Mystical Birthstones
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In case you are not familiar with Astrology, the […]. The traditional and modern birthstone charts fully agree when it comes to the stones designated as October Birthstones: Pink Tourmaline and Opal. Tourmaline is even the spiritual birthstone of Libra. Both Tourmaline and Opal extremely radiant stones, and can be very expensive… especially Opal of gemstone quality. The Month of October is a host of two astrological signs: If you are either one of them, read on for more info on your potential personal stone.
The Spiritual Birthstone of Libra Regardless of color, Tourmaline is the spiritual birthstone of Libra according to the the spiritual birthstones chart […].
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- Birthstones by Month.
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Depending on the particular interpretation of birthstones, we have quite a few September birthstones. Sapphire is the birthstone of September according to the Modern interpretation. The Traditional chart indicate Lapis lazuli as the main September birthstone. Zircon is the main birthstone in the Vedic interpretation, but in the Modern interpretation Zircon is a stone of the month of December.
The mystical birthstone of September is Citrine. In the following, we will consider only the most important September birthstone, Sapphire. Our Spiritual Purpose Human beings have each been created […].
Birthstones Chart - Modern, Mystical, Ayurvedic and Zodiac Birth Stones Lists
There are several important July birthstones, including Ruby, Sapphire, Carnelian, Onyx, Sardonyx, and Turquoise, all depending on the interpretation of birthstones in question. The two Zodiac signs that can be found in the month of July are Cancer and Leo, with Cancer having the larger share of this month. If you are born in either one of them, check this article to find what crystals, potentially, might be the best choice for you.
Ruby One of the most esteemed gemstone of July is Ruby. In fact, the modern chart designates this gemstone as major birthstone for July. It is also […]. There are several June birthstones, depending on the actual birthstone interpretation chart. Some authors enumerate as many as 10 stones that correspond to this month.
The modern interpretation of birthstones includes Pearls, Moonstone and Alexandrite as the stones characteristic for month June. Here, we will focus our attention to Alexandrite, Pearls, and Moonstone, as the modern classification suggests. The two Zodiac signs that share the month of June are Gemini and Cancer. Therefore, if you are born in either one of these signs, read […]. According to the modern chart of birthstones, Emerald is a birthstone gemstone for May.
If we take a look at the traditional birth gems chart, the May birthstone would be Agate.
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In the Ayurvedic system, Emerald is associated with planet Mercury. In the following we are going to consider the modern chart of gemstones, and talk about Emerald. If you like, you can explore the other gemstones associated with the month of May. For example, if you are a spiritually […]. According to the modern interpretation, Peridot is a birthstone gem of August. In this post we will mainly use the modern chart of gemstones, and talk about Peridot. Feel free to explore the other recommended gems. This is especially true if you are a spiritually inclined person, in which case you should consider using Rock crystal in parallel with Peridot.
While the traditional birthstone chart relates Bloodstone and Jasper to the month of March, the modern chart associates Aquamarine to this month. Therefore Aquamarine is widely regarded as a March birthstone. If you are born under the Zodiac signs of Pisces and Aries, chances are your lucky stone is Aquamarine. Aquamarine belongs to the family of the mineral Beryl. Its closest relative is Emerald, the green variation of Beryl.

Notable occurrences are in India, Russia and Brazil. The modern birthstone chart assigns Amethyst as February birthstone. In the same way, the traditional chart of birthstones also relates Garnet to the month of February. So, if you are born under the Zodiac signs of Aquarius and Pisces, your stone is Amethyst. People born in the sign of Pisces could also have Aquamarine as their birthstone. However, as a mystical birthstone, considering the spiritual powers of this crystal, we believe that it is suitable for virtually all signs of the Horoscope.
Amethyst is a wondrous crystal.
Birthstones List - Information and Charts
It has been used ever since the times of Cleopatra, who used to […]. The modern birthstone chart assigns Garnet as January birthstone.
Garnet is a stone with pronounced metaphysical properties. It can also be used in healing. Garnet is one of minerals that humans have used since the Bronze Age. It has been used both as a precious stone and as abrasive. It is a good communication stone, […]. Birthstones produced from cubic zirconia and other simulants are man-made stones and have virtually no metaphysical value. In this book you will find out how to actively participate in the process of attuning and balancing your energy and consciously work with your birthstone toward achieving your personal goals.
In this book you will also learn about the most important spiritual tasks and aspirations of your Zodiac sign. You will learn how to program and charge your birthstone — the ABC of using crystals and stones. It is 90 pages in length. Here is a short preview 7 selected pages: From the Amazon website: There are many different interpretations of birthstones traditional birthstones, modern birthstones, Vedic birthstones, Tibetan mystical birthstones and others.
This book does not deal with them because hardly any of the available interpretations consider the true underlying link between the powerful Zodiac energies, our subtle bodies and the esoteric power of the crystals and stones. In "Mystical Birthstones" , Olga Rezo brings together 12 powerful spiritual crystals for the 12 Zodiac signs, to be used as personal crystals and birthstones. Select the right crystals that will speed up your personal and spiritual development.