubt whether there be anie would euer haue bestowed so much G 4 5 paines to conferre or examine them.
On, forward, good Piers Respondent, with your Oration, for I am hungrie vpon it ; and with this I haue heard alreadie my appetite is nothing stancht, but rather whetted. Beare witnes, my masters, if hee dye of a surfet, I cannot doo withall ; it is his owne seeking, not mine: What a supematurall Nibble de beane it is, to call his brother a dead honnie-bee! I laughd at nothing so much as that word Arch- s patrons. Goe thy wayes, thought I ; thou art a Ciuilian, and maist well fetch metaphors from the Arches, but thou shalt neuer fish anie monie from thence whilest thou liu'st Carn: Troth, I would hee might for mee that's all the harme I wish him , for then we neede neuer wish lo the Playes at Powles vp againe, but if we were wearie with walking, and loth to goe too farre to seeke sport, into the Arches we might step, and heare him plead ; which would bee a merrier Comedie than euer was old Mother Bontby.
As, for an instance: O, we should haue H I the Pro- ctors and Registers as busie with their Table- 30 books as might bee, to gather phrases, and all the boyes in the Towne would be his clients to follow him.
Yoa make too long gloses on the text, attend how it foHowes. Verie true, for it is a good medicine for the itch. Oration, emd spite as close a secretarie as a scummer, Camead: Secretarie Spite and Secretarie Scummer, giue me your hands, I beseech you: O braue man, will you buy a braue dog? I crie you mercie, I alwaies tooke them for the two Brothers. What a diuell ayles he to rayle so vppon a poore painfull diuell, that dooes for him all he can? Whist, silence on euerie hand; for here is the very 5. Georges robes of rhetorique, a speach that as I haue tooke vp by the lumpe, as it lies in his Booke.
What the deification of H. What the glorifi- cation of Ket? What the sanctification 30 of Browne? What the communitie of Barrow? What the pUmsiiUitie of Martin? I beseech jou, what Q, CM, Gro. What a piteous noyse, like a spirit in a wal, doth he here make with his Nullities? I should sure run out of my wits, if one should come to my chamber doore at midnight, with nothing but such a dismall note of A Nullitie, a NuUitie. That's the cause wee haue so manie bad work-men now a daies: It cannot choose but he lou'd ale well, then.
Oration, and present examples we haue, as hot as fresh, that he that hath time hath life. In good time be it spoken. A good admonition to Musitions to keepe time with their instruments, if they be desirous to line long. Duke Allocer on his lustie cock-horse is a hot familiar, Carnead: Let him but Hue in London halfe a yeare, and 3o there be them that wil take him downe and coole him, were he twice as hot.
Oration, and no such Arte memoratiue as the crab-tree deske: Hath adamant such sharpe clawes? Harke, harke, how hee praiseth Sir Philip 10 Sidney. The Esquire of industrie? O scabbed scald 15 squire [Scythian Gabrielt as thou art, so vnder-foot to commend the cleerest myrrour of true Nobilitie. What a mischiefe does he taking anie mans name in his vlcerous mouth? Although I could tickle him with a contrarie pre- sident, where he casts Tuscanisme, as a horrible crime, in a ro Noble-mans teeth. Bodie of mee, this is worse than all the rest, he sets foorth Sir Philip Sidney in the verie style of a Diers Signe.
As if hee should haue said: More Copie, more Copie ; we leese a great deale of time for want of Text. Apace, out with it ; and let vs nere stand pausing or looking about, since we are thus far onward. I smell him, I smell him: I, but not onely no ordinarie Cat, but a Muske- cat, and not onely a Muske-cat, but a Muske-cat with 5 gracious fauour which sounds like a Princes stile Dei gratia: Madame Muske, if you be a curtezan as the Doctour informes vs , sure you haue drest a number of my fnends sweetly, haue you not?
Stay, let me looke vpon it: A speach or sudden exclamation, which, after hee had been in a deadly 30 sound for sixe or seauen houres, vppon what fear-procured sicknes I leaue you to imagine, was the first words vpon his reuiuing he vttered. Therefore our Doctor verie well heere towards the latter end of his Oration comes in with a cooling card.
Onely this word God-full 15 goes with mee, if it be but to court a widdow in Christ or holy sister of ours with, that weares Thy spirit be with vs for the posie of her ring. But the arte of figges had euer a dappert wit, and a deft 30 conceit: Saint Fame is one of the notorious nicke-names he giues thee, as also vnder the arte of figges to cleaue him from the crowne to the waste with a quip he 35 shadowes Master Lilly: Pacific your conscience, and leaue your impre- cations ; wee will beare no coales, neuer feare you.
Fame ensaint and canonize him for the famousest Paliard and Senior Penaquila that hath breathed since the raigne of S. TVr, let all the droppings of my pen bee seazed vpon by the Queenes Takers for Tarre to dresse ships with. And so I recommend euery one, and them all, to your curtesies. Your mindfull debter, Gabriell Haruey.
Thou hast opprest vs with an Inundation of 9 him whom so Q. But yet, to giue him this one comfort at the parting, it had not been amisse that, whereas he stands in such feare of casting his sheeps eye out of his calues head, xo thou neuer meantst it, but if it were an oxes hee should still keepe it, and rather thou wouldst enlai ;e it than empayre it. I, make it vp a paire I sweare rather than he should bee vnprouided. Ho, Ball,ho; in the name of God, whether wilt thou? To Saffron-walden as fast as I can, though 5 I goe a little way about Import: Vnfortunate GaMell, I am sorry for him, for he hath been a man of good parts.
In Speach with his eight Parts. But without further speach, that you may throghly be resolu'd what those good parts are you enable the Doctor for, here haue 15 I set downe his whole life from his infancie to this present 96, eug as they vse in the beginning of a Bodk to set I a down the life of anie memorable ancient Author. Dispense with it though it drink some inck, or prodigally dispend manie Pages that might haue been better employd ; for if ao it yeeld you not sport for your money, at the same price shall you buye mee for your bond-slaue, that my Booke costs you. Giue me leaue before thou readst any further.
I would not wish thee so to vpbraid him with his birth, which if he could remedie it were another matter ; but it is his Fortune, and Natures, Cr neither his fathers fault nor his. Demosthenes was the sonne of a Cutler, Socrates of a Midwife ; which detracted neyther from the ones eloquence, nor the others wisedome: Onely hee tells a foolish twittle twattle boasting tale, amidst his impudent brazen- faced defamation of Doctor Perne, of the Funerall of his kinsman, Sir Thonuis Smithy which word kinsman 1 5 wonderd he causd not to be set in great capitall letters, and how in those Obsequies he was a chiefs Mourner.
As for example; If it be any mans fortune to hang himselfe and abridg his naturall life, it is likewise natural to him or allotted him by Nature to haue no better fortune. Better or worse fortune, I pry thee let vs heare how thou goest forward with describing the Doctor and his life and fortunes: Many '5 a copy-holder or magistrall scribe, that holds all his lining by setting school-boies copies, comes short of the like gift.
A good qualitie or qualification, I promise you truely, to keepe him out of the danger of the Statute gainst wilful! His father prophecyde by that his ventms manhood and valure, he would proue an other 5". Thomas a Becket for the Church. Deuinitie the Heauen of all Artes aj for a while drew his thoughts vnto it, but shortly after the world, the flesh, and the diuell with-drewe him from that, and needes he would be of a more Gentleman-like lustie cut ; whereupon hee fell to morrall Epistling and Poetrie.
Vltima linea rerumy his finall entrancing from the earth to the skies, was his key-colde K a defence of the Cleargie in the Tractate of Pap-hatcheU intermingled, like a small Fleete of Gallies, in the huge Armada against me. But Met him that hath the poyson of a thousand Gorgons or stinging Basiliskes full crammed in his inke-home, tamper with mee, or taxe mee in the way of contradiction neuer so little, and he shall finde if I finde him not a toad, worthie for nought but to be stampt vnder foote that w I will spit fire for fire, fight diudl fight dragon, as long as he will.
About 30 his lips, euen as about Dums ship, there flocked a swarme of waspes, as soone as euer he was laid in his cradle. Scarce nine yeres of age he attaind too, when, by engrossing al ballets that came to anie Market or Faire there-abouts, he aspired to bee as desperate a ballet-maker 35 as the best of them ; the first frutes of his Poetrie beeing a pittifull Dittie in lamentation of the death of a Fellow 31 cradle] Coll.
Afterward he exercised to write certaine graces in ryme dogrell, and verses vppon euerie Month, manie of which are yet extant in Primers and 5 Almanackes, His father, with the extreame ioy of his towardnesse, wept infinitely, and prophecide he was too forward witted to Hue long. His Schoole-master neuer heard him peirse or conster but he cryde out O acumen Carneadum!
O decus addiie diuis! I am sure you will bee glad to heare well of him, since hee is a youth of some hope and you haue been partly acquainted with 35 his bringing vp. The Letter oi Harueys Tutor to his Father, as touching his manners and behauior. I would our Gurmo Hidruntum were like-wiseK4 banisht with him ; for he can hotch-potch whole Decades vp of nothing, and talks idlely all his life time.
The spirit of foolery out of this Archibald Rupenrope he shall neuer be able to cast, were the Nectar of his eloquence a thousand times more superabundant incessant sourding. But a scoff e which longer dwelt with him than the rest, though it argued his: From the generall Discourse of his vertues let mee digresse, 35 and informe you of some few fragments of his vices ; as, like a Church and an ale-house, God and the diuell, they manie times dwell neere together. Well, I may say to you, it is a 10 difficult rare thing in these dayes to finde a true Frend.
But the probable reasons which driue me to cdiecture that it is a false Frend which deludes vs with these durtie astronomical! First, he hath been noted, in manie companies where hee hath been, very suspitiously to vndermine, whither any man knew such a fellow as Gabriell Frend, the Prognosticator, or no? Wheretoo, when they ao all aunswered with one voyce, not guiltie to the seeing, hearing, or vnderstanding of anie such Starry Noune Substantiue, vp starts me he like a proud school-master, when one of his Boyes hath made an Oration before a coimtrey Maior that hath pleasd and bites the lip, and as L 3 winkes and smiles priuily, and lookes pertly vpon it, as who should 3ay, cor Am quern queritis adsum: Quarters, or Writer in redde letters, as that supposed flower of Frend-ly curtesie, Gabriell Frend, the Prognosticator; but, to vse plaine dealing amongst frends, a frend of his it is he must coceale, 35 who thoght good to shroud himselfe vnder that title.
Now 5 ouertumings Coll,, Gro, 33 frend-ly ColL: By the ciuil law peraduenture you wil alleage he fetches it in: I will not deny but his mother may haue su'd in forma pauperis J but he neuer soilicited in form of papers in the Arches in his life. Dii fadant laudis summa sit ista suae. Shall I discharge my conscience, being no more than on my soule is most true? The Storie at large a leafe or two hence you shall heare. O etemall iest for Gods sake helpe me to laugh: Mars hys house, Venus house, or anie hot-house or baudy house of them all.
It is a 8 What a Coll. But the time was, when he would not haue giuen his head for the washing, and would haue tooke foule scome that the best of them all should haue out- faced him. There be the in Cambridge that had occasion to take note of it, for he stood noted or scoard for it in their 15 bookes manie a faire day after: The rotten mould of that worme-eaten relique if hee were well searcht he weares yet, meaning when he dies to hang it ouer his tombe for a monument: You wil imagine it a fable percase which I shall tell you, but it is x.
As good cheape as it was deliuerd to mee at the second 25 hand you haue it. A man in hjrs f case hath no other shift, or apparaile, which you will, but he must thus shift other-while for his lining, especially lining quiet as he dooth without anie Crosses in his purse subaudi and being free from all couetous incumbraunces: There did this our Talatamtana or Doctour Hum thrust himselfe into the thickest rankes of the Noblemen and 90 Gallants, and whatsoeuer they were arguing of, he would not misse to catch hold of, or strike in at the one end, and take the theame out of their mouths, or it should goe hard.
In fine, some Disputations there were, and he made an Oration before the Maids of Honour, and not before her Maiestie, as heretofore I misinformedly set M a down, beginning thus: Nux, mulier, asinus simili sunt lege ligata, 30 Hsec tria nill recti faciunt, si verbera desunt, A nut, a woman, and an asse are like. These three doo nothing right, except you strike. He would haue had the Maids of Honor tkriftely cudgeld belike, andlambeakt one after another.
They vnder stood it not so. The proces of that Oration was of the same woofe and thrid with the banning: For whilst yet his lips smoakt with the steame of her scortching breath, that partcht his beard like sun-burnt grasse in the Dog-dayes, he ran head- a forelockes Coll,, Gro, 6 Phmbus Q. The bungerliest vearses they were that euer were scande, beeing most of them bought and cut off by the knees out of Virgill and 10 other Authors.
I had foigot to obserue vnto you, out of 15 his first foure familiar Epistles, his ambicious stratagem to aspire, that whereas two great Pieres beeing at iarre, and their quarrell continued to bloudshed, he would needs, vn- cald and when it lay not in his way, steppe in on the one side, which indeede was the safer side as the foole is crafty ao inough to sleepe in a whole skin and hewe and slash widi his Hexameters; but hewd and slasht he had beene as small as chippings, if he had not playd ducke Fryer and hid himselfe eight weeks in that Noblemans house for whome with his pen hee thus bladed.
I leaue out halfe ; not the carrying vp of his gowne, his nice gate on his pantoffles, or the affected accent of his speach, but they personated. And if I 25 should reueale all, I thinke they borrowd his gowne to playe the Part in, the more to flout him. Let him denie this and not damne himsdfe for his life, if hee can.
Dick Haruey in a frensie. This lohn was hee that beeing entertaind in Justice Meades House as a Schoole-master stole away his daughter, and, to pacifie him, dedicated to him an Almanacke ; which daughter or Johns wife , since his death, Gabriel vnder pretence of taking out an Administration, 35 according as she in euery Court exclaimes hath gone about to drcumuent of al she hath: Fast and pray, luxurious Vicar, to keepe vnder thy vnruly members, and wrap thee in a Monkes Cowle, which they 15 N a say is good to mortifie ; or drinke of the water of iSaint lues, by lohn Bale out of Romish Authors produced to be good against the temptations of the petticoate ; or which exceedeth them both trie Master Candishes Roote hee brought out of the Indies, giu'n him by a venerable Hermit, so with this probatum est or vertue, that he which tasted it should neuer lust after ; by that token he could meet with none about Court or in London, that was content to be an Eunuch for the Kingdome of Heauen, or lou'd his pleasure so little as to venture vpon it.
And so lightly are all the trade of them, neuer foretokening or fore-telling anie thing till after it be come to passe: This is that Dick that comming to take one Smiths a yong Batchelour of Trinitie 10 CoUedge Questions, and they being such as he durst not venture on, cride Aquila nan capit muscas, an Eagle catcheth no flies; and so gaue them him againe: This is that Dick of whom Kit Marloe was wont to say that he was an asse, good for nothing but to preach of the Iron Age: For himselfe, hee verie religiously obseru'd it, neuer meeting anie Doctor or frend of his, but he would salute him or giue him the time of the day in it most heroically, euen as hee saluted a Phisition of speciall account in these tearmes, 15 Nere can I meet youy sir, but needs must I veile my banetto.
This verse hath more feet than a lawse. But to so Dictionarie a custome it was grown with him, that after supper if he chaunst to play at Cards, and had but one Queen of Harts light in his hand, he would extempore in that kinde of verse nmne vppon 30 mens hearts and womens hearts all the night long, as.
But let that rest, which would not let him rest: In plaine truth and in verity, some pleasures he did Wolfe in my knowledge. The ver- milion WrinckU de crinkledum hop'd belike that the Plague would proceed, that he might haue an occupation oi it. So did he by that Philistine Poem of Parthenophill and Par- tkenope, which to compare worse than it selfe, it would plague all the wits of France, Spaine, or Italy. And when 35 hee saw it would not sell, hee cald all the World asses a hundred times ouer, with the stampingest cursing and S verity] CoO.
I giue him his true dialect and right varnish of elocution, not varying one I tittle from the high straine of his harmonious phrase, wherein he puts downe Hermogenes with his Art of Rhetorique, and so farre out-strips ouer-tunged Beldam 15 Roome, or her super-delicate bastard daughter ceremo- nious dissembling ItcUy, as Europe puts down all the other parts of the World in populous societies and fertilenes.
A Gentleman, a frend of mine, that was no straunger to such bandyings as had past bewixt vs, was desirous to see how aohe lookt since my strappadoing and torturing him; in which spleene he went and enquird for him: For his stature, he is such another pretie lacke a Lent as lo boyes throw at in the streete, and lookes, in his blacke sute of veluet, like one of these leat droppes which diuers weare at their eares in stead of a iewell. Letters cdfuted, he could by no means endure the light, nor durst venter himself abroad in the open aire for many mdths after, for feare he should be fresh blasted by all mens scorne and derision.
My so instructions of him are so ouer-flowing and numberlesse that, except I abridge them, my Book will grow such P i" a bouncer that those which buy it must bee faine to hire a porter to carry it after them in a basket. Saint Christopher be their speed, and send them well backe againe ; but so prayes not our Dominico ts Ciuilian, for he had no such determination: So considered, and so done, at an Inne at 90 Islingtan hee alights, and there keepes him aloofe, London being too hot for him.
The contents of it were about the talking with his Lawier, and the eager proceeding of his Sister in law against him. I appeale to you quoth hee whether euer anie mans workes sold like mine. Some lofty tragicall Poet hdpe mee, that is dayly conuersant in the fierce encounters of Raw-head and bloody bones, and whose pen, like the 35 Plowes in Spayne that often stumble on golde vaines, still 35 Bloody-bones ColL: Hee fumde, he stampt, he buffeted himselfe about the face, beat his head against the walls, and was ready to byte the flesh off his armes if they had not hindred him: To Newgate, good Master Doctour, with a lowe legge they made answer.
I knowe not where I am. Into some 15 blinde comer you haue drawne me to be murdred: Murder, murder, he cryed out: No murder but an action of debt, sayd they, good Master Doctour. All this would not seme him, no more than Hackets counterfet madnesse woulde keepe him from the Gallowes, but vp he was had and shewed his lodging where 35 hee should lye by it, and willed to deliuer vp his wepon. That wmng him on the withers worse than all the rest. What, my armes, my defence, my weapon, my dagger?
Force him no forces, no such mechanicall dmdges should haue the honor of his artillery: How inuiolably hee kept it, I will not concede from you. Then thou hast done welly for it is it that I all this while looktfor. A Summarie or breife Analysis of such matters as are handled in the Doctors Booke. Mine eyes are partly accessarie vnto it. And so haue I testifide for them what they ao are, which will last time enough. What his Soldiourship is I cannot iudge, but Q: Two stept foorth and presented themselues as muskettiers before him, a third and fourth as targatiers behinde him, a fifth and sixt vowd to trie it out at the push of the pike before the malicious foe should inuade him.
But 35 6 Qy. Hee was wise, hee lotid no blowes: To bee an Intelligencer is to haue oathes at will, and thinke God nere regards them ; to frame his religion and alleageance to his Prince according to euerie companie he comes in. An ingratefuU slaue, that there Q 4 spendeth the bitterest of his venome, where hee hath 10 receiued most benefites ; a hang-man, that dispatcheth all that come vnder his hands ; a drunken serieant or sumner, that could not line if like the diuell hee did not from time to time enquire after the sinnes of the people ; a necessarie member in a State to bee vsde to cut off" vnnecessarie 15 members.
Tfu last of them is Chute, to whonu hee thus dilateth. But this I will say for him, though hee bee dead and rotten, and by his obsequies hath preuented the vengeaunce I meant to haue executed vpon him: His voiage vnder Don Anihanio was nothing so great credit 10 to him as a French Varlet of the chamber is ; nor did he follow Anthonio neither, but was a Captaines Boye that scomd writing and reading, and helpt him to set downe his accounts and score vp dead payes.
Olympics and sty aloft to the highest pitch, to stellifie him aboue the cloudes 35 and make him shine next to Mercury. If his Patrons bee such Peter Pingles and Moundragims, hee cannot chuse but bee sixtie times a more poore Slauonian arse-worme. Tender itchie brainde infants, they car'd not 5 what they did, so they might come in print: To this effect it is, 10 though the words somwhat varie. What, is he like a Tinker, that neuer to trauailes without his wench and his dogge? That Gentle- woman if she come vnder my fists I will make a gentle- woman, as Doctor Perne said of his mans wife.
Shall wee haue a Hare of him then t a nude one yeare, and a female another: Ladies hanged themselues for the toue of Mahomet, and that, like another Numa Pompilius, 35 he doth nothing without his Nymph Egeria, Imp: Call for a Beadle and hatu him away to Bridewell, for in euery sillable he commits letchery.
If she strip thee to thy shirt, if I were as thee, tt I wold strip her to her smocke. That were to put that fayr est body of Venus in Print indeede with a witnes, and then shee neuer need to haue her water cast in an vrinaUfor the greene sicknes. She may be Queene Didoes peere for honestie 30 for anie dealings I euer yet had with her; but anie Gentlewomans name put in his mouth, it is of more force to discredite it than Licophrons penne was to discredite Penelope, who, notwithstanding Homers praises of her, saith shee lay with all her wooers.
But wee shall lenuoy him, and tmmpe and poope him well enough if the winde come in that doore, and he will needes fall a Comedizing it Comedie vpon Comedie he shall haue, a Morall, a Historie, a Tragedie, or what hee will. Wilt thou haue nere a plucke at him for Danters scar-crow Presse, and so abusing thy Printer t Resp: In pudding time you haue spoken: Hee that dares most, let him trie it, as none will trie it that hath a care to line so S I by his trade, not a hundred of anie Impression of the Doctors bookes euer selling.
No more will I flatter him; hee may build vpon it. But my yong Master Barnabe the bright, and his kindnes before anie desert at all of mine towards him might plucke it on or prouoke it , I neither haue nor will bee vnmindfuU of. Miserum est fuisse fcelicenu It is a miserable 3a Sweete CoU. I say, ware 5rou breake not your shins in the third line on preambles and postambles ; and that it is not the Printers, but Harueys.
As also a third learned French Gentlemans verses. Were thqr weightie Treatises? I will haue a sound lift so at him anone, for all his Mathematical deuices of his owne inuention, wherewith hee hath acquainted Ma. Doctour Haruey, nothing so good as a knife with prickles in the haft, or these Boyes paper-dragons that they let fly with a pack- thrid in the fields.
His booke — Respond: Hand off, there is none but I will haue the vnclasping of that, because I can doo it nimblest It is deuided into foure parts; one against mee, the second against M. Lilly, the third against Martinists, the fourth 30 against D. Neither are these parts seuerally dis- tinguished in his order of handling, but, like a Dutch stewd-pot, iumbled altogether, and linsey-wolsey wouen one within another. You ly, you ly, Gabriell, I know what you are about to saye, but He shred you off three leaues at one blowe. One Apuleius by the name of Apuleius he endites to be an 15 engrosser of arts and inuentions, putting downe Plato, Hippocrates, Aristotle, and the Paragraphs of lustinian.
But soft you now, how is all this or anie part of this to bee prou'd? Hath he spoken, printed, written, contriuedy or imagined, or caused to bee spoken, written, printed, contriued, or imagined, anie thing against these? WALDEN and he be not able to refute it, He vndertake for him which is the most ignominious imposition he can tie himselfe to he shall giue thee his tung for a rag to wype thy taile with, and haue his right hand cut off for thy 5 Mother to hang out for an ale-house signe.
Vniuersities, Parliaments, general Councells oppugned? Or is it thus? This is the tydiest 30 Argument he can frame to make his matter good, though it foilowes no more than that a man should bee helde a traitor and accused to haue abusde the Queene and Counsaile and the whole State, for calling a fellowe knaue that hath read the Booke of Statutes, since by them all in as generall they were made. The Venus shee is that wouldwin it from them 35 all, if the controuersie were now afloate againe: My pen, he prodigally insulteth, 15 shee shall pumpe to as drie a spunge as anie is in Hosier Lane, and wring our braines like emptie purses.
Fasilia, the daughter of Pelagius, King of Spain, was torne inpeices by a Beare: Pepper is blacky Greene sleeues, Peggie Ramsey, he came sneaking behinde a tree and lookt on, and though hee was loth to be seene to countenance as T I"" the sport, hauing laid Gods word against it so dreadfully, yet, to shew his good-will to it in hart, hee sent her The victorioust Captaines and Warriours, the inuinciblest Csesars and Conquerours, the satyricallest confuters and Lutkers like whom the 5 Germanes affirme neuer anie in their tung writ so forcible in an Alphabet he trowles vp, and sayes I out-strip them all, I set them all too schoole.
Those more appropriate blowes ouer the thumbe are these. My praising of Aretine ; 90 did he before me, the verie words whereof I haue set 5 downe in my other Booke: My calling him a fawne-guest messenger betwixt M. Demetriusy why did he so familiarly write to him, M. Alphonsus, Cardan, Sir Th. Moore, Isocrates; looke the first ij6. He chargeth mee to haue derided and abused the most valorous MathematicaU Arts; let him shewe me 10 wherein, and I will answere: Is it a iest that his brother is arriu'd in heauen f he is in hell then belike, to Consil: The deepe cut out of my grammer Rules, Astra petit disertusy he hits me with.
I am sorry for it I slanderd him so, for he was neuer eloquent ; if he bee not aboue the starres, I would hee were. The Compo- sitor that set it swore to mee it came vnder his owne 15 hand to bee printed. Printed Bookes gathering all they haue; and would not haue furre to put in -their gownes, if it, or writing, were not But if hee meane that from writing to the Presse I scrape vp my exhibition, let him scrape it out for a lye; till the Impression of this Book, I hauing got nothing bys Printing these three yeres.
They worship the great Eele for a God, which I eate or disgest ; and the Dog tliey adore, I spume or driue out of dores. Likewise the Captain- ship of the boyes I tosse backe to him, he hauing a whole Band of them to write in his praise: Lud was a little boy, or SelinuSy Brennus brother, for the loue hee bare to oysters built Billinsgate ; ther- fore there is no more to be said to it, but if he could haue told how to haue made a better lye he would. Good Lord, how one thing brings on another ; had it not bin for his baudy sister, I should haue forgot to haue answerd for the baudie rymes he threapes vpon me.
Further be it knowen vnto you, that before this Ipraisde him after a sort in an 30 Epistle in Greenes Menaphon. But didst thou so f Respon: O, what do you meane to hinder my Proclama- tion? Philip Sidney f M. Your old Compositer, Henry Chettle. Yes, Greene he conuinces thee to haue abided, in that thy defence of him is a more biting commendation than his reproofe.
Those things which hee might haue related truely hee would not, and those which he would hee could not, for want of good intelligence. How he hath handled Greene and Marloe since their deaths, those that read his Bookes may iudge: Did I euer write of Conycatching? Nay, he himselfe hath purloyned something from mee, and mended his hand in confuting by 30 fifteen parts, by following my presidents. If you hit it right, it will go maruellous ao sweetly. Dilloy my Doctor deare, sing dilla, dilkiy dilla: Nashe hath spoyled thee cleare with his quiUay quillay guilla.
By our reconciliation he cannot excuse it, since the law-day was out, and the feude open againe by his breach of truce, and my defiance to him in an Epistle to the Reader in Christs tears. I haue bespoken a boy and a so napkin already to carry it in. More Postscripts and preambles: From Master Thorius I haue a Letter vnder his owne hand, which hee sent mee to be printed, vtterly disclaiming the wrong which the Doctour vnder his name 10 hath thrust out against mee. This is the counterpaine of it. To my very good friend, M. Indeed the Stanzaes are, though altred to your disgrace in some places.
But 35 if you consider how I was as much offended with the vniust vaineglorious Print as your selfe, wee shall both rest contented. Little did I think the booke should haue had so famous a Title, or so many Prefaces, or so many Letters and Preambles; amongst which some of mine, 30 blushing to looke vppon so conteptible a person they were directed too, could not but be exceedingly ashamed to bee presented to the eyes of a whole world. Beeing dead, I would not haue reuiu'd him, but that the Doctor whose Patron he was is aliue to answere for him.
I am sorie I haue no more roome to reason the matter with him ; for if I had, I did not doubt but to make him a fugitiue out of England as well as he is out of his owne Countrey: My clue is spun, the Tearme is at an end, wherefore here I wil end and make Vacation: He brings in his coffin to speake: The whole Quire thankes you hartily.
With a blacke sant he meanes shortly to bee at his chamber window for calling him the Fiddle- 5 sticke of Oxford. In that he twatleth, it had bin better to heme confuted Martin by Reuerend Cooper than such leuitie; tell mee why was hee not then confuted by Reuerend Cooper, or made to hold his peace, till Master Lillie and some others with their pens drew vpon him?
I haue a laughing hickocke to heare 15 him saye, hee was once suspected for Martin, when there is nere a Pursiuant in England, in the pulling on his boots, X 3 euer thought of him or imputed to him so much wit. The bangingest thinges which I can picke out, wherein he hath festered Martin or defended Bishops, are these: For a jo polished stile few goe beyond Cartwright; his ray ling at mee for speaking against Beza, the grand Champion against Bishops; his malicious defamation of Doctour Perne ; where, after hee hath polluted him with all the scandale hee could, hee sales, The Clergie neuer wited excellent 35 fortune-wrights, and he was one of the cheefest: In the Epistle Dedicatorie correct Willington and put in Williamson: The Paradoxe of the Asse, M.
Tu mifd crimtnis Author. II lanuarii [] Cutbert Burby Entred for his copie in full Court holden this Daie a booke called the praise of the Redd herringe vpon Condicon that he gett yt Laufully Aucthorised. The Epistle I Dedicatorie. A 4 'To his Readers. L s "" blank. Philo- sopher Copy used: That in the British Museum The text has also been read throughout with the other copy in the same library In this copy, however, several of the side-notes are partially cut off. When it is required to distinguish these two copies Found in the late Earl of Oxford's Library. No notes except the side-notes of the original, here given at the foot of the page.
This is a reprint of the first edition of the Miscellany, with the tracu arranged in chronological order. Malham, who wrote a preface for the first volume. The notes are the same as in the earlier edition. In the original spelling except as regards u and v, i and j. The punctuation is modem and the paragraph arrangement has in some cases been altered. So far as I have used this edition it seems to be, for its date, a very good piece of work, though certain emendations which do not seem strictly necessary are introduced.
There are some notes. The Old Book Collector's Miscellany. Edited by Charles Hindley. Reeves and Turner, pp. This seems to be substantially a reprint of Harl. The Complete Works of Thomas Nashc. From the copy in the Huth Library.
Favorite Genres
This text is rather puzzling. On the one hand the speUing of the quarto is followed with considerable accuracy, while, on the other, there are a large number of deviations in wording. Many of these seem to be intended as emendations, but they could, I think, hardly have been due to one so familiar with the language of the time as the editor. The punctuation too is frequently altered in such a way as to indicate either great carelessness or com- plete misconception of the sense. I can only suppose that we have here the result of an over-zealous printer working from a somewhat illegible transcript, and that, for some reason or other, Grosart supervised the work with oonsiderably less care than usuaL , The present edition.
From the copies at the British Museum. I have recorded only a few of the readings of earlier editors, ignoring the modernizations and many of the other changes introduced in the editions of the Harleian Miscellany and in that of Hindley. In cases, however, where the text appears to be corrupt and where important emendations, not altogether obvious, have been proposed, I have stated the edition in which they were first introduced and whether they were accepted or rejected in later ones.
Minor variations have been less fully noted, and it must not be assumed that whenever an edition is not mentioned in the foot- notes its reading necessarily agrees with the text given. Grosarfs leadings have been recorded whenever they seem not to be mere errors of transcription or misprints ; they are also given in a few cases when the variation seemed particularly remarkable, even though there seems little ground for considering it intentional. It may be observed that the punctuation of the quarto is extremely erratic. I have, I believe, recorded that of the original in all cases in which my alterations could possibly affect the sense, but I have felt myself obliged to make an unusually large number of minor changes.
In the meane time my sword is Go. A King thou art by name, and a King of good fellowshippe by nature, whereby I ominate this Encomion of the king n of fishes was predestinate to thee from thy swadling clothes. Giue 30 meegood words I beseech thee, though thougiuest me nothing elsCy and thy words shal stand for thy deeds ; which I will take as well in woorth, as if they were the deedes and euidences of aU the lande thou hast. Heere I bring you a redde herring ; if you willfinde drinke to it, there an ende, 35 no other detriments will I putte you to.
Yours for a whole last of redde Herrings. Let it be a taile of habberdine if it will, I am nothing entaild thereunto; I scome it, I scome it, that my woorkes should tume taHe to any man. I had as lieue haue no sunne, as haue it shine faintly, no fire, as a smothering fire of small coales, no doathes, ra- ther then weare linsey wolsey.
Apply it for me, 15 for I am cald away to correct the faults of the presse, that escaped in my absence from the Prin- ting-house. THe straunge turning of the He of Dogs frS a commedie to a tragedie two summers past, with the trouble- 5 9ome stir which hapned aboute it, is a generall rumour that hath filled all England, and such a heauie crosse laide vpon me, as had well neere confounded mee: I meane, not so much in that it sequestred me from the woonted meanes of my maintenance, which is as great 10 a maime to any mans happinesse as can bee feared from the hands of miserie ; or the deepe pit of dispaire wherinto I was falne, beyond my greatest friendes reach to recouer mee: Auoide or giue grounde I did ; scriptum esty I will not goe from it: Where hauing scarse lookt ao about me, my presaging minde saide to it selfe, Hie fauonius serenus est, hie auster imbriem, this is a predesti- nate fit place for Pierse PennHesse to set vp his staffe in.
I truste you make no question but those dull pated pennifathers, that in such dudgen scome reiected him, drunck deep of the soure cup of repentance for it, when the high flight of his lines in common brute was ooyessed. Yea, in the worde of one no more wealthy then aohee was, wealthy saide I?
Seauen citties stroaue whence Homer first shoulde come ; When lining, he no country had nor home. Q, Gro, OmtL Q. Forth of the sands thus stniglingly as it exalteth and liftes vp his glittering head, so of the B 3 neyboring sands no lesse semblably whether in recorda- S tion of their worn out affinitie or no, I know not it is so inamoratdy protected and patronized, that they stand as a trench or guarde about it in the night, to keep off their enemies.
Now in that drowsie empire of the pale- iac't Queene of shades, malgre letting driue vpon tiieir to Barricadoes, or impetuously contending to bieake through their chaine or barre, but they entombe and balist with sodaine destruction. A narrow channell or Isiknms in rash vkw you woulde opinionate it: Many bows length beyond the marke my penne roues not, 30 1 am certain: There be of you, it may be, that will account me a 15 paltrer, for hanging out the signe of the redde Herring in my title page, and no such feast towards for ought you can see.
Omnium rerum vicissitudo esty ones falling is anothers rising, and 35 so fell it out with that mind Dorpe or hamlet, which 4 CmtHim Q. My Tables are not yet one quarter emptied of my notes out of their Table, which because it is, as it were, a Sea Rutter diligently kept amongst them from age ao to age, of all their ebbs and flowes, and winds that blew with or against them, I tie my selfe to more precisely, and thus it leadeth on. In the time of King Herrolde and William the Con- querour, this sand of Yarmouth grew to a setled lumpe, n and was as drie as the sands of Arabia, so that thronging theaters of people as well Aliens as Englishmen hiued thither about the selling of fish and Herring, from Saint Michael to Saint Martin, and there built sutlers booths and tabernacles, to canopie their heads in from the rhewme of 30 the heauens, or the clouds dissoluing Cataracts.
Edward the first, and Edward the second likewise, let them lacke for no priuiledges, changing it from a burrough lo to a porte towne, and there setting vp a custome house with the appurtenances for the loading and vnloading of C av ships. I Henry the third in the fortieth of his empery cheard vp their blouds with two charters more, and in Anno Ridiard the second, vpon a discord twixt Leystofe and Yarmouth, after diuerse law-dayes and arbitrarie mandates to the counties of Suffolke and Norfolke directed about it, 10 in proper person This and euery towne hath his backewinters or frostes that nippe it in the blade as not the clearest sunne-shine but hath his shade, and there is a time of sicknes as well as of health.
The backewinter, the froste biting, the eclipse, or shade, 30 and sicknesse of Yarmouth was a greate sicknesse or plague in it The newe building at die west ende of the Church was begunne there They haue towrps vpon them sixteene: The compasse about the wall of this new mount is fine hundreth foot, and in the measure of yards eight score and seuen. The bredth so of the foundation nine foot: The heighth to the setting thereof fifteene foot, and in bredth, at the setting of it, fine foot three inches, and the procerous stature of it so embailing and girdling in this mount twentie foot and sixe inches.
Gates to let in her n friends, and shut out her enemies, Yarmouth hath ten; lans seeuenscore: TooUes in Beckles water, are ten mile, and from Yarmouth to Hardlie crosse another way, ten mile, and, conclusiuely, from Yarmouth to Waybridge in the narrow North water 35 16 Deigo Q. Which leesing had I bene let alone I would haue put to bed with a recumbentibus, by vttcring the best that, with a safe conscience, mought be vttred of the best or worst of them all, and notwithstanding all at best that ao tongue could speake or hart could thinke of them, they should bate me an ace of Yarmouth.
Of that profligated labour yet my breast pants and labours: It pities me, it pities me, that in cutting of so faire a diamond as C 4"" Yarmouth, I haue not a casket of dusky Cornish diamonds by me, and a boxe of muddy foiles, the better to set it forth. Sed redeo ad vernacubim. All Common wealths assume their prenominations of their common diuided weale, as where one man hath not 20 too much riches, and another man too much pouertie: Put out mine eye, who can, with such another bragge of any Sea towne within two hundred 35 13 cmsket dusky Q.
There is my hand to, I will doe it, and 5 this is my Exordium. A towne of defence it is to the Counties of Suffolke and NorfoUce against the enemies, so acounted at the first graunting of their liberties, and by the naturall strength of the situation so apparant, being both inuironed with many sands, and now of late 10 by great charge much more fortified then in auncient times.
All the Realme it profiteth many waies, as by the free Faire of herring chiefly, maintained by the fisher-men of Yarmouth themselues, by the great plentie of salted fish there, not so little two yeares past as foiu-e hundred 15 thousand, wherein were imployed about fourescore saile D 1 of barkes of their owne.
By the furnishing forth of forty boates for mackerell at the spring of the yeare when all thinges are dearest, which is a great reliefe to all the country thereaboutes, 10 and soone after Bartlemewe-tyde, a hundred and twenty sayle of their owne for herrings, and forty sayle of other ships and barkes trading Newe castle, the lowe countries, and other voyages. Norwitch, at her Maiesties comming in progresse thither, presented her.
I woulde be loth to builde a laborinth in the gatehouse of my booke, for you to loose your sdues as in, and therefore I shred of many thinges ; we will but cast ouer the bill of her charge, and talke a worde or two of her buildings, and breake vp and go to breakefast with the red herring. The hauen hath cost in these last Fortification and poulder since Anno Jj8j.
The yearely chaise towards the prouision of fishe for her Maiestie It were to be wished that other coasters were so indus- trious as the Yarmouth, in winning the treasure of fish out 90 of those profundities, and then we should haue twentie egges I a pennie, and it would be as plentifuU a world D a as when Abbies stoode ; and now, if there be any plentifull world, it is in Yarmouth. Her sumptuous porches and gar- nisht buildings are such as no port Towne in our Brittish 15 circumference nay, take some porte Citties ouerplus into the bargainer may suitably stake with, or adequate.
By the proportion of the East siuprised Gades or Cales diuers haue tried their cunning to configurate a twinlike image of it, both in the correlatiue analagie of the span- 30 broad rowse running betwixt, as also of the skirt or lappet of earth whereon it stands; heerein onely limitting the difference, that the houses heere are not such flatte custard Crownes at the top as they are. But I for my parte cast it aside as two obscure a Canton to demonstrate 35 and take the altitude by of so Elisian a habitation as Yarmouth.
I am posting to my proposed scope, or else I could runne tenne quier of paper out of breath, in further trauersing her rightes and dignities. But of that fraught I must not take in two liberall, in 10 case I want stowage for my red Herring, which I rely vpon as my wealthiest loading. Farewell, flourishing Yarmouth, and be euery day more flourishing then other vntill the latter day; whiles I haue my sence or existence, I will persist in louing thee, and so with this abrupt Post script 15 I leaue thee.
Now it is high heaking time, and bee the windes neuer so easterly aduerse and the tyde fled from vs, wee must violently towe and hale in our redoubtable Sophy of the 5 floating kingdom of Pisces, whome so much as by name I shoulde not haue acknowledged, had it not beene that I mused how Yarmouth should be inuested in such plenty and opulence, considering that in M. Hackluits English discoueries I haue not come in ken of one mizzen mast of a 10 man of warre bound for the Indies or mediteranean steme- bearer sente from her Zenith or Meridian, Mercuriall brested M.
Of him and none but him, who in valuation is woorth Qy,ritad excepted, af 19 our] Chv. Very tractable to this lure I was trained, and put him not to the full anuiling of me with any sound hammering 15 persuasion, in that at the first sight of thetop-gallant towers of Yarmouth, and a weeke before he had broken any of these words betwixt his teeth, my muse was ardently inflamed to do it some right; and how to bring it about fitter I knew not then in the praise of the red herring, whose proper soile 20 and nursery it is.
Amongst our English harmonious calinos, one is vp with the excellence of the browne bill and the long bowe: A seuenth settes a Tobacco 30 pipe in stead of a trumpet to his mouth, and of that diuine drugge proclaimeth miracles. An eygth capers it vp to the spheares in commendation of daunsing. To these I might wedge in Cornelius the brabantine, Seethe who was felloniously suspected in No more excursions and circumquaques but Totaliter ad appositum. Butter and cheese, butter and cheese, saith the farmer: The French, Spanish, and Italian haue wool inough of their owne wherof they make doth to serue their tume, though it be somewhat courser then ours.
For come, none of the East parts but surpasseth vs ; of leade and tinne is the most scarsity in forraine dominions, and 10 plenty with vs, though they are not vtterly barraine of them. As for iron, about Isenborough and other places of Germany they haue quadruple the store that wee haue. As touching butter and cheese, the Hollanders cry by your leaue wee must goe before you, and the Transalpiners with their ih lordly Parmasin so named of the citty of Parma in Italy where it is first clout-crushed and made shoulder in for the vpper hand as hotly ; when as, of our appropriate glory of the red herring, no region twixt the poles articke and antartick may, can, or will rebate from vs one scruple.
The poorer sort make it three parts of there suste- nance ; with it, for E a his dinnier, the patchedest Leather pUtche laboratho may dine like a Spanish Duke, when the niggardliest mouse of biefe will cost him sixpence. Carpenters, Shipwrights, makers of lines, roapes, and cables, dressers of Hempe, spinners of thred, and net weauers it giues their handfuls to, sets vp so many salt-houses to lo make salt, and salt vpon salt ; keepes in earnings the Cooper, the Brewer, the Baker, and numbers of other people, to gill, wash, and packe it, and carrie it and recarriS it.
Ascham in his Schoolemaster would imply. Well, he was her Maiesties Schoolemaster, foL Therefore I will keepe faire quarter with him, and expos- tulate the matter more tamely. This argues they shoulde haue some experience of nauiga- tion, and are not such Halcyons to builde their neastes all on the shoare as M. No such yron-fisted Ciclops to hew it out of the flint and runne thorow any thing as these frost- ao bitten crab-tree fac't lads, spunne out of the hards of the towe, which are Donsel herrings lackeys at Yarmouth euery fishing.
Small thinges we 35 may expresse by great, and great by smal, though the 14 , men Q, Gro. It is with him F I as with great per- sonages, which from their high estate and not their high statures propagate the eleuaute titles of their Gogmagognes. Cast his state who will, and they shall finde 5 it to be very high coloured as high coloured as his com- plexion, if I saide, there were not a pimple to be abated. In Yarmouth he hath set vp his state house, where one quarter of a yearehe keepes open court for lewes and gentiles. I small as Q.
Magnus comer might cry 35 clang againe. O, it was a braue age then, and so it is euer, 5 ftanderds r. Their clacke or gabbling to this purport: They and all the seafaring townes vnder our temperate zone of peace 5 may well enuy her prosperity, but they cannot march cheeke by iowle with her or coequall her, and ther's no such manifest signe of great prosperity as a generall enuy f a"" encompassing it. Therewith out stept the stallfed foreman that had bin at host with the fat oxe, and was growne as fat as an oxe with tiring on the surloynes, and baft in his face Biefe, Biefe, Biefe.
Next the Norfolke 20 hog or the swine-wurrier, who had got him a sagging paire of cheeks like a sows paps that giues suck, with the plenty- full mast set before him, came lazily wadling in, and puft out Porke, Porke, Porke. A witty toy of his noble grace it was, and different from the recipes and prescriptions of our modeme phisitions, that to any sicke languishers, if they be able to waggle their chaps, propound veale for one of 35 the highest nourishers. But to thinke on a red Herring, such a hot stirring meate it is, is enough to make the crauenest dastard proclaime 15 fire and sword against Spaine.
The most intenerate Virgine wax phisnomy, that taints his throate with the least ribbe of it, it will embrawne and Iron crust his flesh, and harden his soft bleding vaines as stifle and robustious as branches of Corrall. The art of kindling of fires that is 30 practised in the smoking or parching of him is old dog against the plague. Too foule-mouthed I am to becoUow or becollier him with such chimnie sweeping attributes of smoking and parching.
Wil you haue the secrete of it? And how can it bee otherwise? No true flying fish but he, or if there be, that fish neuer flies but when F 4 his wings are wet, and the red Herring flyes best when 15 his wings are dry: Let any Persian oppugne this, and, in spite of his hairie tuft or loue-locke he leaues on the top of his crowne, to be pulld vp or pullied vp to heauen by.
To recount ab ouOy or from the church-booke of his birth, howe the Herring first came to be a fish, and then how he came to be king of fishes, and gradationately how from white to red he changed, would require as massie a toombe as 15 HoUinshead ; but in halfe a penniworth of paper I will G i'' epitomize them. Let me see, hath any bodie in Yarmouth heard of Leander and Hero, of whome diuine Musxus sung, and a diuiner Muse than him.
H it diuided them and it diuided them not, for ouer that arme of the sea could be made a long arme. Which droue Leander when he durst not deale aboue boord, or be scene aboorde any ship, to saile to his Lady deare, to play the didopper and ducking water spaniel to swim to her, nor that in the day, but by owle- light. By the sea side on the other side stoode Heroes tower, such an other tower as one of our Irish castles, that is not so wide as a belfree, and a Cobler cannot iert out his elbowes in; a cage or pigeonhouse, romthsome enough to comprehend her and the toothlesse 5 trotte, her nurse, who was her onely chatmate and chamber- maide ; consultiuely by her parents being so encloistred fro resort, that she might liue chaste vestall Priest to Venus, the queene of vnchastitie.
Fate is a spaniel that you caqnot beate from you ; the more you thinke to crosse it, tjbc more you blesse it and further it. As for example; If it be any mans fortune to hang himselfe and abridg his naturall life, it is likewise natural to him or allotted him by Nature to haue no better fortune. Better or worse fortune, I pry thee let vs heare how thou goest forward with describing the Doctor and his life and fortunes: Many '5 a copy-holder or magistrall scribe, that holds all his lining by setting school-boies copies, comes short of the like gift.
A good qualitie or qualification, I promise you truely, to keepe him out of the danger of the Statute gainst wilful! His father prophecyde by that his ventms manhood and valure, he would proue an other 5". Thomas a Becket for the Church. Deuinitie the Heauen of all Artes aj for a while drew his thoughts vnto it, but shortly after the world, the flesh, and the diuell with-drewe him from that, and needes he would be of a more Gentleman-like lustie cut ; whereupon hee fell to morrall Epistling and Poetrie.
Vltima linea rerumy his finall entrancing from the earth to the skies, was his key-colde K a defence of the Cleargie in the Tractate of Pap-hatcheU intermingled, like a small Fleete of Gallies, in the huge Armada against me. But Met him that hath the poyson of a thousand Gorgons or stinging Basiliskes full crammed in his inke-home, tamper with mee, or taxe mee in the way of contradiction neuer so little, and he shall finde if I finde him not a toad, worthie for nought but to be stampt vnder foote that w I will spit fire for fire, fight diudl fight dragon, as long as he will.
About 30 his lips, euen as about Dums ship, there flocked a swarme of waspes, as soone as euer he was laid in his cradle. Scarce nine yeres of age he attaind too, when, by engrossing al ballets that came to anie Market or Faire there-abouts, he aspired to bee as desperate a ballet-maker 35 as the best of them ; the first frutes of his Poetrie beeing a pittifull Dittie in lamentation of the death of a Fellow 31 cradle] Coll.
Afterward he exercised to write certaine graces in ryme dogrell, and verses vppon euerie Month, manie of which are yet extant in Primers and 5 Almanackes, His father, with the extreame ioy of his towardnesse, wept infinitely, and prophecide he was too forward witted to Hue long. His Schoole-master neuer heard him peirse or conster but he cryde out O acumen Carneadum! O decus addiie diuis!

I am sure you will bee glad to heare well of him, since hee is a youth of some hope and you haue been partly acquainted with 35 his bringing vp. The Letter oi Harueys Tutor to his Father, as touching his manners and behauior. I would our Gurmo Hidruntum were like-wiseK4 banisht with him ; for he can hotch-potch whole Decades vp of nothing, and talks idlely all his life time. The spirit of foolery out of this Archibald Rupenrope he shall neuer be able to cast, were the Nectar of his eloquence a thousand times more superabundant incessant sourding.
But a scoff e which longer dwelt with him than the rest, though it argued his: From the generall Discourse of his vertues let mee digresse, 35 and informe you of some few fragments of his vices ; as, like a Church and an ale-house, God and the diuell, they manie times dwell neere together. Well, I may say to you, it is a 10 difficult rare thing in these dayes to finde a true Frend. But the probable reasons which driue me to cdiecture that it is a false Frend which deludes vs with these durtie astronomical!
First, he hath been noted, in manie companies where hee hath been, very suspitiously to vndermine, whither any man knew such a fellow as Gabriell Frend, the Prognosticator, or no? Wheretoo, when they ao all aunswered with one voyce, not guiltie to the seeing, hearing, or vnderstanding of anie such Starry Noune Substantiue, vp starts me he like a proud school-master, when one of his Boyes hath made an Oration before a coimtrey Maior that hath pleasd and bites the lip, and as L 3 winkes and smiles priuily, and lookes pertly vpon it, as who should 3ay, cor Am quern queritis adsum: Quarters, or Writer in redde letters, as that supposed flower of Frend-ly curtesie, Gabriell Frend, the Prognosticator; but, to vse plaine dealing amongst frends, a frend of his it is he must coceale, 35 who thoght good to shroud himselfe vnder that title.
Now 5 ouertumings Coll,, Gro, 33 frend-ly ColL: By the ciuil law peraduenture you wil alleage he fetches it in: I will not deny but his mother may haue su'd in forma pauperis J but he neuer soilicited in form of papers in the Arches in his life. Dii fadant laudis summa sit ista suae. Shall I discharge my conscience, being no more than on my soule is most true?
The Storie at large a leafe or two hence you shall heare. O etemall iest for Gods sake helpe me to laugh: Mars hys house, Venus house, or anie hot-house or baudy house of them all. It is a 8 What a Coll. But the time was, when he would not haue giuen his head for the washing, and would haue tooke foule scome that the best of them all should haue out- faced him. There be the in Cambridge that had occasion to take note of it, for he stood noted or scoard for it in their 15 bookes manie a faire day after: The rotten mould of that worme-eaten relique if hee were well searcht he weares yet, meaning when he dies to hang it ouer his tombe for a monument: You wil imagine it a fable percase which I shall tell you, but it is x.
As good cheape as it was deliuerd to mee at the second 25 hand you haue it. A man in hjrs f case hath no other shift, or apparaile, which you will, but he must thus shift other-while for his lining, especially lining quiet as he dooth without anie Crosses in his purse subaudi and being free from all couetous incumbraunces: There did this our Talatamtana or Doctour Hum thrust himselfe into the thickest rankes of the Noblemen and 90 Gallants, and whatsoeuer they were arguing of, he would not misse to catch hold of, or strike in at the one end, and take the theame out of their mouths, or it should goe hard.
In fine, some Disputations there were, and he made an Oration before the Maids of Honour, and not before her Maiestie, as heretofore I misinformedly set M a down, beginning thus: Nux, mulier, asinus simili sunt lege ligata, 30 Hsec tria nill recti faciunt, si verbera desunt, A nut, a woman, and an asse are like. These three doo nothing right, except you strike. He would haue had the Maids of Honor tkriftely cudgeld belike, andlambeakt one after another.
They vnder stood it not so. The proces of that Oration was of the same woofe and thrid with the banning: For whilst yet his lips smoakt with the steame of her scortching breath, that partcht his beard like sun-burnt grasse in the Dog-dayes, he ran head- a forelockes Coll,, Gro, 6 Phmbus Q. The bungerliest vearses they were that euer were scande, beeing most of them bought and cut off by the knees out of Virgill and 10 other Authors. I had foigot to obserue vnto you, out of 15 his first foure familiar Epistles, his ambicious stratagem to aspire, that whereas two great Pieres beeing at iarre, and their quarrell continued to bloudshed, he would needs, vn- cald and when it lay not in his way, steppe in on the one side, which indeede was the safer side as the foole is crafty ao inough to sleepe in a whole skin and hewe and slash widi his Hexameters; but hewd and slasht he had beene as small as chippings, if he had not playd ducke Fryer and hid himselfe eight weeks in that Noblemans house for whome with his pen hee thus bladed.
I leaue out halfe ; not the carrying vp of his gowne, his nice gate on his pantoffles, or the affected accent of his speach, but they personated. And if I 25 should reueale all, I thinke they borrowd his gowne to playe the Part in, the more to flout him. Let him denie this and not damne himsdfe for his life, if hee can. Dick Haruey in a frensie. This lohn was hee that beeing entertaind in Justice Meades House as a Schoole-master stole away his daughter, and, to pacifie him, dedicated to him an Almanacke ; which daughter or Johns wife , since his death, Gabriel vnder pretence of taking out an Administration, 35 according as she in euery Court exclaimes hath gone about to drcumuent of al she hath: Fast and pray, luxurious Vicar, to keepe vnder thy vnruly members, and wrap thee in a Monkes Cowle, which they 15 N a say is good to mortifie ; or drinke of the water of iSaint lues, by lohn Bale out of Romish Authors produced to be good against the temptations of the petticoate ; or which exceedeth them both trie Master Candishes Roote hee brought out of the Indies, giu'n him by a venerable Hermit, so with this probatum est or vertue, that he which tasted it should neuer lust after ; by that token he could meet with none about Court or in London, that was content to be an Eunuch for the Kingdome of Heauen, or lou'd his pleasure so little as to venture vpon it.
And so lightly are all the trade of them, neuer foretokening or fore-telling anie thing till after it be come to passe: This is that Dick that comming to take one Smiths a yong Batchelour of Trinitie 10 CoUedge Questions, and they being such as he durst not venture on, cride Aquila nan capit muscas, an Eagle catcheth no flies; and so gaue them him againe: This is that Dick of whom Kit Marloe was wont to say that he was an asse, good for nothing but to preach of the Iron Age: For himselfe, hee verie religiously obseru'd it, neuer meeting anie Doctor or frend of his, but he would salute him or giue him the time of the day in it most heroically, euen as hee saluted a Phisition of speciall account in these tearmes, 15 Nere can I meet youy sir, but needs must I veile my banetto.
This verse hath more feet than a lawse. But to so Dictionarie a custome it was grown with him, that after supper if he chaunst to play at Cards, and had but one Queen of Harts light in his hand, he would extempore in that kinde of verse nmne vppon 30 mens hearts and womens hearts all the night long, as. But let that rest, which would not let him rest: In plaine truth and in verity, some pleasures he did Wolfe in my knowledge. The ver- milion WrinckU de crinkledum hop'd belike that the Plague would proceed, that he might haue an occupation oi it. So did he by that Philistine Poem of Parthenophill and Par- tkenope, which to compare worse than it selfe, it would plague all the wits of France, Spaine, or Italy.
And when 35 hee saw it would not sell, hee cald all the World asses a hundred times ouer, with the stampingest cursing and S verity] CoO. I giue him his true dialect and right varnish of elocution, not varying one I tittle from the high straine of his harmonious phrase, wherein he puts downe Hermogenes with his Art of Rhetorique, and so farre out-strips ouer-tunged Beldam 15 Roome, or her super-delicate bastard daughter ceremo- nious dissembling ItcUy, as Europe puts down all the other parts of the World in populous societies and fertilenes.
A Gentleman, a frend of mine, that was no straunger to such bandyings as had past bewixt vs, was desirous to see how aohe lookt since my strappadoing and torturing him; in which spleene he went and enquird for him: For his stature, he is such another pretie lacke a Lent as lo boyes throw at in the streete, and lookes, in his blacke sute of veluet, like one of these leat droppes which diuers weare at their eares in stead of a iewell. Letters cdfuted, he could by no means endure the light, nor durst venter himself abroad in the open aire for many mdths after, for feare he should be fresh blasted by all mens scorne and derision.
My so instructions of him are so ouer-flowing and numberlesse that, except I abridge them, my Book will grow such P i" a bouncer that those which buy it must bee faine to hire a porter to carry it after them in a basket. Saint Christopher be their speed, and send them well backe againe ; but so prayes not our Dominico ts Ciuilian, for he had no such determination: So considered, and so done, at an Inne at 90 Islingtan hee alights, and there keepes him aloofe, London being too hot for him.
The contents of it were about the talking with his Lawier, and the eager proceeding of his Sister in law against him. I appeale to you quoth hee whether euer anie mans workes sold like mine. Some lofty tragicall Poet hdpe mee, that is dayly conuersant in the fierce encounters of Raw-head and bloody bones, and whose pen, like the 35 Plowes in Spayne that often stumble on golde vaines, still 35 Bloody-bones ColL: Hee fumde, he stampt, he buffeted himselfe about the face, beat his head against the walls, and was ready to byte the flesh off his armes if they had not hindred him: To Newgate, good Master Doctour, with a lowe legge they made answer.
I knowe not where I am. Into some 15 blinde comer you haue drawne me to be murdred: Murder, murder, he cryed out: No murder but an action of debt, sayd they, good Master Doctour. All this would not seme him, no more than Hackets counterfet madnesse woulde keepe him from the Gallowes, but vp he was had and shewed his lodging where 35 hee should lye by it, and willed to deliuer vp his wepon. That wmng him on the withers worse than all the rest. What, my armes, my defence, my weapon, my dagger? Force him no forces, no such mechanicall dmdges should haue the honor of his artillery: How inuiolably hee kept it, I will not concede from you.
Then thou hast done welly for it is it that I all this while looktfor. A Summarie or breife Analysis of such matters as are handled in the Doctors Booke. Mine eyes are partly accessarie vnto it. And so haue I testifide for them what they ao are, which will last time enough. What his Soldiourship is I cannot iudge, but Q: Two stept foorth and presented themselues as muskettiers before him, a third and fourth as targatiers behinde him, a fifth and sixt vowd to trie it out at the push of the pike before the malicious foe should inuade him.
But 35 6 Qy. Hee was wise, hee lotid no blowes: To bee an Intelligencer is to haue oathes at will, and thinke God nere regards them ; to frame his religion and alleageance to his Prince according to euerie companie he comes in. An ingratefuU slaue, that there Q 4 spendeth the bitterest of his venome, where hee hath 10 receiued most benefites ; a hang-man, that dispatcheth all that come vnder his hands ; a drunken serieant or sumner, that could not line if like the diuell hee did not from time to time enquire after the sinnes of the people ; a necessarie member in a State to bee vsde to cut off" vnnecessarie 15 members.
Tfu last of them is Chute, to whonu hee thus dilateth. But this I will say for him, though hee bee dead and rotten, and by his obsequies hath preuented the vengeaunce I meant to haue executed vpon him: His voiage vnder Don Anihanio was nothing so great credit 10 to him as a French Varlet of the chamber is ; nor did he follow Anthonio neither, but was a Captaines Boye that scomd writing and reading, and helpt him to set downe his accounts and score vp dead payes.
Olympics and sty aloft to the highest pitch, to stellifie him aboue the cloudes 35 and make him shine next to Mercury. If his Patrons bee such Peter Pingles and Moundragims, hee cannot chuse but bee sixtie times a more poore Slauonian arse-worme. Tender itchie brainde infants, they car'd not 5 what they did, so they might come in print: To this effect it is, 10 though the words somwhat varie. What, is he like a Tinker, that neuer to trauailes without his wench and his dogge? That Gentle- woman if she come vnder my fists I will make a gentle- woman, as Doctor Perne said of his mans wife.
Shall wee haue a Hare of him then t a nude one yeare, and a female another: Ladies hanged themselues for the toue of Mahomet, and that, like another Numa Pompilius, 35 he doth nothing without his Nymph Egeria, Imp: Call for a Beadle and hatu him away to Bridewell, for in euery sillable he commits letchery. If she strip thee to thy shirt, if I were as thee, tt I wold strip her to her smocke.
That were to put that fayr est body of Venus in Print indeede with a witnes, and then shee neuer need to haue her water cast in an vrinaUfor the greene sicknes. She may be Queene Didoes peere for honestie 30 for anie dealings I euer yet had with her; but anie Gentlewomans name put in his mouth, it is of more force to discredite it than Licophrons penne was to discredite Penelope, who, notwithstanding Homers praises of her, saith shee lay with all her wooers.
But wee shall lenuoy him, and tmmpe and poope him well enough if the winde come in that doore, and he will needes fall a Comedizing it Comedie vpon Comedie he shall haue, a Morall, a Historie, a Tragedie, or what hee will. Wilt thou haue nere a plucke at him for Danters scar-crow Presse, and so abusing thy Printer t Resp: In pudding time you haue spoken: Hee that dares most, let him trie it, as none will trie it that hath a care to line so S I by his trade, not a hundred of anie Impression of the Doctors bookes euer selling.
No more will I flatter him; hee may build vpon it. But my yong Master Barnabe the bright, and his kindnes before anie desert at all of mine towards him might plucke it on or prouoke it , I neither haue nor will bee vnmindfuU of. Miserum est fuisse fcelicenu It is a miserable 3a Sweete CoU.
I say, ware 5rou breake not your shins in the third line on preambles and postambles ; and that it is not the Printers, but Harueys. As also a third learned French Gentlemans verses. Were thqr weightie Treatises? I will haue a sound lift so at him anone, for all his Mathematical deuices of his owne inuention, wherewith hee hath acquainted Ma. Doctour Haruey, nothing so good as a knife with prickles in the haft, or these Boyes paper-dragons that they let fly with a pack- thrid in the fields. His booke — Respond: Hand off, there is none but I will haue the vnclasping of that, because I can doo it nimblest It is deuided into foure parts; one against mee, the second against M.
Lilly, the third against Martinists, the fourth 30 against D. Neither are these parts seuerally dis- tinguished in his order of handling, but, like a Dutch stewd-pot, iumbled altogether, and linsey-wolsey wouen one within another. You ly, you ly, Gabriell, I know what you are about to saye, but He shred you off three leaues at one blowe. One Apuleius by the name of Apuleius he endites to be an 15 engrosser of arts and inuentions, putting downe Plato, Hippocrates, Aristotle, and the Paragraphs of lustinian.
But soft you now, how is all this or anie part of this to bee prou'd? Hath he spoken, printed, written, contriuedy or imagined, or caused to bee spoken, written, printed, contriued, or imagined, anie thing against these? WALDEN and he be not able to refute it, He vndertake for him which is the most ignominious imposition he can tie himselfe to he shall giue thee his tung for a rag to wype thy taile with, and haue his right hand cut off for thy 5 Mother to hang out for an ale-house signe.
Vniuersities, Parliaments, general Councells oppugned? Or is it thus? This is the tydiest 30 Argument he can frame to make his matter good, though it foilowes no more than that a man should bee helde a traitor and accused to haue abusde the Queene and Counsaile and the whole State, for calling a fellowe knaue that hath read the Booke of Statutes, since by them all in as generall they were made.
The Venus shee is that wouldwin it from them 35 all, if the controuersie were now afloate againe: My pen, he prodigally insulteth, 15 shee shall pumpe to as drie a spunge as anie is in Hosier Lane, and wring our braines like emptie purses. Fasilia, the daughter of Pelagius, King of Spain, was torne inpeices by a Beare: Pepper is blacky Greene sleeues, Peggie Ramsey, he came sneaking behinde a tree and lookt on, and though hee was loth to be seene to countenance as T I"" the sport, hauing laid Gods word against it so dreadfully, yet, to shew his good-will to it in hart, hee sent her The victorioust Captaines and Warriours, the inuinciblest Csesars and Conquerours, the satyricallest confuters and Lutkers like whom the 5 Germanes affirme neuer anie in their tung writ so forcible in an Alphabet he trowles vp, and sayes I out-strip them all, I set them all too schoole.
Those more appropriate blowes ouer the thumbe are these. My praising of Aretine ; 90 did he before me, the verie words whereof I haue set 5 downe in my other Booke: My calling him a fawne-guest messenger betwixt M. Demetriusy why did he so familiarly write to him, M. Alphonsus, Cardan, Sir Th. Moore, Isocrates; looke the first ij6. He chargeth mee to haue derided and abused the most valorous MathematicaU Arts; let him shewe me 10 wherein, and I will answere: Is it a iest that his brother is arriu'd in heauen f he is in hell then belike, to Consil: The deepe cut out of my grammer Rules, Astra petit disertusy he hits me with.
I am sorry for it I slanderd him so, for he was neuer eloquent ; if he bee not aboue the starres, I would hee were.
The Compo- sitor that set it swore to mee it came vnder his owne 15 hand to bee printed. Printed Bookes gathering all they haue; and would not haue furre to put in -their gownes, if it, or writing, were not But if hee meane that from writing to the Presse I scrape vp my exhibition, let him scrape it out for a lye; till the Impression of this Book, I hauing got nothing bys Printing these three yeres. They worship the great Eele for a God, which I eate or disgest ; and the Dog tliey adore, I spume or driue out of dores.
Likewise the Captain- ship of the boyes I tosse backe to him, he hauing a whole Band of them to write in his praise: Lud was a little boy, or SelinuSy Brennus brother, for the loue hee bare to oysters built Billinsgate ; ther- fore there is no more to be said to it, but if he could haue told how to haue made a better lye he would.
Good Lord, how one thing brings on another ; had it not bin for his baudy sister, I should haue forgot to haue answerd for the baudie rymes he threapes vpon me. Further be it knowen vnto you, that before this Ipraisde him after a sort in an 30 Epistle in Greenes Menaphon. But didst thou so f Respon: O, what do you meane to hinder my Proclama- tion?
Philip Sidney f M. Your old Compositer, Henry Chettle. Yes, Greene he conuinces thee to haue abided, in that thy defence of him is a more biting commendation than his reproofe. Those things which hee might haue related truely hee would not, and those which he would hee could not, for want of good intelligence. How he hath handled Greene and Marloe since their deaths, those that read his Bookes may iudge: Did I euer write of Conycatching?
Nay, he himselfe hath purloyned something from mee, and mended his hand in confuting by 30 fifteen parts, by following my presidents. If you hit it right, it will go maruellous ao sweetly. Dilloy my Doctor deare, sing dilla, dilkiy dilla: Nashe hath spoyled thee cleare with his quiUay quillay guilla.
By our reconciliation he cannot excuse it, since the law-day was out, and the feude open againe by his breach of truce, and my defiance to him in an Epistle to the Reader in Christs tears. I haue bespoken a boy and a so napkin already to carry it in.
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More Postscripts and preambles: From Master Thorius I haue a Letter vnder his owne hand, which hee sent mee to be printed, vtterly disclaiming the wrong which the Doctour vnder his name 10 hath thrust out against mee. This is the counterpaine of it. To my very good friend, M. Indeed the Stanzaes are, though altred to your disgrace in some places. But 35 if you consider how I was as much offended with the vniust vaineglorious Print as your selfe, wee shall both rest contented.
Little did I think the booke should haue had so famous a Title, or so many Prefaces, or so many Letters and Preambles; amongst which some of mine, 30 blushing to looke vppon so conteptible a person they were directed too, could not but be exceedingly ashamed to bee presented to the eyes of a whole world. Beeing dead, I would not haue reuiu'd him, but that the Doctor whose Patron he was is aliue to answere for him. I am sorie I haue no more roome to reason the matter with him ; for if I had, I did not doubt but to make him a fugitiue out of England as well as he is out of his owne Countrey: My clue is spun, the Tearme is at an end, wherefore here I wil end and make Vacation: He brings in his coffin to speake: The whole Quire thankes you hartily.
With a blacke sant he meanes shortly to bee at his chamber window for calling him the Fiddle- 5 sticke of Oxford. In that he twatleth, it had bin better to heme confuted Martin by Reuerend Cooper than such leuitie; tell mee why was hee not then confuted by Reuerend Cooper, or made to hold his peace, till Master Lillie and some others with their pens drew vpon him?
I haue a laughing hickocke to heare 15 him saye, hee was once suspected for Martin, when there is nere a Pursiuant in England, in the pulling on his boots, X 3 euer thought of him or imputed to him so much wit. The bangingest thinges which I can picke out, wherein he hath festered Martin or defended Bishops, are these: For a jo polished stile few goe beyond Cartwright; his ray ling at mee for speaking against Beza, the grand Champion against Bishops; his malicious defamation of Doctour Perne ; where, after hee hath polluted him with all the scandale hee could, hee sales, The Clergie neuer wited excellent 35 fortune-wrights, and he was one of the cheefest: In the Epistle Dedicatorie correct Willington and put in Williamson: The Paradoxe of the Asse, M.
Tu mifd crimtnis Author. II lanuarii [] Cutbert Burby Entred for his copie in full Court holden this Daie a booke called the praise of the Redd herringe vpon Condicon that he gett yt Laufully Aucthorised. The Epistle I Dedicatorie. A 4 'To his Readers. L s "" blank. Philo- sopher Copy used: That in the British Museum The text has also been read throughout with the other copy in the same library In this copy, however, several of the side-notes are partially cut off. When it is required to distinguish these two copies Found in the late Earl of Oxford's Library. No notes except the side-notes of the original, here given at the foot of the page.
This is a reprint of the first edition of the Miscellany, with the tracu arranged in chronological order. Malham, who wrote a preface for the first volume. The notes are the same as in the earlier edition. In the original spelling except as regards u and v, i and j. The punctuation is modem and the paragraph arrangement has in some cases been altered.
So far as I have used this edition it seems to be, for its date, a very good piece of work, though certain emendations which do not seem strictly necessary are introduced. There are some notes. The Old Book Collector's Miscellany. Edited by Charles Hindley. Reeves and Turner, pp. This seems to be substantially a reprint of Harl. The Complete Works of Thomas Nashc. From the copy in the Huth Library.
This text is rather puzzling. On the one hand the speUing of the quarto is followed with considerable accuracy, while, on the other, there are a large number of deviations in wording. Many of these seem to be intended as emendations, but they could, I think, hardly have been due to one so familiar with the language of the time as the editor. The punctuation too is frequently altered in such a way as to indicate either great carelessness or com- plete misconception of the sense.
I can only suppose that we have here the result of an over-zealous printer working from a somewhat illegible transcript, and that, for some reason or other, Grosart supervised the work with oonsiderably less care than usuaL , The present edition. From the copies at the British Museum. I have recorded only a few of the readings of earlier editors, ignoring the modernizations and many of the other changes introduced in the editions of the Harleian Miscellany and in that of Hindley.
In cases, however, where the text appears to be corrupt and where important emendations, not altogether obvious, have been proposed, I have stated the edition in which they were first introduced and whether they were accepted or rejected in later ones. Minor variations have been less fully noted, and it must not be assumed that whenever an edition is not mentioned in the foot- notes its reading necessarily agrees with the text given.
Grosarfs leadings have been recorded whenever they seem not to be mere errors of transcription or misprints ; they are also given in a few cases when the variation seemed particularly remarkable, even though there seems little ground for considering it intentional. It may be observed that the punctuation of the quarto is extremely erratic. I have, I believe, recorded that of the original in all cases in which my alterations could possibly affect the sense, but I have felt myself obliged to make an unusually large number of minor changes.
In the meane time my sword is Go. A King thou art by name, and a King of good fellowshippe by nature, whereby I ominate this Encomion of the king n of fishes was predestinate to thee from thy swadling clothes. Giue 30 meegood words I beseech thee, though thougiuest me nothing elsCy and thy words shal stand for thy deeds ; which I will take as well in woorth, as if they were the deedes and euidences of aU the lande thou hast. Heere I bring you a redde herring ; if you willfinde drinke to it, there an ende, 35 no other detriments will I putte you to.
Yours for a whole last of redde Herrings. Let it be a taile of habberdine if it will, I am nothing entaild thereunto; I scome it, I scome it, that my woorkes should tume taHe to any man. I had as lieue haue no sunne, as haue it shine faintly, no fire, as a smothering fire of small coales, no doathes, ra- ther then weare linsey wolsey. Apply it for me, 15 for I am cald away to correct the faults of the presse, that escaped in my absence from the Prin- ting-house. THe straunge turning of the He of Dogs frS a commedie to a tragedie two summers past, with the trouble- 5 9ome stir which hapned aboute it, is a generall rumour that hath filled all England, and such a heauie crosse laide vpon me, as had well neere confounded mee: I meane, not so much in that it sequestred me from the woonted meanes of my maintenance, which is as great 10 a maime to any mans happinesse as can bee feared from the hands of miserie ; or the deepe pit of dispaire wherinto I was falne, beyond my greatest friendes reach to recouer mee: Auoide or giue grounde I did ; scriptum esty I will not goe from it: Where hauing scarse lookt ao about me, my presaging minde saide to it selfe, Hie fauonius serenus est, hie auster imbriem, this is a predesti- nate fit place for Pierse PennHesse to set vp his staffe in.
I truste you make no question but those dull pated pennifathers, that in such dudgen scome reiected him, drunck deep of the soure cup of repentance for it, when the high flight of his lines in common brute was ooyessed. Yea, in the worde of one no more wealthy then aohee was, wealthy saide I? Seauen citties stroaue whence Homer first shoulde come ; When lining, he no country had nor home.
Q, Gro, OmtL Q. Forth of the sands thus stniglingly as it exalteth and liftes vp his glittering head, so of the B 3 neyboring sands no lesse semblably whether in recorda- S tion of their worn out affinitie or no, I know not it is so inamoratdy protected and patronized, that they stand as a trench or guarde about it in the night, to keep off their enemies. Now in that drowsie empire of the pale- iac't Queene of shades, malgre letting driue vpon tiieir to Barricadoes, or impetuously contending to bieake through their chaine or barre, but they entombe and balist with sodaine destruction.
A narrow channell or Isiknms in rash vkw you woulde opinionate it: Many bows length beyond the marke my penne roues not, 30 1 am certain: There be of you, it may be, that will account me a 15 paltrer, for hanging out the signe of the redde Herring in my title page, and no such feast towards for ought you can see. Omnium rerum vicissitudo esty ones falling is anothers rising, and 35 so fell it out with that mind Dorpe or hamlet, which 4 CmtHim Q.
My Tables are not yet one quarter emptied of my notes out of their Table, which because it is, as it were, a Sea Rutter diligently kept amongst them from age ao to age, of all their ebbs and flowes, and winds that blew with or against them, I tie my selfe to more precisely, and thus it leadeth on. In the time of King Herrolde and William the Con- querour, this sand of Yarmouth grew to a setled lumpe, n and was as drie as the sands of Arabia, so that thronging theaters of people as well Aliens as Englishmen hiued thither about the selling of fish and Herring, from Saint Michael to Saint Martin, and there built sutlers booths and tabernacles, to canopie their heads in from the rhewme of 30 the heauens, or the clouds dissoluing Cataracts.
Edward the first, and Edward the second likewise, let them lacke for no priuiledges, changing it from a burrough lo to a porte towne, and there setting vp a custome house with the appurtenances for the loading and vnloading of C av ships. I Henry the third in the fortieth of his empery cheard vp their blouds with two charters more, and in Anno Ridiard the second, vpon a discord twixt Leystofe and Yarmouth, after diuerse law-dayes and arbitrarie mandates to the counties of Suffolke and Norfolke directed about it, 10 in proper person This and euery towne hath his backewinters or frostes that nippe it in the blade as not the clearest sunne-shine but hath his shade, and there is a time of sicknes as well as of health.
The backewinter, the froste biting, the eclipse, or shade, 30 and sicknesse of Yarmouth was a greate sicknesse or plague in it The newe building at die west ende of the Church was begunne there They haue towrps vpon them sixteene: The compasse about the wall of this new mount is fine hundreth foot, and in the measure of yards eight score and seuen. The bredth so of the foundation nine foot: The heighth to the setting thereof fifteene foot, and in bredth, at the setting of it, fine foot three inches, and the procerous stature of it so embailing and girdling in this mount twentie foot and sixe inches.
Gates to let in her n friends, and shut out her enemies, Yarmouth hath ten; lans seeuenscore: TooUes in Beckles water, are ten mile, and from Yarmouth to Hardlie crosse another way, ten mile, and, conclusiuely, from Yarmouth to Waybridge in the narrow North water 35 16 Deigo Q. Which leesing had I bene let alone I would haue put to bed with a recumbentibus, by vttcring the best that, with a safe conscience, mought be vttred of the best or worst of them all, and notwithstanding all at best that ao tongue could speake or hart could thinke of them, they should bate me an ace of Yarmouth.
Of that profligated labour yet my breast pants and labours: It pities me, it pities me, that in cutting of so faire a diamond as C 4"" Yarmouth, I haue not a casket of dusky Cornish diamonds by me, and a boxe of muddy foiles, the better to set it forth. Sed redeo ad vernacubim. All Common wealths assume their prenominations of their common diuided weale, as where one man hath not 20 too much riches, and another man too much pouertie: Put out mine eye, who can, with such another bragge of any Sea towne within two hundred 35 13 cmsket dusky Q.
There is my hand to, I will doe it, and 5 this is my Exordium. A towne of defence it is to the Counties of Suffolke and NorfoUce against the enemies, so acounted at the first graunting of their liberties, and by the naturall strength of the situation so apparant, being both inuironed with many sands, and now of late 10 by great charge much more fortified then in auncient times.
All the Realme it profiteth many waies, as by the free Faire of herring chiefly, maintained by the fisher-men of Yarmouth themselues, by the great plentie of salted fish there, not so little two yeares past as foiu-e hundred 15 thousand, wherein were imployed about fourescore saile D 1 of barkes of their owne. By the furnishing forth of forty boates for mackerell at the spring of the yeare when all thinges are dearest, which is a great reliefe to all the country thereaboutes, 10 and soone after Bartlemewe-tyde, a hundred and twenty sayle of their owne for herrings, and forty sayle of other ships and barkes trading Newe castle, the lowe countries, and other voyages.
Norwitch, at her Maiesties comming in progresse thither, presented her. I woulde be loth to builde a laborinth in the gatehouse of my booke, for you to loose your sdues as in, and therefore I shred of many thinges ; we will but cast ouer the bill of her charge, and talke a worde or two of her buildings, and breake vp and go to breakefast with the red herring. The hauen hath cost in these last Fortification and poulder since Anno Jj8j. The yearely chaise towards the prouision of fishe for her Maiestie It were to be wished that other coasters were so indus- trious as the Yarmouth, in winning the treasure of fish out 90 of those profundities, and then we should haue twentie egges I a pennie, and it would be as plentifuU a world D a as when Abbies stoode ; and now, if there be any plentifull world, it is in Yarmouth.
Her sumptuous porches and gar- nisht buildings are such as no port Towne in our Brittish 15 circumference nay, take some porte Citties ouerplus into the bargainer may suitably stake with, or adequate. By the proportion of the East siuprised Gades or Cales diuers haue tried their cunning to configurate a twinlike image of it, both in the correlatiue analagie of the span- 30 broad rowse running betwixt, as also of the skirt or lappet of earth whereon it stands; heerein onely limitting the difference, that the houses heere are not such flatte custard Crownes at the top as they are.
But I for my parte cast it aside as two obscure a Canton to demonstrate 35 and take the altitude by of so Elisian a habitation as Yarmouth. I am posting to my proposed scope, or else I could runne tenne quier of paper out of breath, in further trauersing her rightes and dignities. But of that fraught I must not take in two liberall, in 10 case I want stowage for my red Herring, which I rely vpon as my wealthiest loading.
Farewell, flourishing Yarmouth, and be euery day more flourishing then other vntill the latter day; whiles I haue my sence or existence, I will persist in louing thee, and so with this abrupt Post script 15 I leaue thee. Now it is high heaking time, and bee the windes neuer so easterly aduerse and the tyde fled from vs, wee must violently towe and hale in our redoubtable Sophy of the 5 floating kingdom of Pisces, whome so much as by name I shoulde not haue acknowledged, had it not beene that I mused how Yarmouth should be inuested in such plenty and opulence, considering that in M.
Hackluits English discoueries I haue not come in ken of one mizzen mast of a 10 man of warre bound for the Indies or mediteranean steme- bearer sente from her Zenith or Meridian, Mercuriall brested M. Of him and none but him, who in valuation is woorth Qy,ritad excepted, af 19 our] Chv. Very tractable to this lure I was trained, and put him not to the full anuiling of me with any sound hammering 15 persuasion, in that at the first sight of thetop-gallant towers of Yarmouth, and a weeke before he had broken any of these words betwixt his teeth, my muse was ardently inflamed to do it some right; and how to bring it about fitter I knew not then in the praise of the red herring, whose proper soile 20 and nursery it is.
Amongst our English harmonious calinos, one is vp with the excellence of the browne bill and the long bowe: A seuenth settes a Tobacco 30 pipe in stead of a trumpet to his mouth, and of that diuine drugge proclaimeth miracles. An eygth capers it vp to the spheares in commendation of daunsing. To these I might wedge in Cornelius the brabantine, Seethe who was felloniously suspected in No more excursions and circumquaques but Totaliter ad appositum.
Butter and cheese, butter and cheese, saith the farmer: The French, Spanish, and Italian haue wool inough of their owne wherof they make doth to serue their tume, though it be somewhat courser then ours. For come, none of the East parts but surpasseth vs ; of leade and tinne is the most scarsity in forraine dominions, and 10 plenty with vs, though they are not vtterly barraine of them. As for iron, about Isenborough and other places of Germany they haue quadruple the store that wee haue.
As touching butter and cheese, the Hollanders cry by your leaue wee must goe before you, and the Transalpiners with their ih lordly Parmasin so named of the citty of Parma in Italy where it is first clout-crushed and made shoulder in for the vpper hand as hotly ; when as, of our appropriate glory of the red herring, no region twixt the poles articke and antartick may, can, or will rebate from vs one scruple. The poorer sort make it three parts of there suste- nance ; with it, for E a his dinnier, the patchedest Leather pUtche laboratho may dine like a Spanish Duke, when the niggardliest mouse of biefe will cost him sixpence.
Carpenters, Shipwrights, makers of lines, roapes, and cables, dressers of Hempe, spinners of thred, and net weauers it giues their handfuls to, sets vp so many salt-houses to lo make salt, and salt vpon salt ; keepes in earnings the Cooper, the Brewer, the Baker, and numbers of other people, to gill, wash, and packe it, and carrie it and recarriS it.
Ascham in his Schoolemaster would imply. Well, he was her Maiesties Schoolemaster, foL Therefore I will keepe faire quarter with him, and expos- tulate the matter more tamely. This argues they shoulde haue some experience of nauiga- tion, and are not such Halcyons to builde their neastes all on the shoare as M. No such yron-fisted Ciclops to hew it out of the flint and runne thorow any thing as these frost- ao bitten crab-tree fac't lads, spunne out of the hards of the towe, which are Donsel herrings lackeys at Yarmouth euery fishing. Small thinges we 35 may expresse by great, and great by smal, though the 14 , men Q, Gro.
It is with him F I as with great per- sonages, which from their high estate and not their high statures propagate the eleuaute titles of their Gogmagognes. Cast his state who will, and they shall finde 5 it to be very high coloured as high coloured as his com- plexion, if I saide, there were not a pimple to be abated.
In Yarmouth he hath set vp his state house, where one quarter of a yearehe keepes open court for lewes and gentiles. I small as Q. Magnus comer might cry 35 clang againe. O, it was a braue age then, and so it is euer, 5 ftanderds r. Their clacke or gabbling to this purport: They and all the seafaring townes vnder our temperate zone of peace 5 may well enuy her prosperity, but they cannot march cheeke by iowle with her or coequall her, and ther's no such manifest signe of great prosperity as a generall enuy f a"" encompassing it.
Therewith out stept the stallfed foreman that had bin at host with the fat oxe, and was growne as fat as an oxe with tiring on the surloynes, and baft in his face Biefe, Biefe, Biefe. Next the Norfolke 20 hog or the swine-wurrier, who had got him a sagging paire of cheeks like a sows paps that giues suck, with the plenty- full mast set before him, came lazily wadling in, and puft out Porke, Porke, Porke.
A witty toy of his noble grace it was, and different from the recipes and prescriptions of our modeme phisitions, that to any sicke languishers, if they be able to waggle their chaps, propound veale for one of 35 the highest nourishers. But to thinke on a red Herring, such a hot stirring meate it is, is enough to make the crauenest dastard proclaime 15 fire and sword against Spaine. The most intenerate Virgine wax phisnomy, that taints his throate with the least ribbe of it, it will embrawne and Iron crust his flesh, and harden his soft bleding vaines as stifle and robustious as branches of Corrall.
The art of kindling of fires that is 30 practised in the smoking or parching of him is old dog against the plague. Too foule-mouthed I am to becoUow or becollier him with such chimnie sweeping attributes of smoking and parching. Wil you haue the secrete of it? And how can it bee otherwise? No true flying fish but he, or if there be, that fish neuer flies but when F 4 his wings are wet, and the red Herring flyes best when 15 his wings are dry: Let any Persian oppugne this, and, in spite of his hairie tuft or loue-locke he leaues on the top of his crowne, to be pulld vp or pullied vp to heauen by.
To recount ab ouOy or from the church-booke of his birth, howe the Herring first came to be a fish, and then how he came to be king of fishes, and gradationately how from white to red he changed, would require as massie a toombe as 15 HoUinshead ; but in halfe a penniworth of paper I will G i'' epitomize them. Let me see, hath any bodie in Yarmouth heard of Leander and Hero, of whome diuine Musxus sung, and a diuiner Muse than him.
H it diuided them and it diuided them not, for ouer that arme of the sea could be made a long arme. Which droue Leander when he durst not deale aboue boord, or be scene aboorde any ship, to saile to his Lady deare, to play the didopper and ducking water spaniel to swim to her, nor that in the day, but by owle- light. By the sea side on the other side stoode Heroes tower, such an other tower as one of our Irish castles, that is not so wide as a belfree, and a Cobler cannot iert out his elbowes in; a cage or pigeonhouse, romthsome enough to comprehend her and the toothlesse 5 trotte, her nurse, who was her onely chatmate and chamber- maide ; consultiuely by her parents being so encloistred fro resort, that she might liue chaste vestall Priest to Venus, the queene of vnchastitie.
Fate is a spaniel that you caqnot beate from you ; the more you thinke to crosse it, tjbc more you blesse it and further it. Of Leander you may write vpon, and it is written vpon, she likte well, and for all he was ao a naked man, and deane dispoyled to the skinne, when hee sprawled through the brackish suddes to scale her tower, all the strength of it could not hold him out. O, ware a naked man ; Cithereaes Nunnes haue no power to resiste him: Hero wept as trickling as the heauens, to thinke that heauen should so diuorce them.
Leander stormed worse 5 than the stormes, that by them hee should be so restrained from his Cinthya. At Sestos was his soule, and hee coulde not abide to tarry in Abidos. Yet towards cocke-crowing she caught a little slumber, and then shee dreamed that Leander and shee were playing at checkestone with pearles in the bottome of the sea. The rheume is the students disease, and who study most, dreame most 30 The labouring mens hands glowe and blister after their dayes worke: Hope and feare both combatted in her, and both these are wakeful!
The sunne was so in his mumps vppon it, that it was almost noone before hee could 35 4 olde c,w. Whippet, tume to a new lesson, and strike wee vp lohn for the King, or tell howe the Herring scrambled vp to be King of all fishes. A sharke or Tuberon, that lay gaping for ao the fl nng fish hard by, what did me he, but, seeing the marke fall so iust in his mouth, chopt aloft, and snapt her vp, belles and all, at a mouthfuU? Preparation was made, the muster taken, the leaders allotted, and had their bils to take vp pay ; an old goshawke for general was H i 30 appointed, for Marshall of the field, a Sparhawke, whom for no former desert they putte in office, but because it was one of their linage had sustained that wrong, and they thought they would be more implacable in condoling and commiserating.
Away to the landes ende they trigge, all the skie-bred chirpers of them.
They had wings of goodwil to fly with, but no webbes on their feete to swimme with ; for, except the water-foules had mercie vpon them, and stood their faithfuU confederates and backe-friends, on their backes to transport them, they might returne home like 15 good fooles, and gather strawes to build their nests, or fal to theyr old trade of picking wormes. They were not obdurate to be intreated, though they had little cause to reuenge the hawkes quarrell from them, hauing receiued so many high displeasures and slaughters H xy and rapines of their race, yet in a generall prosecution as priuate feuds they trode vnderfoote, and submitted their endeuors to be at theyr limitation in euery thing.
No rauening fish they would putte in armes, for feare after he had euerted their foes, and flesht himselfe in bloud, for interchange of diet, hee woulde rauen vp them. King, by your leaue, for in your kingshippe I must leaue you, and repeate how from white to redde you camelionized. It is to bee read, or to bee heard of, howe in the 10 Punieship or nonage of Cerdicke sandes, when the best houses and walles there were of mudde or canuaze, or Poldauies entiltments, a Fisherman of Yarmouth, hauing drawne 30 many herrings hee wist not what to do withall, hung the residue that he could not sel nor spSd, in the 15 sooty roofe of his shad a drying: In it one Furfaeus, a Scot, builded a monastery, at whose perswasion Sigebert, king of the east Angles, gaue ouer his aokingdome and led a monasticall life there; but forth of that monastery hee was haled against his will, to incourage his subiects in their battaile against the Mercians, where he perished with them.
Nothing of that Castle saue tartered ragged walles nowe as remaines, framed foure square, and ouergrowne with briars and bushes, in the stubbing vp of which, erst whiles they digge vppe Romane coynes, and booies and anchors. Well, thither our Fisherman set the best legge before, and vnfardled to the King his whole sachel of wonders. A hundred duckats, he tolde him: Home went his Beatitudes caterer with a flea in his eare, and discoursed to his Holinesse what had happened. Go, giue him his price, I commaund thee, and lette mee taste of him incontinently.
Backe returned the Caterer like 35 a dogge that had lost his taile, and powred downe the 4 in] to Gro, la tlil c. Thereuppon they broke off, the one vrging that he had offered it him so before, and 5 the other that hee might haue tooke him at his proffer ; which since he refused, and now halperd with him, as he eatc vp the first, so would he eate vpp the second, and let Pope or patriarch of Constantinople fetch it out of his belly if they could: Hee was as good as his word, H 4 xo and had no sooner spoke the worde, but he did as he spoke.
It would not fadge, for then the market was raised to three a5 C. It was not come wythin three chambers of the Pope, but he smelt it, and vpon the smelling of it enquiring what it should be m that sent forth such a puissant perfume, the standers by declared that it was the king of fishes: I conceyted no lesse, sayde the Pope, for lesse than a king he could not be, that had so strong a sent, and if his breath be so strong, what is he hymself? The friars and munkes caterwawled, from the abbots and 35 priors to the nouices, wherfore tanquam in drco, wee 35 [On] This, at once, the Pope popt it Tuder-boord Gro.
What needes there any more ambages? Vna voce in this splene to Pope VigUius they ran, and craned that this king of fishes might first haue Christian buriall, next, that hee might 30 haue masses sung for him, and last, that for a saint hee would canonize him. Al these hee graunted, tq bee ridde of his filthy redolence, and his chiefe casket 'ivherein he put all his iewelles hee made the coffin of his enclosure, that thos.
All this may passe in the Queenes peace, and no mSl say a yoa] yon Q. Sauiours, now stumpt vp by the rootes, so named, as they would haue it, of the smoaky guilding of herrings there first inuented, I could wel haue allowed of, but they must bring better cardes ere they winne it from Yarmouth. That greedy seagull ignorance is apt to deuoure any thing. For a new Messias they are ready to expect of the bedlam hatmakers 30 wife by London bridge, he that proclaymes hsmiselfe Elias, and sayeth he is inspired wyth mutton and porredge ; and with them.
Let them looke to themselues as they will, for I am theirs to gull them better than euer I haue done; and this I am sure, I haue destributed gudgeon dole amongst them, as Gods plenty as any stripling of my 5 slender portion of witte, farre or neere. They needes will haue it so, much good do it them, I can not doe wythall: Taike I of a beare, O, it is such a man that emblazons him in his armes, or of a woolfe, a fox, or a camdion, any lording whom they do not affect it is meant by.
But, Lord, howe miserably do 30 these Ethnicks, when they once march to the purpose, set words on the tenters, neuer reading to a period which you shal scarse find in thirtie sheetes of a lawyers declaration wherby they might comprehende the intire sence of the writer togither, but disioynt and teare euery sillabless I Greece Gro. I haue red a tale of a poore man and an aduocate, which poore man complained to the King of wrong that the aduocate hadde doone him, in taking away his cow. The king xo made him no answere but this, that hee woulde sende for the aduocate, and heare what hee could say.
So hee that shal haue his lines bandied by our vsuall plodders in Fitzherbart, lette him not care whether they bee right or wrong: I speake of the worser sort, not of the best, whom I holde in high admiration, as well for theyr singular gifts of art and nature, as theyr vntaynted consciences wyth corruption: Latinelesse dolts, saturnine heauy headed blunderers, my inuectiue hath relation to, such as count al Artes puppet-playes, and pretty rattles to please children, in comparison of their confused barbarous lawe, 5 which if it were set downe in any christian language but the Getan tongue, it would neuer grieue a man to studie it.
Neyther Ouid nor Ariosto coulde by any perswasions of their parents be induced to study the Ciuil law, fen: I stand lawing heere, what with these lawyers and selfe-conceited misinterpreters, so long, that my redde herring, which was hot broyling on the coles, is waxtstarke cold for want of blowing.
There was a Herring, or there was not, for it was but a cropshin, one of the refuse sort of herrings, and this herring, or this cropshin, was sensed and thurified in the smoake, 30 and had got him a suit of durance that would last longer then one of Erra Paters Almanacks or a cunstables browne bill, onely his head was in his tayle, and that made his breath so strong that no man could abide him.
The action is entred, the complaint of her wintered browes presented, of a violent rape of his heart shee is indited and conuinced. The drcumstaunce that foUowes 35 you may imagine or suppose: I am not against it, for God forbid I should, that it behooues all loyall true subiects to bee vigilant and iealous for their princes safetie, and, certaine, too iealous and 15 vigilant of it they cannot bee, if they bee good princes that raigne ouer them, nor vse too many meanes of disquisition by tortures, or otherwise, to discouer treasons pretended against them, but vppon the least wagging of a straw to put them in feare where no feare is, and make a hurliburlie in ao the realme vpon had I wist, not so much for any zeale or loue to their princes, or tender care of theyr preseruation, as to picke thankes, and curry a little fauour, that thereby they may lay the foundation to build a sute on, or crosse some great enemie they haue, I will maintaine it is most 35 lewd and detestable.
I accuse none, but such there haue beene belonging to Princes in former ages, if there bee not at this houre. Stay, let me looke about, where am I? Beare with it, it was but a pretty parenthesis of Princes and theyr parasites, which shall doo you no harme, for I will cloy you with Herring before wee part 35 Will you haue the other riddle of the cropshin to make vppe the payre that I promised you? Howe many bee there in the worlde that childishly depraue Alchumy, and cannot spell the first letter of it ; in the black booke of which ignorant band of scomers, it may 30 be I am scorde vp with the highest: Cornelius Agrippa maketh mention of some Philosophers that held the skinne of the sheepe that bare the golden fleece, to be nothing but a booke of Alcumy written vpon it ; so if wee should examine matters to the proofe, wee 10 shoulde finde the redde Herrings skinne to be little lesse: The round or cobbe of it dride and beaten to powlder is ipse tile agaynst the stone: H The rebel lacke Cade was the first that deuised to put redde herrings in cades, and from hym they haue their name.
Nowe as wee call it the swinging of herrings when wee cade them, so in a halter was hee swung, and trussed vppe as hard and round as any cade of herring he trussed 30 vppe in his tyme, and perhappes of his being so swung and trussed vp, hauyng first found out the tricke to cade herring, they woulde so much honour him in his death, as not onely to call it swinging, but cading of herring also. I care not much if I rehearse to you the maner, and that is thus.
A white pickled herring? Haunce Vanderuecke of Roterdame as a dutch Post informed me in bare pickled herring layd out twenty thousand pound the last fishing: Not one of the Poets aforetime could giue you or the sea a good word: All the meate that we eate we catch out of the sea, 15 and if there wee misse, wel washed and salted, wee sneake home to bed supperlesse: If you would not misconceit that I studiously intended your defamation, you h shoulde haue thicke haileshot of these.
God make you his children and keepe you from the Dunkerks, and then I doubt not but when you are driuen into harbour by foule weather, the kannes shall walke to the health of Noshes 15 Lenten-stuffe and the praise of the redde Herring, and euen those that attend vppon the pitch-kettle will bee druncke to my good fortunes and recommendums. J5 Alas, poore hungerstarued Muse, wee shall haue some L a spawne of a goose-quill or ouer wome pander quirking and girding, was it so hard driuen. But let none of these scumme of the sub- vrbs be too vineger tarte with mee ; for if they bee.
He take mine oath vppon a redde herring and eate it, to 35 prooue that their fathers, their grandfathers, and their great grandfathers, or any other of their kinne, were 35 tnd thdt Q. My conceit is cast into a sweating 10 sickenesse, with ascending these few steps of his renowne ; into what a hote broyling saint Laurence feuer would it relapse then, should I spend the whole bagge of my winde in climbing vp to the lofty mountaine creast of his trophees?
But no more winde will I spend on it but this: A booke called Sommers last Will and testa- ment presented by William Sommers. A I wanting, probably blank. A 2 Title, v, blank. Snnuners last will and Testa- ment. Leaves C and C 2 are independent, that is, not of one piece of paper, in all copies seen, showing that the whole sheet was printed and that then the last two leaves were for some reason or other cancelled.
All fourth leaves are signed. The following variations in title and signatures occur in the three copies at the British Museum see under. Leaf F I is signed F in a: LeafB3 is not signed in o. One in the British Museum C. The other copies Copy b was, a few months ago, rendered imperfect by the theft of leaves C i, C 2, D 3 and I x. I commend this observation to the notice of recent purchasers of a copy of the play. A Select Collection of Old Plays. Collier, who prefixed a short introduction dealing with the author.