Prozesseffizienzmessung mit Kennzahlen und Kennzahlensystemen (German Edition)
Yan, Jianzhong Wu, H. Risthaus, Kai Madlener, Reinhard. Schmitz, Hendrik-Sebastian Madlener, Reinhard. Transfer Forschung in die Praxis In: Energieeffizienz und kostensparendes Bauen - ein Widerspruch? Expertenworkshop Frankfurt - , Projektleitertreffen Berlin - , A Real Options Approach In: Glensk, Barbara Malgorzata Madlener, Reinhard. Vassileva, Iana Madlener, Reinhard. Operations research proceedings Operations Research Proceedings Garbuzova-Schlifter, Maria Madlener, Reinhard.
Madlener, Reinhard Lohaus, Mathias.
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Ruhnau, Oliver Madlener, Reinhard. Driving innovation in ICT energy infrastructure: International journal of public policy: Single cell testing and modelling , Kuipers, Matthias Sauer, Dirk Uwe. Thermal science and engineering progress: Mess- und Simulationstechnik , Single cell testing and modelling In: Battery Power Conference Aachen - , A case study on the Tesla Model S cells , Laboratory case studies and implications for drivers and policymakers In: The energy journal, 38 01 , , [DOI: Voss, Andreas Madlener, Reinhard. Energy conversion and management: Fuchs, Markus Ribas Tugores, C.
Swing and oscillation In: El Hachemi Benbouzid, M. Journal of institutional and theoretical economics: Han, Tien-Der Mukherjee, Arijit.
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Geothermics, 68, , [DOI: Engineering journal, 21 7 , , [DOI: Interweaving social and physical science in energy policy research In: Ansorge, Katrin Streblow, Rita. Januar , Dienstag, Projektleitertreffen - Energiewendebauen Aachen - , Projektleitertreffen - Energiewendebauen ; Autoren: GI, 2 , , Schlussbericht , [DOI: Ergebnisse aus einem Think Tank der wissenschaftlichen Begleitforschung In: Tagung , - , Bremen, Germany], The international journal of ventilation, 17 1 , , [DOI: Smart grid for smart community: Korompili, Asimenia Monti, Antonello.
Renewable energy resources impact: Journal of energy storage, 14 Part 1 , , [DOI: Journal of energy storage, 13, , [DOI: Electrochemical experiments and post-mortem-analysis In: IEEE transactions on industry applications: IA, 53 6 , , [DOI: PE, 33 4 , , [DOI: Cui, Shenghui Soltau, N. Development of strategic measures , Inventory of measures , Rewitz, Kai Wesseling, Mark Thomas.
Frieling, Julius Madlener, Reinhard. International journal of hydrogen energy, 42 37 , , [DOI: Iliksu, Merve Danilov, Dmitri L. September , , Liverpool, UK: Applied Energy, 43 , , [DOI: Peters, Lennart Madlener, Reinhard. Ecological Economics, 29 , , [DOI: The Case of Germany In: Broering, Hendrik Madlener, Reinhard.
Madlener, Reinhard Kirmas, Alexander. Franzen, Stefan Madlener, Reinhard. Journal of revenue and pricing management, 16 5 , , [DOI: Monti, Antonello Palensky, Peter et al. May , , Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy: A Case Study In: May , , Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Analysis of instabilities in confined hydrothermal systems In: Planung, Auslegung und Betriebsoptimierung von energieeffizienten Neu- und Bestandsbauten durch Modellierung und Simulation auf Basis von Bauwerkinformationsmodellen, Teilprojekt: Abschlussbericht , [DOI: Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, , , [DOI: Geomorphology, , , [DOI: Pau, Marco Cremer, Jochen L.
Ponci, Ferdinanda Monti, Antonello. Archaeological prospection, 24 4 , , [DOI: Monti, Antonello Ponci, Ferdinanda. Papers in regional science, 96 2 , , [DOI: Sunak, Yasin Madlener, Reinhard. Proceedings of the 12th International Modelica Conference: Francesco Casella, [DOI: A Process Model In: G 3, 18 3 , , [DOI: A comparison with sensor network data In: Journal of hydrology, , , [DOI: Qu, Wei Vereecken, H.
April in Celle: Inhaltsverzeichnis und Autorenmanuskripte, Reducing air change rate, applying active chilled beams and elevating cold water supply temperature In: Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft: Journal of building performance simulation, 10 4 , , [DOI: Conference for Wind Power Drives Aachen - , Hameyer, Kay Jacobs, Georg et al. Sustainable cities and society: IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement: IM, 66 5 , , [DOI: An Enabler for Adaptive Co-Scheduling? Journal of cleaner production, , , [DOI: Michelsen, Christian Madlener, Reinhard.
IEEE transactions on power delivery: Monti, Antonello Lopes, Felipe V. Jamborsalamati, Pouya et al. Applied energy, Part 1 , , [DOI: Schmitz, Hendrik Madlener, Reinhard. Josevski, Martina Abel, Dirk. The energy journal, 37 01 , - , [DOI: Garnier, Ernesto Madlener, Reinhard. A Real Options Analysis , Empirical Evidence for German Homeowners In: Madlener, Reinhard Oberst, Christian A. Falcke, Florian Madlener, Reinhard. Kirmas, Alexander Madlener, Reinhard.
Extraction and Storage of Energy Underground In: IAEE energy forum, , IAEE energy forum 3rd Quarter , , Die Achillesferse der Energieeffizienz besser verstehen lernen In: Illian, Katrin Madlener, Reinhard. Alternative technologies to pumped storage plants In: Where do we Stand? Rethinking Climate and Energy Policies: Madlener, Reinhard Turner, Karen. Tejada, Ricardo Madlener, Reinhard. A Real Options Analysis In: Transforming Energy for Society, De Graaf, Xavier Madlener, Reinhard.

A Real Option Approach In: June 30, July 1, , A Least Cost Analysis In: A scenario based techno-economic analysis In: Kumar, Subhash Madlener, Reinhard. Bergen, Norway, June , Expectations and Uncertainty, Harmsen- van Hout, Marjolein J. Identifying the Role of Energy In: Implications for Prosumers, Utilities, and other Stakeholders In: Rosen, Christiane Madlener, Reinhard.
The Energy Journal, 37 SI2 , , Bollino, Carlo Andrea Madlener, Reinhard. Energy positive neighborhoods and smart energy districts: Monti, Antonello Pesch, D. Phasor measurement units and wide area monitoring systems: Monti, Antonello Roscoe, A. Reassessing the socio-materiality of energy consumption via a German case study In: Galvin, Raymond James Gubernat, Andreas. Time for some philosophical spring cleaning? An empirical and conceptual investigation In: Measures to quantify uncertainty and complexity introduced by convection In: Energy, 2 , , [DOI: TAB, 11, , Journal of building performance simulation, [DOI: September , , Aachen, Germany: Building Performance Modeling Conference, Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft e.
Physical review fluids, 1 7 , , [DOI: Vogt, Christian Klitzsch, Norbert. Gordon Research Seminar European Geothermal Congress Strasbourg - , Water resources research, 53 1 , , [DOI: Taiwan Association of Cloud Computing ; sponsors: Vikesh Rajpaul, Christoph Richter. Ultrasonics, 71, , [DOI: Gitis, Alexander Sauer, Dirk Uwe. Heidemann, Matthias Nikolic, Paul Gregor et al. A new methodological approach using Germany in as an example In: Journal of energy storage, 6, , [DOI: The international journal of ventilation, 15 1 , , [DOI: Kandzia, Claudia Mueller, Dirk.
Ellinas [und 10 andere] ; organised and sponsored by: From the Sensors to the System , Measuring the pulse of industries, nature and humans: Muscas, Carlo Pegoraro, P. Pau, Marco Ponci, Ferdinanda et al. Energy policy, 93, , [DOI: Voss, Johannes de Doncker, Rik W. Monti, Antonello Tenconi, A. Energy policy, 97, , [DOI: Marine and petroleum geology, 77, , [DOI: Journal of nuclear science and technology, 53 11 , , [DOI: Hampe, Jona Madlener, Reinhard. Advances in water resources, 94, , [DOI: The case of Indonesia and Thailand In: A spatial difference-in-differences analysis In: Energy economics, 55, , [DOI: Computational geosciences, 20 2 , , [DOI: Rock mechanics and rock engineering, 49 10 , , [DOI: Methods, Tools, and Experienes from the Field , IAEE energy forum, 2nd Quarter , , Rohlfs, Wilko Madlener, Reinhard.
The journal of energy markets, 9 2 , , [DOI: Madlener, Reinhard Charalampous, Georgios. Environmental earth sciences, 75 18 , , [DOI: Pilotprojekte der Forschungsinitiative EnEff: An empirical study of homeowners' decisions in Germany In: Energy policy, 89, , [DOI: Bauphysik, 38 1 , , [DOI: Stadt — Bottrop, Welheimer Mark: RWTH-Themen, 1 , , An Empirical Study In: Lesson learned from a field test In: Sadu, Abhinav Farhangi, H. Monti, Antonello Palizban, A. Hermann-Rietschel-Colloqium Hirschegg - , Volkmann, Jan Klitzsch, Norbert. TGA Kongress Berlin - , Determination of typical days In: Symposium Energieinnovation, EnInnov, Vienna, Austria, April ], European journal of operational research: Geothermal Energy, 4 1 , 5, [DOI: Case study of four buildings in Germany In: Energy and Buildings, , , [DOI: Probabilistic Power Flow In: Journal of applied geophysics, , , [DOI: A Scenario-Based Economic Evaluation , Symposium on Psychology and Economics Tilburg - , Harmsen- van Hout, Marjolein Maria Juliette.
A guide for policymakers and practitioners , Weibel, Sebastian Madlener, Reinhard. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 60 21 , H1. Nachrichten aus Forschung und Lehre am E. ON Energy Research Center , Vogel, Sabine Sweekhorst, Rolf. Crustal structure and tectonic evolutionof a plateau-like feature near the Cyprus-Eratosthenes Seamount collision zone In: Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 20 - 24 September Energy policy, 85, vi-vii, [DOI: Geophysical journal international, 2 , , [DOI: A case study in Germany In: Energy policy, 86, , [DOI: Structural change and the rebound effect In: Ecological economics, , , [DOI: Building research and information, 43 6 , , [DOI: Trial Results , IAEE energy forum 4th Quarter , , Hydrology and earth system sciences, 19 6 , , [DOI: Mohnke, Oliver Jorand, R.
Nachhaltige Energieversorgung und Integration von Speichern: International ETG Congress Electrochimica acta, , , [DOI: Energieeinsparungen und ihre Rebound-Effekte In: Energy systems, 6 3 , , [DOI: Schmitz, Matthias Madlener, Reinhard. European railway review, 3 3 , , Baltic Sea basin paleoenvironment and biosphere In: Scientific drilling, 20, , [DOI: Tagungsband zum Power and Energy Student Summit Lunz, Benedikt Sauer, Dirk Uwe. Energies, 8 5 , , [DOI: Der Nahverkehr, 33 5 , , Studie zu Stromspeichern in der Nieder- und Mittelspannungsebene In: Von Smart Grids zu Smart Markets Rome, Italy, 10 - 13 June Wolisz, Henryk Block, P.
Designing for People and the Planet, EfS , Wassen, Georg Lankes, Stefan. Centralized-Decentralized Automation Architecture In: The University of Auckland, New Zealand Financial and technical co-sponsor: Amsterdam, Netherlands, 20 - 24 July First break, 33 11 , , Peter Fritzson and Dr. Hilding Elmqvist, [DOI: Healthy Buildings Europe: May th , Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Proccedings of the 11th International Conference on Industrial Ventilation.
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Schild, Thomas Futterer, J. Building and environment, 91, , [DOI: RWTH-Themen, 1 , 32—35, June July 3, , Pau, France, An agent-based simulation In: Technological forecasting and social change, 99, , [DOI: Michelsen, Carl Christian Madlener, Reinhard. MIS quarterly, 39 1 , , A cointegration analysis for German manufacturing industries In: Energy economics, 48, , [DOI: Bernstein, Ronald Madlener, Reinhard. Hanenkamp, Elke et al. World Geothermal Congress Melbourne - , Concurrency and computation, 27 9 , , [DOI: An empirical investigation for Germany In: Renewable energy, 78, , [DOI: Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft e.
Hannover - , Proceedings World Geothermal Congress Melbourne, Australia, April , Advances in water resources, 80, , [DOI: Abweichung zwischen Energiebedarf und Verbrauch ; ist nur der Nutzer Schuld? Sitemap
Bauphysik, 37 2 , , [DOI: Energy policy, 80, , [DOI: Energy and buildings, 93, , [DOI: Developing a cross-sectional method In: Ecological Economics, , , [DOI: Building and environment, 86, , [DOI: Experimental analysis and validation for office and residential buildings In: IEEE transactions on power electronics: PE, 30 1 , , [DOI: Geothermics, 53, , [DOI: Geothermal Energy, 3 1 , , [DOI: Loucao, Sebastian Madlener, Reinhard.
Klasing, Freerk Mercangoez, Mehmet. Madlener, Reinhard Prang, Carsten D. Earth and life processes discovered from subseafloor environments: International journal of earth sciences, 8 , , [DOI: Pandey, Mayuri et al. Antarctic science, 26 02 , , [DOI: Nature geoscience, 7 11 , , [DOI: Methoden und Herausforderungen In: Zukunftsperspektiven des Operations Research: Festschrift zu Ehren von Prof. HRC ; Hirschegg, Austria, A real options evaluation for an optimal investment in more flexibility In: Applied energy, December , —, [DOI: Kroniger, Daniel Madlener, Reinhard.
The journal of energy markets, 7 3 , , Himpler, Sebastian Madlener, Reinhard. QME, 15 1 , , Johann, Axel Madlener, Reinhard.
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Kecskemeti, Gabor et al. Parallel Processing Workshops In: PESS Stuttgart , Energy and buildings, 74, , [DOI: Rosenow, Jan Galvin, Ray. Benigni, Andrea Ginn, H. Wang, Jing Konikkara, Dalia D. Vadose zone journal, 13 11 , 9 S. Ferdowsi, Mohsen Zargar, B. PE, 29 6 , , [DOI: IM, 63 11 , , [DOI: PE, 30 9 , , [DOI: Benigni, Andrea Monti, Antonello. IM, 63 12 , , [DOI: Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation, Advances in Thermal Energy Storage: Sustainable Buildings ; Results Proceedings of World SB14, Barcelona, Get to Know Us.
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