Susano-Os Mess
Oct 15 '14 at Since the chakra molds itself in the form of a guardian angel it has been referred as a deity. Manifestation of chakra and it has been told that "Susanoo" is an ethereal warrior.
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So in Naruto wiki, they sometime mentioned it as "Summon" a Susanoo. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. In a fit of rage, he destroyed his sister's rice fields, hurled a flayed pony at her loom, and killed one of her attendants. Amaterasu, who was in fury and grief, hid inside the Ama-no-Iwato "heavenly rock cave" , thus effectively hiding the sun for a long period of time.
Though she was persuaded to leave the cave with the help of a ceremony and a unique style of dancing , Susano-o was punished by being banished from Heaven. Then Susanoo no Mikoto descended from Heaven and proceeded to the head-waters of the River Hi, in the province of Idzumo. At this time he heard a sound of weeping at the head-waters of the river, and he went in search of the sound.
He found there an old man and an old woman.
Between them was set a young girl, whom they were caressing and lamenting over. Susanoo no Mikoto asked them, saying: My wife's name is Te-nadzuchi. This girl is our daughter, and her name is Kushi-nada-hime. The reason of our weeping is that formerly we had eight children, daughters.

But they have been devoured year after year by an eight-forked serpent and now the time approaches for this girl to be devoured. There is no means of escape for her, and therefore do we grieve. Then he made Ashi-nadzuchi and Te-nadzuchi to brew eight-fold sake, to make eight cupboards, in each of them to set a tub filled with sake, and so to await its coming. When the time came, the serpent actually appeared.
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It had an eight-forked head and an eight-forked tail; its eyes were red, like the winter-cherry; and on its back firs and cypresses were growing. As it crawled it extended over a space of eight hills and eight valleys. Now when it came and found the sake, each head drank up one tub, and it became drunken and fell asleep. Then Susanoo no Mikoto drew the ten-span sword which he wore, and chopped the serpent into small pieces.
When he came to the tail, the edge of his sword was slightly notched, and he therefore split open the tail and examined it. In the inside there was a sword. This is the sword which is called Kusa-nagi no tsurugi. Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate continues where the good ending left off with Susano'o fully aiding the human race for the first time. He is repeatedly mentioned by Fu Xi when Kaguya returns the mystic to his past, and Susano'o was stated to have been too busy exterminating demons when Orochi first emerged, but he sent Nezha and Sun Wukong to the Wuhang Mountains to unite the mystics against the serpent king.
He is given two new scenarios. The first has him hypothetically receive Shennong 's treatment after being wounded by the Hydra. With his wounds healed, he joins the chase for Da Ji at Sekigahara , but the continuous meddling of the humans allows her to escape. Shennong, who believed that the humans should have a just cause, voluntarily left Mystic Army after Susano'o's refusal to hear out the mortals.
Later, he allows Sun Wukong to join Nezha in the chase for Da Ji, but she still escapes thanks to the humans and Kaguya. Although their struggles pique his interest, he deems them unworthy of saving the realm. In Warriors Orochi 4 , Susano'o and the Mystics were taken back in the dimensional world when it was recreated by Zeus, a god of Olympus, which again takes the humans he helped previously back to the realm. Susano'o arrived in the world having seen Nezha and Nuwa outnumbered fighting Ares and Athena, who were assisted by Cao Pi and Zhao Yun who have been empowered by the Ouroboros bracelets.
Susano'o, Nuwa and Nezha held off the Olympian armies long enough for the humans to retreat.
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Meeting the humans once again and remembering their fight against the Hydra, Susano'o now willingly aid the humans in their fight; however, not wanting to risk direct confrontation with Olympus, Susano'o and the Mystics assisted the humans through information gathering. Toukiden Kiwami establishes Susano'o and Kushinadahime to be Orochi's killers. They married and lived in prosperity within Izumo for many years. One day, the demons descended from the sky and they were separated during the ensuing conflict. Susanoo is the final opponent the main party has to face in this game.
Amaterasu gives the protagonist the task of uniting the divided country in an attempt to foil Susanoo's resurrection into the world. Since the newest title is focusing on eradicating the Orochi forces, Susano'o seemed like a natural choice for the director to add. As the leader of the immortal forces , the director remarks his design was meant to invoke dignity.
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They took great care with his facial features and character silhouette with hopes of making him stand out. The fire, water, and lightning attacks within his moveset were difficult to create and rig, but the director believes it was worth it to establish Susano'o's character. Susano'o trusts his immortal subordinates with his life and places them in high regard.
He has a tendency to underestimate the worth of any other living being, however, especially humans. In Warriors Orochi 4, this personality has somewhat changed: As such, he is now more willing to support the humans and decided to join them in their fight.
The original name of Susano'o's default weapon and his weapon type is Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi, the blade which was found in the slain Yamata-no-Orochi's tail. Its real namesake is unknown, but it is thought to have stem from the clouds parting apart when Susanoo found the blade. According to the Yamatobumi , the blade is said to have been named after the beast's trait of always being surrounded by overcast clouds. When Susanoo cut the beast down, the clouds above were said to have been parted. It was as though the serpent's death had pleased the heavens, which is the sword's common name in Japanese mythology.
Alternatively the blade is known as Kusanagi, or as a sword which literally mows down grass with its swings.